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Англо-русский политический словарь - question


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Перевод с английского языка question на русский

1. n

1) вопрос

2) допрос; следствие

to address a question — заниматься каким-л. вопросом

to bring up a question — поднимать / ставить вопрос

to call into question — ставить что-л. под сомнение

to call smb in question — 1) подвергать кого-л. допросу, допрашивать кого-л. 2) отдавать кого-л. под суд

to clarify / to clear up a question — вносить ясность в вопрос

to complicate a question — запутывать / усложнять вопрос

to consider a question — рассматривать вопрос

to decry a question — похоронить проблему

to depart / to deviate / to digress from a question — отклоняться от темы

to discard a question — исключать вопрос

to dodge / to duck a question — уклоняться от ответа на вопрос

to entangle a question — запутывать / усложнять вопрос

to enter upon ventilation of a question — приступать к обсуждению вопроса; открывать дебаты / дискуссию / прения по вопросу

to exclude a question — исключать вопрос

to field a question — справляться с трудным вопросом

to invite questions — предлагать задавать вопросы

to leave a question to the court — оставлять вопрос на рассмотрение суда

to open a question — поднимать / ставить вопрос

to parry a question — парировать вопрос

to pepper smb with question — забрасывать кого-л. вопросами

to put a matter to the question — ставить вопрос на голосование

to resolve / to settle / to solve a question — разрешать вопрос / проблему

to separate a question from — отделять проблему от (чего-л.)

to set aside a question — откладывать решение вопроса

to skirt questions — уклоняться от вопросов

to speak to the question — выступать / говорить по существу вопроса

to take questions — отвечать на вопросы (после выступления)

to touch upon a question — касаться вопроса

to treat a question — рассматривать / интерпретировать вопрос

question calling for ventilationquestion of mutual concernquestion of mutual interestquestion of procedurequestion of the dayquestion under discussionacademic questionblunt questionburning questioncontentions questioncontroversial questiondebatable questionfar-reaching questiongrave questionhuman rights questioniffy questionirrelevant questionlegitimate questionmissile questionmoral questionopen questionpending questionperipheral questionpivotal questionpreliminary questionprimal questionprivileged questionprobing questionrefugee questionrelevant questionreunification questionthorny questionticklish questionunresolvable questionunsettled questionvexed questionwritten question

2. v


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  в соч.menu-driven questions ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. noun  1) вопрос; ask me no questions - не задавайте мне вопросов; to put a question to - задавать вопрос [см. тж. question  2) ]; indirect/oblique question - косвенный вопрос; leading question - наводящий вопрос  2) проблема, дело, обсуждаемый вопрос; the question is - дело в том; that is not the question - дело не в этом; this is out of the question - об этом не может быть и речи; it is merely a question of time - это уже только вопрос времени; it is only a question of (doing smth.) - дело только в том (чтобы); to come into question - подвергаться обсуждению; to go into the question - заняться вопросом; the person (the matter) in question - лицо (вопрос), о котором идет речь; to put the question - ставить на голосование [см. тж. question  1) ]  3) сомнение; beyond all/out of/past/without question - вне сомнения; to call in question - подвергать сомнению; возражать; требовать доказательств; to make no question of - не сомневаться; вполне допускать  4) hist. пытка; to put to the question - пытать question! -  а) ближе к делу! (обращение председателя собрания к выступающему);  б) это еще вопрос! 64 dollar question - самый трудный вопрос Syn: enquiry, inquiry, query  2. v.  1) спрашивать, задавать вопрос; вопрошать  2) допрашивать  3) исследовать (явления, факты)  4) подвергать сомнению, сомневаться; to question the honesty of smb. - сомневаться в чьей-л. честности Syn: grill, interrogate, quiz ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вопрос; дело; проблема 2) сомнение; возражение 3) спрашивать; допрашивать 4) сомневаться, подвергать сомнению 5) исследовать см. controversial question – question at issue – to raise question – question of confidence – question of law – damaging question – information question – leading question – qualifying question – unsettled question QUESTION I сущ. 1) общ. вопрос Use a question mark at the end of a direct question.- В конце прямого вопроса используйте вопросительный знак. to address (pose, put) a question to smb. - задавать вопрос кому-либо, to answer (reply to, respond to) a question - отвечать на вопрос, awkward question - неуместный вопрос, blunt question - прямой вопрос, indirect question - косвенный вопрос, civil question - вежливый вопрос 2) соц. вопрос (предложение, требующее ответа; элемент структуры вопросника или анкеты) See: alternative question basic question cheater question closed question close-ended question contact question control question dichotomous question explanatory question filter question fixed-alternative question fixed-choice question free-response question indirect question open question open-ended question projective question qualifying question true-false question questionnaire item 3) общ. проблема, дело; задача; обсуждаемый вопрос crucial question - важный вопрос, open question - нерешенная проблема, открытый вопрос; This question requires analysis of cause-and-effect and the relationship between variables. - Этот вопрос требует анализа причин и следствий и взаимосвязи между переменными. 4) общ....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вопрос 2) выпытывать 3) выспрашивать 4) проблема 5) спрашивать 6) ставить вопросы statement of a question — постановка вопроса - closed-ended question - in question - open-ended question ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a sentence worded or expressed so as to seek information. 2 a doubt about or objection to a thing's truth, credibility, advisability, etc. (allowed it without question). b the raising of such doubt etc. 3 a matter to be discussed or decided or voted on. 4 a problem requiring an answer or solution. 5 (foll. by of) a matter or concern depending on conditions (it's a question of money). --v.tr. 1 ask questions of; interrogate. 2 subject (a person) to examination. 3 throw doubt upon; raise objections to. 4 seek information from the study of (phenomena, facts). Phrases and idioms be a question of time be certain to happen sooner or later. beyond all question undoubtedly. come into question be discussed; become of practical importance. in question that is being discussed or referred to (the person in question). is not the question is irrelevant. out of the question too impracticable etc. to be worth discussing; impossible. put the question require supporters and opponents of a proposal to record their votes, divide a meeting. question mark a punctuation mark (?) indicating a question. question-master Brit. a person who presides over a quiz game etc. question time Parl. a period during parliamentary proceedings when MPs may question ministers. Derivatives questioner n. questioningly adv. questionless adj. Etymology: ME f. AF questiun, OF question, questionner f. L quaestio -onis f. quaerere quaest- seek ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin quaestion-, quaestio, from quaerere to seek, ask  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge  (2) an interrogative sentence or clause  b. a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion ; issue; broadly problem, matter  c.  (1) a subject or point of debate or a proposition to be voted on in a meeting  (2) the bringing of such to a vote  d. the specific point at issue  2.  a. an act or instance of asking ; inquiry  b. interrogation; also a judicial or official investigation  c. torture as part of an examination  d.  (1) objection, dispute true beyond ~  (2) room for doubt or objection little ~ of his skill  (3) chance, possibility no ~ of escape  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to ask a ~ of or about  2. to interrogate intensively ; cross-examine  3.  a. doubt, dispute  b. to subject to analysis ; examine  intransitive verb to ask ~s ; inquire  Synonyms: see ask  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (questions, questioning, questioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A question is something that you say or write in order to ask a person about something. They asked a great many questions about England... The President refused to answer further questions on the subject... N-COUNT: oft N about/on n 2. If you question someone, you ask them a lot of questions about something. This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage... VERB: V n • questioning The police have detained thirty-two people for questioning. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you question something, you have or express doubts about whether it is true, reasonable, or worthwhile. It never occurs to them to question the doctor’s decisions... VERB: V n 4. If you say that there is some question about something, you mean that there is doubt or uncertainty about it. If something is in question or has been called into question, doubt or uncertainty has been expressed about it. There’s no question about their success... The paper says the President’s move has called into question the whole basis of democracy in the country... With the loyalty of key military units in question, that could prove an extraordinarily difficult task. N-SING: with supp, also prep N 5. A question is a problem, matter, or point which needs to be considered. But the whole question of aid is a tricky political one... N-COUNT: oft N of n/wh 6. The questions in an examination are the problems which are set in order to test your knowledge or ability. That question did come up in the examination. N-COUNT 7. see also questioning, cross-question, leading question, trick question 8. The person, thing, or time in question is one which you have just been talking about or which is relevant. Add up all the income you’ve received over the period in question. PHRASE: n PHR 9. If you say that something is out of the question, you are emphasizing that it is completely impossible or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ASKING FOR INFORMATION« a sentence or phrase that asks for information  (ask (sb) a question)  (They asked me a lot of questions about my work experience. | May I ask a question? | answer a question)  (Answer three out of five questions on the exam paper. | Does anyone have any questions?)  (- see ask) 2 »SUBJECT/PROBLEM« a subject or problem that needs to be settled, discussed, or dealt with; issue1 (1)  (Several questions had still not been resolved. | This brings us to the question of government funding. | the question is)  (The question is, do I take the job in Japan, or stay here?) 3 »DOUBT« a feeling of doubt about something  (raise questions about)  (This incident raises further questions about the effectiveness of airport security. | there is no question (=there is no doubt))  (He's by far the best, there's no question about it. | open to question (=likely or able to be doubted))  (The wisdom of this policy is open to question.) 4 without question a) without any doubt  (Marilyn was, without question, a very beautiful woman.) b) if you obey an order without question, you obey immediately and do not complain at all 5 there's no question of used to say that there is no possibility of something happening  (There is no question of the government holding talks with terrorists.) 6 in question the things, people etc in question are the ones that are being discussed or talked about  (The goods in question had been stolen.) 7 be a question of used when you are giving the most important fact, part, or feature or something  (Dance is a question of control and creative expression. | I would love to come, but it's a question of time.) 8 out of the question not possible or not allowed  (You can't go to the wedding in that old shirt - it's quite out of the question.) 9 it's just a question of spoken used to say that something is easy or not complicated  (It's just a question of putting in a couple of screws.) 10 pop the question informal humorous to ask someone to marry you  (Simon finally plucked up the courage...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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