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Англо-русский политический словарь - period


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Перевод с английского языка period на русский



1) период, срок

2) время, эпоха

3) цикл

4) амер. точка

to cover the period — охватывать период

to extend the repayment period — продлевать срок платежа

to put a period to — поставить точку; положить конец (чему-л.)

period of dutyperiod of reconstructionperiod of relative calmperiod of transitionperiod under reviewbudget periodcooling-off periodcrucial periodgrace periodguarantee periodhoneymoon periodinitial periodintra-war periodoperating periodorganization periodpast-war periodpayback periodpay-off periodpreparatory periodpre-war periodprior periodprobation periodprobationary periodrepayment periodreporting periodspecified period of timestagnant periodtraining periodtransition periodtransitional periodtrial periodtroubling periodturbulent periodin the period ahead

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См. в других словарях

  1) период; интервал, промежуток времени2) цикл3) стадия; этап•period of loadingperiod of serviceacceleration periodaction perioddamping perioddeceleration perioddelay perioddepreciation perioddowntime perioddurability perioddwell perioddwelling periodearly failure periodencoder pulse periodfixed periodgrating periodhunting periodidle periodinaction periodincrement interval periodinterstep periodlatent periodlook-ahead periodnonorient periodoff periodon periodone-half periodonload periodoscillatory periodovershoot periodpayback periodreference periodregeneration periodrepetition periodresetting periodretrace periodrun-in periodsampling periodscheduling periodstart-up periodstorage cycle periodswitching periodtool stoppage periodtransient periodtransitory periodvariable repetition periodswarm-up periodwear-out failure periodwrite-off period ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) период; промежуток времени; period of years - определенный период времени - our own period - the girl of the period  3) круг, цикл  4) pl. риторическая речь  5) pl. менструация  6) gram. период, большое сложное законченное предложение  7) пауза в конце периода; точка; to put a period to smth. - поставить точку; положить конец чему-л.  8) math.; astr.; geol. период Syn: age, cycle, aeon, epoch, era, generation  2. adj. относящийся к определенному периоду (о мебели, платье и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. период, промежуток времени; срок lasting for a period of three months —- длящийся три месяца, сроком в три месяца within the agreed period —- в пределах оговоренного срока they visited us for a short period —- они немного погостили у нас fixed period —- установленный период времени (срок) at this period of the year —- в это время года a period of famine —- голодные времена period of rest —- время (час) отдыха; передышка extra (overtime) period —- спорт. добавочное время (игры) trial period —- испытательный срок 2. стадия periods of a disease —- стадии болезни the period of incubation —- инкубационный период 3. урок, занятие a history period —- урок истории 4. эпоха, время the costume of the period —- костюм данной эпохи period of change —- время перемен catchwords of the period —- словечки, модные в определенную эпоху sentiments of the period —- чувства, характерные для данной эпохи 5. грам. сложное законченное предложение; фраза well-rounded periods —- закругленные фразы 6. точка; пауза в конце предложения 7. конец to put a period to smth. —- поставить точку, положить конец чему-л. 8. pl. цветистая речь, риторика 9. часто pl. физиол. месячные, менструация 10. точка (отделяющая целое число от десятых долей) 11. физ. период колебаний periods per second —- число оборотов (колебаний) в секунду natural period —- собственный период...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  период – period of feeding – absolute refractory period – aestivation period – blooming period – bud-formation period – Cambrian period – Cretaceous period – critical period – dark period – dormant period – eclipse period – flowering period – fruit-setting period – growth period – half-life period – heat period – incubation period – intracellular growth period – Jurassic period – lactation period – lag period – latent period – laying period – light period – mating period – patent period – phage latent period – preoviposition feeding period – prepatent period – puerperal period – quiescent period – reaction period – refractory period – regulation period – relative refractory period – reproduction period – reproductive period – rest period – rise period – sensitive period – service period – sexually active period – stagnating period – Tertiary period – tillering period – vegetation period – warning period – wilting period ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  период, промежуток времени, срок – period for entering opposition – over a period – period to appeal – period of delay – period of exclusion – period of grace – period of protection – period of registration – period of renewal – period of priority – period of use – period of validity – citation period – conference period – Convention priority period – effective period – grace period for the filing of an application – grace period – grace period for the payment of fees – motion period – one year grace period – statutory period – testimony period – waiting period PERIOD сущ. 1) период, срок 2) эпоха, время • - Repayment Period - accounting period - accrual period - accumulation period - additional period of time - amortization period - average collection period - base period - business period - busy period - collection period - contract period - contracted period - cooling-off period - credit for a period from ... to ... - credit period - delay period - delivery period - down-time period - early redemption charge period - earning period - end of period - evaluation period - given period - holding period - limitation period - option period - pay period - pay-off period - payment period - period contract - period of employment - period of forecast - period of inquiry - period of limitation - period of payment - period of probation - period of probationer - period of production - period of service - period of survey operation - period of time - period of trainee - period of unemployment - period of use - period to maturity - post-war period - pre-war period - probationary period - quiet period - remaining period to maturity - remaining period - reporting period - slack period - trial period - usage period - waiting period ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) интервал времени 2) круг 3) период 4) период периодической системы 5) повторяющаяся группа цифр в десятичной дроби 6) пора 7) пребывание 8) продолжительность 9) срок 10) точка 11) фаза 12) цикл extra period balanced changeover design — сбалансированный переменный план с дополнительным периодом extra period partially balanced changeover design — частично сбалансированный план с дополнительным периодом natural period of vibration — собственный период колебаний over a period of — на протяжении period of decimal fraction — период десятичной дроби period of element in group — порядок элемента группы period of element of group — порядок элемента группы period of repeating decimal — период периодической дроби period of simple harmonic motion — период гармонических колебаний pulse repetition period — период повторения импульсов sampling at beginning of period — выбор в начале периода sampling at middle of period — выбор в середине периода - almost period - asymptotic period - blanking period - breaking-in period - combustion period - counting period - differential period - frame period - fundamental period - half-life period - holding period - imaginary period - inaction period - infinitesimal period - interglacial period - latency period - latent period - logarithmic period - millions period - observation period - obsolescence period - off period - oil-change period - operating period - operation period - orbital period - oscillation period - overtime period - pay-back period - period average - period band - period group - period mark - period matrix - period of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) период 2) цикл – period of satellite – bit period – blocking period – clock period – conducting period – delay period – field period – flyback period – frame period – guard period – half-line period – holding period – idle period – latency period – line period – line-up period – off period – off-peak period – on period – pulse period – run period – sampling period – service life period – signal generation period – switching period – timing period – unloading period – vertical blanking pulse period – vertical retrace period – warranty period ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  период; интервал; цикл периодический period of vibration acceptance period bidding period blowdown period building period construction period correction period curing period defects liability period detention period earthquake period fire endurance period flowing-through period freezing period heat cure period holding period low-water period maximum temperature period natural period of vibration off-peak period Perpendicular period precured period presteaming period rest period storage period striking period temperature rise period testing period transitional period ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) период, промежуток, интервал 2) цикл 3) продолжительность, длительность 4) полигр., вчт. точка 5) матем. период - period of decimal - period of flame drop - period of flood and ebb - period of oscillation - period of validity - acceleration period - admission period - afterblowing period - aircraft service period - base period - blocking period - brake-in period - braking period - building-up period - bum-back period - bum-in period - calibration period - choke-on period - clock period - coasting period - color Durst period - combustion period - commutating period - conducting period - constant failure-rate period - contact period - cooling-down period - cranking period - curing period - cutoff period - crew rest period - cutting period - cycle-slip period - damping period - debugging period - delay period - demonstration period - deoxidation period - depreciation period - development period - digit period - domain period - drilling rig on-stream period - dwell period - early failure period - eclipse period - electrocarbonization period - electrolinking period - emergency period - encounter period - exhaust period - fading periods - fading period - field period - field blanking period - field-scanning period - film advancing period - film dwell period - flash period - flashing period - flight duty period - flood period - flush-off period - forecast period - frame-scanning period - frame period - free period - free-running period - freezing period - fringe period - frost-free period - fuel-off period - half-decay period - half-life period - half-value period - heat deficit period - heating period - heating-up period - heat surplus period - heat utilization period - heaving period - high-water period - holding period - holdover period - horizontal scanning period - horizontal period - hunting period - ice-free period - idle period - ignition delay period - infant mortality period - initial storage period - injection period - intake period - interstep period -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a length or portion of time (showers and bright periods). 2 a distinct portion of history, a person's life, etc. (the Georgian period; Picasso's Blue Period). 3 Geol. a time forming part of a geological era (the Quaternary period). 4 a an interval between recurrences of an astronomical or other phenomenon. b the time taken by a planet to rotate about its axis. 5 the time allowed for a lesson in school. 6 an occurrence of menstruation. 7 a a complete sentence, esp. one consisting of several clauses. b (in pl.) rhetorical language. 8 esp. US a = full stop (see FULL(1)). b used at the end of a sentence etc. to indicate finality, absoluteness, etc. (we want the best, period). 9 a a set of figures marked off in a large number to assist in reading. b a set of figures repeated in a recurring decimal. c the smallest interval over which a function takes the same value. 10 Chem. a sequence of elements between two noble gases forming a row in the periodic table. --adj. belonging to or characteristic of some past period (period furniture). Phrases and idioms of the period of the era under discussion (the custom of the period). period piece an object or work whose main interest lies in its historical etc. associations. Etymology: ME f. OF periode f. L periodus f. Gk periodos (as PERI-, odos = hodos way) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin, Latin, & Greek; Medieval Latin ~us ~ of time, punctuation mark, from Latin & Greek; Latin, rhetorical ~, from Greek ~os circuit, ~ of time, rhetorical ~, from peri- + hodos way  Date: circa 1530  1. the completion of a cycle, a series of events, or a single action ; conclusion  2.  a.  (1) an utterance from one full stop to another ; sentence  (2) a well-proportioned sentence of several clauses  (3) ~ic sentence  b. a musical structure or melodic section usually composed of two or more contrasting or complementary phrases and ending with a cadence  3.  a. the full pause with which the utterance of a sentence closes  b. end, stop  4. obsolete goal, purpose  5.  a.  (1) a point . used to mark the end (as of a declarative sentence or an abbreviation)  (2) — used interjectionally to emphasize the finality of the preceding statement I don't remember — ~  b. a rhythmical unit in Greek verse composed of a series of two or more cola  6.  a. a portion of time determined by some recurring phenomenon  b.  (1) the interval of time required for a cyclic motion or phenomenon to complete a cycle and begin to repeat itself  (2) a number k that does not change the value of a ~ic function f when added to the independent variable; especially the smallest such number  c. a single cyclic occurrence of menstruation  7.  a. a chronological division ; stage  b. a division of geologic time longer than an epoch and included in an era  c. a stage of culture having a definable place in time and space  8.  a. one of the divisions of the academic day  b. one of the divisions of the playing time of a game Synonyms:  ~, epoch, era, age mean a division of time. ~ may designate an extent of time of any length ~s of economic prosperity. epoch applies to a ~ begun or set off by some significant or striking quality, change, or series of events the steam engine marked a new epoch in industry. era suggests a ~ of history marked by a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (periods) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A period is a length of time. This crisis might last for a long period of time. ...a period of a few months. ...for a limited period only. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A period in the life of a person, organization, or society is a length of time which is remembered for a particular situation or activity. ...a period of economic good health and expansion... He went through a period of wanting to be accepted... The South African years were his most creative period. N-COUNT: with supp 3. A particular length of time in history is sometimes called a period. For example, you can talk about the Victorian period or the Elizabethan period in Britain. ...the Roman period... No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. Period costumes, furniture, and instruments were made at an earlier time in history, or look as if they were made then. ...dressed in full period costume. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Exercise, training, or study periods are lengths of time that are set aside for exercise, training, or study. They accompanied him during his exercise periods. N-COUNT: usu n N 6. At a school or college, a period is one of the parts that the day is divided into during which lessons or other activities take place. ...periods of private study. N-COUNT 7. When a woman has a period, she bleeds from her womb. This usually happens once a month, unless she is pregnant. N-COUNT 8. Some people say period after stating a fact or opinion when they want to emphasize that they are definite about something and do not want to discuss it further. I don’t want to do it, period. ADV: cl ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 9. A period is the punctuation mark () which you use at the end of a sentence when it is not a question or an exclamation. (AM; in BRIT, use full stop) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LENGTH OF TIME« a particular length of time with a beginning and an end  (Tomorrow's weather will be dry with sunny periods. | the period 1910-1917 | a period of six weeks | a six-week period | trial period (=a period of testing))  (Helen has been taken on for a three month trial period.) 2 »IN DEVELOPMENT« a particular period in the development of a country or a person  (Van Gogh's early period) 3 »IN HISTORY« a particular period in history  (Which period are you studying?) 4 »WOMAN« the monthly flow of blood from a woman's body 5 »DOT« AmE a dot (.) in a piece of writing that shows the end of a sentence or an abbreviation; full stop BrE 6 »FOR EMPHASIS« period! AmE spoken used to say that you have made a decision and that you do not want to discuss the subject any more  (I'm not going, period!) 7 »SCHOOL« one of the equal parts that the school day is divided into; lesson  (What class do you have first period? | a double period of Science) ~2 adj period costume/furniture clothes or furniture in the style of a particular time in history  (actors dressed in period costume) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 15c., from M.L. periodus "recurring portion, cycle," from L. periodus "a complete sentence," also "cycle of the Greek games," from Gk. periodos "rounded sentence, cycle, circuit," lit. "going around," from peri- "around" + hodos "a going, way, journey." Meaning "dot marking end of a sentence" first recorded 1609, from similar use in M.L. Sense of "menstruation" dates from 1822. Periodical "magazine that publishes regularly" is from 18c. Sense of "repeated cycle of events" led to that of "interval of time." Periodic table in chemistry is from notion of the arrangement, in which similar properties recur at intervals in elements in the same area as you read down the rows of the table. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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