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Англо-русский политический словарь - perspective


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Перевод с английского языка perspective на русский

1. n


to put a different perspective on smth — представлять что-л. в другом свете

bleak perspective

2. a


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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) перспектива  2) вид  2. adj. перспективный; - perspective geometry PERSPECTIVE geometry аксонометрия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. перспектива linear perspective —- линейная перспектива historical perspective —- исторический аспект picture out of perspective —- картина, в которой нарушена перспектива when seen through the perspective of years —- рассматриваемый через призму лет in perspective —- изображенный с соблюдением законов перспективы; в истинном свете to see a matter in perspective —- видеть что-л. в настоящем свете; не преувеличивать и не преуменьшать toochagrined to keep the results in perspective —- слишком огорченный, чтобы правильно оценить результаты to see a thing in a new perspective —- видеть что-л. в новом свете to put the issue in broad perspective —- рассматривать вопрос в широком аспекте 2. вид (вдаль) a fine perspective opened before his eyes —- перед ним открылся прекрасный вид 3. виды на будущее in perspective —- редк. в будущем, в перспективе we have a long perspective of happy days before us —- у нас впереди много счастливых дней Id: to look through the wrong end of the perspective —- преуменьшать значение (чего-л.) 4. перспективный; сделанный по законам перспективы perspective drawing —- чертеж, рисунок в перспективе perspective geometry —- аксонометрия; начертательная геометрия 5. уст. оптический, зрительный perspective glass —- увеличительное стекло ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) вид 2) перспектива 3) перспективный doubly perspective triangles — дважды перспективные треугольники trebly perspective triangles — трижды перспективные треугольники - angular perspective - axonometric perspective - cavalier perspective - central perspective - cylindrical perspective - doubly perspective - free perspective - isometric perspective - linear perspective - one-point perspective - parallel perspective - perspective affinity - perspective bundle - perspective collineation - perspective correspondence - perspective element - perspective figure - perspective geometry - perspective intervals - perspective line - perspective location - perspective pencil - perspective picture - perspective plane - perspective position - perspective projection - perspective projectivity - perspective scale - perspective sketch - perspective transformation - perspective triangles - spherical perspective - stereospherical perspective - trebly perspective - weakly perspective ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  перспектива axonometric perspective ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  перспектива, перспективное соответствие - acoustic perspective - axonometric perspective - central perspective - close-up perspective - distant perspective - medium perspective - parallel perspective - sound perspective - three-dimensional perspective ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of relative positions, size, etc. b a picture drawn in this way. 2 the apparent relation between visible objects as to position, distance, etc. 3 a mental view of the relative importance of things (keep the right perspective). 4 a geographical or imaginary prospect. --adj. of or in perspective. Phrases and idioms in perspective 1 drawn or viewed according to the rules of perspective. 2 correctly regarded in terms of relative importance. Derivatives perspectival adj. perspectively adv. Etymology: ME f. med.L perspectiva (ars art) f. perspicere perspect- (as PER-, specere spect- look) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English perspectyf, from Medieval Latin perspectivum, from neuter of perspectivus of sight, optical, from Latin perspectus, past participle of perspicere to look through, see clearly, from per- through + specere to look — more at per-, spy  Date: 14th century archaic an optical glass (as a telescope)  II. noun  Etymology: Middle French, probably modification of Old Italian prospettiva, from prospetto view, prospect, from Latin prospectus — more at prospect  Date: 1563  1.  a. the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance  b. a picture in ~  2.  a. the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed places the issues in proper ~; also point of view  b. the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance urge you to maintain your ~ and to view your own task in a larger framework — W. J. Cohen  3.  a. a visible scene; especially one giving a distinctive impression of distance ; vista  b. a mental view or prospect to gain a broader ~ on the international scene — Current Biography  4. the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions  • perspectival adjective  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, optical, from Medieval Latin perspectivus  Date: 1570  1. obsolete aiding the vision his eyes should be like unto the wrong end of a ~ glass — Alexander Pope  2. of, relating to, employing, or seen in ~ ~ drawing  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (perspectives) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences. He says the death of his father 18 months ago has given him a new perspective on life... Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves... I would like to offer a historical perspective. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If you get something in perspective or into perspective, you judge its real importance by considering it in relation to everything else. If you get something out of perspective, you fail to judge its real importance in relation to everything else. Remember to keep things in perspective... It helps to put their personal problems into perspective... I let things get out of perspective. PHRASE: PHR after v 3. Perspective is the art of making some objects or people in a picture look further away than others. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a way of thinking about something which is influenced by the kind of person you are or by your experiences + on  (His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life.) from the perspective of  (The novel is written from the perspective of a child. | from a...perspective)  (From a white male perspective, it's hard to understand oppression.) 2 a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is  (I think Viv's lost all sense of perspective. | get/keep sth in perspective (=judge the importance of something correctly)) 3 a method of drawing a picture that makes objects look solid and shows distance and depth, or the effect this method produces in a picture  (Children's drawings often have no perspective. | in perspective/out of perspective (=drawn with or without the effect of perspective))  (The background is all out of perspective.) 4 a view, especially one that stretches into the distance ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - late 14c., from O.Fr. perspective, from M.L. perspectiva ars "science of optics," from fem. of perspectivus "of sight, optical" from pp. stem of perspicere "inspect, look through," from per- "through" + specere "look at." Originally "optics," sense of "appearance of distance or depth" is c.1600, influenced by It. prospettiva, an artists' term; the extended meaning "mental outlook" is first recorded 1762. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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