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Англо-русский политический словарь - justice


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1) справедливость

2) судья (особ. член Верховного суда)

3) правосудие, законность

to administer justice — вершить правосудие

to apply justice — утверждать справедливость

to block the course of justice — препятствовать отправлению правосудия

to bring smb to justice — отдавать кого-л. под суд / в руки правосудия; привлекать кого-л. к судебной ответственности

to carry out justice — отправлять правосудие

to challenge the justice of smth — ставить под сомнение справедливость чего-л.

to cry for justice — взывать к справедливости

to deliver smb up to justice — передавать кого-л. в руки правосудия

to demand justice — требовать / добиваться правосудия

to do oneself justice — показывать себя с лучшей стороны

to do justice on / upon smb — покарать кого-л.

to do justice to smb — отдавать должное кому-л.; оценивать должным образом кого-л.

to dodge the course of justice — уклоняться от отправления правосудия

to engage in obstruction of justice — препятствовать отправлению правосудия

to ensure justice — обеспечивать справедливость

to exercise justice — осуществлять / отправлять правосудие

to face justice — представать перед судом

to fight for justice — бороться за справедливость

to maintain justice — поддерживать справедливость

to observe justice — соблюдать справедливость

to obstruct justice — препятствовать отправлению правосудия

to pervert justice — мешать отправлению правосудия

to promote justice — содействовать достижению справедливости

to thwart justice — мешать отправлению правосудия

to treat smb with justice — относиться к кому-л. справедливо

Justice of the PeaceChief Justicecivil justicesocial justicethe Lord Chief Justiceadministration of justiceexecution of justicemiscarriage of justicetravesty of justice

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См. в других словарях

  of the Peace мировой судья JUSTICE noun  1) справедливость to do him justice he is very clever - надо отдать ему справедливость, он очень умный человек he did justice to your dinner - он отдал должное вашему обеду in justice to smb. - отдавая должное кому-л.  2) правосудие, юстиция to bring smb. to justice - отдать кого-л. под суд - administer justice  3) судья - Justice of the Peace - Lord Chief Justice of England to do justice to oneself - полностью выявить свои способности или умение; показать себя с лучшей стороны - poetical justice ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. справедливость to treat smb. with justice —- относиться к кому-л. справедливо (беспристрастно) to cry for justice —- взывать к справедливости to uphold the justice of a cause —- отстаивать правоту какого-л. дела 2. правосудие, юстиция Court of J. —- суд Department of J. —- министерство юстиции (в США) to administer justice —- отправлять правосудие to bring to justice —- привлечь к судебной ответственности, отдать под суд to deliver smb. up to justice —- передать кого-л. в руки правосудия to do justice on (upon) smb. —- покарать кого-л. (преим. смертной казнью) 3. расплата; вознаграждение по заслугам 4. обоснованность; законность (чего-л.) to complain with justice —- обоснованно жаловаться; изъявлять законное недовольство 5. судья J. of the Peace —- мировой судья Lord Chief J. —- лорд главный судья, председатель отделения королевской скамьи Высокого суда правосудия Lord J. General —- лорд верховный судья, председатель сессионного суда Шотландии Chief J. —- ам. председатель суда; председательствующий на судебном заседании (J.) —- судья (титулование) Mr. J. Brown —- господин судья Браун Id: poetical justice —- идеальная справедливость Id: to do justice to smb., to smth. —- оценить должным образом (по достоинству) кого-л., что-л.; отдать должное кому-л., чему-л. Id: to do her justice she is very able —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) справедливость; правосудие, юстиция military justice — военная юстиция 2) судья • associate justice — член суда justice of appeal — брит. судья апелляционного суда justice of assize — брит. выездной судья, судья выездной сессии суда присяжных, судья суда ассизов justice of nisi prius — судья первой инстанции justice of the case — судья, ведущий разбирательство по данному делу justice of the peace — мировой судья JUSTICE 1) справедливость 2) правосудие, юстиция 3) судья – arbitral justice – chief justice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. 1 just conduct. 2 fairness. 3 the exercise of authority in the maintenance of right. 4 judicial proceedings (was duly brought to justice; the Court of Justice). 5 a a magistrate. b a judge, esp. (in England) of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Phrases and idioms do justice to treat fairly or appropriately; show due appreciation of. do oneself justice perform in a manner worthy of one's abilities. in justice to out of fairness to. Justice of the Peace an unpaid lay magistrate appointed to preserve the peace in a county, town, etc., hear minor cases, grant licenses, etc. Mr (or Mrs) Justice Brit. a form of address or reference to a Supreme Court Judge. with justice reasonably. Derivatives justiceship n. (in sense 5). Etymology: ME f. OF f. L justitia (as JUST) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French justise, from Latin justitia, from justus  Date: 12th century  1.  a. the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments  b. judge  c. the administration of law; especially the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity  2.  a. the quality of being just, impartial, or fair  b.  (1) the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action  (2) conformity to this principle or ideal ; righteousness  c. the quality of conforming to law  3. conformity to truth, fact, or reason ; correctness JUSTICIABILITY  noun see justiciable ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (justices) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Justice is fairness in the way that people are treated. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness... There is no justice in this world! N-UNCOUNT 2. The justice of a cause, claim, or argument is its quality of being reasonable, fair, or right. We are a minority and must win people round to the justice of our cause. = legitimacy N-UNCOUNT 3. Justice is the legal system that a country uses in order to deal with people who break the law. Many in Toronto’s black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly... N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 4. A justice is a judge. (AM) Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court. N-COUNT 5. Justice is used before the names of judges. A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned. N-TITLE 6. see also miscarriage of justice 7. If a criminal is brought to justice, he or she is punished for a crime by being arrested and tried in a court of law. They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice... PHRASE: V inflects 8. To do justice to a person or thing means to reproduce them accurately and show how good they are. The photograph I had seen didn’t do her justice... PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you do justice to someone or something, you deal with them properly and completely. No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR to n 10. If you do yourself justice, you do something as well as you are capable of doing it. I don’t think he could do himself justice playing for England... PHRASE: V inflects 11. If you describe someone’s treatment or punishment as rough justice, you mean that it is not given according to the law. (BRIT) Trial by television makes for very rough justice indeed. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 fairness in the way people are treated  (Sometimes I wonder if there's any justice in this world.)  (- opposite injustice, - see also poetic justice) 2 the system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are punished  (This has restored my faith in British justice. | escape justice (=avoid being punished for a crime)) 3 bring sb to justice to catch someone who you think is guilty of a crime and arrange for them to go to court  (We will not rest until her killer is brought to justice.) 4 justice has been done/served used to say that someone has been treated fairly or has been given a punishment they deserve 5 do justice to sb/sth also do sb/sth justice to treat or represent someone or something in a way that is fair and shows their best qualities  (The photo doesn't do her justice - she was really beautiful. | It's impossible to do justice to Mahler's music without a full orchestra.) 6 do yourself justice to do something such as a test well enough to show your real ability  (Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.) 7 also Justice a) AmE a judge in a law court b) BrE the title of a judge in the High Court 8 the quality of being right and deserving fair treatment  (No one doubts the justice of our cause.)  (- see also rough justice rough1 (14)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Jesuit University Students Together In Concerned Empowerment ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: DO JUSTICE TO. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1140, from O.Fr. justise, from L. justitia "righteousness, equity," from justus "upright, just" (see just). of the many senses of the O.Fr. word ("uprightness, equity, vindication of right, court of justice, judge") the earliest adopted in Eng. was "the exercise of authority in vindication of right by assigning reward or punishment." Began to be used in M.E. as a title for a judicial officer. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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