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Англо-русский политический словарь - chip


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Перевод с английского языка chip на русский



bargaining chippolitical chippotent bargaining chip

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См. в других словарях

  1) стружка || снимать стружку2) скол, место скола3) осколок; обломок || отламывать; выкрашивать, выкрашиваться; скалывать4) глубина прохода (при резании)5) интегральная схема; микросхема6) рубить зубилом•to bottom on packed chips — упираться в прессованную стружку на дне отверстияto break up the chip — дробить стружку; ломать стружкуto clean chips — удалять стружкуto make chips — снимать стружкуto chip off — обрубатьto chip out — вырубатьto release the chips — удалять стружкуabrasive chipASIC chipbore chipbroken chipbubble chipCAN chipcatapulting chipsCCD chipCisc chipcleaning chipclosely compacted chipcomputer chipcontinuous chipcounter-timer chipcurling chipcutting chipdifficult-to-break chipsdiscontinuous chipEEPROM memory chipembedded chipembedded computer chipfine chipfinishing chipflow chipgranular chipgrinding chipIC chipIC memory chiplight chiplong-string chipsmachining chipmanageable chipsmemory chipmicroprocessor chipmultipurpose chipout-of-control chipspacked chippoor chipraveled chipread/write chipred-hot chipremoving chipsegmental chipsemiconductor chipthread chiptool coding chipturning chipuncut chipwell-broken chip ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  away урезывать; сокращать (at) The new director learned to chip away at the firms methods, rather than try to change everything at once. CHIP basket noun легкая корзина из стружек (для цветов, фруктов) CHIP in  а) coll. вмешиваться; принимать участие (в разговоре, складчине и т.п.) The conversation was very pleasant until our talkative neighbour chipped in.  б) входить в долю; принимать участие в (чём-л.), поддерживать If everyone chips in a few pounds, therell be enough to help the homeless family. Members of the youth club were asked to chip in a few hours work each week to help people in the neighbourhood. CHIP shop noun магазин, торгующий горячей пищей (чипсами, рыбой, сосисками, курицей) CHIP out вырезать CHIP  1. noun  1) щепка, лучина; стружка  2) обломок (камня); осколок (стекла); отбитый кусок (посуды)  3) место, где отбит кусок; изъян  4) тонкий кусочек (сушеного яблока, поджаренного картофеля и т.п.) - fish and chips  5) pl.; coll. чипсы, жареный хрустящий картофель  6) фишка, марка (в играх)  7) pl.; coll. деньги, монеты to buy chips - помещать, вкладывать деньги  8) ничего не стоящая вещь  9) pl. щебень to hand/pass in ones chips -  а) рассчитаться;  б) умереть a chip of the old block - характером весь в отца I dont care a chip - мне наплевать to have/wear a chip on ones shoulder - быть готовым к драке; искать повода к ссоре; держаться вызывающе dry as a chip - неинтересный such carpenters, such chips - видно мастера...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. щепка, лучина 2. стружка chip breaker —- тех. стружколоматель; щепа; лыко, луб (для плетения корзин, шляп) 3. расщепленный пальмовый лист (для плетения шляп) hats in chip —- шляпы из пальмовой соломки 4. плетеная корзина из стружки (для цветов, фруктов) 5. проволочная корзинка для жарения ломтиков картофеля 6. обломок (камня); осколок (стекла); отбитый кусок 7. изъян; место, где отбит кусок; цербинка; зазубрина a chip in the edge of a plate —- щербинка на ободке тарелки 8. щебенка chip rejector —- тех. устройство для сортировки щебня chip stone —- щебень, битый камень 9. осколок алмаза; розочка 10. тонкий ломтик (картофеля, яблока) orange chips —- засахаренные апельсинные дольки chocolate chips —- шоколадная стружка 11. разг. чипсы fish and chips —- рыба с жареной картошкой 12. фишка, марка (в играх) 13. ничего не стоящая вещь; нечто безвкусное, непитательное, высохшее, непригодное to roast to a chip —- зажарить дочерна 14. отбросы, брак, обрезки (кинопленки) 15. отрезок микрофотопленки (из одного или нескольких кадров) 16. разг. деньги, монеты in the chips —- при деньгах heavy with chips —- богатый, состоятельный 17. сл. соверен (золотая монета) 18. ам. кизяк they made a fire with camel chips —- они разожгли костер верблюжьим кизяком 19....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  проклюнуться, пробивать яичную скорлупу ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) микросхема, чип, кристалл 2) микрокадр (микрофильма) 3) акция 4) pl деньги – to be in the chips – to buy chips – blue chips ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) обломок, осколок 2) щепка; стружка 3) лесн. щепа 4) интегральная схема, ИС, микросхема 5) микр. кристалл (ИС), чип 6) скол (на кристалле) 7) элементарный сигнал, элементарная (кодовая) посылка 8) фишка в (игре) 9) микрокадр (на микрофише) 10) метал. удаляемый слой (вырубаемой заготовки) 11) горн. штыб, угольная мелочь 12) расщеплять 13) рубить зубилом 14) снимать стружку 15) дробить 16) выкрашивать(ся) 17) проклёвывать яичную скорлупу to chip off — обрубать зубилом - IC chip - MSI chip - ROM chip - SSI chip - bond-out chip - diode chip - flip chip - integrated circuit chip - silicon chip - small-scale integration chip - unpackaged chip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  интегральная схема, ИС – analog chip – CCD chip – clipper chip – digital chip – memory chip – silicon-spacer chip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) осколок, (мелкий) обломок; мн. ч. крошка 2) мн. ч. стружка 3) снимать стружку 4) горн. штыб; мн. ч. угольная мелочь 5) лесн. щепа 6) строит. кротка заполнителя (напр. бетона); щебень 7) удаляемый металл заготовки 8) скол (напр. на кристалле) 9) глубина прохода (при резании) 10) мн. ч. гранулят 11) мн. ч. пищ. стружка, чипсы 12) макулатурный (низкосортный) картон; переплётный картон 13) кристалл (ИС) 14) интегральная схема, ИС; микросхема 15) мн. ч. вчт. конфетти 16) микрокадр (на микрофише) 17) дробить 18) тесать; строгать; рубить зубилом 19) выкрашивать(ся) 20) зачищать потёки (клея режущим инструментом) to make chips — снимать стружку; to chip off — обрубать зубилом; to chip out — вырубать - analog chip - array chip - backbonded chip - bare chip - beam-leaded chip - beam-lead chip - bipolar chip - bore chips - bubble chip - bumped chip - CCD chip - component chip - custom-built chip - custom chip - digital chip - discontinuous chip - edge chips - electronic chip - extraction chips - finishing chips - freshly cut green wood chips - full tree chips - gate-array chip - glue chip - green chips - highly-integrated chip - hogged chips - linear chip - logic chip - machining chips - master slice chip - master chip - memory chip - microcircuit chip - microprocessor chip - micro chip - monolithic chip - naked chip - peripheral chip - polymer chips - poor chips - removing chips - semiconductor chip - soap chips - sponge-iron chips - swarf chips - thick-film chip - thin-film chip - unpackaged chip - waste chips - wood chips ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a small piece removed by or in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking, esp. from hard material such as wood or stone. 2 the place where such a chip has been made. 3 a (usu. in pl.) a strip of potato, deep fried. b (in pl.) US potato crisps. 4 a counter used in some gambling games to represent money. 5 Electronics = MICROCHIP. 6 a a thin strip of wood, straw, etc., used for weaving hats, baskets, etc. b a basket made from these. 7 Football etc. & Golf a short shot, kick, or pass with the ball describing an arc. --v. (chipped, chipping) 1 tr. (often foll. by off, away) cut or break (a piece) from a hard material. 2 intr. (often foll. by at, away at) cut pieces off (a hard material) to alter its shape, break it up, etc. 3 intr. (of stone, china, etc.) be susceptible to being chipped; be apt to break at the edge (will chip easily). 4 tr. (also absol.) Football etc. & Golf strike or kick (the ball) with a chip (cf. sense 7 of n.). 5 tr. (usu. as chipped adj.) cut (potatoes) into chips. Phrases and idioms chip heater Austral. & NZ a domestic water-heater that burns wood chips. chip in colloq. 1 interrupt or contribute abruptly to a conversation (chipped in with a reminiscence). 2 contribute (money or resources). a chip off the old block a child who resembles a parent, esp. in character. a chip on one's shoulder colloq. a disposition or inclination to feel resentful or aggrieved. chip shot = sense 7 of n. have had one's chips Brit. colloq. be unable to avoid defeat, punishment, etc. when the chips are down colloq. when it comes to the point. Etymology: ME f. OF cipp, cyp beam ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English -cippian  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off  b. a small piece of food: as  (1) a small thin slice of food; especially potato ~  (2) french fry  (3) a small cone-shaped bit of food often used for baking chocolate ~s  2. something small, worthless, or trivial  3.  a. one of the counters used as a token for money in poker and other games  b. plural money — used especially in the phrase in the ~s  c. something valuable that can be used for advantage in negotiation or trade a bargaining ~  4. a piece of dried dung — usually used in combination cow ~  5. a flaw left after a ~ has been broken off  6.  a. integrated circuit  b. a small wafer of semiconductor material that forms the base for an integrated circuit  7. ~ shot 1  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English -cippian (as in forcippian to cut off); akin to Old English cipp beam, Old High German ~fa stave  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cut or hew with an edged tool  b.  (1) to cut or break (a small piece) from something  (2) to cut or break a fragment from ~ a tooth  (3) to cut into ~s ~ a tree stump  2. British chaff, banter  3. to hit (a return in tennis) with backspin  intransitive verb  1. to break off in small pieces  2. to play a ~ shot ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (chips, chipping, chipped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot, usually with a meal. (BRIT; in AM, use French fries) I had fish and chips in a cafe... N-COUNT: usu pl 2. Chips or potato chips are very thin slices of fried potato that are eaten cold as a snack. (AM; in BRIT, use crisps) ...a package of onion-flavored potato chips. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. A silicon chip is a very small piece of silicon with electronic circuits on it which is part of a computer or other piece of machinery. N-COUNT 4. A chip is a small piece of something or a small piece which has been broken off something. It contains real chocolate chips... Teichler’s eyes gleamed like chips of blue glass. N-COUNT: oft supp N 5. A chip in something such as a piece of china or furniture is where a small piece has been broken off it. The washbasin had a small chip. N-COUNT 6. If you chip something or if it chips, a small piece is broken off it. The blow chipped the woman’s tooth... Steel baths are lighter but chip easily. VERB: V n, V • chipped They drank out of chipped mugs. ADJ 7. Chips are plastic counters used in gambling to represent money. He put the pile of chips in the center of the table and drew a card. N-COUNT: usu pl 8. In discussions between people or governments, a chip or a bargaining chip is something of value which one side holds, which can be exchanged for something they want from the other side. The information could be used as a bargaining chip to extract some parallel information from Britain... N-COUNT 9. see also blue chip 10. If you describe someone as a chip off the old block, you mean that they are just like one of their parents in character or behaviour. Her fifth child was born, a son who Sally at first thought was another chip off the old block. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 11. If you say that something happens when the chips are down, you mean it happens when...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MARK« a small hole or mark on a plate, cup etc where a piece has broken off + in  (There's a chip in this plate.) 2 »PIECE« a small piece of wood, stone, metal etc that has broken off something  (Wood chips covered the floor of the workshop.) 3 »FOOD« a) BrE a long thin piece of potato cooked in oil; french fry AmE  (fish and chips) b) AmE a thin, flat round piece of potato cooked in very hot oil and eaten cold; crisp1 BrE 4 »COMPUTER« a) a small piece of silicon that has a set of complicated electrical connections on it and is used to store and process2 (4) information in computers b) the main microprocessor of a computer 5 have a chip on your shoulder to easily become offended or angry because you think you have been treated unfairly in the past  (He's always had a chip on his shoulder about not going to university.) 6 be a chip off the old block informal to be very similar to your mother or father in appearance or character 7 »GAME« a small flat coloured piece of plastic used in gambling to represent a particular amount of money 8 »SPORT« a kick in football, rugby etc that makes the ball go high into the air for a short distance 9 when the chips are down spoken a serious or difficult situation, especially one in which you realize what is really true or important  (When the chips are down, you've only got yourself to depend on.) 10 have had your chips BrE informal to be in a situation in which you no longer have any hope of improvement  (- see also blue chip, cash in your chips cash2, cow chip) ~2 v chipped, chipping 1 if something such as a plate chips or if you chip it, a small piece of it breaks off accidentally  (Gary fell and chipped one of his front teeth. | These cheap plates chip really easily.) 2 to cut potatoes into thin pieces ready to be cooked in hot oil 3 to hit or kick a ball in football, rugby etc so that it goes high into the air for a short distance chip sth away phr v to remove something, especially something hard that is covering a surface, by hitting it with a tool so that small pieces...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Coronary Health Improvement Program physiol. abbr. Cardio Health Improvement Project physiol. abbr. Cardiovascular Health Intervention Program physiol. abbr. Chromatin Immuno-Precipitation U.S. gov. abbr. Collaborative Hipaa Implementation Project mil. abbr. Continuous Human Improvising Process univ. abbr. Campus Housing Internet Project electron. abbr. Coordinate High Income Portfolio educ. abbr. Changing The Heart Of Instructional Practices educ. abbr. Citizens Handy Information Program NASDAQ abbr. L S Capital Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. forcippian, v. form of cipp "small piece of wood," from PIE base *keipo- "sharp post." Sense of "break off fragments" is 18c. To chip in may come from card-playing. Potato chip is 1860s. Chip of the old block is used by Milton. To have a chip on one's shoulder is from at least 1820s, U.S., from the custom of a boy determined to fight putting a chip on his shoulder and defying another to knock it off. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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