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Англо-русский политический словарь - extreme


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Перевод с английского языка extreme на русский

1. n

крайность, крайняя степень

to go to the extreme — идти на крайние меры

to rush to the other extreme — ударяться в другую крайность

the extremes of bullet and ballot-box

2. a

крайний; экстремистский

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  экстремистский ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
   1. noun  1) крайняя степень, крайность to run to an extreme - впадать в крайность to go to extremes - идти на крайние меры in the extreme - в высшей степени extremes meet - крайности сходятся  2) pl.; math. крайние члены (пропорции)  2. adj.  1) крайний extreme old age - глубокая старость extreme views - крайние, экстремистские взгляды extreme youth - ранняя молодость; the extreme penalty (of the law) leg. - высшая мера наказания extreme reform - радикальная реформа  2) чрезвычайный  3) последний in ones extreme moments - перед смертью Syn: see farthest ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. крайность; чрезмерность; крайняя степень in the extreme —- в высшей степени, чрезвычайно at the extreme of poverty —- в ужасающей (страшной) нищете to run to an extreme —- впадать в крайность to go to extremes —- удариться в крайности; прибегать к крайним мерам I find the task wearisome in the extreme —- я считаю эту работу в высшей степени скучной his enthusiasm was carried to the extreme —- его энтузиазм не знал предела 2. обыкн. pl. (крайняя) противоположность; крайности; диаметрально противоположные предметы или явления love and hate are extremes —- любовь и ненависть - противоположные чувства extremes meet —- крайности (противоположности) сходятся to go to the other extreme —- впадать в другую крайность 3. мат. экстремум, экстремальное, крайнее значение 4. мат. крайний член пропорции 5. лог. крайний термин (больший или меньший в отличие от среднего) 6. крайний, предельный; самый дальний the extreme edge (border) of a field —- самый (дальний) край поля extreme length —- наибольшая длина extreme range —- крайний предел, максимум; наибольшая дальность (полета) 7. воен. предел досягаемости extreme old age —- глубокая старость extreme youth —- ранняя молодость, юность the country's extreme north —- крайний север страны at the extreme end —- в самом конце 8. крайний, чрезвычайный; высший extreme...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) крайний 2) крайний член пропорции 3) сверхвысокий 4) чрезвычайность 5) чрезвычайный 6) чрезмерный 7) матем. экстремальный 8) экстремум absolutely extreme form — абсолютно экстремальная форма extreme point of a vector — конец вектора extreme value theory — теория экстремальных значений method of extreme values — метод крайних значений method of medians and extreme values — метод медиан и крайних значений ratio of extreme values — отношение экстремальных значений theory of extreme values — теория экстремальных значений - extreme accuracy - extreme case - extreme deviate - extreme deviation - extreme dimensions - extreme direction - extreme discrepancy - extreme distance - extreme draught - extreme eigenvalue - extreme event - extreme face - extreme form - extreme game - extreme half-space - extreme length - extreme mean - extreme observation - extreme point - extreme range - extreme ray - extreme set - extreme solution - extreme support - extreme term - extreme topology - extreme tournament - extreme ultraviolet - extreme value - extreme vertex - in extreme case ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) крайний член (пропорции) 2) экстремум, экстремальное значение 3) край, предел крайний, предельный - temperature extremes ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 reaching a high or the highest degree; exceedingly great or intense (extreme old age; in extreme danger). 2 a severe, stringent; lacking restraint or moderation (take extreme measures; an extreme reaction). b (of a person, opinion, etc.) going to great lengths; advocating immoderate measures. 3 outermost; furthest from the centre; situated at either end (the extreme edge). 4 Polit. on the far left or right of a party. 5 utmost; last. --n. 1 (often in pl.) one or other of two things as remote or as different as possible. 2 a thing at either end of anything. 3 the highest degree of anything. 4 Math. the first or the last term of a ratio or series. 5 Logic the subject or predicate in a proposition; the major or the minor term in a syllogism. Phrases and idioms extreme unction the last rites in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. go to extremes take an extreme course of action. go to the other extreme take a diametrically opposite course of action. in the extreme to an extreme degree. Derivatives extremely adv. extremeness n. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L extremus superl. of exterus outward ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin extremus, superlative of exter, exterus being on the outside — more at exterior  Date: 15th century  1.  a. existing in a very high degree ~ poverty  b. going to great or exaggerated lengths ; radical went on an ~ diet  c. exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected ~ weather conditions  2. archaic last  3. situated at the farthest possible point from a center the country's ~ north  4.  a. most advanced or thoroughgoing the ~ political left  b. maximum  5.  a. of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (as skiing) that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk ~ mountain biking down steep slopes  b. involved in an ~ sport an ~ snowboarder  Synonyms: see excessive  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1555  1.  a. something situated at or marking one end or the other of a range ~s of heat and cold  b. the first term or the last term of a mathematical proportion  c. the major term or minor term of a syllogism  2.  a. a very pronounced or excessive degree  b. highest degree ; maximum  3. an ~ measure or expedient going to ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (extremes) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Extreme means very great in degree or intensity. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution. ...people living in extreme poverty. ...the author’s extreme reluctance to generalise. = great ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. You use extreme to describe situations and behaviour which are much more severe or unusual than you would expect, especially when you disapprove of them because of this. The extreme case was Poland, where 29 parties won seats... It is hard to imagine Lineker capable of anything so extreme... ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 3. You use extreme to describe opinions, beliefs, or political movements which you disapprove of because they are very different from those that most people would accept as reasonable or normal. This extreme view hasn’t captured popular opinion. ...the racist politics of the extreme right. ? moderate ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]disapproval 4. You can use extremes to refer to situations or types of behaviour that have opposite qualities to each other, especially when each situation or type of behaviour has such a quality to the greatest degree possible. ...a ‘middle way’ between the extremes of success and failure... They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking. N-COUNT: usu pl, oft N of n 5. The extreme end or edge of something is its furthest end or edge. ...the room at the extreme end of the corridor. ...winds from the extreme north. = far ADJ: ADJ n 6. If a person goes to extremes or takes something to extremes, they do or say something in a way that people consider to be unacceptable, unreasonable, or foolish. The police went to the extremes of installing the most advanced safety devices in the man’s house... The doctor told me not to mention dieting to her in case she took it to the extreme... PHRASE: V and N inflect 7. You use in the extreme after an adjective in order to emphasize...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun very great in degree  (Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.) 2 extreme south/point/end/limit etc the extreme south etc is the place furthest towards the south etc 3 extreme opinions, beliefs, or organizations, especially political ones, are considered by most people to be unacceptable and unreasonable  (extreme right-wing nationalists) 4 very unusual and severe  (Her ideas about raising kids have always been a little extreme. | extreme example/case)  (Social workers were horrified by this extreme case of cruelty.) ~2 n 1 something that goes beyond normal limits, so that it seems very unusual and unacceptable  (We had every extreme of weather that weekend - gales, snow, and sunshine. | be driven to extremes)  (Driven to extremes by the rioting, the government imposed a six pm curfew. | go to extremes/take sth to extremes (=behave in a way that goes beyond normal limits, especially in order to achieve something) | go to the opposite extreme/go from one extreme to the other (=change from being extreme in one way to being extreme in a completely different way)) 2 in the extreme to a very great degree  (My great-aunt had been generous in the extreme over the years.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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