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Англо-русский политический словарь - lord


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господин; брит. лорд; pl (the lord) палата лордов

Lord Chairman of CommitteesLord Chairman of CrumblesLord ChancellorLords CommissionersLord LieutenantLord MayorLord Mayor of Londonlord of the manorLord Privy SealLord RectorLord President of the Malaysian Supreme CourtChief Law LordConservative Lorddrug lordfeudal lordFirst Sea Lordpress lordsFirst Lord of the AdmiraltyFirst Lord of the Treasury

House of Lords

Lord JusticeLords SpiritualLords Temporalwearing in of a new Lord Mayor

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  launch-on-reliable detection ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  Provost лорд-мэр (некоторых больших шотландских городов) LORD  1. noun  1) господин, владыка, повелитель; властитель; феодальный сеньор; lord of the manor - владелец поместья; the lord of the harvest -  а) фермер, которому принадлежит урожай;  б) главный жнец; - lords of creation  2) лорд, пэр; член палаты лордов; the Lords spiritual - епископы - члены палаты лордов; the Lords temporal - светские члены палаты лордов; my lord - милорд (официальное обращение к пэрам, епископам, судьям верховного суда)  3) (the) Lords coll. палата лордов  4) магнат, король (промышленности); the cotton lords - хлопчатобумажные магнаты  5) poet.; joc. муж, супруг; - lord and master  6) господь бог (обыкн. the Lord); our Lord - Христос; the Lords day - воскресенье; the Lords prayer - отче наш (молитва); the Lords supper -  а) тайная вечеря;  б) причастие, евхаристия; Lords table - алтарь - act the lord to live like a lord - как сыр в масле кататься  2. v.  1) давать титул лорда  2) титуловать лордом  3) to lord it - строить, разыгрывать лорда, важничать; командовать, распоряжаться; to lord it over smb. - помыкать кем-л.; he will not be lorded over - он не позволит, чтобы им понукали LORD (High) Chancellor лорд-канцлер (глава судебного ведомства и верховный судья Англии, председатель палаты лордов и одного из отделений верховного суда) LORD and...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. господин; владыка, повелитель, властитель, властелин our sovereign lord the King —- король, наш верховный повелитель 2. (the L.) рел. господь Бог Our L. —- господь, Христос in the year of our L. —- после рождества Христова, в нашу эру the L.'s prayer —- молитва господня, "Отче наш" the L.'s Day —- воскресный день, воскресенье the L.'s Supper —- тайная вечеря; причастие, евхаристия the L.'s table —- престол (в алтаре); причастие, евхаристия L. of Hosts —- библ. господь сил, Иегова 3. лорд, пэр; член палаты лордов (наследственный или пожизненный) the House of Lords —- палата лордов Lords temporal —- светские лорды (не духовенство) Lords spiritual —- "духовные лорды" (епископы - члены палаты лордов) 4. лорд (почетный титул сына пэра, не дающий права быть членом палаты лордов) 5. лорд (в наименованиях некоторых высоких постов) Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty —- члены Совета адмиралтейства L. Chief Justice —- лорд главный судья L. President of the Council —- лорд председатель (тайного) совета 6. (L.) лорд (титулование пэров; ставится перед титулом) Alfred, L. Tennyson —- Альфред, лорд Теннисон 7. (L.) лорд (титулование сыновей пэров; ставится перед именем) L. Peter Wimsey —- лорд Питер Уимзи L. Peter —- лорд Питер 8. (my lord) милорд (обращение к лордам, преим. со стороны прислуги) 9. (my...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ихт. получешуйник, получешуйный бычок (Hemilepidotus) – red lord ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) господин, владелец 2) хозяин 3) магнат (промышленный) 4) король - press lords - the cotton lords ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n., int., & v. --n. 1 a master or ruler. 2 hist. a feudal superior, esp. of a manor. 3 a peer of the realm or a person entitled to the title Lord, esp. a marquess, earl, viscount, or baron. 4 (Lord) (often prec. by the) a name for God or Christ. 5 (Lord) a prefixed as the designation of a marquis, earl, viscount, or baron. b prefixed to the Christian name of the younger son of a duke or marquis. c (the Lords) = House of Lords. 6 Astrol. the ruling planet (of a sign, house, or chart). --int. (Lord) expressing surprise, dismay, etc. --v.tr. confer the title of Lord upon. Phrases and idioms live like a lord live sumptuously. Lord Advocate the principal law-officer of the Crown in Scotland. Lord Bishop the ceremonious title of any bishop. Lord Chamberlain see CHAMBERLAIN. Lord (or Lord High) Chancellor (in the UK) the highest officer of the Crown, presiding in the House of Lords etc. Lord Chief Justice (in the UK) the president of the Queen's Bench Division. lord it over domineer. Lord Lieutenant 1 (in the UK) the chief executive authority and head of magistrates in each county. 2 hist. the viceroy of Ireland. Lord Mayor the title of the mayor in London and some other large cities. Lord Ordinary see ORDINARY n. 5. lord over (usu. in passive) domineer, rule over. Lord President of the Council (in the UK) the cabinet minister presiding at the Privy Council. Lord Privy Seal (in the UK) a senior cabinet minister without official duties. Lord Provost the head of a municipal corporation or borough in certain Scottish cities. lords and ladies wild arum. Lords Commissioners the members of a board performing the duties of a high State office put in commission. Lord's Day Sunday. Lords of Session the judges of the Scottish Court of Session. Lord's Prayer the Our Father, the prayer taught by Christ to his disciples. Lords spiritual the bishops in the House of Lords. Lord's Supper the Eucharist. Lords temporal the members of the House of Lords other than the bishops. Our Lord a name for Christ. Sea Lord a naval member of the Admiralty...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English loverd, ~, from Old English hlaford, from hlaf loaf + weard keeper — more at loaf, ward  Date: before 12th century  1. one having power and authority over others:  a. a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due  b. one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure  c. an owner of land or other real property  d. obsolete the male head of a household  e. husband  f. one that has achieved mastery or that exercises leadership or great power in some area a drug ~  2. capitalized  a. god 1  b. Jesus  3. a man of rank or high position: as  a. a feudal tenant whose right or title comes directly from the king  b. a British nobleman: as  (1) baron 2a  (2) a hereditary peer of the rank of marquess, earl, or viscount  (3) the son of a duke or a marquess or the eldest son of an earl  (4) a bishop of the Church of England  c. plural, capitalized House of Lords  4. — used as a British title: as  a. — used as part of an official title Lord Advocate Lord Mayor  b. — used informally in place of the full title for a marquess, earl, or viscount  c. — used for a baron  d. — used by courtesy before the name and surname of a younger son of a duke or a marquess  5. a person chosen to preside over a festival  II. intransitive verb  Date: 14th century to act like a ~; especially to put on airs — usually used with it ~s it over his friends ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lords) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. In Britain, a lord is a man who has a high rank in the nobility, for example an earl, a viscount, or a marquis. She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds... A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd. N-COUNT; N-TITLE 2. In Britain, judges, bishops, and some male members of the nobility are addressed as ‘my Lord’. My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with. N-VOC: my N c darkgreen]politeness 3. In Britain, Lord is used in the titles of some officials of very high rank. He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974. ...Sir Brian Hutton, the Lord Chief Justice for Northern Ireland. 4. The Lords is the same as the House of Lords. It’s very likely the bill will be defeated in the Lords. N-PROPER-COLL: the N 5. In the Christian church, people refer to God and to Jesus Christ as the Lord. I know the Lord will look after him... She prayed now. ‘Lord, help me to find courage.’ ...the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. N-PROPER: usu the N; N-VOC see also Our Lord 6. Lord is used in exclamations such as ‘good Lord!’ and ‘oh Lord!’ to express surprise, shock, frustration, or annoyance about something. ‘Good lord, that’s what he is: he’s a policeman.’... ‘They didn’t fire you for drinking, did they?’—‘Lord, no! I only drink beer, nowadays.’ EXCLAM c darkgreen]feelings ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 also the Lord a title of God or Jesus Christ  (Thank you, Lord, for your blessings.) 2 the Lords a) the members of the British House of Lords considered as a group b) the House of Lords 3 Lord (only) knows spoken used when you do not know the answer to something  (Lord knows where I left that bag.) 4 (good) Lord!/Oh Lord! spoken used when you are suddenly surprised, annoyed or worried about something  (Good Lord! Is that the time?) 5 Lord willing spoken used to say that you hope nothing will prevent something from happening  (We'll finally be able to take that trip this year, Lord willing.) 6 the Lord's Day Sunday, considered as the holy day of the Christian religion 7 BrE the title of someone who has a particular type of official job  (Lord Mayor of London) lord ~1 n 1 a man who has a rank in the aristocracy, especially in Britain, or his title  (Lord Hailsham)  (- compare lady (7)) 2 a man in medieval Europe who was very powerful and owned a lot of land  (the feudal lords) 3 my lord used to address a judge or bishop (1) in Britain, and in the past to address a lord 4 your lord and master humorous someone who must be obeyed because they have power over you ~2 v lord it over sb to behave in a way that shows you think you are better or more powerful than someone else  (the outer office where Carol lorded it over her assistants) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Loyal Order of the Ruptured Duck ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hlaford "master of a household, ruler, superior," also "God" (though drihten was used more often), lit. "one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf" + weard "keeper, guardian, ward" (see lady). An O.E. word for servant was hlafжta, lit. "loaf-eater." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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