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Англо-русский политический словарь - branch


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Перевод с английского языка branch на русский

1. n

1) ветка, ветвь

2) ответвление, филиал, отрасль

to accept the olive branch — соглашаться на мир

to hold out the olive branch — делать мирные предложения

branch of economic activitybranch of governmentbranch of industryexecutive branchintelligence branchjudicial branchkey brancheslegislative brancholive branchProgramme Analysis and Policy Planning BranchProgramme Coordination Branch

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См. в других словарях

  1) ветвь; ответвление; отвод, разветвление || ветвиться; ответвляться; разветвлять, разветвляться2) переход (в программе), ветвление3) фаза (многофазной цепи)4) разветвлённый питатель•abort branchautomatic data processing field branchbent branchconditional branchconnecting branchpipe branchunconditional branch ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  Office of a Deputy Minister ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  • 1) отделение; 2) ветвь• выполнять переход ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  establishment филиал BRANCH track railways маневровый путь, боковой путь BRANCH pipe tech. патрубок BRANCH office филиал BRANCH out  а) разветвляться (о дереве) The young tree is beginning to branch out.  б) расширить дело, открыть The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling music and records. Im glad to see that Jim has branched out into more varied sports these days. BRANCH line железнодорожная ветка BRANCH  1. noun  1) ветвь; ветка  2) отрасль; mil. род войск, служба  3) филиал, отделение  4) линия (родства)  5) рукав (реки); ручеек  6) отрог (горной цепи)  7) ответвление (дороги)  8) tech. тройник, отвод  9) attr. вспомогательный - branch establishment - branch office  10) attr. ответвляющийся, боковой - branch line - branch track - branch pipe  2. v.  1) раскидывать ветви  2) разветвляться; расширяться; отходить - branch off - branch out BRANCH off разветвляться; отходить от главного направления Take the little path which branches off to the left. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ветка (дерева) 2. ребенок, отпрыск 3. отрасль (промышленности, науки и т. п.) branch of learning —- отрасль знания pathology is a branch of medicine —- патология - один из разделов медицины 4. филиал, отделение branch post-office —- (местное) почтовое отделение branch bank —- отделение банка a neighbourhood branch of the city library —- соседнее (ближайшее) отделение городской библиотеки 5. линия, ветвь (родства) English is a branch of the Germanic family of langauges —- английский язык - ветвь германской языковой группы 6. рукав (реки) 7. ам. приток; ручей 8. ответвление (дороги и т. п.) branch line —- железнодорожная ветка branch circuit —- эл. ответвленная цепь 9. отрог (горной цепи) 10. геол. крыло (складки) 11. воен. род войск; служба (также branch of the service) 12. ам. отдел, отделение (в штабе) 13. (B.) ам. полит. власть (также B. of Government) the Executive B. —- исполнительная власть; президент и его правительство the Judicial B. —- судебная власть; судебные органы the Legislative B. —- законодательная власть; законодательный орган, конгресс 14. тех. отвод; тройник branch pipe —- патрубок 15. комп. ветвь (дерева, программы) 16. комп. переход, операция перехода branch instruction —- команда перехода Id: to hold out the olive branch —- делать мирные предложения, стараться уладить дело миром 17. раскидывать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ветвь, ветка; ветвиться 2) линия родства 3) ответвление – axillary branch – epicormic branch – flower-bearing branch – fruiting branch – lateral branch – leading branch – porrect branch – primary branch – scaffold branch – secondary branch – side branch – strict branch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. ветка, ветвь (дерева или растения); ответвление; ветвление (чего-л. основного (напр. в структуре)) path branch — ответвление пути 2) а) упр. отделение, филиал; подразделение (структурная часть в составе какой-л. организации; имеет свои функции, полномочия и обязанности) branch of a company — филиал компании branch bank — филиал банка branch factory — филиал предприятия to establish a branch — основать открыть филиал отделение foreign overseas branch — зарубежное отделение, зарубежный филиал local branch — местное отделение suburban branch — пригородное отделение branch profit — прибыль филиала отделения The account is held at the bank’s Elm Street branch. — Счет открыт в отделении филиале банка на Элм Стрит. Syn: affiliate, branch office, branch establishment, branch business б) воен. род войск; служба branch of the service — служба 3) эк. отрасль (промышленности); область, раздел, направление (науки и т. п.) branch of industry — отрасль промышленности textile branch — текстильная отрасль branch of knowledge — область знаний branch of law — область права various branches of learning — различные направления обучения Ethics is a branch of philosophy. — Этика - это раздел философии. 4) демогр. линия, ветвь родства 5) эк. тр., брит. профсоюзная ячейка (отделение профсоюза на предприятии или в...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ветвь; ответвление ветвиться; ответвляться 2) ветка 3) отвод 4) отделение, филиал 5) отрасль; подразделение 6) нитка, ветвь (трубопровода) 7) тройник 8) электр. плечо моста 9) топогр. рукав (реки) 10) метал. разветвленный питатель 11) вчт. операция перехода, ветвление 12) горн. промежуточный штрек, промежуточная выработка 13) геогр. отрог (хребта) 14) геогр. приток (реки) 15) ручей; протока 16) разветвлять(ся) height of branch — матем. высота ветви order of branch — матем. порядок ветви to branch off — ответвляться; отходить от главного направления to branch out — разветвляться - analytic branch - ascending branch - balanced branch - branch of curve - branch of decay - branch of function - branch of hysteresis loop - branch of knowledge - branch of pipeline - branch of science - branch of tree - descending branch - formal branch - free branch - infinite branch - internal branch - irreducible branch - link branch - maximal branch - oriented branch - path branch - radial branch - rising branch - tree branch - zero-dimensional branch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) ветвь 2) часть сети, содержащая более двух выходных элементов, включенных последовательно 3) фаза 4) плечо (моста) 5) ветвление (программы) – diversity branch – load branch – multiway branch – network branch – nonoriented branch – oriented branch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ответвление трубопровода патрубок all-socket branch blow-down branch cast branch delta branch double branch double socket tee flanged branch fixture branch horizontal branch primary branch splay branch wye branch ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ветвь, ветка; сук 2) ответвление; отвод; ветвь; рукав разветвляться; ветвиться; отводить; ответвлять(ся) 3) промежуточная горная выработка 4) нитка, ветвь (трубопровода) 5) патрубок; тройник 6) эл. групповая цепь 7) эл. фаза (многофазной цепи) 8) эл. плечо, ветвь (напр. моста) 9) вчт. переход, операция перехода, ветвление 10) вчт. ветвь (программы, дерева, алгоритма) 11) отрасль промышленности 12) ж.-д. линия 13) филиал (корпорации, фирмы) to branch off — ответвлять(ся); to branch out — разветвлять(ся) - bridge branch - calling branch - canal branch - capacitor branch - computed branch - conditional branch - connecting branch - cophasal branch - dead fallen branches - diversity branch - double Y branch - electrified branch - entering branch - exhaust branch - exit branch - film branch - flanged branch - forest branch - functional branch - graph tree branch - inductor branch - inlet branch - leaving branch - multiway branch - oriented branch - outlet branch - penstock branch - quadrature branch - resistor branch - T-branch - thermoelectric branch - unconditional branch - Y-branch ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a limb extending from a tree or bough. 2 a lateral extension or subdivision, esp. of a river, road, or railway. 3 a conceptual extension or subdivision, as of a family, knowledge, etc. 4 a local division or office etc. of a large business, as of a bank, library, etc. --v.intr. (often foll. by off) 1 diverge from the main part. 2 divide into branches. Phrases and idioms branch out extend one's field of interest. Derivatives branched adj. branchlet n. branchlike adj. branchy adj. Etymology: ME f. OF branche f. LL branca paw ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, from Late Latin branca paw  Date: 14th century  1. a natural subdivision of a plant stem; especially a secondary shoot or stem (as a bough) arising from a main axis (as of a tree)  2. something that extends from or enters into a main body or source: as  a.  (1) a stream that flows into another usually larger stream ; tributary  (2) Southern & Midland creek 2  b. a side road or way  c. a slender projection (as the tine of an antler)  d. a distinctive part of a mathematical curve  e. a part of a computer program executed as a result of a program decision  3. a part of a complex body: as  a. a division of a family descending from a particular ancestor  b. an area of knowledge that may be considered apart from related areas pathology is a ~ of medicine  c.  (1) a division of an organization  (2) a separate but dependent part of a central organization the neighborhood ~ of the city library  d. a language group less inclusive than a family the Germanic ~ of the Indo-European language family  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~y adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to put forth ~es ; ramify  2. to spring out (as from a main stem) ; diverge  3. to be an outgrowth — used with from poetry that ~ed from religious prose  4. to extend activities — usually used with out the business is ~ing out  5. to follow one of two or more ~es (as in a computer program)  transitive verb  1. to ornament with designs of ~es  2. to divide up ; section ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (branches, branching, branched) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on them. N-COUNT 2. A branch of a business or other organization is one of the offices, shops, or groups which belong to it and which are located in different places. The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts... National is Britain’s leading autocare service with over 400 branches nationwide. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. A branch of an organization such as the government or the police force is a department that has a particular function. Senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government... He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service. ...the Metropolitan Police Special Branch. N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n, adj N 4. A branch of a subject is a part or type of it. Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors. N-COUNT: N of n 5. A branch of your family is a group of its members who are descended from one particular person. This is one of the branches of the Roosevelt family. N-COUNT: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ON A TREE« a part of a tree that grows outwards from the trunk (=stem) and that has leaves, fruit, or smaller branches growing from it  (a fallen tree trunk) 2 »IN A LOCAL AREA« a shop, office etc in a particular area that is part of a large company  (The bank has branches all over the country. | a branch office in Boston) 3 »OF AN ORGANIZATION« a part of a government or other organization that deals with one particular part of its work  (All branches of government are having to cut costs.) 4 »OF A SUBJECT« one part of a large subject of study or knowledge + of  (Newton developed a branch of mathematics called calculus.) 5 »OF A FAMILY« a group of members of a family who all have the same grandparents or ancestors  (the wealthy South American branch of the family) 6 »SMALLER PART« a smaller less important part of something that leads away from the larger more important part of it  (a branch of the river Arno) ~2 v to divide into two or more smaller, narrower, or less important parts  (branch into two)  (When you reach Germain Street, the road branches into two.) branch off ~ phr v 1 if a road, passage, railway etc branches off from another road etc, it separates from it and goes in a different direction + from  (a passage branching off from the main tunnel) 2 to leave a main road + from/into  (We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.) 3 to start talking about something different from what you were talking about before + into  (Then the conversation branched off into a discussion about movies.) branch out ~ phr v to do something different from what you usually do  (Don't be afraid to branch out and try new ideas. | branch out into (doing) sth)  (Profits were falling until the bookstore branched out into selling CDs and cassettes.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. branche, from L.L. branca "a claw, paw," of unknown origin, probably Gaulish. Meaning "local office of a business" is first recorded 1817, from earlier sense of "component part of a system" (1696). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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