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Англо-русский политический словарь - committee


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Перевод с английского языка committee на русский



комитет, комиссия

to appear before a committee — присутствовать / выступать на заседании комитета

to appoint a committee — назначать комитет

to assign a task to a committee — передавать вопрос в комитет; поручать решение вопроса комитету

to bring smb before a committee — вызывать кого-л. на заседание комитета

to chair a committee — быть председателем комитета; возглавлять комитет

to curtail the functions of the committee — ограничивать функции комитета

to define the competence of the committee — определять / устанавливать круг полномочий комитета

to drop smb from a committee — выводить кого-л. из состава комитета

to entrust a committee with a task — передавать вопрос в комитет, поручать решение вопроса комитету

to establish a committee — образовывать / создавать / учреждать комитет

to exclude smb from a committee — выводить кого-л. из состава комитета

to form a committee — образовывать / создавать / учреждать комитет

to go before a committee — присутствовать / выступать на заседании комитета

to introduce smb into a committee — включать / вводить кого-л. в состав комитета

to refer / to remit smth to a committee — передавать что-л. на рассмотрение комитета

to reorganize a committee — проводить реорганизацию комитета

to request an increase in the membership of the committee — просить о расширении состава комиссии

to set up a committee — образовывать / создавать / учреждать комитет

to sit on a committee — принимать участие в работе комитета

to specify the terms of reference of the committee — определять / устанавливать круг полномочий комитета

to take part in the work of a committee — принимать участие в работе комитета

to testify before a parliamentary committee — давать показания парламентской комиссии

to vote smb into a committee — избирать кого-л. в комитет

Committee for Economic Developmentcommittee for national redemptioncommittee is in sessioncommittee is holding a sittingcommittee is sittingcommittee of actioncommittee of expertscommittee of fivecommittee of inquiryCommittee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EUCOPEREPCommittee of the Whole HouseCommittee on Committeescommittee on juridical questionscommittee on legal questionsCommittee on Rulesad hoc committeeadministrative committeeadvisory committeeAeronautical and Space Science CommitteeAgriculture and Forestry CommitteeAppropriations Committeearbitration committeeArmed Service Committeeauditing committeeback-bench committeeBanking and Currency Committeebudget committeecabinet committeecabinet-level committeecensorship committee

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  в соч.joint ISO/IEC technical committee ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  English канцелярский английский язык COMMITTEE of action polit. комитет действия COMMITTEE of the whole House заседание парламента на правах комитета для обсуждения законопроекта COMMITTEE I noun  1) комитет Soviet Peace Committee - Советский комитет защиты мира - committee of action - strike committee - steering committee  2) комиссия the House goes into Committee, the House resolves itself into Committee parl. - палата объявляет себя комиссией для обсуждения какого-л. вопроса - credentials committee - Committee of the whole House - go into committee - check-up committee  3) attr. - committee English II noun leg. опекун ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. комитет, комиссия executive —- исполнительный комитет credentials committee —- комитет по проверке полномочий; мандатная комиссия joint committee —- межведомственная или межпарламентская комиссия strike committee —- стачечный комитет committee English —- канцелярский английский язык committee room —- зал заседаний комитетов committee of action —- комитет действия Political and Security C. —- комитет по политическим вопросам и вопросам безопасности (в ООН) C. of the whole —- парл. комитет всей палаты, заседание палат парламента на правах комитета C. of Ways and Means —- ист. комитет путей и средств 2. постоянная бюджетная комиссия конгресса США in committee —- на рассмотрении комиссии on the committee are ... —- в состав комиссии входят ..., комиссия состоит из ... to go into C. —- парл. быть направленным на рассмотрение комиссии the House goes into C. —- парл. палата объявляет себя комиссией 3. опекун, попечитель Id: committee of one —- единоличный исполнитель ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  комитет; комиссия – committee of experts – ad hoc committee – executive committee COMMITTEE сущ. упр. комиссия, комитет (группа лиц со специальными полномочиями) to be on the committee — быть членом комитета, входить в состав комиссии a committee meeting — заседание комитета See: standing committee, ad hoc committee COMMITTEE сущ. комиссия, комитет - Advisory Committee on Export Policy - Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations - Appropriation Committee - Bank Advisory Committee - Committee for Reciprocity Information - Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements - Committee of Experts - Committee of Ways and Means - Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Committee on Trade and Development - Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures - Committee with a stand-by status - Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraphy - Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls - Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee - Development Assistance Committee - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - European Committee for Standardization - Foreign Exchange Control Committee - General Executive Committee - ad hoc committee - advisory committee - appoint a committee - appointment of committee - audit committee - auditing committee - chairman of committee - check-up committee - committee chairman - committee meeting - committee of creditors - committee of directors - committee of inquiry - committee of the whole - credentials committee - credit committee - district executive committee - education committee - employment committee - executive committee - factory committee - finance committee - housing committee - interim committee - joint committee - political committee - select committee - standing committee - stock exchange committee - strike committee ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  комитет; комиссия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  комитет – Committee on Radio Frequency – Color Television Committee – International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee – Interservice Component Technical Committee – National Television System Committee – Telecommunications Coordinating Committee ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  комитет; комиссия acceptance committee engineering release committee ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. 1 a a body of persons appointed for a specific function by, and usu. out of, a larger body. b such a body appointed by Parliament etc. to consider the details of proposed legislation. c (Committee) Brit. the whole House of Commons when sitting as a committee. 2 Law a person entrusted with the charge of another person or another person's property. Phrases and idioms committee-man (pl. -men; fem. committee-woman, pl. -women) a member of a committee, esp. a habitual member of committees. committee stage Brit. the third of five stages of a bill's progress through Parliament when it may be considered in detail and amendments made. select committee a small parliamentary committee appointed for a special purpose. standing committee a committee that is permanent during the existence of the appointing body. Etymology: COMMIT + -EE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 15th century  1. archaic a person to whom a charge or trust is committed  2.  a. a body of persons delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter; especially a group of fellow legislators chosen by a legislative body to give consideration to legislative matters  b. a self-constituted organization for the promotion of a common object ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (committees) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. A committee is a group of people who meet to make decisions or plans for a larger group or organization that they represent. ...a committee of ministers. ...an elected Management Committee who serve the Association on a voluntary basis. N-COUNT-COLL: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a group of people chosen to represent a larger group in order to do a particular job, make decisions etc  (He's on the finance committee. (also + plural v BrE))  (The committee have decided to raise membership fees for next year.) 2 welcoming committee a group of people often sent by a large organization to welcome an important visitor ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1621, revival of Anglo-Fr. commite, pp. of commettre "to commit," from L. committere (see commit). Orig. "person to whom something is committed," broadened 17c. to body of such people. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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