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Англо-русский политический словарь - hide


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Перевод с английского языка hide на русский


hid; hidden, hid


1) скрывать, прятать, не проявлять

2) скрываться, прятаться

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) шкура, кожа  2) joc. кожа (человека) to save ones hide - спасать свою шкуру  2. v.  1) содрать шкуру  2) coll. выпороть, спустить шкуру II  1. noun  1) укрытие; тайник  2) скрытый запас  2. v. прятать(ся); скрывать(ся) to hide ones feelings - скрывать свои чувства to hide ones head - прятаться, не показываться (особ. от стыда); скрывать свое унижение III noun hist. надел земли для одной семьи (= 100 акрам) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. шкура; кожа raw hide —- кож. дело парная шкура to have a thick hide —- быть толстокожим 2. кожа (человека) Id: (in) hide and hair —- целиком, полностью; без остатка Id: neither hide nor hair —- ничего; ни разу; ни слуху, ни духу Id: to save one's hide —- спасать свою шкуру Id: to tan (to dress) smb.'s hide —- разукрасить (избить) кого-л. 3. сдирать шкуру; свежевать 4. разг. выпороть, спустить шкуру 5. (охотничья) засада; укрытие; скрадок 6. тайник 7. (также hide away, hide up) прятать to hide (away) a treasure —- прятать сокровище to hide smth. from sight —- убрать с глаз подальше hide yourself! —- прячься! she hid her face in her hands —- она закрыла лицо руками 8. прятаться; скрываться where is he hiding? —- где он прячется? you had better hide —- вам лучше спрятаться 9. скрывать; не проявлять, не показывать (чувства и т. п.) to hide (up) a scandal —- замять скандал to hide one's feelings —- скрывать свои чувства I have nothing to hide —- мне нечего скрывать what are you hiding from me? —- что вы от меня скрываете? 10. закрывать, загораживать, скрывать the sun was hidden by the clouds —- солнце было скрыто облаками the wall is hidden under the ivy —- стена скрыта плющом Id: to hide one's face —- отворачиваться; прятаться, укрываться; не показываться (особ. от стыда) Id: to hide one's head —- прятаться, укрываться; не показываться (особ. от стыда) Id: to hide one's light (one's...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) шкура; кожа 2) скрадок (охотника); укрытие – oesophageal-intestinal hide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) голье 2) запрятывать 3) заслонять 4) кожевенное сырье 5) прятаться 6) сдирать 7) скрадывать 8) скрываться 9) скрытый запас 10) укрытие 11) шкура - fresh hide - hide and seek - hide cure - hide glue - raw hide - ribbed hide - soak hide - split hide ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past hid; past part. hidden or archaic hid) 1 tr. put or keep out of sight (hid it under the cushion; hid her in the cupboard). 2 intr. conceal oneself. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by from) keep (a fact) secret (hid his real motive from her). 4 tr. conceal (a thing) from sight intentionally or not (trees hid the house). --n. Brit. a camouflaged shelter used for observing wildlife or hunting animals. Phrases and idioms hidden reserves extra profits, resources, etc. kept concealed in reserve. hide-and-seek 1 a children's game in which one or more players seek a child or children hiding. 2 a process of attempting to find an evasive person or thing. hide one's head keep out of sight, esp. from shame. hide one's light under a bushel conceal one's merits (Matthew 5:15). hide out (or up) remain in concealment. hide-out colloq. a hiding-place. hidey- (or hidy-) hole colloq. a hiding-place. Derivatives hider n. Etymology: OE hydan f. WG 2. n. & v. --n. 1 the skin of an animal, esp. when tanned or dressed. 2 colloq. the human skin (saved his own hide; I'll tan your hide). --v.tr. colloq. flog. Derivatives hided adj. (also in comb.). Etymology: OE hyd f. Gmc 3. n. a former measure of land large enough to support a family and its dependants, usu. between 60 and 120 acres. Etymology: OE hi(gi)d f. hiw-, hig- household ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English higid, hid  Date: before 12th century any of various old English units of land area; especially a unit of 120 acres  II. verb  (hid; hidden or hid; hiding)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, from Old English hy?dan; akin to Greek keuthein to conceal  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put out of sight ; secrete  b. to conceal for shelter or protection ; shield  2. to keep secret ~ the truth  3. to screen from or as if from view ; obscure  4. to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger  intransitive verb  1. to remain out of sight — often used with out  2. to seek protection or evade responsibility  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, conceal, screen, secrete, bury mean to withhold or withdraw from sight. ~ may or may not suggest intent ~ in the closet a house hidden in the woods. conceal usually does imply intent and often specifically implies a refusal to divulge concealed the weapon. screen implies an interposing of something that prevents discovery a house screened by trees. secrete suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others secreted the amulet inside his shirt. bury implies covering up so as to ~ completely buried the treasure.  III. noun  Date: 14th century chiefly British blind 2  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hy?d; akin to Old High German hut ~, Latin cutis skin, Greek kytos hollow vessel  Date: before 12th century  1. the skin of an animal whether raw or dressed — used especially of large heavy skins  2. the life or physical well-being of a person betrayed his friend to save his own ~  V. transitive verb  (~d; hiding)  Date: circa 1825 to give a beating to ; flog ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hides, hiding, hid, hidden) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you hide something or someone, you put them in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found. He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge... They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the coast was clear. = conceal VERB: V n, V n 2. If you hide or if you hide yourself, you go somewhere where you cannot easily be seen or found. At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid... They hid themselves behind a tree. VERB: V, V pron-refl 3. If you hide your face, you press your face against something or cover your face with something, so that people cannot see it. She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and she started to cry... VERB: V n 4. If you hide what you feel or know, you keep it a secret, so that no one knows about it. Lee tried to hide his excitement... VERB: V n 5. If something hides an object, it covers it and prevents it from being seen. The man’s heavy moustache hid his upper lip completely... VERB: V n 6. A hide is a place which is built to look like its surroundings. Hides are used by people who want to watch or photograph animals and birds without being seen by them. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use blind) N-COUNT 7. A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather. ...the process of tanning animal hides. = skin N-VAR 8. see also hidden, hiding ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense hidpast participle hidden 1 to deliberately put or keep something in a place where it cannot easily be seen or found  (My girlfriend keeps hiding my cigarettes. | hide sth from sb)  (The bushes hid Dave's bike completely from the passers-by. | keep sth hidden)  (Confidential documents are kept hidden in a secret vault. | hide sth in/under/behind etc)  (She hides his letters under her pillow.) 2 to go or stay in a place where you hope no one will find you  (Quick- she's coming - we'd better hide!) + under/behind/in etc  (Harry hid under the bed until they had gone.) hide from  (Kylie tried to hide from the stranger.) 3 to keep someone in a place where other people will not find them  (hide sb from)  (an attempt to hide her children from their violent father) 4 to not show your feelings to people  (Paul struggled to hide his disappointment at not getting the job.) 5 to deliberately not tell people facts or information  (He took off his ring to hide the fact that he was married. | hide sth from)  (Don't try to hide anything from me.) 6 have nothing to hide to be willing to tell people about everything you have done, because you have done nothing dishonest, illegal, or immoral  (The company claimed that the deal was legal and that they had nothing to hide.) 7 hide your light under a bushel to not tell anyone that you are very good at something ~2 n 1 BrE a place from which you can watch animals or birds without being seen by them; blind3 (3) AmE 2 an animal's skin, especially when it has been removed to be used for leather  (ox hide gloves) 3 have/tan sb's hide spoken humorous to punish someone severely 4 not see hide nor hair of spoken to have not seen someone at all recently  (I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for ages.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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