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Англо-русский политический словарь - generation


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Перевод с английского языка generation на русский



1) производство (электроэнергии)

2) поколение (людей, машин, механизмов и т.п.)

actual generationcoming generationfemale generationfuture generationlost generationmale generationmilitant generationnext generationnuclear steam generationolder generationpost-war generationpresent generationrising generationsubsequent generationyoung generation

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См. в других словарях

  1) образование, создание; генерация, генерирование2) формирование; порождение3) выработка, производство4) поколение (напр. ЭВМ)5) зубопрофилирование методом обката, зубонарезание методом обката6) обкат (ЗК)•generation of geometrygeneration of programAE generationcommand generationcontinuous generationcutterpath generationextra generationfillet generationfinite element mesh generationNC part-program generationnumerical control tool path generationon-line bar-code label generationpower generationprogram generationreport generationsignal generationtool path generationtooth generationtop generation ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) поколение a generation ago - в прошлом поколении; лет тридцать назад in our generation - в наше время, в нашу эпоху over the past generation - в течение жизни прошлого поколения  2) род, потомство  3) порождение; зарождение  4) tech. генерация, образование (пара) Syn: see period ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поколение the postwar generation —- послевоенное поколение first generation Americans —- американцы в первом поколении the lost generation —- потерянное поколение future generations, generations yet unborn —- грядущие поколения, потомки three generations were represented —- было представлено три поколения his descendants in the tenth generation —- его потомки в десятом поколении (колене) 2. биол. генерация; поколение 3. поколение, последовательно создаваемые модели second generation computers —- компьютеры второго поколения 4. поколение, период времени (около 30 лет) a generation ago —- в прошлом поколении; лет тридцать назад a generation ago nobody thought of television —- старшее поколение и не думало о телевидении 5. род, потомство he and his generation —- он и его потомство (род) 6. биол. размножение, воспроизводство generation of bacteria —- размножение бактерий 7. спец. генерирование (энергии); образование (пара); производство (тока); возбуждение (колебаний); порождение (формул, структур) 8. физ. ступень цепной реакции 9. физ. поколение (частиц) 10. редк. порождение, зарождение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) генерация, поколение 2) род; потомство 3) размножение – ancestral generation – antithetic generations – asexual generation – filial generations – first filial generation – hermaphroditic generation – parental generation – rising generation – sexual generation – spontaneous generation – succeeding generation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) поколение 2) стадия Syn: stage, phase, period GENERATOR CAPACITY мощность генератора; установленная мощность генератора ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выдача 2) генерация 3) генерирование 4) образование 5) поколение 6) получение electron-hole pair generation — генерация электронно-дырочных пар generation of random numbers — получение случайных чисел random number generation — генерирование случайных чисел - carrier generation - cluster generation - function generation - generation of equation - generation time - generation tree - harmonic generation - heat generation - hypothesis generation - inductive generation - plasma generation - projective generation - pulse generation - second generation - second-harmonic generation - sound generation - strategy generation - surface generation - threshold of generation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) генерация, выработка 2) формирование; создание 3) поколение 4) копия (фонограммы) – background generation – call voltage generation – carrier generation – computer generation – data generation – harmonic generation – image generation – noise generation – parametric generation – pattern generation – second generation – symbol generation – test-pattern generation – thermal generation – third generation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  образование, генерирование generation of traffic cold generation dust generation trip generation ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) порождение 2) производство, создание, образование; выработка; формирование 3) генерация 4) поколение (напр. ЭВМ) - generation of dislocation - generation of electrical energy - address generation - annual gross generation - artwork generation - automatic test generation - bubble generation - CAM-NC generation - carrier generation - code generation - coke-fines generation - coke-gas generation - computer generation - data generation - defect generation by moving dislocations generation - display generation - dust generation - E-beam pattern generation - eddy generation - electrochemical generation - electron-hole pair generation - energy generation - function generation - gross generation - harmonic generation - heat generation - hydropower generation - IC pattern generation - image generation - impurity generation - laser pattern generation - layout generation - load-area generation - magnetohydrodynamic power generation - mask generation - microwave generation - missile generation - molecular generation - net generation - neutron generation - noise generation - nonutility generation - nuclear electric power generation - on-site generation - parametric generation - pattern generation - peak-load generation - photovoltaic power generation - picture generation - power generation - pressure-pulse generation - pulse generation - pulse train generation - report generation - slope pit generation - solar electric generation - spontaneous generation - steam generation - stress wave generation - system generation - test-pattern generation - test generation - thermal carrier generation - tidal power generation - tool path generation - tsunami generation - utility generation - vapor generation - volumetric heat generation - wave generation ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 all the people born at a particular time, regarded collectively (my generation; the rising generation). 2 a single step in descent or pedigree (have known them for three generations). 3 a stage in (esp. technological) development (fourth-generation computers). 4 the average time in which children are ready to take the place of their parents (usu. reckoned at about 30 years). 5 production by natural or artificial process, esp. the production of electricity or heat. 6 a procreation; the propagation of species. b the act of begetting or being begotten. Phrases and idioms generation gap differences of outlook or opinion between those of different generations. Derivatives generational adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L generatio -onis (as GENERATE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor  b. a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously  c. a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period  d. a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type first of the…new ~ of powerful supersonic fighters — Kenneth Koyen  2.  a. the action or process of producing offspring ; procreation  b. the process of coming or bringing into being ~ of income  c. origination by a generating process ; production; especially formation of a geometric figure by motion of another  3. the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (generations) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age, especially when they are considered as having the same experiences or attitudes. ...the younger generation of Party members... David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation. N-COUNT: with supp 2. A generation is the period of time, usually considered to be about thirty years, that it takes for children to grow up and become adults and have children of their own. Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers. N-COUNT 3. You can use generation to refer to a stage of development in the design and manufacture of machines or equipment. ...a new generation of IBM/Apple computers. N-COUNT: N of n 4. Generation is used to indicate how long members of your family have had a particular nationality. For example, second generation means that you were born in the country you live in, but your parents were not. ...second generation Asians in Britain... ADJ: ord ADJ n 5. Generation is also the production of a form of energy or power from fuel or another source of power such as water. Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation. N-UNCOUNT: with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a) all people of about the same age  (My generation never knew an America before Vietnam.) also + plural verb BrE  (The younger generation don't know what hard work is.) b) all the members of a family of about the same age  (We're the fourth generation of Carters to live in this house. | a second-generation Canadian (=whose parents are Canadian but whose grandparents were not) | the generation gap (=the lack of understanding between generations caused by their different attitudes and experiences)) 2 the average period of time between the birth of a person and the birth of that person's children  (Within a generation Japan regained the status of a great power.) 3 all the members of a group of things which have been developed from a previous group  (the latest generation of anti-tank missiles) 4 the process of producing something or making something happen  (the generation of electricity) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., "offspring of the same parent," also "body of individuals born about the same period" (usually 30 years), from L. generationem (nom. generatio), from generare "bring forth" (see generate). Generator in the sense "machine that generates power" first recorded 1794; in sense of "machine that generates electric energy," 1879. Generation gap first recorded 1967; generation x is 1991, from Douglas Coupland book of that name. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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