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Англо-русский политический словарь - penalty


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наказание; взыскание, штраф

to abolish the death penalty — отменять смертную казнь

to commute the death penalty for imprisonment for life — заменять смертную казнь пожизненным заключением

to face the death penalty — находиться под угрозой смертного приговора

to impose a penalty on smb — накладывать на кого-л. взыскание

to pay the penalty — нести наказание

to reintroduce the death penalty — восстанавливать смертную казнь

to remit a penalty — смягчать или отменять наказание

to suffer a penalty — нести наказание

alternative fine / imprisonment penaltydeath penaltylegal penaltyparty penaltystiff penaltylaxness of penaltyremission of penalty

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См. в других словарях

  area штрафная площадка; PENALTY kick одиннадцатиметровый штрафной удар PENALTY noun  1) наказание; взыскание; штраф; - on penalty of - under penalty of  2) sport штраф; наказание, пенальти  3) расплата  4) attr. наказуемый; - penalty envelope  5) attr.; sport штрафной; - penalty area - penalty goal - penalty kick PENALTY envelope amer. специальный конверт для правительственной корреспонденции (использование которого для других целей карается законом) PENALTY goal гол, забитый с пенальти; ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. наказание, взыскание maximum penalty —- максимальное наказание death penalty —- смертная казнь (как наказание) small penalty —- легкое наказание subject to penalty —- подлежащий наказанию to impose penalties —- налагать взыскания; подвергать наказанию under (on, upon) penalty of —- под страхом (такого-то) наказания to pay the penalty of one's foolishness —- расплачиваться за свои ошибки 2. штраф penalty for non-performance of contract —- штраф за невыполнение договора subject to penalty —- подлежащий штрафу misconduct penalty —- спорт. удаление игрока с поля на десять минут match penalty —- спорт. окончательное удаление игрока с поля 3. спорт. штрафное очко, штрафной удар 4. отрицательная сторона (чего-л.) to pay the penalty of fame —- нести тяготы славы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) наказание death penalty — смертная казнь commuted penalty — смягчённое наказание criminal penalty — уголовное наказание custodial penalty — наказание, связанное с лишением свободы extreme penalty — высшая мера наказания hard penalty, severe penalty — строгое наказание imposed (inflicted) penalty — назначенное наказание lenient penalty, light penalty, mild penalty — мягкое наказание non-custodial penalty — наказание, не связанное с лишением свободы 2) взыскание, штраф money penalty, pecuniary penalty — денежная санкция, штраф 3) штрафная неустойка; неустойка по договору 4) брак производственный • - award about penalty - civil penalty - contractual penalty - early withdrawal penalty - heavy penalty - maximum penalty - monetary penalty - payment of penalty - penalty claimed - penalty clause - penalty for nonperformance of contract - penalty function method - prepayment penalty - small penalty - subject to a penalty Syn: forfeit, smart money, fine, penalization, punishment PENALTY 1) штраф, штрафная неустойка; санкция 2) ухудшение (напр. качества) 3) отрицательная сторона (чего-л.) PENALTY сущ. 1) юр. наказание to impose a penalty — назначить наказание to pay the full penalty for one's mistakes — сполна ответить за свои ошибки to rescind a penalty — отменить наказание death penalty — смертная казнь Syn: punishment 2) эк., юр. штраф money penalty — денежный штраф penalty for non-performance of contract — штраф за невыполнение договора See: prepayment penalty, late charge 3) общ. неудобство,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  штраф, взыскание penalty function method — метод штрафных функций - penalty coefficient - penalty function - penalty rule ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  тлф. штраф (направления) – route penalty ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  штраф; неустойка (по договору) penalty for nonperformance of construction contract ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a punishment, esp. a fine, for a breach of law, contract, etc. b a fine paid. 2 a disadvantage, loss, etc., esp. as a result of one's own actions (paid the penalty for his carelessness). 3 a a disadvantage imposed on a competitor or side in a game etc. for a breach of the rules etc. b (attrib.) awarded against a side incurring a penalty (penalty kick; penalty goal). 4 Bridge etc. points gained by opponents when a contract is not fulfilled. Phrases and idioms penalty area Football the ground in front of the goal in which a foul by defenders involves the award of a penalty kick. penalty box Ice Hockey an area reserved for penalized players and some officials. the penalty of a disadvantage resulting from (a quality etc.). penalty rate Austral. an increased rate of pay for overtime. under (or on) penalty of under the threat of (dismissal etc.). Etymology: AF penalte (unrecorded), F p{eacute}nalit{eacute} f. med.L penalitas (as PENAL) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Etymology: Middle English penalte, from Middle French penalite, from Medieval Latin poenalitas, from Latin poenalis  Date: 15th century  1. the suffering in person, rights, or property that is annexed by law or judicial decision to the commission of a crime or public offense  2. the suffering or the sum to be forfeited to which a person agrees to be subjected in case of nonfulfillment of stipulations  3.  a. disadvantage, loss, or hardship due to some action  b. a disadvantage (as loss of yardage, time, or possession of the ball or an addition to or subtraction from the score) imposed on a team or competitor for violation of the rules of a sport  4. points scored in bridge by the side that defeats the opposing contract — usually used in plural  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (penalties) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A penalty is a punishment that someone is given for doing something which is against a law or rule. One of those arrested could face the death penalty... The maximum penalty is up to 7 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. In sports such as football, rugby, and hockey, a penalty is an opportunity to score a goal, which is given to the attacking team if the defending team breaks a rule near their own goal. Referee Michael Reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty... N-COUNT 3. The penalty that you pay for something you have done is something unpleasant that you experience as a result. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else’s mistake?... N-COUNT: usu the N in sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural penalties 1 a punishment for breaking a law, rule, or legal agreement  (No littering. Penalty $500.) + for  (The penalty for murder was death.) impose a penalty (=force someone to accept a penalty)  (the highest penalty the court can impose | stiff/heavy penalty (=a severe penalty) | the death penalty)  (Some MPs are calling for the death penalty to be brought back.) 2 something unpleasant that happens to you because of something unwise that you have done or because of the situation you are in + of  (One of the penalties of being famous is the loss of privacy.) pay the penalty (for) (=suffer the penalty for something)  (They never insured their property and now they're paying the penalty for their foolishness.) 3 a disadvantage in sports given to a player or team for breaking a rule 4 a chance to kick the ball into the goal (3) in a game of football, given because the other team has broken a rule ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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