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Англо-русский политический словарь - invite


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1) приглашать

2) просить (о чем-л.); побуждать (к чему-л.)

to invite questions — предложить задавать вопросы

to invite to a reception — приглашать на прием

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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  disaster накликать беду INVITE  1. v.  1) приглашать, просить (тж. invite in) Dont keep your aunt standing on the doorstep, invite her in!  2) привлекать, манить to invite attention - привлекать внимание  3) побуждать (к чему-л.) to invite questions (opinions) - просить задавать вопросы (высказать свое мнение)  4) навлекать на себя Syn: see request  2. noun coll. приглашение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. приглашение; зов 2. приглашать, звать, просить to invite a person to dinner —- пригласить кого-л. к обеду he didn't invite me —- он не предложил мне войти 3. склонять, располагать (к чему-л.); способствовать (чему-л.); побуждать (к чему-л.); стимулировать (что-л.); провоцировать (что-л.) the quiet invites sleep —- тишина располагает ко сну the letter invites some questions —- письмо вызывает ряд вопросов to invite danger —- создавать угрозу 4. просить, призывать, предлагать to invite questions —- просить задать вопросы to invite smb. to reconsider the decision —- призвать кого-л. пересмотреть решение to invite tenders (for smth.) —- эк. назначать торги (на что-л.); принимать к рассмотрению предложения; открывать подписку на акции или облигации the Conference invites all states to consider the adoption of appropriate measures —- конференция предлагает всем государствам рассмотреть вопрос о принятии соответствующих мер 5. привлекать; манить to invite attention to smth. —- привлечь внимание к чему-л. the swimming-pool invites us —- нас тянет в бассейн 6. редк. навлекать на себя ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) ask (a person) courteously to come, or to do something (were invited to lunch; invited them to reply). 2 tr. make a formal courteous request for (invited comments). 3 tr. tend to call forth unintentionally (something unwanted). 4 a tr. attract. b intr. be attractive. --n. colloq. an invitation. Derivatives invitee n. inviter n. Etymology: F inviter or L invitare ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  (~d; inviting)  Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French ~r, from Latin invitare  Date: 1533  1.  a. to offer an incentive or inducement to ; entice  b. to increase the likelihood of ~ trouble  2.  a. to request the presence or participation of ~d us to dinner  b. to request formally  c. to urge politely ; welcome ~ comments  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1659 invitation 1 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (invited) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you invite someone to something such as a party or a meal, you ask them to come to it. She invited him to her 26th birthday party in New Jersey... Barron invited her to accompany him to the races... I haven’t been invited. ...an invited audience of children from inner-city schools. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n to-inf, be V-ed, V-ed 2. If you are invited to do something, you are formally asked or given permission to do it. At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out... If a new leader emerged, it would then be for the Queen to invite him to form a government... The Department is inviting applications from groups within the Borough. VERB: be V-ed to-inf, V n to-inf, V n 3. If something you say or do invites trouble or criticism, it makes trouble or criticism more likely. Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN. VERB: V n 4. An invite is an invitation to something such as a party or a meal. (INFORMAL) They haven’t got an invite to the wedding. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to ask someone to come to a party, wedding, meal etc  (invite sb to sth)  (Who should we invite to the party? | invite sb to do sth)  (I'm thinking of inviting them to spend the summer with me in Italy. | invite sb for a drink/meal etc)  (Why don't you invite her for a drink at the club one evening? | be invited)  (I'm afraid I wasn't invited.) 2 formal to politely ask someone to do something  (invite sb to do sth)  (The interviewer invited Senator Axelmann to comment on recent events.) 3 to encourage something bad such as trouble or criticism to happen to you, especially without intending to  (Any government that sells arms to these dictators is inviting trouble.) invite sb along phr v to ask someone if they would like to come with you when you are going somewhere  (We were going to the beach and I decided to invite her along.) invite sb back phr v to ask someone to come to your home, hotel etc after you have been out somewhere together  (Richard often used to invite me back for coffee after the show.) invite sb in phr v to ask someone to come into your home  (Mr Vosset came to the door but didn't invite me in.) invite sb over phr v to ask someone to come to your home, usually for a drink or a meal  (Max has invited me over for dinner.) ~2 n informal an invitation to a party, meal etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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