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Англо-русский политический словарь - rebellion


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Перевод с английского языка rebellion на русский



восстание; мятеж, бунт

to be in open rebellion against smb — открыто восставать против кого-л.

to bring the rebellion under control — подавлять восстание

to crush rebellion — подавлять восстание / мятеж

to foment rebellion — подстрекать к восстанию / к мятежу

to go into open rebellion — начинать вооруженное восстание

to incite rebellion — подстрекать к восстанию / к мятежу

to join in the rebellion — присоединяться к восставшим

to lead a military rebellion — возглавлять военный мятеж

to plot a rebellion — готовить восстание

to put down / to quash / to quell rebellion — подавлять восстание / мятеж

to spark off a rebellion — служить толчком к восстанию

to stamp out / to still / to suppress rebellion — подавлять восстание / мятеж

to stir up rebellion — подстрекать к восстанию / к мятежу

to sustain a rebellion — поддерживать восстание / мятеж

to wipe out a rebellion — подавлять восстание / мятеж

to work up a rebellion — подстрекать к восстанию / к мятежу

armed rebellioncounterrevolutionary rebellionincipient rebellionmilitary rebellionmuch-heralded rebellionshort-lived rebellionact of political rebellionaftermath of a rebellionhunger is the driving force behind the rebellionprotracted period of rebellionringleader of a rebellion

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. восстание; мятеж, бунт armed rebellion —- вооруженное восстание the Great R. —- ист. "Великий мятеж" (неодобр. название Английской буржуазной революции XYII в., принятое в буржуазной историографии) War of the R. —- ам. "Война против мятежников" (название, употреблявшееся северянами для гражданской войны 1861-1865 гг.) in rebellion —- восставший; взбунтовавшийся; мятежный district in open rebellion —- район, охваченный восстанием to rise in rebellion —- восстать, поднять восстание (мятеж) 2. открытое неповиновение, неподчинение; сопротивление, противодействие (чему-л.); протест (против чего-л.) rebellion against parents —- неповиновение родителям; бунт против родительской власти 3. разг. возмущение 4. шотл. юр. неповиновение суду; невыполнение распоряжения суда ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  n. open resistance to authority, esp. organized armed resistance to an established government. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L rebellio -onis (as REBEL) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1. opposition to one in authority or dominance  2.  a. open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government  b. an instance of such defiance or resistance Synonyms:  ~, revolution, uprising, revolt, insurrection, mutiny mean an outbreak against authority. ~ implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful open ~ against the officers. revolution applies to a successful ~ resulting in a major change (as in government) a political revolution that toppled the monarchy. uprising implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective ~ quickly put down the uprising. revolt and insurrection imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders an insurrection of oppressed laborers. mutiny applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority a mutiny led by the ship's cook. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rebellions) 1. A rebellion is a violent organized action by a large group of people who are trying to change their country’s political system. The British soon put down the rebellion. = insurrection N-VAR 2. A situation in which politicians show their opposition to their own party’s policies can be referred to as a rebellion. There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor’s tax cuts... = revolt N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 an organised attempt to change the government, or other authority, using violence  (an armed rebellion) + agains  (a rebellion against the military regime) put down/crush a rebellion (=use violence to stop it) 2 active opposition to someone in authority  (a rebellion by right-wing members of the party) + agains  (a clear rebellion against parental control)  (- compare revolution (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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