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Англо-русский политический словарь - punish


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Перевод с английского языка punish на русский



наказывать; налагать взыскание

to punish smb according to Islamic laws — наказывать кого-л. в соответствии с исламскими законами

to punish smb severely — строго наказывать кого-л.

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См. в других словарях

  v.  1) наказывать; карать; налагать взыскание; You cant punish me for something I didnt do. For your crime, the court will punish you with two years in prison.  2) coll. грубо обращаться; He really punishs the car.  3) coll. причинять повреждения; наносить удары  4) joc. много есть, навалиться на еду Syn: see discipline PUNISH capitally подвергнуть смертной казни ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. наказывать, карать; налагать взыскание to punish theft —- карать за воровство the boy is punished for the disobedience —- мальчик наказан за непослушание murder is punished by death —- убийство карается смертной казнью 2. разг. грубо обращаться to punish a horse —- загнать лошадь he really punishs the car —- он совершенно не щадит (не жалеет) машину 3. разг. причинять повреждения the ships were considerably punished by the batteries —- батареи причинили кораблям значительные повреждения to punish the engine —- "запороть" движок 4. воен. обстреливать, бомбить 5. избить, исколошматить the blows of his opponent punished him severily —- удары противника сильно его измотали 6. много есть; набрасываться (на еду, питье) to punish a bottle of port —- прикончить (уговорить) бутылочку портвейна the boy punished the roly-poly pudding —- мальчик набросился на пудинг с вареньем ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.tr. 1 cause (an offender) to suffer for an offence. 2 inflict a penalty for (an offence). 3 colloq. inflict severe blows on (an opponent). 4 a tax severely; subject to severe treatment. b abuse or treat improperly. Derivatives punishable adj. punisher n. punishing adj. (in sense 4a). punishingly adv. Etymology: ME f. OF punir f. L punire = poenire f. poena penalty ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  Etymology: Middle English punisshen, from Anglo-French puniss-, stem of punir, from Latin punire, from poena penalty — more at pain  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or violation  b. to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in retribution or retaliation  2.  a. to deal with roughly or harshly  b. to inflict injury on ; hurt  intransitive verb to inflict ~ment  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, chastise, castigate, chasten, discipline, correct mean to inflict a penalty on in requital for wrongdoing. ~ implies subjecting to a penalty for wrongdoing ~ed for stealing. chastise may apply to either the infliction of corporal ~ment or to verbal censure or denunciation chastised his son for neglecting his studies. castigate usually implies a severe, typically public censure an editorial castigating the entire city council. chasten suggests any affliction or trial that leaves one humbled or subdued chastened by a landslide election defeat. discipline implies a ~ing or chastening in order to bring under control parents must discipline their children. correct implies ~ing aimed at reforming an offender the function of prison is to correct the wrongdoer. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (punishes, punishing, punished) 1. To punish someone means to make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong. According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines... Don’t punish your child for being honest. VERB: V n, V n for n 2. To punish a crime means to punish anyone who commits that crime. The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law  (Some people believe that smacking is not an acceptable way to punish a child. | In some countries women who have abortions can be punished by imprisonment. | punish sb for (doing) sth)  (Ewing was hauled before the Football Association to be punished for misconduct.) 2 if you punish a crime you punish anyone who is guilty of it  (Vandalism will be severely punished.) 3 punish yourself (for sth/for doing sth) to blame yourself for something  (The accident wasn't your fault; stop punishing yourself.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from stem of O.Fr. punir, from L. punire "inflict a penalty on, cause pain for some offense," from poena "penalty, punishment" (see pain). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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