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Англо-русский политический словарь - black


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(out) вычеркивать что-л., вымарывать что-л. (о цензоре)

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  Power noun amer. Власть черных (лозунг негритянского движения в США, требующий большего участия негров в политической и культурной жизни страны) BLACK pudding noun кровяная колбаса BLACK Sea noun Черное море BLACK spot noun  1) неприятное место, время, ситуация и т.д.  2) участок дороги повышенной опасности BLACK nightshade черный паслен; BLACK tie noun  1) официальный прием  2) строгий вечерний костюм BLACK out  а) вымарывать, замазывать текст черной краской; не пропускать, запрещать The advertisement for the concert tells where it will take place, but the date has been blacked out.  б) маскировать; затемнять; выключать свет During the war we had to black out all our windows. The stage was blacked out to hide a change of scenery.  в) amer. засекречивать Reports of the peace talks have been blacked out for twenty-four hours so as to allow freer argument.  г) на мгновение терять сознание After the accident he blacked out and couldnt remember what happened.  д) заглушать (радиопередачу) Television shows were blacked out as the union trouble spread. BLACK  1. adj.  1) черный black character = black letter  2) темный  3) темнокожий; смуглый  4) мрачный, унылый; безнадежный things look black - положение кажется безнадежным  5) сердитый, злой - black looks - look black  6) дурной he is not so black as he is painted - он не так плох, как его изображают  7) грязный (о руках, белье)  8) зловещий - black as ink - black art - Black Belt - the Black Country black as...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. черный цвет, чернота 2. черная краска, чернь 3. черное платье, траурное платье 4. грязь, сажа; черное пятно you have some black on your hand —- у вас на руке что-то черное 5. чернокожий 6. негр 7. шахм. черное поле 8. шахм. черные фигуры 9. шахм. игрок, играющий черными 10. воен. профес. яблоко мишени Id: to swear black is white —- называть черное белым, заведомо говорить неправду Id: to be in the black —- вести дело с прибылью; быть платежеспособным Id: to go into black —- давать прибыль; стать рентабельным 11. черный black cloth —- черное сукно black powder —- черный порох black with age —- почерневший от времени black and tan —- черный с рыжими подпалинами 12. темный black clouds —- черные тучи black night —- темная ночь black darkness —- кромешная тьма black water —- глубокая вода black heat —- тех. темный нагрев black iron —- черная жесть heavens black with clouds —- небо, затянутое черными тучами his face was black with rage —- его лицо потемнело от гнева 13. чернокожий there is black blood in his veins —- в его жилах течет негритянская кровь black law —- закон, относящийся только к цветным black races —- черные расы 14. черный, относящийся к черным американцам B. actors —- черные актеры 15. грязный black hands —- грязные руки black linen —- грязное белье 16. мрачный, унылый, безнадежный black despair —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гист. краситель чёрного цвета; чёрный; вороной – alizarin black – eriochrome black – glossy black – Janus black – naphthol black – natural black – Polynesian black – solid black – Sudan black – white-striped black ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прил. черный - Black Monday - black ink - black out - black print - black-coated workers 2. гл. 1) заносить в черный список 2) бойкотировать - black goods BLACK гл. 1) общ. окрашивать красить в черный цвет The night sky was blacked by the harsh weather. — Ночное небо было совсем черным из-за ненастья. 2) общ. чистить ваксой, ваксить (обувь) 3) упр., преим. брит. бойкотировать (отказываться от обработки определенных товаров, работы на определенного работодателя и т. д. для выражения протеста; запрещать членам профсоюза работать на какого-либо работодателя, выполнять какие-либо работы) The union has blacked a trucking firm. — Профсоюз объявил бойкот компании грузового автотранспорта. 4) общ., редк. чернить (кого-либо), поливать грязью ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) черный 2) темный 3) чернокожий, негр 4) нелегальный, черный 5) сажа; копоть - furnace black - plumber's black - thermal black - white black 6) черный цвет; черная краска 7) с.-х. чернь (грибок, поражающий злаки) 8) красить в черный цвет 9) чернить, поливать грязью in the black — бухгалт. без убытков, с положительным сальдо, с прибылью to compress black — to collect black — to pelletize black — метал. гранулировать сажу в окатыши - channel black - reddish black ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) тлв. черный 2) заглушать (радиопередачу) – black after white – to black out – leading black – noisy black – peak black – picture black – trailing black ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  чёрная краска; чёрный пигмент; чёрный цвет сажа чёрный, тёмный окрашивать в чёрный цвет мн.ч.тёмная глина; тёмный сланец Berlin black bone black carbon black hydrocarbon black plumber's black ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) чёрный 2) сажа, технический углерод 3) чёрная краска; чёрный пигмент 4) окрашивать в чёрный цвет 5) чернь 6) дёготь 7) полигр. марашка black after white — тлв чёрное тянущееся продолжение; to black out — 1. затемнять 2. гасить; выключать свет 3. отключать (электропитание) 4. заглушать (радиопередачу) 5. вымарывать, замазывать (текст) чёрной краской - acetylene black - active black - aniline black - animal black - Brunswick black - carbon black - channel black - charcoal black - cobalt black - contact black - drop black - dustless carbon black - following black - Frankfort black - furnace black - gas black - glass black - graphitized black - hydrocarbon black - impingement black - iron oxide black - ivory black - jet black - long flow black - mineral black - nickel black - oil black - palladium black - platinum black - plumber's black - pyrolusite black - roller black - rubber black - short flow black - smoke black - thermal black - trailing black - vegetable black ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 very dark, having no colour from the absorption of all or nearly all incident light (like coal or soot). 2 completely dark from the absence of a source of light (black night). 3 (Black) a of the human group having dark-coloured skin, esp. of African or Aboriginal descent. b of or relating to Black people (Black rights). 4 (of the sky, a cloud, etc.) dusky; heavily overcast. 5 angry, threatening (a black look). 6 implying disgrace or condemnation (in his black books). 7 wicked, sinister, deadly (black-hearted). 8 gloomy, depressed, sullen (a black mood). 9 portending trouble or difficulty (things looked black). 10 (of hands, clothes, etc.) dirty, soiled. 11 (of humour or its representation) with sinister or macabre, as well as comic, import (black comedy). 12 (of tea or coffee) without milk. 13 Brit. a (of industrial labour or its products) boycotted, esp. by a trade union, in an industrial dispute. b (of a person) doing work or handling goods that have been boycotted. 14 dark in colour as distinguished from a lighter variety (black bear; black pine). --n. 1 a black colour or pigment. 2 black clothes or material (dressed in black). 3 a (in a game or sport) a black piece, ball, etc. b the player using such pieces. 4 the credit side of an account (in the black). 5 (Black) a member of a dark-skinned race, esp. a Negro or Aboriginal. --v.tr. 1 make black (blacked his face). 2 polish with blacking. 3 Brit. declare (goods etc.) 'black'. Phrases and idioms Black Africa the area of Africa, generally south of the Sahara, where Blacks predominate. black and blue discoloured by bruises. Black and Tans an armed force recruited to fight Sinn Fein in Ireland in 1921, wearing a mixture of military and constabulary uniforms. black and white 1 recorded in writing or print (down in black and white). 2 (of film etc.) not in colour. 3 consisting of extremes only, oversimplified (interpreted the problem in black and white terms). the black art = black magic. black beetle the common cockroach, Blatta orientalis. black belt 1 a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English blak, from Old English bl?c; akin to Old High German blah ~, and probably to Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. of the color ~  b.  (1) very dark in color his face was ~ with rage  (2) having a very deep or low register a bass with a ~ voice  (3) heavy, serious the play was a ~ intrigue  2.  a. having dark skin, hair, and eyes ; swarthy the ~ Irish  b.  (1) often capitalized of or relating to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin ~ Americans  (2) of or relating to the Afro-American people or their culture ~ literature a ~ college ~ pride ~ studies  (3) typical or representative of the most readily perceived characteristics of ~ culture trying to sound ~ tried to play ~er jazz  3. dressed in ~  4. dirty, soiled hands ~ with grime  5.  a. characterized by the absence of light a ~ night  b. reflecting or transmitting little or no light ~ water  c. served without milk or cream ~ coffee  6.  a. thoroughly sinister or evil ; wicked a ~ deed  b. indicative of condemnation or discredit got a ~ mark for being late  7. connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil ~ magic  8.  a. very sad, gloomy, or calamitous ~ despair  b. marked by the occurrence of disaster ~ Friday  9. characterized by hostility or angry discontent ; sullen ~ resentment filled his heart  10. chiefly British subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union  11.  a. of propaganda conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale  b. characterized by or connected with the use of ~ propaganda ~ radio  12. characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire ~ humor  13. of or relating to covert intelligence operations ~ government programs  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date:...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (blacker, blackest, blacks, blacking, blacked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is black is of the darkest colour that there is, the colour of the sky at night when there is no light at all. She was wearing a black coat with a white collar... He had thick black hair... I wear a lot of black... He was dressed all in black. COLOUR 2. A black person belongs to a race of people with dark skins, especially a race from Africa. He worked for the rights of black people... ...the traditions of the black community. ADJ 3. Black people are sometimes referred to as blacks. This use could cause offence. There are about thirty-one million blacks in the US. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. Black coffee or tea has no milk or cream added to it. A cup of black tea or black coffee contains no calories... I drink coffee black. ADJ: ADJ n, v n ADJ 5. If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed. It was, he said later, one of the blackest days of his political career... The future for the industry looks even blacker. ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If someone is in a black mood, they feel very miserable and depressed. Her mood was blacker than ever. ADJ 7. Black humour involves jokes about sad or difficult situations. ‘So you can all go over there and get shot,’ he said, with the sort of black humour common among British troops here... It’s a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations. ADJ: usu ADJ n 8. People who believe in black magic believe that it is possible to communicate with evil spirits. He was also alleged to have conducted black magic ceremonies... The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts. ADJ: ADJ n 9. If you say that someone is black and blue, you mean that they are badly bruised. Whenever she refused, he’d beat her black and blue... Bud’s nose was still black and blue. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, v-link PHR 10. If a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »COLOUR« having the colour of night or coal  (a black evening dress | The mountains looked black against the moon. | She has short black hair.) 2 »PEOPLE« a) someone who is black is a member of a dark-skinned race, especially the Negro race  (Over half the students here are black.) b) only before noun connected with or concerning black people  (politics from a black perspective | contemporary black music)  (- see negro) 3 »TEA/COFFEE« black coffee or tea does not have milk in it  (Two black coffees, please.)  (- opposite white1 (4)) 4 »DIRTY« very dirty  (My hands were black from working on the car.) 5 »WITHOUT HOPE« sad and without much hope for the future; gloomy  (Things were beginning to look pretty black for us. | a feeling of black despair | a black day (=when something very sad or upsetting happens))  (It's been another black day for the motor industry, with announcements of major job losses.) 6 »ANGRY« full of feelings of anger or hate  (I knew not to irritate him when he was in such a black mood. | Denise gave me a black look.) 7 not be as black as you are painted not to be as bad as people say you are 8 »EVIL« literary very bad  (black deeds | a black-hearted villain)  (- see also blackly) - blackness n ~2 n 1 the dark colour of night or coal 2 black clothes  (You look good in black.) 3 someone who belongs to a dark-skinned race, especially the Negro race  (laws that discriminated against blacks)  (- see negro) 4 be in the black to have money in your bank account  (- opposite be in the red red2 (5)) 5 black paint, colour etc  (Put some more black around your eyes.) ~3 v 1 BrE if a trade union blacks goods or blacks a company, it refuses to work with them 2 old-fashioned to make something black black out ~ phr v 1 to lose consciousness; faint  (I completely blacked out after the accident.) 2 T black something out) to put a dark mark over something so that it cannot be seen  (The censors had blacked out several words.) 3 T black something out) to hide or turn off all the lights in a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. blжc "black," from P.Gmc. *blak-, from PIE *bhleg- "burn, gleam." Same root produced O.E. blac "white, bright," the common meaning being "lack of hue." The main O.E. word for "black" was sweart. Adjective used of dark-skinned people in O.E. The noun in this sense is first attested 1625; blackamoor is from 1547. Sense of "dark purposes, malignant" emerged 16c. (black art 1590). Blackball (v.) "to exclude from a club by adverse votes" (black balls of wood dropped into the urn) is from 1770. Black list "list of persons who have incurred suspicion" is from 1692. Black market first attested 1931. Black eye in figurative sense of "bad reputation" is from 1880s. Blackberry was in O.E.; blackbird is from 1486. Black friar "Dominican" is first recorded 1500, so called from the color of their dress. Black hole in astrophysics is from 1968, probably with awareness of Black Hole of Calcutta, incident of 1756 in which 146 Europeans were locked up overnight in punishment cell of barracks at Ft. William, Calcutta, and all but 23 perished. Black panther is from 1965, the movement an outgrowth of Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee. Figurative use of black sheep is supposedly because a real black sheep had wool that could not be dyed and was thus worthless. But one black sheep in a flock was considered good luck by shepherds in Sussex, Somerset, Kent, Derbyshire. Baa Baa Black Sheep nursery rhyme's first known publication is in "Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book" (c.1744). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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