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Англо-русский политический словарь - expenditure


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Перевод с английского языка expenditure на русский



1) расход; расходование; трата; потребление; статья расхода

2) pl расходы; затраты

to cut (back) expenditures — сокращать расходы

to force through military expenditure — протаскивать военные расходы (через бюджет)

to increase expenditures — увеличивать расходы

to incur expenditures — нести расходы

to reduce expenditures on agriculture — уменьшать расходы на сельское хозяйство

to slash expenditures — резко сокращать расходы

to step up expenditures — увеличивать расходы

expenditures abroadexpenditures at homeexpenditures above the lineexpenditures below the lineexpenditures for national securityexpenditures for pollution abatementexpenditures for welfare and social benefitsexpenditures on armamentsexpenditures on military R and Dexpenditures on military research and developmentexpenditures on public accountaccrued expendituresagricultural expendituresarmaments expendituresarms expendituresbusiness expenditurescapital expenditurescapital equipment expenditurescash expenditurescivilian expenditurescurrent expendituresdefense expendituresdirect expenditureseducation expendituresenvironmental expendituresescalating military expenditureestimated expendituresexport expendituresextra expendituresextra-budgetary expendituresextraordinary expendituresfederal expendituresglobal expenditures on armsglobal military expendituresgovernment expendituresgovernment expenditures abroadgovernment overseas expenditureshealth expenditureshousing expendituresimport expendituresinterest expenditureinvestment expendituresloan expendituresmarginal expendituresmilitary expendituresmilitary and related security expendituresnon-defense expendituresoperating expendituresoverseas military expenditurepersonal consumption expendituresplant and equipment expenditureproductive expenditurespublic expendituresrecurrent expenditurereduction in expenditureresearch-and-development expendituressocially necessary expenditurespace expendituressupply expenditurestotal expendituresunproductive expenditureswar expenditureswelfare expendituresclassification of expendituresrising scale of expenditures

volume of expenditures

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  в соч.capital expenditure ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  статья расхода ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  noun  1) трата, расход  2) потребление ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. расходование, расход (средств, материалов, сил); трата, потребление his household and personal expenditures —- его хозяйственные и личные расходы at a minimum expenditure of effort —- при минимальной трате сил to meet expenditures —- обеспечивать пополнение расхода to save expenditure —- давать экономию в расходе 2. статья расхода (также item of expenditure) a car can be a considerable expenditure —- содержание автомобиля может обойтись дорого (потребовать довольно больших расходов) 3. расход(ы) receipts and expenditures —- доходы и расходы expenditure account —- учет расходов expenditure record —- учет расхода on the expenditure side —- фин. по расходам (о бюджете) expenditure on armaments —- расходы на вооружение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  расход, потребление – energy expenditure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. трата, расходование, затрачивание (процесс использования ресурсов (напр., времени, денег, усилий и т. п.)) the huge expenditure of time and human resources on this project — огромная трата времени и усилий на данный проект Syn: expense 2) учет, преим. мн. затраты, издержки, расходы (денежные) to curb curtail, cut down (on), reduce expenditures — сокращать затраты to meet expenditures — обеспечивать пополнение расхода to save expenditure — давать экономию в расходе increase in expenditure — рост затрат income exceeding expenditure — доход, превышающий объем затрат expenditure chargeable to the Capital Account — расходы, отражаемые на счете капитала expenditure chargeable to project research — затраты, относящиеся к проекту к исследованию Syn: outlay, cost, expense, charge, expense EXPENDITURE сущ. затрата, трата, расход(ы) - additional expenditure - advertising expenditure - aggregate expenditures - annual expenditure - arms expenditure - budget of expenditure - capital goods expenditures - consumers expenditure - defence expenditure - estimate of expenditure - estimated expenditure - excess expenditure - exhaustive expenditures - expenditure account - expenditure adjusting policy - expenditure pattern - expenditure tax - final expenditures - fixed capital expenditure - government expenditure - gross expenditure - inter-industry expenditure - invisible items of expenditure - material expenditures - meet expenditures - military expenditure - nonrecurrent expenditure - operational expenditure - overseas expenditure - personal consumption expenditures - pretrading capital expenditures - production expenditures - public expenditure - receipts and...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) затраты, расходы, издержки 2) расходование, потребление - capital expenditure - direct labor expenditure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (за)траты transportation time expenditure ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. 1 the process or an instance of spending or using up. 2 a thing (esp. a sum of money) expended. Etymology: EXPEND, after obs. expenditor officer in charge of expenditure, f. med.L f. expenditus irreg. past part. of L expendere ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: irregular from expend  Date: 1769  1. the act or process of expending an ~ of energy  2. something expended ; disbursement, expense income should exceed ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (expenditures) 1. Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something. (FORMAL) Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure... They should cut their expenditure on defence... N-VAR 2. Expenditure of something such as time or energy is the using of that thing for a particular purpose. (FORMAL) The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort. N-UNCOUNT: N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time  (welfare expenditures) + on  (The total expenditure on defence has dropped since 1989.) public expenditure (=the amount of money a government spends on services for the public)  (- compare income) 2 the act of spending or using time, money, energy etc  (The work should be produced with minimum expenditure of time and money.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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