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Англо-русский политический словарь - continuous


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Перевод с английского языка continuous на русский



непрерывный, непрекращающийся; длительный

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См. в других словарях

  1) непрерывный2) длительный3) поточный ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. adj.  1) непрерывный; постоянного действия; длительный - continuous flight  2) сплошной - continuous stretch of water  3) electr. постоянный (о токе) - continuous waves  4) gram. длительный - continuous form Syn: see persistent  2. noun = continuous form [см. continuous  1.  4) ] CONTINUOUS flight aeron. беспосадочный перелет CONTINUOUS form длительная форма глагола CONTINUOUS waves radio незатухающие колебания CONTINUOUS stretch of water сплошное водное пространство ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. непрерывный, непрекращающийся, длительный continuous laughter —- непрерывный смех continuous show —- показ кинофильма без перерыва между сеансами continuous line of cars —- нескончаемая вереница автомобилей continuous cropping —- с-х. бессменная культура; монокультура continuous function —- мат. непрерывная функция continuous working —- тех. поточное производство continuous running —- тех. режим длительной нагрузки; тех. длительный пробег continuous fire —- воен. методический огонь continuous service —- воен. сверхсрочная служба 2. тех. непрерывного действия continuous performance theatre —- кинотеатр, работающий без перерывов между сеансами continuous film printer —- кинокопировальный аппарат с непрерывным движением пленки continuous information —- регулярная информация continuous flow irrigation —- непрерывная система орошения continuous load —- тех. сплошная или непрерывно действующая нагрузка continuous kiln —- методическая печь, печь непрерывного действия 3. спец. сплошной continuous spectrum —- физ. сплошной спектр continuous felling —- сплошная сводка (леса) continuous suture —- мед. непрерывный шов continuous beam —- стр. неразрезная балка 4. эл. постоянный (о токе) continuous waves —- рад. незатухающие колебания 5. грам. длительный continuous form —- длительная форма (глагола) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) матем. непрерывный, континуальный 2) неразрезной 3) неразрывный 4) сплошной 5) постоянный, неизменный continuous at a point — непрерывный в точке continuous from above — непрерывный сверху continuous from below — непрерывный снизу continuous from the left — непрерывный слева continuous from the right — непрерывный справа continuous in domain — непрерывный в области continuous in neighborhood of point — непрерывный в окрестности точки continuous in probability — непрерывный по вероятности continuous in the extended sense — обобщенно-непрерывный continuous of the left — непрерывный слева continuous on the left — непрерывный слева continuous on the right — непрерывный справа to vary in a continuous manner — изменяться непрерывно purely continuous spectrum — чисто непрерывный спектр singularly continuous operator — сингулярно непрерывный оператор temporally continuous process — непрерывный во времени процесс uniformly continuous — равномерно непрерывная псевдометрика weakly completely continuous transformation — слабо вполне непрерывное преобразование - absolutely continuous - almost continuous - approximately continuous - asymptotically continuous - cellwise continuous - collectively continuous - completely continuous - equably continuous - equiuniformly continuous - essentially continuous - everywhere continuous - fiebly continuous - jointly continuous - left continuous - nearly continuous - nowhere continuous - one-sided continuous - partially continuous - piecewise continuous - proximally continuous - quasiuniformly continuous - randomly...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  непрерывный, длительный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  непрерывный, неразрывный, сплошной; неразрезной (об элементах конструкции) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) непрерывный; сплошной 2) длительный 3) постоянный 4) неразрезной 5) незатухающий - left-hand continuous - left continuous - lower continuous - one-sided continuous - right-hand continuous - right continuous - uniformly continuous - upper continuous ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. 1 unbroken, uninterrupted, connected throughout in space or time. 2 Gram. = PROGRESSIVE. Phrases and idioms continuous assessment the evaluation of a pupil's progress throughout a course of study, as well as or instead of by examination. continuous creation the creation of the universe or the matter in it regarded as a continuous process. continuous stationery a continuous ream of paper, usu. perforated to form single sheets. Derivatives continuously adv. continuousness n. Etymology: L continuus uninterrupted f. continere (as COM-, tenere hold) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Latin continuus, from continere to hold together — more at contain  Date: 1673  1. marked by uninterrupted extension in space, time, or sequence  2. of a function having the property that the absolute value of the numerical difference between the value at a given point and the value at any point in a neighborhood of the given point can be made as close to zero as desired by choosing the neighborhood small enough  Synonyms: see continual  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire. ...all employees who had a record of five years’ continuous employment with the firm... = unbroken ADJ: usu ADJ n • continuously The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976... It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America. ADV: usu ADV with v 2. A continuous line or surface has no gaps or holes in it. ...a continuous line of boats. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. In English grammar, continuous verb groups are formed using the auxiliary ‘be’ and the present participle of a verb, as in ‘I’m feeling a bit tired’ and ‘She had been watching them for some time’. Continuous verb groups are used especially when you are focusing on a particular moment. Compare simple. = progressive ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 continuing to happen or exist without stopping or without any interruptions  (The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. | The Blood Transfusion Service has a long and continuous tradition of public service.) 2 something such as a line that is continuous does not have any spaces or holes in it 3 continuous assessment BrE a way of judging how well a student is doing by looking at the work they do during the year rather than by testing them in an examination 4 technical the continuous form of a verb is used to show that an action or activity is continuing to happen, and is shown in English by the verb `be', followed by a present participle, as in `I was waiting for the bus' - continuously adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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