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Англо-русский политический словарь - degree


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Перевод с английского языка degree на русский



ученая степень; звание

to award smb an honorary degree — присваивать кому-л. почетное звание

to confer a degree on smb — присваивать кому-л. ученую степень

academic degreehonorary degree

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См. в других словарях

  1) степень2) градус3) порядок (уравнения)•degree of accuracydegree of approximationdegree of biasdegree of convergencedegree of correctiondegree of coveringdegree of covering during laser hardeningdegree of dampingdegree of decaydegree of facetingdegree of fillingdegree of filtrationdegree of finishdegree of freedomdegree of irregularitydegree of motiondegree of movementdegree of product availabilitydegree of reliabilitydegree of skilldegree of taperdegree of uniformityaccuracy degreeattenuation degreedesired degree of finishmobility degreepartial degree of freedomprecision degrees of freedomrotational degree of freedomsliding degree of freedomtranslational degree of freedom ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) степень; ступень not in the least/slightest degree - ничуть, нисколько; ни в какой степени to what degree? - в какой степени?, до какой степени? a degree better (warmer, etc.) - чуть лучше (теплее и т.п.) - by degrees - in some degree - in a varying degree - to a degree - to a certain degree - to the last degree - to a lesser degree  2) уровень  3) степень родства, колено - prohibited degrees  4) положение, ранг  5) звание, ученая степень to take ones degree - получить степень - honorary degree  6) градус we had ten degrees of frost last night - вчера вечером было десять градусов мороза an angle of ninety degrees - угол в 90"  7) качество, достоинство, сорт  8) gram. степень; - degrees of comparison  9) math. степень - third degree ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ступень, степень degree of skill —- уровень (степень) мастерства the highest degree of goodness —- сама доброта degree of safety —- тех. запас прочности degree of accuracy —- степень точности degree of confidence —- степень доверия degree of freedom —- мат. степень свободы by degrees —- постепенно, понемногу; мало-помалу; ступенчато to a certain degree, in some degree —- до известной степени; отчасти; в некотором отношении in a greater or lesser degree —- в большей или меньшей степени to a degree —- разг. значительно, в большой мере; очень to a considerable degree —- в значительной степени to (in) the last degree —- до последней степени, до крайности to what degree? —- до какой степени?, до каких пределов? not in the least (slightest) degree —- ни в какой (ни в малейшей) степени; ничуть, нисколько to differ in degree —- различаться в степени (но не по существу) it's a question of degree —- это зависит от точки зрения 2. степень родства, колено (также degree of relationship) degree of consanguinity —- степень кровного родства prohibited (forbidden) degrees —- юр. степени родства, при которых запрещается брак in the fourth degree —- в четвертом колене 3. положение, ранг; звание of low degree —- низкого звания a lady of high degree —- знатная дама people of every degree —- очень разные по (своему) положению люди people of unequal degrees —- люди разного круга each good in its degree...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) степень 2) градус 3) качество 4) степень родства – degree of accuracy – degree of approximation – degree of closeness – degree of density – degree of freedom – degree of manifestation – degree of specificity – degree of stocking – degree of swelling – degree of tapering – degree of winter character – Baume degree – Celsius degree – cover degree – Fahrenheit degree – Reaumur degree ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  степень; ступень – to a large degree – degree of novelty – degree of protection – degree of similarity – degree of utility DEGREE сущ. 1) степень, ступень, градус 2) качество, сорт 3) звание • - by degrees - degree of accuracy - degree of centralization - degree of crime - degree of crowding - degree of damage - degree of delegation - degree of efficiency - degree of fabrication - degree of freedom - degree of inspection - degree of integration - degree of management control - degree of mechanization - degree of risk - degree of security - degree of unionisation - degrees of latitude - degrees of longitude - honorary degree - in some degree - take one's degree - the degree of bachelor - the degree of doctor - the degree of master - to a certain degree - to a considerable degree Syn: order, grade, power, rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) градус 2) матем. степень; порядок 3) сорт, качество 4) диплом 5) степень, уровень; ступень 6) присваивать учёную степень degrees to port — мор. градусы левого борта degrees to starboard — мор. градусы правого борта of equal degree — равностепенный of the same degree — той же степени to some degree — до некоторой степени; в известной мере - Baume degree - Fahrenheit degree - absolute degree - abstraction degree - algebraic degree - analytic degree - angular degree - approximation degree - arithmetically equivalent degree - bounded degree - branching degree - coincidence degree - complementary degree - complex degree - contravariant degree - covariant degree - cycle degree - degree of abstraction - degree of approximation - degree of arc - degree of association - degree of belief - degree of certainty - degree of circle - degree of commutativity - degree of completeness - degree of complexity - degree of confidence - degree of confirmation - degree of congruence - degree of conjugacy - degree of connectivity - degree of convergence - degree of correlation - degree of covering - degree of cut - degree of decidability - degree of definability - degree of definiteness - degree of dependence - degree of determinant - degree of determinateness - degree of differential equation - degree of disassociation - degree of dispersion - degree of dissociation - degree of divisor - degree of double coset - degree of draught - degree of efficiency - degree of enumerability - degree of excess - degree of extension - degree of factor - degree of factorial similarity - degree of field - degree of forbidenness - degree of formality - degree of frost - degree of generality - degree of graph - degree of group - degree of hardness - degree of homogeneity - degree of homoscedasticity - degree of indefiniteness - degree of independence - degree of inertia - degree of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) градус 2) степень 3) порядок – degree of protection – degree of isochronous distortion – degree of safety – degree of start-stop distortion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  градус степень; ступень degree of accuracy degree of approximation degree of a system degree of brick burning degree of compaction degree of consolidation degree of curvature degree of damping degree of direction fixity degree of fineness degree of fire resistance degree of fixity degree of freedom degree of incombustibility degree of purity degree of redundancy degree of reproducibility degree of sensitivity degree of shrinkage degree of stability degree of subsidance of permafrost degree of tilt degree of wear high degree of hazard to life high degree of sensitivity high degree of technical sophistication nodal degrees of freedom petrification degree saturation degree ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) степень 2) градус 3) матем. порядок - degree of accuracy - degree of asymmetry - degree of automation - degree of compaction - degree of conformity - degree of cure - degree of curve - degree of degeneracy - degree of density - degree of drainage - degree of equation - degree of fineness - degree of fixation - degree of freedom - degree of integration - degree of latitude - degree of longitude - degree of oil saturation - degree of packing - degree of polymerization - degree of polynomial - degree of reduction - degree of redundancy - degree of saturation - degree of shrinkage - degree of sizing - degree of stability - degree of wear - centigrade degree - Clark degree - color degree - conversion degree - electrical degree - Engler degree - English degree - filtering degree - Kelvin degree - magnification degree - modulation degree - node degree - purity degree - rotational degree of freedom - sugar degree - surplus degree of freedom - translational degree of freedom - vertex degree ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a stage in an ascending or descending scale, series, or process. 2 a stage in intensity or amount (to a high degree; in some degree). 3 relative condition (each is good in its degree). 4 Math. a unit of measurement of angles, one-ninetieth of a right angle or the angle subtended by one-three-hundred-and-sixtieth of the circumference of a circle. Usage Symb.: ° (as in 45°). 5 Physics a unit in a scale of temperature, hardness, etc. Usage Abbr.: deg. (or omitted in the Kelvin scale of temperature). 6 Med. an extent of burns on a scale characterized by the destruction of the skin. 7 an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course, or conferred as an honour on a distinguished person. 8 a grade of crime or criminality (murder in the first degree). 9 a step in direct genealogical descent. 10 social or official rank. 11 Math. the highest power of unknowns or variables in an equation etc. (equation of the third degree). 12 a masonic rank. 13 a thing placed like a step in a series; a tier or row. 14 Mus. the classification of a note by its position in the scale. Phrases and idioms by degrees a little at a time; gradually. degree of freedom 1 Physics the independent direction in which motion can occur. 2 Chem. the number of independent factors required to specify a system at equilibrium. 3 Statistics the number of independent values or quantities which can be assigned to a statistical distribution. degrees of comparison see COMPARISON. forbidden (or prohibited) degrees a number of degrees of descent too few to allow of marriage between two related persons. to a degree colloq. considerably. Derivatives degreeless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF degr{eacute} f. Rmc (as DE-, L gradus step) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French degre, from Vulgar Latin *degradus, from Latin de- + gradus  Date: 13th century  1. a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification advanced by ~s  2.  a. a rank or grade of official, ecclesiastical, or social position people of low ~  b. archaic a particular standing especially as to dignity or worth  c. the civil condition or status of a person  3. a step in a direct line of descent or in the line of ascent to a common ancestor  4.  a. obsolete step, stair  b. archaic a member of a series arranged in steps  5. a measure of damage to tissue caused by injury or disease — compare first-~ burn, second-~ burn, third-~ burn  6.  a. the extent, measure, or scope of an action, condition, or relation different in ~ but not in kind  b. relative intensity a high ~ of stress  c. one of the forms or sets of forms used in the comparison of an adjective or adverb  d. a legal measure of guilt or negligence found guilty of robbery in the first ~  7.  a. a title conferred on students by a college, university, or professional school on completion of a program of study  b. a grade of membership attained in a ritualistic order or society  c. an academic title conferred to honor distinguished achievement or service  d. the formal ceremonies observed in the conferral of such a distinction  8. a unit of measure for angles equal to an angle with its vertex at the center of a circle and its sides cutting off 1/360 of the circumference; also a unit of measure for arcs of a circle equal to the amount of arc that subtends a central angle of one ~  9. archaic a position or space on the earth or in the heavens as measured by ~s of latitude  10.  a. a step, note, or tone of a musical scale  b. a line or space of the musical staff  11. one of the divisions or intervals marked on a scale of a measuring instrument; specifically any of various units for measuring temperature  12.  a. the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term of...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (degrees) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use degree to indicate the extent to which something happens or is the case, or the amount which something is felt. These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection... Politicians have used television with varying degrees of success. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n • If something has a degree of a particular quality, it has a small but significant amount of that quality. Their wages do, however, allow them a degree of independence... PHRASE: PHR n 2. A degree is a unit of measurement that is used to measure temperatures. It is often written as °, for example 23°. It’s over 80 degrees outside... N-COUNT: usu num N 3. A degree is a unit of measurement that is used to measure angles, and also longitude and latitude. It is often written as °, for example 23°. It was pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees. N-COUNT: usu num N 4. A degree at a university or college is a course of study that you take there, or the qualification that you get when you have passed the course. He took a master’s degree in economics at Yale. ...the first year of a degree course. N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. see also first-degree, second-degree, third-degree 6. If something happens by degrees, it happens slowly and gradually. The crowd in Robinson’s Coffee-House was thinning, but only by degrees. = gradually PHRASE 7. You use expressions such as to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true. These statements are, to some degree, all correct. PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]vagueness 8. You use expressions such as to what degree and to the degree that when you are discussing how true a statement is, or in what ways it is true. To what degree would you say you had control over things that went on?... = to what extent, to the extent that PHRASE c darkgreen]vagueness ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ANGLES/TEMPERATURE« a unit of measurement, especially for temperature or angles 2 »AMOUNT« the amount of a quality that exists or how much something happens + of  (People will choose the party that offers some degree of social change. | There are different views about the degree to which unemployment is society's fault.) 3 to a degree also to some degree/to a certain degree partly  (I think that's true to a degree, but the situation isn't quite as simple as that.) 4 »UNIVERSITY« a) a course of study at a university or college  (a law degree | a degree course) + in  (a degree in Economics) take/do a degree  (Isabelle's doing her degree at the Sorbonne.) b) a qualification (1) given to someone who has successfully completed this course of study  (have/hold a degree)  (Lori has a degree in Chemistry from Harvard.) 5 by degrees very slowly; gradually  (By degrees, the music drove all thoughts from his head.) 6 »POSITION IN SOCIETY« old use your position in society ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1200, from O.Fr. degre "a degree, step, rank," from V.L. *degradus "a step," from L.L. degredare, from L. de- "down" + gradus "step." Most modern senses date from M.E., from notion of a hierarchy of steps. Meaning "a grade of crime" is 1676; that of "a unit of temperature" is from 1727. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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