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Англо-русский политический словарь - buy


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to buy American — покупать американские товары

to buy British — покупать британские товары

to buy up — скупать

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  • поверить• принять (что-л.) за чистую монету• согласиться с (чем-л.) или ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  time оттянуть время BUY up  а) скупать The company bought up all the other cinemas and so became free of competition.  б) закупать Housewives, afraid of running short, have bought up all the sugar in the shops. BUY over подкупать, переманивать на свою сторону BUY  1. v.; past and past part. bought  1) покупать; приобретать - buy on tick  2) подкупать - buy back - buy in - buy off - buy out - buy over - buy up to buy over smb. s head - перехватить у кого-л. покупку за более дорогую цену to buy a white horse coll. - транжирить деньги - buy time I will not buy that это со мной не пройдет, я этого не допущу  2. noun coll. покупка; a good (bad) buy - удачная (неудачная) покупка to be on the buy - производить значительные покупки BUY back выкупать He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back. BUY in  а) закупать We must make sure to buy in sugar before the price rises again.  б) выкупать (собственные вещи на аукционе) The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in at $68,000. BUY low купить дешево; BUY off откупаться His sister threatened to tell the police, so he had to buy her off. BUY on tick coll. покупать в кредит BUY out  а) освободиться от выполнения какого-л. обязательства (путём уплаты определённой суммы) Bills parents paid a lot of money to buy him out of the army.  б) выкупать чью-л. долю (в предприятии, фирме и т.п.) Mr Sharp has enough money to buy out the town. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. покупка, сделка bad buy —- неудачная (плохая) покупка 2. покупать, купить to buy back —- выкупать (проданное) to buy smth. from (of) smb. —- купить что-л. у кого-л. to buy for cash —- покупать (что-л.) за наличные деньги the best that money can buy —- лучшее, что можно достать за деньги that which no gold can buy —- то, что ни за какие деньги не получишь 3. покупать, приобретать (ценою жертв) to buy fame with one's life —- приобрести славу ценою жизни the victory was dearly bought —- победа досталась дорогой ценой, за эту погоду дорого заплатили to buy smth. at the expense of one's health —- пожертвовать ради чего-л. своим здоровьем 4. сл. нанять I'll buy me a lawyer —- я возьму себе адвоката 5. подкупать, давать взятку (также buy over) to buy a public official —- подкупать должностное лицо 6. сл. поверить чему-л.; принять что-л. за чистую монету; согласиться с чем-л. или на что-л. will you buy it? —- согласны?, идет?, по рукам? I am willing to buy that —- я готов поверить этому I will not buy that —- со мной эти штучки не пройдут, я на это не поддамся I'll buy that idea! —- согласен!, идет! nobody is eager to buy the plan —- никого этот план не приводит в восторг; никто не торопится проводить в жизнь этот план 7. сл. добиться, достичь what are you trying to buy with that? —- чего вы хотите добиться? 8. уст. искупать (чьи-л. грехи) Id:...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. гл. 1) купить, покупать, закупать 2) подкупать, давать взятку • - best buy - buy American act - buy a pig in a poke - buy ahead - buy at best - buy back - buy earnings - buy for cash - buy for future delivery - buy forward - buy forward - buy from - buy in - buy in - buy limit order - buy off - buy on close - buy on credit - buy on margin - buy on opening - buy on weakness - buy or cancel - buy order - buy out - buy outright - buy over - buy shares - buy up the issue - buy up - option to buy Syn: to acquire, to purchase, to procure Ant: to sell 2. сущ. 1) покупка 2) сделка • - be on the buy - buy on close - buy on opening - bad buy - good buy BUY I гл. 1) а) эк. купить, покупать, закупать to buy wholesale - покупать оптом, to buy retail - покупать в розницу, to buy from the store (shop) - покупать в магазине, to buy from the retailer - покупать у розничного торговца, to buy a pig in a poke - покупать "кота в мешке", to buy at a bargain - покупать по дешевке, to buy in lots - покупать партиями Syn: purchase II Ant: sell See: buy for cash, buy in, buy-out, buy-or-die б) общ. покупать, приобретать (что-либо ценою какой-либо жертвы) My freedom was bought by the blood of my ancestors. - Моя свобода была приобретена ценою крови моих предков. 2) общ. подкупать, давать взятку The best way to buy power and influence is to give power to politicians and then buy the politician. - Лучший способ приобрести власть и влияние- это дать власть политикам, а затем подкупить одного из них. 3) общ., разг. верить, принимать за чистую монету I can't buy this story. - Я не могу поверить в эту...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (buys, buying; past and past part. bought) 1 tr. a obtain in exchange for money etc. b (usu. in neg.) serve to obtain (money can't buy happiness). 2 tr. a procure (the loyalty etc.) of a person by bribery, promises, etc. b win over (a person) in this way. 3 tr. get by sacrifice, great effort, etc. (dearly bought; bought with our sweat). 4 tr. sl. accept, believe in, approve of (it's a good scheme, I'll buy it; he bought it, he's so gullible). 5 absol. be a buyer for a store etc. (buys for Selfridges; are you buying or selling?). --n. colloq. a purchase (that sofa was a good buy). Phrases and idioms best buy the purchase giving the best value in proportion to its price; a bargain. buy in 1 buy a stock of. 2 withdraw (an item) at auction because of failure to reach the reserve price. buy into obtain a share in (an enterprise) by payment. buy it (usu. in past) sl. be killed. buy off get rid of (a claim, a claimant, a blackmailer) by payment. buy oneself out obtain one's release (esp. from the armed services) by payment. buy out pay (a person) to give up an ownership, interest, etc. buy-out n. the purchase of a controlling share in a company etc. buy over bribe. buy time delay an event, conclusion, etc., temporarily. buy up 1 buy as much as possible of. 2 absorb (another firm etc.) by purchase. Etymology: OE bycgan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (bought; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English byen, from Old English bycgan; akin to Gothic bugjan to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to acquire possession, ownership, or rights to the use or services of by payment especially of money ; purchase  2.  a. to obtain in exchange for something often at a sacrifice they bought peace with their freedom  b. redeem 6  3. bribe, hire  4. to be the purchasing equivalent of the dollar ~s less today than it used to  5. accept, believe I don't ~ that hooey — often used with into  intransitive verb to make a purchase  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1879  1. something of value at a favorable price; especially bargain it's a real ~ at that price  2. an act of ~ing ; purchase ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (buys, buying, bought) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it. He could not afford to buy a house... Lizzie bought herself a mountain bike... I’d like to buy him lunch. VERB: V n, V pron-refl n, V n n 2. If you talk about the quantity or standard of goods an amount of money buys, you are referring to the price of the goods or the value of the money. About ?35,000 buys a habitable house... If the pound’s value is high, British investors will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more. VERB: V n, V n n 3. If you buy something like time, freedom, or victory, you obtain it but only by offering or giving up something in return. It was a risky operation, but might buy more time... For them, affluence was bought at the price of less freedom in their work environment. VERB: V n, V n 4. If you say that a person can be bought, you are criticizing the fact that they will give their help or loyalty to someone in return for money. Once he shows he can be bought, they settle down to a regular payment. = bribe VERB: usu passive, be V-ed c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it. (INFORMAL) I’m not buying any of that nonsense. VERB: V n • Buy into means the same as buy. I bought into the popular myth that when I got the new car or the next house, I’d finally be happy. PHRASAL VERB: V P n 6. If something is a good buy, it is of good quality and not very expensive. This was still a good buy even at the higher price... = bargain N-COUNT: supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle bought 1 a) to get something by paying money for it  (Where did you buy that dress? | buy sb sth)  (Let me buy you a drink. | buy sth for)  (Sally's buying new curtains for the bedroom. | buy sth from sb)  (I bought this from an old guy in the market. | buy sth for $10/$200 etc)  (I bought it for two bucks at a garage sale. | buy sth for a song (=buy something very cheaply))  (- opposite sell1 (1)) b) if a sum of money buys something, that is what you can get with it  (A dollar doesn't buy much these days.) 2 buy time to get more time to do something, especially by making excuses  (Tell them we've got problems with the software, it might buy us more time.) 3 informal to believe an explanation or reason, especially one that is not very likely to be true  (We could say it was an accident, but he'd never buy that.) 4 AmE informal to pay money to someone, especially someone in an official position, in order to persuade them to do something dishonest; bribe  (They say the judge was bought.) 5 (have) bought it informal to be killed, especially in an accident or war  (Vic bought it somewhere in the desert.) buy in sth ~ phr v BrE to buy something in large quantities  (We'd better buy in more beer for the party.) buy into sth ~ phr v 1 to buy part of a business or organization, especially because you want to control it  (Clegg used the money to buy into a printing business.) 2 informal to believe an idea buy sb off ~ phr v to pay someone money to stop them causing trouble or threatening you; bribe1 buy out ~ phr v 1 T buy someone/something out) to buy someone's shares share2 (6) of a business that you previously owned together, so that you have complete control  (- see also buyout) 2 T buy someone out of something) to pay money so that someone can leave an organization such as the army before their contract has finished buy up sth ~  phrasal verb to quickly buy as much as you can of something such as land, tickets, food etc  (Much of the land has been bought up by property developers.)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. bycgan (pt. bohte) from P.Gmc. *bugjanan. The surviving spelling is southwest England dialect; the word was generally pronounced in O.E. and M.E. with a -dg- sound as "budge, bidge." Meaning "believe, accept as true" first recorded 1926. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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