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Англо-русский политический словарь - dirt


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n правит. жарг. полит. жарг.

"грязь" ("неудобная" информация: компрометирующая или секретная)

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  wagon amer. фургон для вывозки мусора DIRT noun  1) грязь, сор; нечистоты  2) земля; почва; грунт  3) непорядочность; гадость to do smb. dirt - сделать кому-л. гадость  4) непристойные речи, брань, оскорбление to fling/throw/cast dirt at smb. - осыпать бранью, порочить кого-л. to fling dirt about - злословить  5) geol. наносы; пустая порода; включения; золотосодержащий песок  6) attr. земляной; грунтовой - dirt floor - dirt road  7) attr. мусорный - dirt wagon as cheap as dirt - дешевле пареной репы dirt farmer amer. - фермер, лично обрабатывающий землю yellow dirt coll. - золото to treat smb. like dirt - плохо обращаться с кем-л., пренебрегать кем-л. DIRT cheap очень дешевый DIRT floor земляной пол DIRT road грунтовая дорога DIRT track noun трек с гаревым покрытием для мотогонок ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. грязь to wade through dirt —- брести по грязи, месить грязь covered with dirt —- покрытый грязью hands engrained with dirt —- руки, в которые въелась грязь 2. земля, грунт dirt floor —- земляной пол 3. геол. наносы 4. горн. пустая порода 5. горн. руда, требующая обогащения 6. горн. золотосодержащий песок 7. нечистоты 8. пакость, мерзость, подлость, гадость to do smb. dirt —- сделать кому-л. подлость (пакость) to do dirt on smb. —- нагадить (напакостить) кому-л., сделать кому-л. подлость (пакость); подложить свинью кому-л. to spill (dish out) dirt —- рассказывать гадости (о ком-л.), сплетничать 9. безнравственность, непристойность to talk dirt —- говорить сальности to flood the book market with dirt —- наводнить книжный рынок бульварной или порнографической литературой Id: yellow dirt —- золото; звонкая монета; инородные тела, грязь, примеси (в растворе, установке и т. п.) Id: to cut dirt —- ам. разг. смыться Id: you cut dirt! —- а ну, проваливай! Id: to throw (to cast, to fling) dirt at smb. —- смешать с грязью кого-л.; втоптать в грязь кого-л. Id: to treat smb. like dirt —- не считаться с кем-л.; ни во что не ставить кого-л.; обращаться с кем-л. по-свински Id: to eat dirt —- ам. проглотить обиду, покориться, смириться Id: as cheap as dirt —- дешевле пареной репы; самый обычный, заурядный ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) грязь 2) сорность 3) сорный - dirt road - dirt roller - ingress of dirt - paper dirt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  грязь; загрязнение; примеси земля; грунт to accrue dirt ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) грязь; загрязнение; шлам загрязнять 2) примеси 3) пустая порода; породный прослоек 4) земля; грунт 5) отходы, мусор - gumming dirt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 unclean matter that soils. 2 a earth, soil. b earth, cinders, etc., used to make a surface for a road etc. (usu. attrib. : dirt track; dirt road). 3 foul or malicious words or talk. 4 excrement. 5 a dirty condition. 6 a person or thing considered worthless. Phrases and idioms dirt bike a motor cycle designed for use on unmade roads and tracks, esp. in scrambling. dirt cheap colloq. extremely cheap. dirt-track a course made of rolled cinders, soil, etc., for motor-cycle racing or flat racing. do a person dirt sl. harm or injure a person's reputation maliciously. eat dirt 1 suffer insults etc. without retaliating. 2 US make a humiliating confession. treat like dirt treat (a person) contemptuously; abuse. Etymology: ME f. ON drit excrement ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English drit, from Old Norse; akin to Old English dritan to defecate  Date: 13th century  1.  a. excrement  b. a filthy or soiling substance (as mud, dust, or grime)  c. archaic something worthless  d. a contemptible person treated me like ~  2. loose or packed soil or sand ; earth a mound of ~ a ~ road  3.  a. an abject or filthy state ; squalor living in ~  b. corruption, chicanery vowed to clean up the ~ in the city government  c. licentiousness of language or theme  d. scandalous or malicious gossip spreading ~ about his ex-wife  e. embarrassing or incriminating information trying to dig up ~ on her political rivals ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If there is dirt on something, there is dust, mud, or a stain on it. I started to scrub off the dirt. N-UNCOUNT 2. You can refer to the earth on the ground as dirt, especially when it is dusty. They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree. = earth N-UNCOUNT 3. A dirt road or track is made from hard earth. A dirt floor is made from earth without any cement, stone, or wood laid on it. I drove along the dirt road... ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you say that you have the dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career. (INFORMAL) Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her... N-SING: oft the N, N on n 5. If someone dishes the dirt on you, they say bad things about you, without worrying if they are true or not, or if they will damage your reputation. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL) He dishes the dirt on his buddies. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR on n c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If you say that someone treats you like dirt, you are angry with them because you think that they treat you unfairly and with no respect. People think they can treat me like dirt! PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 any substance that makes things dirty, such as mud or dust  (You should have seen the dirt on that car! | dog dirt especially AmE (=waste from a dog's bowels (1))) 2 loose earth or soil  (Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.) 3 informal information about someone's private life or activities which could give people a bad opinion of them if it became known  (Apparently, confidential files were combed for dirt on the candidates.) 4 talk, writing, films etc that are considered unpleasant or immoral because they are about sex  (- see also dish the dirt dish2 (1), hit the dirt hit1 (21), treat sb like dirt treat1 (1)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Diversified Interagency Recreation Team transport. abbr. Diesel Is the Right Thing am. radio. abbr. Daily Independent Reading Time adult abbr. Dirty Ingnorent Rednek Truckers adult abbr. Dirty Ingnorent Rednek Trucker religion abbr. Death Is Really True religion abbr. Disciples In Real Time account. abbr. Deposit Interest Retention Tax ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 15c. metathesis of M.E. drit, drytt "mud, dirt, dung," from O.N. drit, cognate with O.E. dritan, from P.Gmc. *dritanan. Meaning "gossip" first recorded 1920s; dirt bike is 1960s. Dirty in the sense of "morally unclean" is attested from 1599. Dirty linen "personal or familial secrets" is first recorded 1860s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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