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Англо-русский политический словарь - quarter


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Перевод с английского языка quarter на русский



1) место

2) пощада, снисхождение

3) квартал

4) pl квартиры, жилье, помещение

5) американская монета в 25 центов, "четвертак"

to ask for quarter — просить пощады

to lose one's claim receive quarter — юр. терять право на пощаду

business quartersdiplomatic quartersfinancial quartershighest quarters

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) четверть (of); a quarter of a century - четверть века; to divide into quarters - разделить на четыре части; for a quarter (of) the price, for quarter the price - за четверть цены  2) четверть часа; а quarter to one, amer. a quarter of one - без четверти час; a bad quarter of an hour - несколько неприятных минут; неприятное переживание  3) квартал (года); school четверть; to be several quarters in arrears - задолжать за несколько кварталов (квартирную плату и т.п.)  4) квартал (города); residential quarter - квартал жилых домов  5) страна света  6) pl. квартира, помещение, жилище; to take up ones quarters with smb. - поселиться у кого-л. или с кем-л. - at close quarters  7) pl.; mil. квартиры, казармы; стоянка; naut. пост; - beat to quarters - sound off quarters  8) место, сторона; from every quarter - со всех сторон; from no quarter - ниоткуда, ни с чьей стороны; we learned from the highest quarters - мы узнали из авторитетных источников  9) пощада; to ask for/to cry quarter - просить пощады; to give quarter - пощадить жизнь (сдавшегося на милость победителя); no quarter to be given - пощады не будет  10) прием, обхождение  11) четверть (туши); fore quarter - лопатка; hind quarter - задняя часть  12) четверть (мера сыпучих тел = 2,9 гектолитра; мера веса = 12,7 кг; мера длины: 1/4 ярда = 22,86 см, 1/4 мили = 402,24 м)  13) naut. четверть румба; from what quarter does the wind blow? - откуда дует ветер?  14) amer....
Англо-русский словарь
  1. четверть, четвертая часть a quarter of a pound —- четверть фунта a quarter of an apple —- четверть яблока a mile and a quarter —- миля с четвертью to divide smth. into quarters —- разделить что-л. на четыре части a quarter of a year —- квартал, три месяца for (a) quarter (of) the price —- за четверть цены what's the quarter of 64? —- чему равна четвертая часть от 64? 2. четверть часа, пятнадцать минут a quarter to —- (ам. of) one без четверти час a quarter past one —- четверть второго some clocks strike the quarters —- некоторые часы бьют каждые четверть часа 3. квартал, четверть года, три месяца to pay for smth. at the end of each quarter —- платить за что-л. в конце каждого квартала several quarters' rent —- квартплата за несколько кварталов a whole quarter's pay —- трехмесячное жалование 4. разг. квартплата за квартал 5. школ. четверть he had a quarter at French —- он одну четверть занимался французским 6. ам. четверть доллара, 25 центов to be a quarter cheaper —- быть на 25 центов дешевле 7. ам. монета в 25 центов 8. кул. четвертина (туши) fore quarter —- передняя часть, лопатка hind quarter —- задняя часть, окорок a quarter of beef —- четверть говяжьей туши 9. доля (вымени) 10. уст. четвертая часть тела человека 11. квартер (мера веса, а также мера объема сыпучих тел) 12. четверть мили 13. спорт. бег на четверть мили 14. мор. четверть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  четвертак, четверть доллара Разменная монета достоинством в 25 центов cent. На ее аверсе портрет Дж. Вашингтона Washington, George, надписи и дата выпуска, а на реверсе изображен американский орел bald eagle ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  – animal quarters – winter quarters QUARTERVINE бот. бигнония усиковая (Bignonia capreolata) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) четверть 2) квартал (года) 3) квартал (города) 4) квартирная/арендная плата за квартал 5) место 6) сторона 7) помещение 8) квартира 9) казармы 10) амер. четверть доллара, 25 центов • - business quarter - business quarters - by the quarter - calendar quarter - first quarter - from every quarter 2. гл. 1) делить на четыре равные части 2) квартировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) квартал 2) уменьшать в четыре раза 3) четвертной 4) четверть last quarter of the moon — последняя четверть луны quarter rope trawl — квартронный трал - quarter cycle - quarter of turn - quarter replicate - quarter replication ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) четверть, четвертая часть 2) квадратная панель ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  деревянная стойка каркасной перегородки квадратная панель ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) четверть, четвёртая часть делить на четыре части 2) авто участок дороги для гонок на четверть мили с места 3) участок земли площадью 160 акров 4) мн. ч. жилые помещения 5) мн. ч. мор. места (экипажа) по аварийному расписанию 6) компасный румб 7) деревянная обрешетина для прибивки драни 8) обочина 9) квадратная панель - crew quarters ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 each of four equal parts into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 a period of three months, usu. for which payments become due on the quarter day. 3 a point of time 15 minutes before or after any hour. 4 a school or US university term. 5 a 25 US or Canadian cents. b a coin of this denomination. 6 a part of a town, esp. as occupied by a particular class or group (residential quarter). 7 a a point of the compass. b a region at such a point. 8 the direction, district, or source of supply etc. (help from any quarter; came from all quarters). 9 (in pl.) a lodgings; an abode. b Mil. the living accommodation of troops etc. 10 a one fourth of a lunar month. b the moon's position between the first and second (first quarter) or third and fourth (last quarter) of these. 11 a each of the four parts into which an animal's or bird's carcass is divided, each including a leg or wing. b (in pl.) hist. the four parts into which a traitor etc. was cut after execution. c (in pl.) = HINDQUARTERS. 12 mercy offered or granted to an enemy in battle etc. on condition of surrender. 13 a Brit. a grain measure equivalent to 8 bushels. b one-fourth of a hundredweight (28 lb. or US 25 lb.). 14 a each of four divisions on a shield. b a charge occupying this, placed in chief. 15 either side of a ship abaft the beam. 16 (in American and Australian football) each of four equal periods into which a match is divided. --v.tr. 1 divide into quarters. 2 hist. divide (the body of an executed person) in this way. 3 a put (troops etc.) into quarters. b station or lodge in a specified place. 4 (foll. by on) impose (a person) on another as a lodger. 5 cut (a log) into quarters, and these into planks so as to show the grain well. 6 (esp. of a dog) range or traverse (the ground) in every direction. 7 Heraldry a place or bear (charges or coats of arms) on the four quarters of a shield's surface. b add (another's coat) to one's hereditary arms. c (foll. by with) place in alternate quarters with. d divide (a shield) into four or more parts by vertical and...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin quartarius, from quartus fourth  Date: 14th century  1. one of four equal parts into which something is divisible ; a fourth part in the top ~ of his class  2. any of various units of capacity or weight equal to or derived from one fourth of some larger unit  3. any of various units of length or area equal to one fourth of some larger unit  4. the fourth part of a measure of time: as  a. one of a set of four 3-month divisions of a year business was up during the third ~  b. a school term of about 12 weeks  c. ~ hour a ~ after three  5.  a. a coin worth a ~ of a dollar  b. the sum of 25 cents  6.  a. one limb of a quadruped with the adjacent parts; especially one fourth part of the carcass of a slaughtered animal including a leg  b. plural, British hind~ 2  7.  a. the region or direction lying under any of the four divisions of the horizon  b. one of the four parts into which the horizon is divided or the cardinal point corresponding to it  c. a compass point or direction other than the cardinal points  d.  (1) an unspecified person or group financial help from many ~s — Current Biography  (2) a point, direction, or place not definitely identified the view to the rear ~ — Consumer Reports  8.  a. a division or district of a town or city he describes the immigrant ~ — Alfred Kazin  b. the inhabitants of such a ~  9.  a. an assigned station or post  b. plural an assembly of a ship's company for ceremony, drill, or emergency  c. plural living accommodations ; lodgings show you to your ~s  10. merciful consideration of an opponent a team that gave no ~ during the championship game; specifically the clemency of not killing a defeated enemy  11. a fourth part of the moon's period  12. the side of a horse's hoof between the toe and the heel — see hoof illustration  13.  a. any of the four parts into which a heraldic field is divided  b. a bearing or charge occupying the first fourth part of a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (quarters, quartering, quartered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A quarter is one of four equal parts of something. A quarter of the residents are over 55 years old... I’ve got to go in a quarter of an hour... Prices have fallen by a quarter since January... Cut the peppers into quarters. FRACTION • Quarter is also a predeterminer. The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is about a quarter the size of the moon. PREDET • Quarter is also an adjective. ...the past quarter century... ADJ: ADJ n 2. A quarter is a fixed period of three months. Companies often divide their financial year into four quarters. The group said results for the third quarter are due on October 29. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. When you are telling the time, you use quarter to talk about the fifteen minutes before or after an hour. For example, 8.15 is quarter past eight, and 8.45 is quarter to nine. In American English, you can also say that 8.15 is a quarter after eight and 8.45 is a quarter of nine. It was a quarter to six... I got a call at quarter of seven one night... N-UNCOUNT: also a N 4. If you quarter something such as a fruit or a vegetable, you cut it into four roughly equal parts. Chop the mushrooms and quarter the tomatoes. VERB: V n 5. If the number or size of something is quartered, it is reduced to about a quarter of its previous number or size. The doses I suggested for adults could be halved or quartered. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 6. A quarter is an American or Canadian coin that is worth 25 cents. I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone. N-COUNT 7. A particular quarter of a town is a part of the town where a particular group of people traditionally live or work. Look for hotels in the French Quarter. N-COUNT: supp N 8. To refer to a person or group you may not want to name, you can talk about the reactions or actions from a particular quarter. Help came from an unexpected quarter... N-COUNT: usu supp N 9. The rooms...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »AMOUNT« one of four equal or almost equal parts into which something can be divided  (Cut it into quarters.) + of  (a quarter of a mile | in the last quarter of the 19th century | They're firing almost a quarter of the workforce. | It's about a page and a quarter.) 2 »PART OF AN HOUR« one of the four periods of 15 minutes into which each hour can be divided  (I'll meet you in three-quarters of an hour. (=in 45 minutes) | quarter to BrE quarter of AmE (=15 minutes before the hour))  (It's a quarter of two. (=1:45) | quarter past BrE quarter after AmE (=minutes after the hour))  (a quarter past ten (=10:15)) 3 »MONEY« a coin in the US and Canada, worth 25 cents 4 »THREE MONTHS« a period of three months, used especially in connection with bills, wages, and income  (The company's profits rose by 11% in the first quarter of the year.)  (- see also quarterly1) 5 »PART OF A CITY« an area of a town or city where a particular kind of people typically live or work  (the student quarter | We took a rented house in the Creole quarter of New Orleans.) 6 »HOME« quarters a house or rooms where you can live, especially in the army  (staff quarters | married quarters (=where soldiers with wives live)) 7 in/from ... quarters in or from different groups of people  (Offers of financial help came from the most unexpected quarters. | There were doubts in many quarters about the country's ability to repay the debt.) 8 all quarters of the Earth/globe literary everywhere in the world 9 give no quarter old use to show no pity towards someone, especially an enemy whom you have defeated  (It was a fight to the death, with no quarter given.) 10 »WEIGHT« BrE a unit for measuring weight, equal to 28 pounds or about 13 kilos 11 »AT COLLEGE« AmE a period of 10 to 12 weeks into which a teaching year is divided in some American colleges and universities  (What classes are you taking this quarter?) 12 »SPORT« one of the four equal periods of time into which games of some sports are divided 13 »MOON« the period of time...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. quartier, from L. quartarius "fourth part," from quartus "fourth" (see quart). Used of the moon and the hour from 15c. The coin is peculiar to U.S., first recorded 1783. Meaning "portion of a town" is 1526; quarters "dwelling place" first recorded 1591; the military sense is in quartermaster (late M.E.) and may be behind the phrase give no quarter (1611). Quarter days (1480), when rents were paid and contracts and leases began or expired, were, in England, Lady day (March 25), Midsummer day (June 24), Michaelmas day (Sept. 29), and Christmas day (Dec. 25); in Scotland, keeping closer to the pagan Celtic calendar, they were Candlemas (Feb. 2), Whitsunday (May 15), Lammas (Aug. 1), and Martinmas (Nov. 11). Quarter horse, bred strong for racing on quarter-mile tracks, first recorded 1834; quarterback (n.) is from 1879; the verb is first attested 1945. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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