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Англо-русский политический словарь - salt


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сокр. от Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

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  Lake City noun г. Солт-Лейк-Сити SALT junk naut.; sl. солонина SALT beef солонина SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks noun (советско-американские) переговоры об ограничении стратегических вооружений ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (поваренная) соль table salt —- столовая соль in salt —- засоленный; консервированный meat in salt —- солонина a pinch of salt —- щепотка соли cooking salt —- нерафинированная поваренная соль 2. то, что придает остроту, вызывает интерес; "изюминка" adventure is the salt of life of him —- приключения - вот что составляет соль его жизни; без приключений жизнь кажется ему пресной 3. остроумие a talk (a conversation) full of salt —- остроумная беседа 4. хим. соль salt of phosphorus —- фосфорная соль microcosmic salt —- мин. стеркорит 5. фарм. лекарственная (часто слабительная) соль a dose of salts —- доза слабительного Glauber's salts —- глауберова соль Epsom salts —- английская соль 6. фарм. нюхательная соль (также smelling salts) 7. разг. опытный, бывалый моряк; "морской волк" (обыкн. old salt) 8. солонка (также cellar salt) to sit above the salt —- сидеть на верхнем конце стола; занимать высокое положение в обществе 9. морская вода, входящая в устье реки 10. диал. солончак; низина, затопляемая соленой водой Id: the salt of the earth —- библ. соль земли Id: not (hardly) worth one's salt —- бесполезный, никчемный Id: to eat salt with smb. —- пользоваться чьим-л. гостеприимством Id: to eat smb.'s salt —- пользоваться чьим-л. гостеприимством; быть нахлебником у кого-л. Id: to share smb.'s bread and salt —- делить с кем-л. хлеб...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) соль; солёный 2) растущий на засолённых почвах to salt out — высаливать(ся) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) засаливать 2) иссолить 3) морской 4) посолить 5) солевой 6) соленый 7) солить 8) соль 9) соляной 10) усолить salt evaporating pan — выпарной чрен для соли - Bechgaard salt - acid salt - neutral salt - salt attack - salt bath - salt effect - salt glaze - salt liquid - salt solution - salt stain - salt stippen - table salt - vegetation of salt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от sealed and lubricated track уплотнённая и смазанная траковая лента SALT 1) соль 2) солить, засаливать to salt down — засаливать, консервировать посолом; to salt out — высаливаться; to salt up — кристаллизоваться (о соли) - acid salt - basic salt - bath salt - bay salt - capping salt - common salt - complex salt - coolant salt - cooling salt - crude salt - double salt - dust salt - evaporated salt - flake salt - free running salt - heat-transfer salt - heat treatment salt - hydroxy salt - inert salt - lump salt - mine salt - neutral salt - pan salt - primary salt - quaternary salt - rock salt - scale-forming salt - solar sea salt - solar salt - triethanolamine salt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (or Treaty). SALT n., adj., & v. --n. 1 (also common salt) sodium chloride; the substance that gives sea water its characteristic taste, got in crystalline form by mining from strata consisting of it or by the evaporation of sea water, and used for seasoning or preserving food, or for other purposes. 2 a chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or metal-like radical. 3 sting; piquancy; pungency; wit (added salt to the conversation). 4 (in sing. or pl.) a a substance resembling salt in taste, form, etc. (bath salts; Epsom salts; smelling-salts). b (esp. in pl.) this type of substance used as a laxative. 5 a marsh, esp. one flooded by the tide, often used as a pasture or for collecting water for salt-making. 6 (also old salt) an experienced sailor. 7 (in pl.) an exceptional rush of sea water up river. --adj. 1 impregnated with, containing, or tasting of salt; cured or preserved or seasoned with salt. 2 (of a plant) growing in the sea or in salt marshes. 3 (of tears etc.) bitter. 4 (of wit) pungent. --v.tr. 1 cure or preserve with salt or brine. 2 season with salt. 3 make (a narrative etc.) piquant. 4 sprinkle (the ground etc.) with salt esp. in order to melt snow etc. 5 treat with a solution of salt or mixture of salts. 6 (as salted adj.) (of a horse or person) hardened or proof against diseases etc. caused by the climate or by special conditions. Phrases and idioms eat salt with be a guest of. in salt sprinkled with salt or immersed in brine as a preservative. not made of salt not disconcerted by wet weather. put salt on the tail of capture (with ref. to jocular directions given to children for catching a bird). salt an account sl. set an extremely high or low price for articles. salt-and-pepper (of materials etc. and esp. of hair) with light and dark colours mixed together. salt away (or down) sl. put money etc. by. salt the books sl. show receipts as larger than they really have been. salt-cat a mass...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   abbreviation Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALT  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sealt; akin to Old High German salz ~, Lithuanian saldus sweet, Latin sal ~, Greek hals ~, sea  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a crystalline compound NaCl that consists of sodium chloride, is abundant in nature, and is used especially to season or preserve food or in industry — called also common ~  b. a substance (as Glauber's ~) resembling common ~  c. plural  (1) a mineral or saline mixture (as Epsom ~s) used as an aperient or cathartic  (2) smelling ~s  d. any of various compounds that result from replacement of part or all of the acid hydrogen of an acid by a metal or a group acting like a metal ; an ionic crystalline compound  2. a container for ~ at table — often used in the phrases above the ~ and below the ~ alluding to the former custom of seating persons of higher rank above and those of lower rank below a ~cellar placed in the middle of a long table  3.  a. an ingredient that gives savor, piquancy, or zest ; flavor a people…full of life, vigor, and the ~ of personality — Clifton Fadiman  b. sharpness of wit ; pungency  c. common sense  d. reserve, skepticism — usually used in the phrases with a grain of ~ and with a pinch of ~  e. a dependable steadfast person or group of people — usually used in the phrase ~ of the earth  4. sailor a tale worthy of an old ~  5. keep 3 — usually used in the phrase worth one's ~  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to treat, provide, or season with common ~  b. to preserve (food) with ~ or in brine  c. to supply (as an animal) with ~  2. to give flavor or piquancy to (as a story)  3.  a. to enrich (as a mine) artificially by secretly placing valuable mineral in some of the working places  b. to add something to secretly ~ed the files with forged papers; also to insert or place secretly ~ed the mines along the road  4.  a. to sprinkle with or as if with a ~  b. scatter,...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (salts, salting, salted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Salt is a strong-tasting substance, in the form of white powder or crystals, which is used to improve the flavour of food or to preserve it. Salt occurs naturally in sea water. Season lightly with salt and pepper. ...a pinch of salt. N-UNCOUNT 2. When you salt food, you add salt to it. Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently. VERB: V n • salted Put a pan of salted water on to boil. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. Salts are substances that are formed when an acid reacts with an alkali. The rock is rich in mineral salts. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. see also Epsom salts, smelling salts 5. If you take something with a pinch of salt, you do not believe that it is completely accurate or true. The more miraculous parts of this account should be taken with a pinch of salt. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If you say, for example, that any doctor worth his or her salt would do something, you mean that any doctor who was good at his or her job or who deserved respect would do it. Any coach worth his salt would do exactly as I did. PHRASE: n PHR 7. If someone or something rubs salt into the wound, they make the unpleasant situation that you are in even worse, often by reminding you of your failures or faults. I had no intention of rubbing salt into a friend’s wounds, so all I said was that I did not give interviews. PHRASE: V and wound inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a natural white mineral that is added to food to make it taste better or to preserve it; sodium chloride technical  (Try to reduce the amount of salt you use. | a pinch of salt | table salt (=very small grains of salt you use in cooking) | sea salt (=large grains of salt made by drying sea water) | rock salt (=salt in a solid form rather than in grains)) 2 the salt of the earth someone who is ordinary, but good and honest 3 take sth with a pinch/grain of salt informal to not completely believe what someone tells you because you know that they do not always tell the truth 4 technical a type of chemical substance  (- see also bath salts, Epsom salts, smelling salts, old salt, rub salt into sb's wounds rub1 (7), not worth his salt worth1 (10)) ~2 v 1 to add salt to food to make it taste better 2 also salt down to add salt to food to preserve it 3 to put salt on the roads to prevent them from becoming icy salt sth away phr v to save money for the future, especially dishonestly by hiding it ~3 adj only before noun 1 preserved by salt  (salt pork) 2 salt water water that contains salt, especially naturally in the sea 3 consisting of salt water  (a salt lake) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. State And Local Tax U.S. gov. abbr. Strategic Arms Limitations Talks U.S. gov. abbr. Strategic Alliance For Leadership Training U.S. gov. abbr. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty transport. abbr. Speech Application Language Tags mil. abbr. Serving And Learning Together mil. abbr. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks mil. abbr. Supporting Arms Liaison Team meteo abbr. South American Lithosphere Transect ac. degr. abbr. Speech And Language Therapy univ. abbr. Senior Awesome Leadership Team univ. abbr. Student Action Leadership Team univ. abbr. Semester Away Let's Talk univ. abbr. Student Activist Leadership Training univ. abbr. Students Acquiring Leadership Training univ. abbr. Students And Leaders Talking mathem. abbr. Semi Analytic Liu Theory farm. abbr. Sloping Agriculture Land Technology gen. comp. abbr. Speech Application Langauge Tags gen. comp. abbr. Standards-based Access service to multilingual Lexicons and Terminologies gen. comp. abbr. Suse Advanced Linux Technology media abbr. Sound And Light Team educ. abbr. Science Art And Literature Together educ. abbr. Student Adult Leadership Training educ. abbr. Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques educ. abbr. Service Action Learning Team educ. abbr. School Accountability For Learning And Teaching educ. abbr. Sharing And Learning Together educ. abbr. Support Access For Learners And Teachers educ. abbr. Simply Awesome Learning Technique educ. abbr. Special Assignment Literacy Team religion abbr. Share Agape Love Together religion abbr. Servants At Leadership Training religion abbr. Scripture And Leadership Training religion abbr. Servant Approach Leadership Training religion abbr. Students Are Living Testimonies religion abbr. Servant Action Leadership Team religion abbr. Sharing And Living The Truth religion abbr. Servanthood And Leadership Training religion abbr. Savior's Alliance For Lifting The Truth law abbr. Seniors And Lawmen Together law abbr. Summers Amazing Leavenworth Trip ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sealt, from P.Gmc. *saltan, from PIE *sal-. Meaning "sailor" is first attested 1840. Many metaphoric uses reflect that this was once a rare and important resource, cf. worth one's salt, salt of the earth (Matt. v:13). To take something with a grain of salt is from 17c. Saltpeter is 14c., from O.Fr. salpetre, from M.L. sal petrae "salt of rock," so called because it looks like salt encrusted on rock. Saltcellar (late M.E.) is a redundancy, the -cellar being originally Anglo-Norm. *saler (14c.), the original name for the thing, from a dim. of L. sal "salt." As the connection between this word and "salt" was lost, salt- was tacked on to the beginning. SALT - 1968, acronym for "Strategic Arms Limitation Talks." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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