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Англо-русский политический словарь - general


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No. 1 General

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  общего применения; универсальный (напр. об инструменте) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • общепринятый• широкий ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  election всеобщие (амер. дополнительные) выборы GENERAL government центральное правительство GENERAL strike всеобщая забастовка GENERAL workers неквалифицированные рабочие, разнорабочие GENERAL Headquarters штаб главнокомандующего, ставка; главное командование GENERAL hospital неспециализированная больница, больница общего типа GENERAL impression общее впечатление GENERAL labourer разнорабочий GENERAL layout генеральный план (строительства) GENERAL meeting общее собрание GENERAL pardon амнистия; GENERAL post-office почтамт GENERAL practice noun врачебная практика GENERAL practitioner врач общей практики (терапевт и хирург) GENERAL public широкая публика, общественность GENERAL servant прислуга за все GENERAL effect общее впечатление GENERAL staff общевойсковой штаб GENERAL I adj.  1) общий, общего характера, всеобщий; генеральный - general meeting - general impression - general public - general workers - general strike - general hospital - in general  2) повсеместный  3) обычный as a general rule - как правило in a general way - обычным путем  4) главный - general layout - General Headquarters - general staff general (post) delivery - первая утренняя разноска почты; amer. (почта) до востребования Syn: accepted, common, popular, public, universal Ant: queer, specific, uncommon, unparalleled, unusual II noun генерал; полководец ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. генерал general of the Army —- ам. генерал армии 2. ам. сл. начальство, "отец-командир" (о заведующем, директоре школы, главе семьи и т. п.) 3. (the general) общее the general and the particular —- общее и частное 4. общие замечания; общие положение; общая часть (публикации) 5. разг. прислуга "за все" 6. церк. глава ордена 7. уст. большинство 8. уст. (the general) народ 9. уст. толпа, чернь, простонародье Id: general's battle —- бой, исход которого решает умелое командование 10. общий, всеобщий general meeting —- общее собрание general strike —- всеобщая забастовка there was a general panic —- всех охватила паника there was a general exodus —- все сдвинулись с места (разъезд, эмиграция и т. п.) general education —- всеобщее образование (обучение) general knowledge —- то, что известно всем general average —- общая авария general library —- общая библиотека; университетская библиотека general debate —- общие прения (дебаты, -ая дискуссия) general ticket —- ам. общий список (избирательный бюллетень с кандидатами, представляющими штат или город в целом, а не их отдельные районы) general pardon —- всеобщая амнистия general favourite —- общий любимец; тот, кого все считают наиболее вероятной кандидатурой (на выборах, соревнованиях и т. п.) 11. широкий; повсеместный general opinion —- общее мнение general...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  генерал Воинское звание между генерал-лейтенантом Lieutenant General и генералом армии General of the Army в Сухопутных войсках, между генерал-лейтенантом и генералом авиации General of the Air Force в ВВС, высшее звание в морской пехоте; то же, что четырехзвездный Four-star General и полный генерал Full General ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) общий; всеобщий; полный 2) главный 3) обычный, распространенный GENERAL прил. 1) общий, общего характера 2) всеобщий 3) повсеместный 4) обычный • - Administrator of General Services - Comptroller General - General Assembly - General Counsel - General Provisions - director general - general account - general accountant - general accounting office - general act - general agent - general arrangement drawing - general authority - general classifier - general committee - general concept - general contract - general contractor - general controller - general decision problem - general economic management - general economic situation analysis - general formulation - general fund - general inventory plan - general layout - general manager - general meeting - general obligation - general overheads - general partner - general partnership - general plan - general policy - general power - general public - general representative - general requirements - general rule - general sequencing - general strike - general ticket - in general ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) всеобщий 2) генеральный 3) капитальный 4) общего вида 5) общеобменный 6) общий 7) полный 8) равномерный 9) суммарный essentially general position — существенно общее положение general generic point — общая точка general grand population — генеральная совокупность general classifier of goods — классификатор продукции общий general coverage photography — площадная аэрофотосъемка general independent input — входящий поток с ограниченным последействием general linear group — полная линейная группа general metric space — общеметрическое пространство general metrizable space — общеметризуемое пространство general modal logic — общая модальная логика general ramdom variable — произвольная случайная величина general rank correlation — общая ранговая корреляция general reciprocity law — общий закон взаимности general recursive class — общерекурсивный класс general recursive construction — общерекурсивное построение general recursive function — общекурсивная функция general recursive functional — общерекурсивный функционал general recursive interpretation — общерекурсивная интерпретация general recursive number — общерекурсивное число general recursive predicate — общерекурсивный предикат general recursive relation — общерекурсивное отношение general recursive set — общерекурсивное множество general recursively inequal numbers — общерекурсивно неравные числа general recursively...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a completely or almost universal. b including or affecting all or nearly all parts or cases of things. 2 prevalent, widespread, usual. 3 not partial, particular, local, or sectional. 4 not limited in application; relating to whole classes or all cases. 5 including points common to the individuals of a class and neglecting the differences (a general term). 6 not restricted or specialized (general knowledge). 7 a roughly corresponding or adequate. b sufficient for practical purposes. 8 not detailed (a general resemblance; a general idea). 9 vague, indefinite (spoke only in general terms). 10 chief or principal; having overall authority (general manager; Secretary-General). --n. 1 a an army officer ranking next below Field Marshal or above lieutenant-general. b US = lieutenant-general, major-general. 2 a commander of an army. 3 a tactician or strategist of specified merit (a great general). 4 the head of a religious order, e.g. of the Jesuits or Dominicans or the Salvation Army. 5 (prec. by the) archaic the public. Phrases and idioms as a general rule in most cases. General American a form of US speech not markedly dialectal or regional. General Certificate of Education 1 an examination set esp. for secondary-school pupils at advanced level in England and Wales. 2 the certificate gained by passing it. General Certificate of Secondary Education an examination replacing and combining the GCE ordinary level and CSE examinations. general delivery US the delivery of letters to callers at a post office. general election the election of representatives to a legislature (esp. in the UK to the House of Commons) from constituencies throughout the country. general headquarters the headquarters of a military commander. general meeting a meeting open to all the members of a society etc. general of the army (or air force) US the officer of the highest rank in the army or air force. general practice the work of a general practitioner. general practitioner a doctor working in the community and treating cases of all kinds in the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~is, from gener-, genus kind, class — more at kin  Date: 14th century  1. involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole  2. involving, relating to, or applicable to every member of a class, kind, or group the ~ equation of a straight line  3. not confined by specialization or careful limitation  4. belonging to the common nature of a group of like individuals ; generic  5.  a. applicable to or characteristic of the majority of individuals involved ; prevalent  b. concerned or dealing with universal rather than particular aspects  6. relating to, determined by, or concerned with main elements rather than limited details bearing a ~ resemblance to the original  7. holding superior rank or taking precedence over others similarly titled the ~ manager  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. something (as a concept, principle, or statement) that involves or is applicable to the whole  2. superior ~  3. archaic the ~ public ; people  4.  a. ~ officer  b. a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps who ranks above a lieutenant ~ and whose insignia is four stars — compare admiral ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (generals) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A general is a high-ranking officer in the armed forces, usually in the army. The General’s visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the deployment of extra troops. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 2. If you talk about the general situation somewhere or talk about something in general terms, you are describing the situation as a whole rather than considering its details or exceptions. The figures represent a general decline in employment. ...the general deterioration of English society. ADJ: ADJ n • If you describe something in general terms, you describe it without giving details. She recounted in very general terms some of the events of recent months. PHRASE 3. You use general to describe several items or activities when there are too many of them or when they are not important enough to mention separately. ?2,500 for software is soon swallowed up in general costs... His firm took over the planting and general maintenance of the park last March. ADJ: ADJ n 4. You use general to describe something that involves or affects most people, or most people in a particular group. The project should raise general awareness about bullying. ADJ: ADJ n 5. If you describe something as general, you mean that it is not restricted to any one thing or area. ...a general ache radiating from the back of the neck. ...a general sense of well-being. ...raising the level of general physical fitness. ADJ: ADJ n 6. General is used to describe a person’s job, usually as part of their title, to indicate that they have complete responsibility for the administration of an organization or business. (BUSINESS) He joined Sanders Roe, moving on later to become General Manager. ADJ: ADJ n 7. see also generally 8. You use in general to indicate that you are talking about something as a whole, rather than about part of it. I think we need to improve our educational system in general... She had a confused idea of life...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT DETAILED« describing only the main features of something, not the details  (a general introduction to computing | general idea)  (I've got a general idea of how I want the new room to look. | in general terms (=without considering specific details))  (The minister talked in general terms about the need for fairer taxation.) 2 in general a) usually or in most situations  (In general, about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions.) b) as a broad subject  (We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular.) 3 »AS A WHOLE« considered in terms of a whole situation, group, etc, not of the specific parts that it consists of; overall1  (There are a few intelligent ones, but the general standard isn't very high. | We were impressed by the quality of their work and the general air of professionalism. | a general anaesthetic (=for the whole body, not one part of it)) 4 »ORDINARY/NOT SPECIFIC« of an ordinary kind, not one particular kind  (I spend about 10 hours a week doing general cooking and cleaning. | How widespread is AIDS in the general population? | It's a good general fertilizer.) 5 »MOST PEOPLE« shared by or affecting most people, or most of the people in a group  (Keynes' view of economics gained general acceptance in the 1930's. | How soon can the drug be made available for general use?) 6 the general area/neighbourhood/location not the exact place or direction, but somewhere near  (Several bombs landed in the same general area.) 7 »JOB« used in the name of a job to show that the person who does this job has complete responsibility  (the general manager | the Attorney General) 8 as a general rule used to say what happens in most cases  (He doesn't give interviews as a general rule, but he's prepared to make an exception in this case.) 9 the general public ordinary people, who do not have important positions or belong to specific groups  (Health education is aimed at the general public as well as at high-risk groups. | The doors opened to the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: IN GENERAL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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