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Англо-русский политический словарь - church


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1) церковь; храм (обыкн. христианский)

2) (обыкн. Church) церковь (организация); вероисповедание

to go to church — посещать церковь, ходить в церковь

to separate the church from the state — отделять церковь от государства

to split the Church world-wide — вносить вселенский раскол среди церквей

Church of EnglandChurch of RomeAnglican ChurchChristian Churchearly ChurchEastern ChurchEnglish Churchestablished churchEvangelical ChurchGreek Orthodox ChurchLutheran ChurchMethodist ChurchOrthodox ChurchPresbyterian ChurchProtestant ChurchProtestant Episcopal ChurchRoman Catholic ChurchRussian Orthodox Churchmember of the churchWorld Council of Church

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  храм ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  noun  1) церковь - Church of England - Anglican Church - go to church - go into the Church - enter the Church  2) attr. церковный Syn: see denomination CHURCH of England англиканская церковь CHURCH service noun церковная служба, богослужение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. церковь; храм, преим. христианский to go to church —- ходить в церковь; вступать в (церковный) брак 2. церковь (организация); вероисповедание С. of England, English C. англиканская церковь Broad C. —- "широкая церковь" (сторонники веротерпимости в англиканской церкви) High C. —- "высокая церковь" (ортодоксальная англиканская церковь) Low C. —- "низкая церковь" (одно из направлений в англиканской церкви) Holy C., C. of Rome —- святая церковь, римско-католическая церковь to what church does he belong? —- какого он вероисповедания? 3. разг. англиканская церковь (часто противопоставляется сектам); государственная церковь (в Великобритании) 4. разг. богослужение church is over —- богослужение окончено after church —- после обедни 5. духовенство to go into the C. —- принимать духовный сан he considered the church as a possible career —- он подумывал о том, чтобы стать священником Id: in the right church but in the wrong pew —- в целом верно, но в частностях неправильно Id: let the church stand in the churchyard —- посл. всему свое место 6. церковный church attire —- церковное облачение church book —- церковная книга, требник; (церковная) метрическая книга church burial —- церковное погребение church music —- церковная музыка church flag —- мор. церковный вымпел (поднимается во время...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  церковь christian church ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a building for public (usu. Christian) worship. 2 a meeting for public worship in such a building (go to church; met after church). 3 (Church) the body of all Christians. 4 (Church) the clergy or clerical profession (went into the Church). 5 (Church) an organized Christian group or society of any time, country, or distinct principles of worship (the primitive Church; Church of Scotland; High Church). 6 (Church) institutionalized religion as a political or social force (Church and State). --v.tr. bring (esp. a woman after childbirth) to church for a service of thanksgiving. Phrases and idioms Church Army an organization of the Church of England concerned with social welfare. Church Commissioners a body managing the finances of the Church of England. Church of England the English Church, recognized by the State and having the sovereign as its head. church school a school founded by or associated with the Church of England. Etymology: OE cirice, circe, etc. f. med. Gk kurikon f. Gk kuriakon (doma) Lord's (house) f. kurios Lord: cf. KIRK ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Frederic Edwin 1826-1900 American painter CHURCH  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English chirche, from Old English cirice, ultimately from Late Greek kyriakon, from Greek, neuter of kyriakos of the lord, from kyrios lord, master; akin to Sanskrit sura hero, warrior  Date: before 12th century  1. a building for public and especially Christian worship  2. the clergy or officialdom of a religious body  3. often capitalized a body or organization of religious believers: as  a. the whole body of Christians  b. denomination the Presbyterian ~  c. congregation  4. a public divine worship goes to ~ every Sunday  5. the clerical profession considered the ~ as a possible career  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. of or relating to a ~ ~ government  2. chiefly British of or relating to the established ~  III. transitive verb  Date: 14th century to bring to ~ to receive one of its rites ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (churches) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A church is a building in which Christians worship. You usually refer to this place as church when you are talking about the time that people spend there. ...one of Britain’s most historic churches. ...St Helen’s Church... I didn’t see you in church on Sunday. N-VAR 2. A Church is one of the groups of people within the Christian religion, for example Catholics or Methodists, that have their own beliefs, clergy, and forms of worship. ...co-operation with the Catholic Church... Church leaders said he was welcome to return. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft adj N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a building where Christians go to worship 2 the religious ceremonies in a church  (Mrs Dobson invited us to dinner after church.) 3 the church the profession of the clergy (=priests and other people employed by the church) 4 the institution of the Christian religion  (separation of church and state) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. cirice "church," from W.Gmc. *kirika, from Gk. kyriake (oikia) "Lord's (house)," from kyrios "ruler." For vowel evolution, see bury. An example of the direct Gk.-to-Gmc. progress of many Christian words, via the Goths. Romance and Celtic languages use variants of L. ecclesia. Slang church key for "can or bottle opener" is from 1950s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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