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Англо-русский политический словарь - hard


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Перевод с английского языка hard на русский



1) жесткий

2) твердый, устойчивый

hard linehard newshard prices

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См. в других словарях

  1) твёрдый; жёсткий2) прочный3) закалённый4) тяжёлый (о работе)5) затянутый до отказа6) густой (о масле)7) проникающий (об излучении)8) неизменяемый (напр. о системной программе)•file hard ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • жестокий• защищенный в противоядерном отношении• трудоемкий ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  right noun; collect. polit. крайне правые HARD pushed в трудном, тяжелом положении HARD prices устойчивые цены HARD pressed в трудном, тяжелом положении HARD porn noun откровенная порнография HARD palate твердое нёбо HARD of hearing тугой на ухо HARD money наличные (деньги); звонкая монета HARD luck noun неудача HARD shoulder noun обочина HARD left noun; collect. polit. крайне левые HARD labour каторжные работы HARD image контрастное изображение HARD to cure трудноизлечимый HARD food  а) зерновой корм  б) грубая, невкусная пища HARD hat noun защитный шлем, шлем-каска HARD drugs сильнодействующие наркотики HARD drinks крепкие спиртные напитки HARD disk noun comput. жесткий диск HARD discipline суровая дисциплина HARD currency устойчивая валюта HARD core noun основная, центральная часть; ядро HARD copy noun удобочитаемый, печатный или машинописный текст HARD collar крахмальный воротничок HARD cash наличные (деньги); звонкая монета HARD by близко, рядом to follow hard after/behind/upon следовать по пятам за HARD and fast негибкий, твердый, жесткий (о правилах); строго определенный; прочный HARD  1. adj.  1) твердый, жесткий hard apple - жесткое яблоко - hard collar - hard food  2) крепкий, сильный hard blow - сильный удар  3) трудный, тяжелый; требующий напряжения to learn smth. the hard way - напряженно учиться, вкладывать все...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. твердая мощеная или бетонированная дорожка 2. твердый грунт, по которому можно пройти через топкое болото 3. звонкая монета to pay in hard —- платить звонкой монетой 4. сл. каторга fifteen years' hard —- пятнадцать лет каторжных работ 5. разг. прессованный табак 6. сл. эрекция Id: when hard comes to hard —- когда будет совсем плохо, в худшем случае 7. твердый hard collar —- крахмальный воротничок hard palate —- анат. твердое небо to get (to grow) hard —- затвердевать; черстветь; грубеть 8. жесткий, неприятный на ощупь hard silk —- текст. необесклеенный крученый шелк 9. жесткий (о воде) 10. трудный, тяжелый; требующий напряжения hard work —- тяжелая (изнурительная) работа hard usage —- спец. тяжелые условия эксплуатации hard case —- трудное дело hard cases make bad law —- трудные дела - плохая основа для законодательства, запутанные дела не могут служить прецедентом a hard supposition —- маловероятное предположение it is hard to make up one's mind —- трудно решиться the hardest part of the job is done —- самая трудная часть работы позади I find it hard to believe that he could do that —- мне трудно поверить, что он мог так поступить 11. такой, с которым трудно (сделать что-л.); с трудом поддающийся hard case —- тяжелый случай; закоренелый преступник a disease hard to cure —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. прил. 1) твердый, крепкий 2) тяжелый, трудный 3) настойчивый, упорный • - be hard up - hard currency - hard selling Syn: stable 2. нареч. упорно, настойчиво ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) высокоэнергетический 2) каменный 3) контрастный 4) магнитно-жесткий 5) магнитно-твердый 6) компьют. ограничение жесткое 7) проникающий 8) сильный 9) строго определенный 10) твердо 11) твердый 12) трудновскрываемый 13) трудный 14) тугоплавкий 15) тяжелый hard block paraffin — твердый парафин hard magnetic material — магнитно-жесткий материал, физ. материал магнитнотвердый it is not hard to establish that — не представляет труда установить, что magnetically hard material — магнитно-твердое вещество - hard X-ray - hard alloy - hard bargain - hard bitumen - hard braking - hard cash - hard constraint - hard cover - hard facing - hard faience - hard fat - hard grade - hard hat - hard lead - hard magnetic - hard money - hard negative - hard patch - hard pitch - hard rock - hard roof - hard rubber - hard sports - hard spot - hard superconductor - hard tap-hole - hard top - hard turn - hard twist - very hard ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (of a substance, material, etc.) firm and solid; unyielding to pressure; not easily cut. 2 a difficult to understand or explain (a hard problem). b difficult to accomplish (a hard decision). c (foll. by to + infin.) not easy to (hard to believe; hard to please). 3 difficult to bear; entailing suffering (a hard life). 4 (of a person) unfeeling; severely critical. 5 (of a season or the weather) severe, harsh (a hard winter; a hard frost). 6 harsh or unpleasant to the senses (a hard voice; hard colours). 7 a strenuous, enthusiastic, intense (a hard worker; a hard fight). b severe, uncompromising (a hard blow; a hard bargain; hard words). c Polit. extreme; most radical (the hard right). 8 a (of liquor) strongly alcoholic. b (of drugs) potent and addictive. c (of radiation) highly penetrating. d (of pornography) highly suggestive and explicit. 9 (of water) containing mineral salts that make lathering difficult. 10 established; not disputable; reliable (hard facts; hard data). 11 Stock Exch. (of currency, prices, etc.) high; not likely to fall in value. 12 Phonet. (of a consonant) guttural (as c in cat, g in go). --adv. 1 strenuously, intensely, copiously; with one's full effort (try hard; look hard at; is raining hard; hard-working). 2 with difficulty or effort (hard-earned). 3 so as to be hard or firm (hard-baked; the jelly set hard). --n. Brit. 1 a sloping roadway across a foreshore. 2 sl. = hard labour (got two years hard). Phrases and idioms be hard on 1 be difficult for. 2 be severe in one's treatment or criticism of. 3 be unpleasant to (the senses). be hard put to it (usu. foll. by to + infin.) find it difficult. go hard with turn out to (a person's) disadvantage. hard and fast (of a rule or a distinction made) definite, unalterable, strict. hard at it colloq. busily working or occupied. hard-boiled 1 (of an egg) boiled until the white and the yolk are solid. 2 (of a person) tough, shrewd. hard by near; close by. a hard case 1 colloq. a an intractable person. b Austral. & NZ an amusing or eccentric...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English heard; akin to Old High German hart ~, Greek kratos strength  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. not easily penetrated ; not easily yielding to pressure  b. of cheese not capable of being spread ; very firm  2.  a. of liquor  (1) having a harsh or acid taste  (2) strongly alcoholic  b. characterized by the presence of salts (as of calcium or magnesium) that prevent lathering with soap ~ water  3.  a. of or relating to radiation of relatively high penetrating power ; having high energy ~ X rays  b. having or producing relatively great photographic contrast a ~ negative  4.  a. metallic as distinct from paper ~ money  b. of currency convertible into gold ; stable in value  c. usable as currency paid in ~ cash  d. of currency readily acceptable in international trade  e. being high and firm ~ prices  5.  a. firmly and closely twisted ~ yarns  b. having a smooth close napless finish a ~ worsted  6.  a. physically fit in good ~ condition  b. resistant to stress or disease  c. free of weakness or defects  7.  a.  (1) firm, definite reached a ~ agreement  (2) not speculative or conjectural ; factual ~ evidence  (3) important or informative rather than sensational or entertaining ~ news  b. close, searching gave a ~ look  c. free from sentimentality or illusion ; realistic good ~ sense  d. lacking in responsiveness ; obdurate, unfeeling a ~ heart  8.  a.  (1) difficult to bear or endure ~ luck ~ times  (2) oppressive, inequitable sales taxes are ~ on the poor a ~ restriction  b.  (1) lacking consideration, compassion, or gentleness ; callous a ~ greedy landlord  (2) incorrigible, tough a ~ gang  c.  (1) harsh, severe, or offensive in tendency or effect said some ~ things  (2) resentful ~ feelings  (3) strict, unrelenting drives a ~ bargain  d. inclement ~ winter  e.  (1) intense in force, manner, or degree ~ blows  (2) demanding the exertion of energy ; calling for stamina...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (harder, hardest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is hard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken. He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor... Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck. ? soft ADJ • hardness He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 2. Something that is hard is very difficult to do or deal with. It’s hard to tell what effect this latest move will have... Our traveller’s behaviour on the journey is hard to explain... That’s a very hard question. = difficult ? easy ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf, ADJ to-inf 3. If you work hard doing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort. I’ll work hard. I don’t want to let him down... Am I trying too hard? ADV: ADV after v • Hard is also an adjective. I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Hard work involves a lot of activity and effort. Coping with three babies is very hard work... Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring. ADJ 5. If you look, listen, or think hard, you do it carefully and with a great deal of attention. You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe... ADV: ADV after v • Hard is also an adjective. It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments. ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. If you strike or take hold of something hard, you strike or take hold of it with a lot of force. I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe. ADV: ADV after v • Hard is also an adjective. He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards into an armchair. ADJ: ADJ n 7. You can use hard to indicate that something happens intensely and for a long time. I’ve never seen Terry laugh so hard... It was snowing hard by then. ADV: ADV after v 8. If a person or their expression is hard, they show no kindness or sympathy....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj FIRM TO TOUCH 1 firm and stiff, and difficult to press down, break, or cut  (Diamond is the hardest substance known to man. | The plums are much too hard to be eaten now. | The chairs in the waiting room felt hard and uncomfortable.)  (- opposite soft (1)) DIFFICULT 2 difficult to do or understand  (This year's exam was much harder than last year's. | be hard for sb)  (It must be hard for her, bringing up three kids on her own. | be hard to come by (=be difficult to get or find))  (Good jobs are hard to come by these days. | the hardest thing is)  (The hardest thing is going to be telling her parents.)  (- opposite easy1 (1)) 3 hard to tell/say difficult to know  (It was hard to tell whether Katie really wanted to go.) 4 find sth hard to believe to think that something is probably not true  (I find it extremely hard to believe that he didn't know.) 5 hard to take difficult to accept or believe  (She found all this sudden concern for her welfare rather hard to take.) »INVOLVING WORK AND EFFORT« 6 »A LOT OF EFFORT« using or involving a lot of mental or physical effort  (It's been a long hard day. | hard work)  (It's not easy running a business - it takes a great deal of hard work.) 7 hard going a) difficult to do and needing a lot of effort b) boring  (I find most of Sartre pretty hard going.) 8 too much like hard work used to say that you do not want to do something because it will be too much effort 9 make hard work of to make something you are trying to do seem more difficult than it really is 10 hard-earned/hard-won achieved after a lot of effort 11 be hard at it informal to be very busy doing something  (Sarah was hard at it on her computer.) FULL OF PROBLEMS 12 a period of time that is hard is one when you do not have enough money and have a lot of problems  (times are hard)  (Times were hard and we were forced to sell our home.) 13 have a hard life to have many problems and not have much money or comfort  (Miners used to have a very hard life.) 14 it's hard on/for sb used to say that a situation causes a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Helmet Assisted Radar Detection NASDAQ abbr. Novex Systems International ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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