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Англо-русский политический словарь - appear


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Перевод с английского языка appear на русский



1) присутствовать (напр. на заседании); являться (напр. в суд); выступать (напр. на сессии)

2) содержаться (в чем-л.)

3) выходить (в свет), появляться (из печати), публиковаться

to appear before the commission — присутствовать на заседании комиссии; являться на комиссию; выступать перед комиссией

to appear in the report — содержаться в докладе

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  • присутствовать• содержаться ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  for the defendant выступать в суде в качестве защитника обвиняемого APPEAR in black-face выступать в роли негра APPEAR v.  1) показываться; появляться  2) проявляться  3) выступать на сцене to appear in the character of Othello - играть роль Отелло  4) выступать (официально, публично) - appear for the defendant  5) предстать (перед судом)  6) выходить, издаваться; появляться (в печати)  7) производить впечатление; казаться  8) явствовать it appears from this - из этого явствует ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. появляться, показываться to appear simultaneously —- появляться одновременно to appear on the horizon —- появляться на горизонте the town appeared below us —- внизу под нами показался город he promised to be home at four o'clock but did not appear until six —- он обещал быть дома в четыре часа, а явился только в шесть 2. бывать в обществе, на приемах to appear in society —- появляться в обществе to appear at social gatherings —- бывать на вечерах 3. выступать (об актерах, лекторе, музыканте); исполнять роль (в фильме) to appear as Hamlet —- выступать в роли Гамлета to appear in every big concert hall in Europe —- выступать во всех больших концертных залах Европы 4. появляться (в печати); выходить (в свет), издаваться (о книгах) the book appeared last month —- книга вышла в прошлом месяце 5. находиться, быть the idea appears in many old books —- эту мысль можно найти во многих старых книгах 6. казаться, представляться, производить впечатление to appear as helpless as a child —- производить впечатление беспомощного ребенка the work appears to be interesting —- эта работа представляется интересной it appears to me that you are all mistaken —- мне кажется, вы все ошибаетесь you appear to know everything —- похоже на то, что вы все знаете there appears to have been a mistake —- похоже, что произошло недоразумение strange as it may appear —- как ни странно это может...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) возникать; обнаруживаться 2) выглядеть, иметь вид 3) выходить, издаваться 4) казаться; производить впечатление 5) обнаруживаться; проявляться 6) оказываться; явствовать 7) показываться, появляться to appear in equation — входить в уравнение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v.intr. 1 become or be visible. 2 be evident (a new problem then appeared). 3 seem; have the appearance of being (appeared unwell; you appear to be right). 4 present oneself publicly or formally, esp. on stage or as the accused or counsel in a lawcourt. 5 be published (it appeared in the papers; a new edition will appear). Etymology: ME f. OF apareir f. L apparere apparit- come in sight ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English apperen, from Anglo-French aparer, aparoir, from Latin apparere, from ad- + parere to show oneself  Date: 13th century  1.  a. to be or come in sight the sun ~s on the horizon  b. to show up ~s promptly at eight each day  2. to come formally before an authoritative body must ~ in court today  3. to have an outward aspect ; seem ~s happy enough  4. to become evident or manifest there ~s to be evidence to the contrary  5. to come into public view first ~ed on a television variety show the book ~ed in print a few years ago  6. to come into existence hominids ~ed late in the evolutionary chain ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (appears, appearing, appeared) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true. There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance... The aircraft appears to have crashed near Katmandu... It appears that some missiles have been moved... It appears unlikely that the UN would consider making such a move... The presidency is beginning to appear a political irrelevance... He appeared willing to reach an agreement. = seem V-LINK: no cont, there V to-inf, V to-inf, it V that, it V adj that/to-inf, V n, V adj c darkgreen]vagueness 2. If someone or something appears to have a particular quality or characteristic, they give the impression of having that quality or characteristic. She did her best to appear more self-assured than she felt... He is anxious to appear a gentleman... Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative. = seem V-LINK: no cont, V adj, V n, V to-inf 3. When someone or something appears, they move into a position where you can see them. A woman appeared at the far end of the street... VERB: V 4. When something new appears, it begins to exist or reaches a stage of development where its existence can be noticed. ...small white flowers which appear in early summer... Slogans have appeared on walls around the city. VERB: V, V 5. When something such as a book appears, it is published or becomes available for people to buy. ...a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse. VERB: V 6. When someone appears in something such as a play, a show, or a television programme, they take part in it. Jill Bennett became John Osborne’s fourth wife, and appeared in several of his plays... Student leaders appeared on television to ask for calm. VERB: V in n, V on/at n 7. When someone appears before a court...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »SEEM« linking verb, not in progressive) a word used especially in formal or written English meaning to seem  (appear upset/calm etc)  (Roger appeared very upset. | The city appeared calm after the previous night's fighting. | appear to be)  (There appeared to be no significant difference between the two groups in the test. | appear to do sth)  (The man appeared to have had a heart attack. | it appears that)  (It appears that there has been a change in the plans. | what appears to be (=something that looks like))  (Police have found what appear to be human remains. | make it appear that)  (She put the gun next to the body, to make it appear that the victim had shot himself. | so it would appear (=used to say that it seems likely that something is true, although you are not completely sure))  ("The boys are completely innocent?" "So it would appear from the press reports.") 2 »START TO BE SEEN« to start to be seen or to suddenly be seen  (An image appeared on the screen. | Two faces appeared at our window.) + from  (The manager hardly ever appeared from his office. | appear out of nowhere (=suddenly appear in a way that is very surprising))  (I don't know what caused the marks - they just seemed to appear out of nowhere. | appear overnight (=appear very quickly or suddenly))  (Software development is a fast-moving business - firms appear and disappear virtually overnight.) 3 »FILM/TV PROGRAMME ETC« to take part in a film, play, concert, television programme etc + in/on  (Roseanne Barr has appeared on the show several times .) + a  (Vanessa Redgrave is currently appearing at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.) 4 »BE WRITTEN/SHOWN« to be written or shown on a list, in a book or newspaper, in a document etc  (Her name appears at the front of the book. | The story appeared in all the national newspapers.) 5 »PRODUCT/BOOK« if a product or book appears, it becomes available to be bought for the first time  (When the book finally appeared on the shelves it was a huge success.) 6 »STH NEW/DIFFERENT« if something...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1275, from O.Fr. aper-, stem of apareir, from L. apparere, from ad- "to" + perere "to come forth, be visible." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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