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Англо-русский политический словарь - capital


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Перевод с английского языка capital на русский

1. n

1) столица

2) эк. капитал; фонды

3) эк. акционерный капитал; ценные бумаги

4) капитал, капиталисты

to attract the capital — привлекать капитал

to curb the outflow of capital — сдерживать / ограничивать утечку / отток капитала

to facilitate the investment of capital — поощрять капиталовложения

to furnish the capital — предоставлять капитал

to get capital flowing back into the region — добиться обратного притока капитала в данный регион

to incite the capital — привлекать капитал

to invest the capital in smth — вкладывать / инвестировать капитал во что-л.

to make political capital on / out of smth — наживать политический капитал на чем-л.

to march through the capital — проходить по улицам столицы (о демонстрации)

to stimulate the flow of private capital — стимулировать движение частного капитала

to transfer capital abroad — переводить капитал за границу

to withdraw capital — изымать капитал

capital outlays

capital turnover

account capitalavailable capitalbig capitalcirculating capitalcommercial capitalcommodity capitalconstant capitalcurrent capitaldomestic capitalfinance capitalfinancial capitalfixed capitalfloating capitalforeign capitalinvested capitalloan capitalmoney capitalmonopoly capitalnational capitalofficial capitaloriginal capitalprivate capitalprovisional capitalready capitalrisk capitalshare capitalstate capitalstate-monopoly capitalstock capitaltrading capitalusury capitalvariable capitalventure capitalworking capitalaccumulation of capitalamount of capital invested

concentration of capital

drop in capital inflowentry of foreign capital into a countryexport of capitalflight of capital out of ... into ...flow of capitalinflow of foreign capitalmerging of industrial and banking capitalmovement of capitalpenetration of foreign capital into a countryrepatriation of capitalsources of capitaltransfer of capital abroad

2. a

1) столичный; главный (о городе)

2) главный, основной; капитальный; важнейший

3) юр. караемый смертью

capital city

capital crime

capital expenditure

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См. в других словарях

  • капиталисты• преимущество• товарно-торговый капитал• ценные бумаги ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  1. столица (также capital city); главный город (штата) 2. прописная, заглавная или большая буква (также capital letter) small capitals —- полигр. капитель 3. столичный, главный (о городе) 4. прописной, заглавный, большой (о букве) capital composition —- полигр. набор прописными буквами 5. главный, основной, самый важный; капитальный capital point —- главный (важнейший) вопрос capital error —- основная ошибка; роковое заблуждение capital amount —- основная сумма capital expenditure —- капитальные затраты capital construction —- капитальное строительство 6. юр. караемый смертью; тяжкий capital crime —- преступление, за которое предусматривается смертная казеь capital punishment —- смертная казнь capital murder —- убийство, караемое смертной казнью 7. разг. превосходный, отличный capital idea —- отличная мысль capital fellow —- замечательный парень 8. уст. относящийся к голове 9. полит-эк. капитал; эк. основной капитал; эк. акционерный капитал (также equity capital) capital of a company —- акционерный капитал компании 10. фин. основная сумма capital and interest —- основная сумма и проценты 11. капитал, капиталисты, класс капиталистов labour and capital —- труд и капитал 12. выгода, преимущество to make capital by (out of) smth. —- нажить капитал на чем-л. 13. эк. относящийся к капиталу capital...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) эк. капитал а) (совокупность реальных и финансовых активов, которые могут быть использованы для получения прибыли) capital of a company — капитал компании Eurobonds provide an important capital source for multinational companies and foreign governments. — Евробоны представляют важный источник капитала для транснациональных компаний и иностранных правительств. See: physical capital, financial capital, debt capital, equity capital, authorized capital, called-up capital, issued capital, paid-in capital, capital spending, capital investment, circulating capital, net working capital, shareholders' equity, cost of capital, capitalization, decapitalize б) (в самом широком смысле: любой ресурс, являющийся источником какой-либо выгоды (напр., культурный капитал)) political capital — политический капитал See: "social capital в) эк. (один из факторов производства (наряду с землей и трудом); накопленный запас результатов прошлого труда, необходимый для создания материальных благ в будущем) г) маркс. (стоимость, которая посредством эксплуатации наемной рабочей силы приносит прибавочную стоимость, самовозрастает) 2) фин., банк. основная сумма (долга); тело кредита (в отличие от процентов) to repay capital and interest on debt — выплатить основную сумму и проценты по долгу 3) эк., соц. капиталисты, класс капиталистов, капитал a conflict of interest between capital...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) экон. капитал; накопления 2) заглавная буква 3) архит. капитель 4) главный, основной, капитальный - authorized capital - capital of ring - chimney capital - circulating capital - corporate capital - fixed capital - floating capital - pilaster capital - stock capital - working capital ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  капитель (колонны) aeolic capital angle capital bell capital column capital cracket capital cube capital cushion capital palm capital scalloped capital stiff leaf capital water leaf capital ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) архит. капитель 2) прописная буква - angle capital - basket capital - bell capital - bowl capital - chimney capital - column capital - corner capital - pilaster capital - small capitals - vaulting capital ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n., adj., & int. --n. 1 the most important town or city of a country or region, usu. its seat of government and administrative centre. 2 a the money or other assets with which a company starts in business. b accumulated wealth, esp. as used in further production. c money invested or lent at interest. 3 capitalists generally. 4 a capital letter. --adj. 1 a principal; most important; leading. b colloq. excellent, first-rate. 2 a involving or punishable by death (capital punishment; a capital offence). b (of an error etc.) vitally harmful; fatal. 3 (of letters of the alphabet) large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names etc. --int. expressing approval or satisfaction. Phrases and idioms capital gain a profit from the sale of investments or property. capital goods goods, esp. machinery, plant, etc., used or to be used in producing commodities (opp. consumer goods). capital levy 1 the appropriation by the State of a fixed proportion of the wealth in the country. 2 a wealth tax. capital sum a lump sum of money, esp. payable to an insured person. capital territory a territory containing the capital city of a country. capital transfer tax hist. (in the UK) a tax levied on the transfer of capital by gift or bequest etc. Usage Replaced in 1986 by inheritance tax. make capital out of use to one's advantage. with a capital -- emphatically such (art with a capital A). Derivatives capitally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L capitalis f. caput -itis head 2. n. Archit. the head or cornice of a pillar or column. Etymology: ME f. OF capitel f. LL capitellum dimin. of L caput head ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French ~, capitel, from Late Latin capitellum small head, top of column, diminutive of Latin capit-, caput head — more at head  Date: 13th century the uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablature — see column illustration  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~is, from capit-, caput  Date: 14th century  1. of a letter of or conforming to the series A, B, C, etc. rather than a, b, c, etc.  2.  a. punishable by death a ~ crime  b. involving execution ~ punishment  c. most serious a ~ error  3.  a. chief in importance or influence ~ ships the ~ importance of criticism in the work of creation itself — T. S. Eliot  b. being the seat of government  4. of or relating to ~; especially relating to or being assets that add to the long-term net worth of a corporation ~ improvements  5. excellent a ~ book  III. noun  Etymology: French or Italian; French, from Italian ~e, from ~e, adjective, chief, principal, from Latin ~is  Date: circa 1639  1.  a.  (1) a stock of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income received during a specified period; also the value of these accumulated goods  (2) accumulated goods devoted to the production of other goods  (3) accumulated possessions calculated to bring in income  b.  (1) net worth  (2) stock 7c(1)  c. persons holding ~  d. advantage, gain make ~ of the situation  e. a store of useful assets or advantages wasted their political ~ on an unpopular cause wrote from the ~ of his emotionally desolate boyhood — E. L. Doctorow  2. ~ (II)  a. a ~ letter; especially an initial ~ letter  b. a letter belonging to a style of alphabet modeled on the style customarily used in inscriptions  3. ~ (II)  a. a city serving as a seat of government  b. a city preeminent in some special activity the fashion ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (capitals) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Capital is a large sum of money which you use to start a business, or which you invest in order to make more money. (BUSINESS) Companies are having difficulty in raising capital... A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches. N-UNCOUNT 2. You can use capital to refer to buildings or machinery which are necessary to produce goods or to make companies more efficient, but which do not make money directly. (BUSINESS) ...capital equipment that could have served to increase production. ...capital investment. N-UNCOUNT: usu N n 3. Capital is the part of an amount of money borrowed or invested which does not include interest. (BUSINESS) With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest. N-UNCOUNT 4. The capital of a country is the city or town where its government or parliament meets. ...Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. N-COUNT: usu the N in sing, oft N of n 5. If a place is the capital of a particular industry or activity, it is the place that is most famous for it, because it happens in that place more than anywhere else. Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade. ...New York, the fashion capital of the world. N-COUNT: usu the N in sing, with supp 6. Capitals or capital letters are written or printed letters in the form which is used at the beginning of sentences or names. ‘T’, ‘B’, and ‘F’ are capitals. The name and address are written in capitals. N-COUNT 7. A capital offence is one that is so serious that the person who commits it can be punished by death. Espionage is a capital offence in this country. ...Americans wrongly convicted of capital crimes. ADJ: ADJ n 8. see also working capital 9. If you say that someone is making capital out of a situation, you disapprove of the way they are gaining an advantage for themselves through other people’s efforts or bad luck. (FORMAL) He rebuked the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CITY« an important town or city where the central government of a country, state etc is  (Albany is the capital of New York State.) 2 »FINANCIAL« money or property, especially when it is used to start a business or to produce more wealth  (You'll need more capital if you want to open your own business.)  (- see also working capital, venture capital) 3 »LETTER« a letter of the alphabet written in its large form as it is, for example at the beginning of someone's name  (- compare lower case) 4 »CENTRE OF ACTIVITY« a place that is a centre for an industry, business, or other activity  (Hollywood is the capital of the movie industry.) 5 make capital out of to use a situation or event to help you get an advantage  (The Republicans are sure to make capital out of the closure of the plant.) 6 »BUILDING« the top part of a column (=a long stone post used in some buildings) ~2 adj 1 capital letter a letter that is written or printed in its large form  (- compare lower case) 2 capital offence/crime an offence etc that is punished by death 3 old-fashioned excellent  (That's a capital suggestion!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Center For Advanced Partnerships In Technology And Learning gen. bus. abbr. Clients And Professionals In Training And Learning ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 12c., from L. capitalis "of the head," from caput (gen. capitis) "head." A capital crime (1526) is one that affects the life, or the "head." The noun for "chief town" is first recorded 1667 (the O.E. word was heafodstol). The financial sense (1630) is from L.L. capitale "stock, property," neut. of capitalis. Capital letters (1649) are at the "head" of a sentence or word. Capitalism first recorded 1854; capitalist is 1791, from Fr. capitaliste, a coinage of the Revolution and a term of reproach. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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