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Англо-русский политический словарь - bat


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Перевод с английского языка bat на русский


n разг.

шаг, темп

to do smth off one's own bat — делать что-л. по собственной инициативе

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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I noun летучая мышь to have bats in ones belfry coll. - быть ненормальным like a bat out of hell - очень быстро, со всех ног - go bats - blind as a bat II  1. noun  1) дубина; било (для льна); бита (в крикете); лапта; rare ракетка (для тенниса)  2) = batsman - good bat  3) sl. резкий удар  4) coll. шаг, темп - go full bat off ones own bat - без посторонней помощи, самостоятельно - come to bat  2. v. бить палкой, битой III v. not to bat an eyelid - и глазом не моргнуть never batted an eyelid - не сомкнул глаз - bat ones eyes IV noun amer.; sl. гулянка, кутеж - go on a bat V noun (the bat) coll. язык, устная речь - sling the bat VI noun mil. батальонное безоткатное орудие Бэт VII noun ватин; ватная подкладка - bat around BAT ones eyes мигать, моргать BAT around  а) sl. шляться The director has been batting around all day as usual, giving everybody orders.  б) sl. обсуждать, прикидывать We batted the plan around for a while, but in the end decided against it as we hadnt enough money. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. зоол. летучая мышь обыкновенная (Vespertilio murinus) (B.) —- воен. "Бэт" (радиолокационная управляемая бомба); батальное безоткатное орудие "Бэт" Id: as blind as a bat —- совершенно слепой Id: to have bats in one's belfry, to be bats —- быть не в своем уме, спятить, рехнуться Id: he is bats —- у него не все дома Id: to go like a bat out of hell —- нестись, как будто за тобой черти гонятся 2. дубина, палка 3. било (для льна) 4. лапта, бита (крикет и бейсбол) to carry one's bat —- стоять у калитки (в крикете); стоять на посту; выполнять трудное или опасное задание 5. редк. ракетка (теннис) 6. палка Арлекина (в буффонаде) 7. сокр. от the best bat in the team —- лучший игрок с битой (в команде) 8. разг. удар 9. разг. шаг, темп at a good bat —- быстро, в хорошем темпе to go full bat —- гнать вовсю 10. стр. неполный кирпич, половняк 11. с-х. планка мотовила Id: off one's own bat —- самостоятельно Id: right off the bat —- сразу, без промедления Id: the news came right off the bat —- известие было передано сразу же (незамедлительно) 12. дубасить, бить дубинкой, избивать to go to bat for —- сл. заступаться, кидаться в бой за (кого-л.) 13. спорт. бить битой или лаптой по мячу 14. спорт. отбить мяч руками 15. хлопать глазами; мигать, моргать 16. уст. махать, взмахивать (крыльями) Id: not to bat an eye, without batting an eyelid —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  бейсбольная бита С ее помощью бэттер batter отбивает броски питчера pitcher. Представляет собой деревянную или металлическую палку округлой формы длиной не более 105 см и диаметром наиболее утолщенной ее части не более 6,8 см. См. baseball ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) летучая мышь 2) pl рукокрылые (Chiroptera) – African false vampire bat – African long-tongued fruit bat – African sheath-tailed bat – African trident-nosed bat – African yellow-winged bat – avian vampire bat – banana bat – Bechstein's bat – bent-winged bat – big-eared bat – big-eyed bat – big-lipped bat – blossom bat – brown bat – bulldog bat – butterfly bat – clinging bat – club-footed bat – common bat – desert bat – disk-footed bat – disk-winged bat – epaulet bat – evening bat – false vampire bats – fisherman bat – free-tailed bat – fruit-eating bat – golden bats – gray bat – great bat – greater horseshoe bat – groove-lipped bat – hammer-headed bat – hoary bat – hog-nosed bat – horseshoe bat – javelin bat – lapped-eared bat – leaf-chinned bat – leaf-nosed bat – lesser horseshoe bat – little brown bat – lobe-lipped bat – long-eared bat – long-nosed bat – long-tailed bat – long-winged bat – mouse-eared bat – mouse-tailed bat – naked-backed bat – Natterer's bat – night bat – northern bat – painted bat – rat-tailed bat – red bat – sac-tailed bat – sac-winged bat – sea bat – shelf-tailed bat – silver-haired bat – slit-faced bat – sucker-footed bats – vampire bat – water bat – wrinkle-faced bat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  половняк, неполный кирпич (более 1/4 по длине) теплозвукоизоляционная плита из волокнистого материала деревянный раскос рейка, планка; обрешетина; нащельник; схватка half bat three-quarter bat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  I 1) неполный кирпич 2) свинцовый клин (для заделки фартука в кладке) 3) теплоизоляция (листовая или рулонная) из стекловаты, войлока или шерсти 4) окапывать (камень) - brick bat - half-bat - mitered bat - quarter bat - three-quarter bat II сокр. от battery аккумулятор; аккумуляторная батарея ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 an implement with a handle, usu. of wood and with a flat or curved surface, used for hitting balls in games. 2 a turn at using this. 3 a batsman, esp. in cricket, usu. described in some way (an excellent bat). 4 (usu. in pl.) an object like a table-tennis bat used to guide aircraft when taxiing. --v. (batted, batting) 1 tr. hit with or as with a bat. 2 intr. take a turn at batting. Phrases and idioms bat around 1 sl. potter aimlessly. 2 US discuss (an idea or proposal). off one's own bat unprompted, unaided. right off the bat US immediately. Etymology: ME f. OE batt club, perh. partly f. OF batte club f. battre strike 2. n. any mouselike nocturnal mammal of the order Chiroptera, capable of flight by means of membranous wings extending from its forelimbs. Phrases and idioms have bats in the belfry be eccentric or crazy. like a bat out of hell very fast. Etymology: 16th c., alt. of ME bakke f. Scand. 3. v.tr. (batted, batting) wink (one's eyelid) (now usu. in phr.). Phrases and idioms not (or never) bat an eyelid colloq. show no reaction or emotion. Etymology: var. of obs. bate flutter ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~t  Date: before 12th century  1. a stout solid stick ; club  2. a sharp blow ; stroke  3.  a. a usually wooden implement used for hitting the ball in various games  b. a paddle used in various games (as table tennis)  c. the short whip used by a jockey  4.  a. ~sman, ~ter a right-handed ~  b. a turn at ~ting — usually used in the phrase at ~  c. hitting ability we need his ~ in the lineup  5. ~t  6. British rate of speed ; gait  7. binge  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to strike or hit with or as if with a ~  2.  a. to advance (a base runner) by ~ting  b. to have a ~ting average of  3. to discuss at length ; consider in detail  intransitive verb  1.  a. to strike or hit a ball with a ~  b. to take one's turn at ~  2. to wander aimlessly  III. noun  Etymology: probably alteration of Middle English bakke, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish nattbakka ~  Date: 1580 any of a widely distributed order (Chiroptera) of nocturnal usually frugivorous or insectivorous flying mammals that have wings formed from four elongated digits of the forelimb covered by a cutaneous membrane and that have adequate visual capabilities but often rely on echolocation  IV. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Etymology: probably alteration of 2~e  Date: circa 1838 to wink especially in surprise or emotion never ~ted an eye; also flutter ~ted his eyelashes BAT  abbreviation bachelor of arts in teaching ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bats, batting, batted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A bat is a specially shaped piece of wood that is used for hitting the ball in baseball, softball, cricket, rounders, or table tennis. ...a baseball bat. N-COUNT 2. When you bat, you have a turn at hitting the ball with a bat in baseball, softball, cricket, or rounders. Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start. VERB: V • batting ...his batting average... He’s likely to open the batting. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n, the N 3. A bat is a small flying animal that looks like a mouse with wings made of skin. Bats are active at night. N-COUNT 4. see also old bat 5. When something surprising or shocking happens, if someone doesn’t bat an eyelid in British English, or doesn’t bat an eye in American English, they remain calm and do not show any reaction. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If someone does something off their own bat, they do it without anyone else suggesting it. (BRIT) Whatever she did she did off her own bat. Whatever she did was nothing to do with me. PHRASE: PHR after v 7. If something happens right off the bat, it happens immediately. (AM) He learned right off the bat that you can’t count on anything in this business. PHRASE: usu PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ANIMAL« a small animal like a mouse that flies around at night  (- see also fruit bat) 2 »SPORT« a) a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games  (a baseball bat) b) BrE a round flat piece of wood with a handle, used to hit a ball in table tennis; paddle1 (3AmE 3 be at bat to be the person who is trying to hit the ball in a game of baseball 4 do sth off your own bat BrE informal to do something without being told to do it  (You did all this work off your own bat?) 5 do sth right off the bat AmE informal to do something immediately  (I asked him to help, and he said yes right off the bat.) 6 like a bat out of hell informal very fast  (I drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital.) 7 old bat spoken an unpleasant old woman 8 have bats in the belfry old-fashioned to be slightly crazy  (- see also as blind as a bat blind1 (1c)) ~2 v batted, batting 1 to hit the ball with a bat in cricket (2) or baseball (2) 2 not bat an eye/eyelid informal to not seem to be shocked, surprised, or embarrassed  (He didn't bat an eyelid when I said I was leaving.) 3 bat your eyes/eyelashes if a woman bats her eyes, she opens and closes them quickly, especially in order to look attractive to men 4 go to bat for AmE informal to help and support someone  (Andy really went to bat for me when I was accused of stealing that money.) 5 bat a thousand also bat a 1000 AmE informal to be very successful  (She's been batting a thousand ever since she got that new job.) bat sth around phr v informal to discuss the good and bad parts of a plan, idea etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Brown Adipose Tissue physiol. abbr. Blitz Action Trauma physiol. abbr. Brain Attack Team U.S. gov. abbr. Best Available Technique transport. abbr. Beam Approach Training mil. abbr. Basic Airborne Training mil. abbr. Brilliant Anti-Tank (munitions) mil. abbr. Battle And Tactics 3-let. lang. abbr. Baltic (Other) airport code Baretos, Sao Paulo, Brazil univ. abbr. Berlinetta Aerodinamica Tecnica mathem. abbr. Beyond Additive Technique softw. abbr. Bulk Administrative Tool softw. abbr. Business Analysis Toolkit network. abbr. Backup Administration Tool file ext. abbr. Batch file (DOS) educ. abbr. Breath Alcohol Technician gen. bus. abbr. Best Available Technology NYSE symbols Blackrock Advantage Term Trust pos. abbr. Be Able To .... firm name abbr. Bali Adventure Tours firm name abbr. British American Tobacco ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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