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Англо-русский политический словарь - clean


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clean sweep

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  очищать; чистить || чистый; очищенныйto steam clean — очищать паром, продувать паром ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  с убранной механизацией ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  up on  а) извлекать выгоду из чего-л. The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement.  б) побеждать кого-л. The fighter cleaned up on his opponent. CLEAN wheat пшеница без примеси CLEAN timber чистосортный лесной материал (без сучков и др. дефектов) CLEAN stroke ловкий удар CLEAN sheet безупречное прошлое CLEAN сору беловик CLEAN down  а) сметать (пыль со стен и т.п.)  б) чистить (лошадь)  в) вымыть We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting. CLEAN copy переписанная начисто рукопись CLEAN breach волна, сносящая мачты и т.п. с корабля CLEAN  1. adj.  1) чистый; опрятный clean room - чистая комната - clean сору  2) чистый, без примеси; без пороков - clean wheat - clean timber  3) неисписанный (о листе бумаги, странице)  4) незапятнанный, непорочный to have a clean record - иметь хорошую репутацию  5) хорошо сложенный (о человеке)  6) ловкий, искусный - clean stroke  7) гладкий, ровный to make a clean cut - резать ровно to have clean hands in the matter - не быть замешанным в каком-л. деле to make a clean sweep of smth. - совершенно отделаться, избавиться от чего-л.; подчистить под метлу Syn: fresh, immaculate, spotless, stainless Ant: adulterated, contaminated, dirty, grimy, impure, marked, polluted, stained, sullied, tainted  2. noun чистка, уборка to give it a clean - почистить, убрать  3. adv.  1) полностью, совершенно I clean forgot to ask - я совершенно забыл спросить ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. чистка, уборка a good clean —- основательная уборка she gives the room a clean every day —- она каждый день убирает эту комнату 2. спорт. чистое взятие веса на грудь (тяжелая атлетика) clean and jerk —- толчок two hand clean and press —- жим двумя руками 3. чистый; опрятный clean sheets —- чистые простыни clean habits —- чистоплотность to keep oneself clean —- быть опрятным to keep one's house clean —- держать дом в чистоте 4. мед. чистый, асептический; незараженный clean wound —- чистая рана clean bill of health —- чистое карантинное свидетельство; оправдание. реабилитация 5. чистоплотный; приученный (о домашнем животном) clean puppy —- приученный щенок 6. добродетельный clean heart —- чистое сердце to lead a clean life —- вести добродетельную жизнь 7. незапятнанный; нескомпрометированный to have a clean record —- иметь чистый послужной список; иметь хорошую репутацию 8. разг. невиновный, не совершивший приписываемого ему преступления the suspect claimed that he was clean —- подозреваемый утверждал, что не имеет к делу никакого отношения 9. приличный, пристойный; уместный clean joke —- приличный анекдот to keep a clean tongue —- воздерживаться от крепких выражений keep the party clean —- не рассказывайте в обществе непристойных анекдотов; не сквернословьте в обществе 10....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  чистить; чистый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) общ. чистый; опрятный 2) а) общ. очищенный от лишнего ненужного; гладкий, ровный б) общ. хорошо сложенный, пропорциональный; хорошей формы (о руках, ногах и т. п.) 3) а) общ. добродетельный clean heart — чистое сердце б) общ. незапятнанный; нескомпрометированный to have a clean record — иметь чистый послужной список; иметь хорошую репутацию в) общ., разг. невиновный, не совершивший преступления г) общ. приличный, пристойный clean joke — приличный анекдот д) общ., разг. чистый (не имеющий при себе оружия, наркотиков, контрабанды и т. п.) е) общ., сленг не являющийся наркоманом, не "сидящий на игле" 4) общ. чистый, без примеси clean gold — чистое золото clean diamond — бриллиант чистой воды 5) фин. чистый, свободный от долгов The UK government wrote off all the newly-privatised water companies' debts and the companies started with a clean balance sheet. — Британское правительство списало все долги недавно приватизированных водопроводных компаний, что позволило этим компаниям начать свою деятельность с чистым балансом. Syn: "free of debt See: debt 6) межд. эк., торг., фин. чистый, без приложения документов (о долговом инструменте, который предъявляется к инкассации без приложения товаросопроводительных документов) See: clean draft 7) бирж....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) чистка, уборка чистить убирать 2) чистый, прибранный 3) очищенный, хорошего качества 4) чистый, без примесей 5) привлекательный, опрятный 6) чиститься, приводить себя в порядок 7) начисто; набело 8) полностью, совершенно, совсем to clean a casting by tumbling — метал. очищать отливку галтовкой to clean coal — обогащать уголь to clean up — убирать, чистить to clean out — отчищать; вычищать to wipe clean — вытирать дочиста ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  очистка (магнитных головок); очищать (магнитные головки) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) чистый, свободный от примесей 2) очищать(ся) чистый ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., v., & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by of) free from dirt or contaminating matter, unsoiled. 2 clear; unused or unpolluted; preserving what is regarded as the original state (clean air; clean page). 3 free from obscenity or indecency. 4 a attentive to personal hygiene and cleanliness. b (of children and animals) toilet-trained or house-trained. 5 complete, clear-cut, unobstructed, even. 6 a (of a ship, aircraft, or car) streamlined, smooth. b well-formed, slender and shapely (clean-limbed; the car has clean lines). 7 adroit, skilful (clean fielding). 8 (of a nuclear weapon) producing relatively little fallout. 9 a free from ceremonial defilement or from disease. b (of food) not prohibited. 10 a free from any record of a crime, offence, etc. (a clean driving-licence). b sl. free from suspicion; not carrying incriminating material. 11 (of a taste, smell, etc.) sharp, fresh, distinctive. 12 (of timber) free from knots. --adv. 1 completely, outright, simply (clean bowled; cut clean through; clean forgot). 2 in a clean manner. --v. 1 tr. (also foll. by of) & intr. make or become clean. 2 tr. eat all the food on (one's plate). 3 tr. Cookery remove the innards of (fish or fowl). 4 intr. make oneself clean. --n. the act or process of cleaning or being cleaned (give it a clean). Phrases and idioms clean bill of health see BILL(1). clean break a quick and final separation. clean-cut sharply outlined. clean down clean by brushing or wiping. clean hands freedom from guilt. clean-living of upright character. clean out 1 clean thoroughly. 2 sl. empty or deprive (esp. of money). clean-shaven without beard, whiskers, moustache. clean sheet (or slate) freedom from commitments or imputations; the removal of these from one's record. clean up 1 a clear (a mess) away. b (also absol.) put (things) tidy. c make (oneself) clean. 2 restore order or morality to. 3 sl. a acquire as gain or profit. b make a gain or profit. clean-up n. an act of cleaning up. come clean colloq. own up; confess everything. make a clean breast of see BREAST. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English clene, from Old English cl?ne; akin to Old High German kleini delicate, dainty  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. free from dirt or pollution changed to ~ clothes ~ solar energy  b. free from contamination or disease a ~ wound  c. free or relatively free from radioactivity a ~ atomic explosion  2.  a. unadulterated, pure the ~ thrill of one's first flight  b. of a precious stone having no interior flaws visible  c. free from growth that hinders tillage ~ farmland  3.  a. free from moral corruption or sinister connections of any kind a candidate with a ~ record; also free from violations a ~ driving record  b. free from offensive treatment of sexual subjects and from the use of obscenity a ~ joke  c. observing the rules ; fair a ~ fight  4. ceremonially or spiritually pure and all who are ~ may eat flesh — Leviticus 7:19 (Revised Standard Version)  5.  a. thorough, complete a ~ break with the past  b. deftly executed ; skillful ~ ballet technique  c. hit beyond the reach of an opponent a ~ single to center  6.  a. relatively free from error or blemish ; clear; specifically legible ~ copy  b. unencumbered ~ bill of sale  7.  a. characterized by clarity and precision ; trim a ~ prose style architecture with ~ almost austere lines  b. even, smooth a ~ edge a sharp blow causing a ~ break  c. free from impedances to smooth flow (as of water or air) a ~ airplane a ship with a ~ bottom  8.  a. empty the ship returned with a ~ hold  b. free from drug addiction has been ~ for six months  c. slang having no contraband (as weapons or drugs) in one's possession  9. habitually neat  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. so as to ~ a new broom sweeps ~  b. in a ~ manner play the game ~  2. all the way ; completely the bullet went ~ through his arm  III. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make ~: as  (1) to rid of dirt, impurities, or extraneous matter  (2) to rid of...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cleaner, cleanest, cleans, cleaning, cleaned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is clean is free from dirt or unwanted marks. He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer... Disease has not been a problem because clean water is available... The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean... ? dirty ADJ 2. You say that people or animals are clean when they keep themselves or their surroundings clean. ? dirty ADJ 3. A clean fuel or chemical process does not create many harmful or polluting substances. Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical. ? dirty ADJ • cleanly Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol. ADV: ADV after v 4. If you clean something or clean dirt off it, you make it free from dirt and unwanted marks, for example by washing or wiping it. If something cleans easily, it is easy to clean. Her father cleaned his glasses with a paper napkin... It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bath... Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it’s environmentally friendly into the bargain. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv, V adv • Clean is also a noun. Give the cooker a good clean. N-SING 5. If you clean a room or house, you make the inside of it and the furniture in it free from dirt and dust. With them also lived Mary Burinda, who cooked and cleaned... She got up early and cleaned the flat. VERB: V, V n • cleaning I do the cleaning myself. N-UNCOUNT 6. If you describe something such as a book, joke, or lifestyle as clean, you think that they are not sexually immoral or offensive. They’re trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies... Flirting is good clean fun... ? dirty ADJ c darkgreen]approval 7. If someone has a clean reputation or record, they have never done anything illegal or wrong. Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image... You can hire these from most car hire firms,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »WITHOUT DIRT« without any dirt or marks  (Are your hands clean? | a clean towel | sweep/scrub etc sth clean)  (Wipe that sink clean when you're done. | clean and tidy/neat)  (Try to keep your room clean and tidy. | spotlessly clean (=very clean))  (a spotlessly clean kitchen) 2 »HABITS/APPEARANCE« behaving in a way that keeps things clean or having a clean appearance  (Cats are wonderfully clean creatures.) 3 »AIR/WATER« containing nothing that is dirty or harmful, such as poisons  (Smell that clean air!) 4 »FAIR/LEGAL« a) done in a fair or legal way  (a clean fight) b) showing that you have followed the rules or the law  (a clean driving licence | Well, she has a clean record. (=she is not a criminal)) 5 »JOKES/HUMOUR« not offensive or not dealing with sex  (good, clean fun)  (Oh, don't get mad - it was just good, clean fun! | keep it clean (=used to tell someone not to do or say anything morally offensive) | clean living (=a way of life in which you do not drink, take drugs, or behave in an immoral way)) 6 make a clean breast of it to admit that you have done something wrong so that you no longer feel guilty 7 a clean break a) a quick sudden separation from a person, organization, place etc  (Den left the next day, needing to make a clean break.) b) a break in a bone or other object that is complete and has not left any small pieces 8 »SMOOTH« having a smooth or regular edge or surface  (a clean cut) 9 come clean informal to finally tell the truth or admit that you have done something wrong + abou  (It's time you came clean about your affair.) 10 a clean sheet/slate a situation that shows that someone has behaved well or not made any mistakes  (Jed looked forward to starting life again with a clean sheet.) 11 a clean bill of health a report that says you are healthy or that a machine or building is safe  (Inspectors gave the factory a clean bill of health.) 12 a clean sweep a) a complete change in a company or organization, made by getting rid of people b) a victory in all parts of a game or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. bus. abbr. Citizens Learners Educators Against Neglect ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. clжne "clean, pure," from W.Gmc. *klainoz "clear, pure," from PIE base *gel- "to gleam." As an adj., replaced in higher senses by clear, pure, but as a verb it has largely usurped what once belonged to cleanse (from O.E. clжnsian), which, despite its modern spelling (16c.) retains its M.E. pronunciation. Clean in the sense of "innocent" is from c.1300; that of "not lewd" is from 1867; that of "free of drug addiction" is 1950s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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