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Англо-русский политический словарь - circuit


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Перевод с английского языка circuit на русский



1) объезд; круговая поездка; турне

2) цикл

rubber chicken circuit

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См. в других словарях

  1) цепь; контур; схема2) окружность; круговая траектория3) эл. схема4) вчт. канал двусторонней связи5) циркуляция•circuit of initiationaccess switching circuitadaptive threshold circuitadd circuitadding circuitalarm circuitamplifying circuitanalog integrated circuitantihunt circuitantihunting circuitaperiodic circuitautomatic control circuitautomatic search circuitauxiliary circuitaveraging circuitbalanced circuitbasic circuitbias circuitblanking circuitblocking circuitbreak circuitbridge circuitbroken circuitbuffer circuitcalibration circuitcapacitive storage circuitcarry circuitceramic-wafer printed circuitchecking circuitclamping circuitclipping circuitclosed circuitclosed circuit of recirculating ballsclosed fluid circuitcode storage circuitcoincidence circuitcollecting circuitcollector circuitcommon-junction circuitcompare circuitcomparison circuitcompatible circuitcompensating circuitcomputation circuitcomputer circuitcomputer test circuitcomputing circuitconnecting circuitconstant volume hydraulic circuitcontact circuitcontrol circuitcorrecting circuitcutoff circuitdecode circuitdecoding circuitdelay circuitdetection circuitdifferential hydraulic circuitdifferentiating circuitdigital integrated circuitdiode circuitdividing circuitdoubling circuitdrive circuitdriving circuitduplicating circuiteddy-current circuitelectric circuitelectrical feed circuitelectronic circuitemergency cutoff circuitemergency supply circuitenergizing circuitequivalent circuiterror circuiterror correction circuiterror indicating circuitetched circuitexciting circuitfailure warning circuitfeed circuitfeedback circuitfeed hold circuitfeed motor circuitferroresonant computing circuitfictions balance circuitfilm integrated circuitfloor circuitfluid logic circuitfluid-power circuitflywheel circuitforward circuitfrequency-changing circuitfrequency-setting circuitfunction circuitfunctional circuitgang circuitgating circuithigh-gain linear circuitholding circuithybrid integrated...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
   1. noun  1) кругооборот  2) длина окружности circuit of the globe - окружность земного шара  3) объезд, круговая поездка - make a circuit - take a circuit  4) leg. выездная сессия суда (тж. circuit court)  5) округ (судебный, церковный и т.п.); участок, район - circuit of action  6) цикл, совокупность операций  7) ряд зрелищных предприятий под одним управлением  8) electr. цепь, контур; схема - broken circuit - open circuit - detector circuit  9) attr. - circuit rider  2. v. обходить вокруг; совершать круг; вращаться CIRCUIT rider amer.; hist. священник CIRCUIT of action район действия CIRCUIT breaker noun electr. автоматический выключатель; прерыватель ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. кругооборот; кругообращение; круговращение; обращение (вокруг чего-л) the Moon's circuit of the Earth —- обращение Луны вокруг Земли 2. виток (орбиты); оборот (спутника) 3. спец. круговое обращение, циркуляция 4. окружность; длина окружности circuit of the globe —- окружность земного шара the circuit of the city walls —- общая длина городских стен 5. объезд; обход; круговая поездка; турне; маршрут обхода the commanding officer made a circuit of the camp —- командир сделал обход лагеря a postman's circuit —- постоянный маршрут почтальона he devoted many hours to the circuit of Paris —- он посвятил много часов осмотру Парижа theatre companies travel over regular circuits —- театральные труппы выезжают в обычные турне a cocktail circuit —- регулярные дневные приемы (в разных посольствах) 6. юр. выездная сессия суда judges go on circuit for part of the year —- часть года судьи проводят на выездных сессиях 7. округ (судебный, церковный) circuit court —- шотл. выезной суд присяжных (в крупных городах) 8. ам. выездная сессия окружного суда circuit rider —- ам. разъездной священник (объезжающий свою паству) 9. участок, район circuit of action —- район действия 10. область, сфера; круг, пределы (деятельности) 11. цикл; совокупность операций 12. ам. ассоциация спортивных команд the best club in the circuit —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  схема; цепь – closed circuit – closed respiratory circuit – feedback circuit – immunological circuit – open circuit – open respiratory circuit – pulmonary circuit – regulatory circuit – semiclosed circuit – symbolic circuit – systemic circuit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) окружность 2) круговая траектория; перемещение по круговой траектории; циркуляция 3) цепь; контур; схема 4) сеть 5) канал связи; линия связи 6) итерация; повторение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) схема; цепь; контур 2) канал; линия; тракт 3) электр. сеть 4) кругооборот 5) т. граф. простая цепь, контур 6) горн. замкнутый ход balancing of a circuit — настройка линии break in circuit — разрыв цепи to be in traffic circuit — авиац. совершать полет по кругу to bring into circuit — вводить в цепь to cut in circuit — включаться в цепь to de-energize circuit — обесточивать цепь to ground circuit — заземлять цепь to hold a circuit — удерживать цепь в замкнутом состоянии to hold circuit alive — держать цепь под напряжением to seize a circuit — блокировать цепь - Hartley oscillator circuit - NOR logic circuit - NOT AND circuit - NOT OR circuit - NOT-AND circuit - OR-to-AND circuit - OR-to-OR circuit - absolute circuit - absolute-value circuit - absorption circuit - alarm circuit - alternating circuit - alternating-current circuit - analog circuit - analog integrated circuit - antenna circuit - antenna tuned circuit - antihunt circuit - band-elimination circuit - bias circuit - blanking circuit - blocking circuit - boosted circuit - bootstrap circuit - braking circuit - breadboard circuit - bridge circuit - bridge-type balancing circuit - broken circuit - built-up circuit - carry circuit - cascode circuit - cathode-coupled circuit - checking circuit - checking circuit - clipper-limiter circuit - closed circuit - closed track circuit - coding circuit - combinatorial circuit - communication circuit - comparison circuit - compensating circuit - composite circuit - composite magnetic circuit - computing circuit - control circuit - conveyer circuit - core-type magnetic circuit - corrector circuit - counting circuit - cryotron circuit - deemphasis circuit - derivation circuit - digital integrated circuit - diode logic circuit - direct-current circuit -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) схема; цепь; контур 2) линия 3) канал 4) сеть – active pause circuit – adapter circuit – adjustment circuit – alive circuit – announcing circuit – anode circuit – antisidetone circuit – asynchronous circuit – automatic reset-data circuit – automatic ringdown circuit – automatic start circuit – auxiliary circuit – balanced circuit – balanced-wire circuit – balancing circuit – band-switching circuit – basic circuit – black-level restoring circuit – black-level stretch circuit – bootstrap circuit – branch circuit – bridge antisidetone circuit – building-out circuit – built-up circuit – Buttler circuit – bypass circuit – cached circuit – call circuit – capacitor-coupled circuit – capacitor-switched circuit – capacitor-switching circuit – central-battery circuit – chain-type connection circuit – character generator large-scale integration circuit – charge-coupled device circuit – checkout circuit – check parity circuit – chrominance separation circuit – chrominance matrix circuit – clamp-on circuit – closed circuit – coarse phasing circuit – coaxial circuit – coincidence circuit – color-balance circuit – color-indexing circuit – color-purity circuit – combinational-circuit circuit – combined-supply circuit – common-base circuit – common-battery circuit – common-collector circuit – common-drain circuit – common-gate circuit – common-emitter circuit – common-source circuit – common-user circuit – communication circuit – comparing circuit – compensating antisidetone circuit – complemental metal-oxide-semiconductor circuit – composite circuit – conductor-bundled static wire circuit – conference circuit – connecting circuit – constant-closed circuit – contactor-relay circuit – continental circuit – convergence circuit – cord circuit – correcting circuit – Costas circuit – counter-coupling circuit – counting-down circuit – coupled circuit – cross-bus matrix circuit –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  кольцо (контур) циркуляции (в трубопроводных сетях) электрическая цепь, схема; цепь, защищённая предохранителем на распределительном щите (внутренней проводки) basic safety circuit blasting circuit brine circuit closed circuit convection circuit earth circuit earthed circuit heating circuit main circuit main fire circuit override control circuit primary circuit refrigeration circuit secondary circuit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) схема; цепь; контур 2) эл. сеть 3) связь канал; линия; тракт 4) шлейф (в телефонии) 5) движение по орбите 6) цикл (годографа) to track circuits — сопрягать контуры - absorption circuit - ac circuit - active circuit - adapter circuit - adder circuit - addressing circuit - aerial circuit - aerodrome circuit - aerodrome taxi circuit - aerodrome traffic circuit - aeromagnetic circuit - alarm circuit - alive circuit - amplifying circuit - analogous circuit - analog circuit - ancillary circuit - AND circuit - AND-to-OR circuit - AND-OR circuit - anticoincidence circuit - antihunt circuit - antireciprocal circuit - antiresonance circuit - antiresonant circuit - aperiodic circuit - approach circuit - astable circuit - autodyne circuit - automatic frequency control circuit - automatic reciprocation pneumatic circuit - auxiliary circuit - auxiliary coolant circuit - averaging circuit - back-to-back circuit - balanced circuit - balancing circuit - bias circuit - bias and erase circuit - bidirectional hydraulic motor circuit - bipolar circuit - bistable circuit - black-level restoring circuit - blanking circuit - blasting circuit - blocking circuit - booster hydraulic circuit - bound circuit - boxcar circuit - brake retraction circuit - branched circuit - branch circuit - breadboard circuit - break circuit - bridge circuit - bridged circuit - broken circuit - bubble circuit - bucket-brigade circuit - buffer circuit - burst-gating circuit - calibrating circuit - call circuit - carrier recovery circuit - cascode circuit - cavity circuit - charge circuit - charge-coupied device circuit - charging circuit - checkout circuit - cholesteric circuit - chopping circuit - chromatic circuit - circulating lubrication circuit - clamp circuit - cleaning circuit - clearing circuit - clipping circuit - clocked circuit - closed circuit - close circuit - closed loop circuit - closed loop hydraulic motor circuit - coaxial circuit - code track circuit - coincidence...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a line or course enclosing an area; the distance round. b the area enclosed. 2 Electr. a the path of a current. b the apparatus through which a current passes. 3 a the journey of a judge in a particular district to hold courts. b this district. c the lawyers following a circuit. 4 a chain of theatres or cinemas etc. under a single management. 5 Brit. a motor-racing track. 6 a a sequence of sporting events (the US tennis circuit). b a sequence of athletic exercises. 7 a roundabout journey. 8 a a group of local Methodist churches forming a minor administrative unit. b the journey of an itinerant minister within this. Phrases and idioms circuit-breaker an automatic device for stopping the flow of current in an electrical circuit. Etymology: ME f. OF, f. L circuitus f. CIRCUM- + ire it- go ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French ~e, from Latin ~us, from circumire, circuire to go around, from circum- + ire to go — more at issue  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a usually circular line encompassing an area  b. the space enclosed within such a line  2.  a. a course around a periphery  b. a ~ous or indirect route  3.  a. a regular tour (as by a traveling judge or preacher) around an assigned district or territory  b. the route traveled  c. a group of church congregations ministered to by one pastor  4.  a. the complete path of an electric current including usually the source of electric energy  b. an assemblage of electronic elements ; hookup  c. a two-way communication path between points (as in a computer)  d. a neuronal pathway of the brain along which electrical and chemical signals travel  5.  a. an association of similar groups ; league  b. a number or series of public outlets (as theaters, radio shows, or arenas) offering the same kind of presentation  c. a number of similar social gatherings the cocktail ~  • ~al adjective  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb to make a ~ about  intransitive verb to make a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (circuits) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around. Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit. N-COUNT see also closed-circuit, short-circuit 2. A circuit is a series of places that are visited regularly by a person or group, especially as a part of their job. It’s a common problem, the one I’m asked about most when I’m on the lecture circuit. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. A racing circuit is a track on which cars, motorbikes, or cycles race. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT 4. A circuit of a place or area is a journey all the way round it. (FORMAL) She made a slow circuit of the room. N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a path that forms a circle around an area, or a journey along this path  (We did a circuit of the old city walls.) 2 a track that cars, motorbikes etc race around 3 the tennis/lecture/cabaret etc circuit all the places that are usually visited by someone who plays tennis etc  (a well-known entertainer on the club circuit) 4 the complete circle that an electric current travels 5 do circuits BrE informal to do circuit-training  (- see also printed-circuit, short-circuit) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from O.Fr. circuit, from L. circuitus "a going around," from stem of circuire, circumire "go around," from circum "around" + -ire "to go." Electrical sense is from 1800; circuitry is from 1946. Circuitous is from 1664. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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