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Англо-русский политический словарь - company


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1) компания; фирма; общество; корпорация

2) (The Company) полит. жарг. "Фирма", ЦРУ

to buy into a company — скупать акции компании / фирмы

to form a company — учреждать компанию / фирму

to liquidate unprofitable companies — ликвидировать нерентабельные / убыточные компании / фирмы

to nationalize a company — национализировать компанию / фирму

to take over a company — приобретать контрольный пакет акций компании / фирмы (о другой компании или фирме)

affiliated companyair companyassociated companybubble companydaughter companydebt-ridden companydefense-space companydomestic companydummy companyengineering companyforeign-controlled companyfront companyholding companyindustrial companyinsurance companyinvestment companyjoint-stock companylimited liability companymarketing companymixed companymultinational companyoil companyparent companyprivately-owned companyshell companyshipping companystate-owned companystock companysubsidiary companytarget companytrade companytrading companyUS-owned companyamalgamation of companiesmerger of companies

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См. в других словарях

  в соч.engineering companymechatronics company ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) общество; компания to bear/keep smb. company - составлять кому-л. компанию, сопровождать кого-л. - keep company - keep company with - keep good company - keep bad company - part company with  2) comm. товарищество, компания  3) гости to receive a great deal of company - часто принимать гостей  4) собеседник he is poor (good) company - он скучный (интересный) собеседник  5) труппа, ансамбль артистов - stock company  6) экипаж (судна)  7) mil. рота  8) attr.; mil. ротный  9) attr. - company store - company union present company excepted - о присутствующих не говорят - for company a man is known by the company he keeps prov. скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты Syn: see group COMPANY spotters = company checkers COMPANY store фабричная лавка COMPANY union amer. компанейский профсоюз (организуемый предпринимателем для борьбы с независимыми профсоюзами) COMPANY checkers noun amer. шпики, доносчики ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. общество; компания company manners —- чинное поведение (в обществе; часто о детях) in company —- в обществе, на людях she behaves well in company —- она умеет себя вести на людях to swear in company —- браниться во всеуслышание in company with smb. —- в обществе кого-д I'll come with you for company —- я пойду с вами ради компании to keep smb. company —- составить компанию кому-л to keep company with smb. —- водить дружбу с кем-л to keep good company —- бывать в хорошем обществе, встречаться с хорошими людьми to keep bad company —- бывать в плохой компании, водиться с плохими людьми to fall into company with smb. —- случайно познакомиться с кем-л to part company with smb. —- прекратить знакомство с кем-л present company excepted —- о присутствующх не говорят 2. собеседник; партнер по общению to be good company —- быть интересным собеседником he is poor company —- с ним скучно she is excellent company —- с ней всегда легко и весело 3. эк. общество, компания, товарищество insurance company —- страховое общество operating company —- ам. фирма-производитель company union —- ам. "компанейский" профсоюз, профсоюз, созданный предпринимателями и послушный им company store —- фабричная лавка company gunmen —- ам. разг. вооруженная охрана на частном предприятии company checker —- ам. сл. шпики, доносчики, нанятые предпринимателем John Jones and...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (The Company) полит. жарг. "Фирма" Центральное разведывательное управление США Central Intelligence Agency ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  сущ. общество, компания, товарищество - Affiliated company - African Management Services Company - Bank Holding Company - Closed-End Investment Company - Face-Amount Certificate Company - Investment Company Act - addressing company - affiliate company - associated company - authority to bind company - bank affiliate export trading company - banking holding company - be an agent of company - bind a company - bogus company - bonding company - captive insurance company - ceding company - chartered company - close company - close-end company - close-end investment company - commercial credit company - company account - company acquisition - company assets - company by-law - company capital not paid up - company director - company executive - company form - company headquarters - company law - company lawyer - company management - company meeting - company merger - company might - company model - company name - company newsletter - company note - company overheads - company owner - company philosophy - company planning - company policy - company premises - company profile - company profit - company reconstruction - company reconstruction - company redeployment - company register - company reorganization - company rules - company standard - company tax - company to be dissolved - company under foreign ownership - company union - company work orders - company-owner enterprise - constituent company - consulting company - contracting company - controlled company - controlling company - credit card company - dissolution of a company - diversified investment company - dock company - domestic company - dual purpose investment company - engineering company - forwarding company - holding company - installment credit company - insurance company - investment company - joint stock company - leveraged company - life insurance company - limited liability company - management company - manufacturing company - mortgage company - mutual insurance company - mutual life insurance company - one-man company - open-end company - open-end...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) фирма, компания 2) труппа 3) экипаж, команда 4) воинское подразделение airborne signal company — авиарота связи ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  компания – American Telephone and Telegraph Company – National Broadcasting Company ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  фирма company under contract building company contracting company insurance company public service company ready mix company ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  фирма; компания - aircraft company - boom company - broadcasting company - fully integrated oil company - gas producing company - logging company - oil producing company - oil company - production company - record company - small-to-medium sized company - TV company ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a number of people assembled; a crowd; an audience (addressed the company). b guests or a guest (am expecting company). 2 a state of being a companion or fellow; companionship, esp. of a specific kind (enjoys low company; do not care for his company). 3 a a commercial business. b (usu. Co.) the partner or partners not named in the title of a firm (Smith and Co.). 4 a troupe of actors or entertainers. 5 Mil. a subdivision of an infantry battalion usu. commanded by a major or a captain. 6 a group of Guides. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. archaic accompany. 2 intr. literary (often foll. by with) be a companion. Phrases and idioms company officer a captain or a lower commissioned officer. company Sergeant-major see SERGEANT. err (or be) in good company discover that one's companions, or better people, have done the same as oneself. good (or bad) company 1 a pleasant (or dull) companion. 2 a suitable (or unsuitable) associate or group of friends. in company not alone. in company with together with. keep company (often foll. by with) associate habitually. keep (archaic bear) a person company accompany a person; be sociable. part company (often foll. by with) cease to associate. ship's company the entire crew. Etymology: ME f. AF compainie, OF compai(g)nie f. Rmc (as COMPANION(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural -nies)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English companie, from cumpaignie, from cumpaing companion — more at companion  Date: 13th century  1.  a. association with another ; fellowship enjoy a person's ~  b. companions, associates know a person by the ~ she keeps  c. visitors, guests having ~ for dinner  2.  a. a group of persons or things a ~ of horsemen  b. a body of soldiers; especially a unit (as of infantry) consisting usually of a headquarters and two or more platoons  c. an organization of performing artists  d. the officers and crew of a ship  e. a firefighting unit  3.  a. a chartered commercial organization or medieval trade guild  b. an association of persons for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise  c. those members of a partnership firm whose names do not appear in the firm name John Doe and Company  II. verb  (-nied; -nying)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb ac~ may…fair winds ~ your safe return — John Masefield  intransitive verb associate ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (companies) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company. ...the Ford Motor Company. = firm N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 2. A company is a group of opera singers, dancers, or actors who work together. ...the Phoenix Dance Company. N-COUNT-COLL; N-IN-NAMES 3. A company is a group of soldiers that is usually part of a battalion or regiment, and that is divided into two or more platoons. The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company... N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 4. Company is having another person or other people with you, usually when this is pleasant or stops you feeling lonely. ‘I won’t stay long.’—‘No, please. I need the company’... Ross had always enjoyed the company of women... I’m not in the mood for company. N-UNCOUNT 5. see also joint-stock company, public company 6. If you say that someone is in good company, you mean that they should not be ashamed of a mistake or opinion, because some important or respected people have made the same mistake or have the same opinion. Mr Koo is in good company. The prime minister made a similar slip a couple of years back. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you have company, you have a visitor or friend with you. He didn’t say he had had company. PHRASE: V inflects 8. When you are in company, you are with a person or group of people. When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation... ? alone PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 9. If you feel, believe, or know something in company with someone else, you both feel, believe, or know it. (FORMAL) Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s. PREP-PHRASE: PHR n 10. If you keep someone company, you spend time with them and stop them feeling lonely or bored. Why don’t you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »BUSINESS« an organization that makes or sells goods or services in order to get money  (Craig got a job working for an insurance company. (also + plural v BrE))  (The company are hoping to expand their operations abroad. | manage/run a company)  (In ten years Geoff went from working in the mail room to running the company. | set up/start a company)  (The company was set up just after the war. | a company goes bankrupt/bust/out of business (=stops doing business because it owes so much money))  (Quite a few companies went bankrupt in the late 1980s. | company directors/employees/policy etc)  (It's not company policy to exchange goods without a receipt.)  (- see also public company) 2 »OTHER PEOPLE« another person, or other people, that you can talk to or who stop you feeling lonely  (They obviously enjoy each other's company. | keep sb company)  (Rita's husband is away for the week, so I thought I'd go over and keep her company. | be good company (=if someone is good company, you enjoy being with them) | as company)  (Bessie was glad to have the dog as company. | in sb's company/in the company of sb (=with someone))  (I couldn't help feeling uneasy in the company of such an important man. | in company with sb (=together with another person or with a group))  (He left for New York, in company with the orchestra.) 3 »GUESTS« a guest or guests who are visiting you in your home, or someone who is coming to see you  (have company)  (It looks like the Hammills have company - there are three cars in the driveway. | expect company (=be waiting for guests to arrive))  (We're expecting company this evening.) 4 »FRIENDS« the group of people that you are friends with or that you spend time with  (in pleasant/elevated etc company)  (She was too shy to mix in such elevated company. | the company sb keeps (=the people you spend time with))  (People do tend to judge you by the company you keep. | bad company (=people who do things you disapprove of))  (parents worry that their children are being led into bad...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1150, from O.Fr. compaignie "body of soldiers," from L.L. companio (see companion). Sense of "business association" first recorded 1553, having earlier been used in reference to trade guilds (1303). Abbreviation co. dates from 1759. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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