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Англо-русский политический словарь - age


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Перевод с английского языка age на русский



1) век, эпоха, эра

2) возраст

3) совершеннолетие

to be of age — юр. быть совершеннолетним

to be under age — юр. быть несовершеннолетним

to come of age — стать совершеннолетним, достичь совершеннолетия

to drive a country back to the Stone age — загонять страну обратно в каменный век

to usher in an age — провозглашать начало эры, возвещать о начале эры

age of discretionage of majorityadvanced ageatomic ageBronze Agecomputer agefighting agefull ageGolden AgeIron Agelawful agelegal agemarriage agemilitary agenuclear agepost-industrial agepre-induction agepre-nuclear agepre-retirement ageretirement agespace ageStone Agevoting agein the spirit of the ageof ageof full age

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См. в других словарях

  1) срок службы; возраст2) длительность работы3) стареть; подвергаться старению•replacement age ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  срок службы ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  of stand возраст насаждения AGE of discretion возраст, с которого человек считается ответственным за свои поступки AGE  1. noun  1) возраст this wine lacks age - это вино недостаточно выдержано - age of discretion - awkward age - tender age - middle age - be ones age - act ones age - age of stand - age group  2) совершеннолетие to be of age - быть совершеннолетним to be under age - быть несовершеннолетним to come of age - достичь совершеннолетия  3) старость the infirmities of age - старческие немощи  4) поколение  5) век; период, эпоха also geol. - the Middle Ages - Ice Age  6) usu. pl. coll. долгий срок I have not seen you for ages - я не видел вас целую вечность to bear ones age well - хорошо выглядеть для своего возраста; казаться моложе своих лет Syn: see period  2. v.  1) стареть  2) старить  3) tech. подвергать старению Syn: see mature AGE group возрастная группа AGE bracket возрастная группа ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. возраст middle age —- средний возраст a man of middle age —- человек средних лет the awkward age —- переходный возраст what is your age? —- сколько вам лет? at the age of twelve —- в возрасте двенадцати лет five years of age —- пяти лет (от роду) I have a son your age —- у меня сын вашего возраста of uncertain age —- неопределенного возраста twice my age —- вдвое старше меня to act one's age —- вести себя сообразно своему возрасту to bear one's age well —- выглядеть моложе своих лет to look one's age —- выглядеть не старше и не моложе своих лет, выглядеть на свой возраст over age —- старше установленного возраста he won't be called up for military service, he is over age —- его не призовут в армию, он вышел из призывного возраста what's the age of that church? —- когда построена эта церковь? 2. продолжительность, срок жизни the age of human life —- средняя продолжительность жизни человека 3. юр. совершеннолетие to be of age —- достичь совершеннолетия to be under age —- не достичь совершеннолетия, быть несовершеннолетним age of discretion —- возраст ответственности age of consent —- брачный возраст; возраст, с которогго женщина или мужчина правомочны давать согласие на половые отношения 4. геол. период, эра the Ice A. —- ледниковый период A. of Mammals —- кайнозой, кайнозойская эра A. of Reptiles —- мезозой,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) возраст; определять возраст 2) период; эпоха 3) старость; стареть; изменяться во времени 4) совершеннолетие 5) поколение age at first egg — возраст начала яйцекладки – age of consent – age of life – age of majority – age of puberty – age of stand – absolute age – anatomical age – Binet age – childbearing age – chronological age – ecological age – lying age – mean age – physiological age ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) возраст 2) эпоха; эра – age of discretion – age of patent – digital age – sign age AGE 1. сущ. 1) общ. возраст at the age of 11 — в возрасте 11 лет Syn: lifetime See: age discrimination, dependent age, giving age, productive age, pre-retirement age, retirement age, pivotal age, old age pension, age-weighted profit sharing plan, age-earnings profile, age-productivity profile, ageism 2) общ. срок продолжительность жизни 3) юр. совершеннолетие (установленный законом возраст, по достижении которого наступает полная гражданская дееспособность) to come of age — достичь совершеннолетия to be of age — быть совершеннолетним to be under age — быть несовершеннолетним Syn: majority, age of majority, full age 4) общ. старость Syn: senility 5) общ. эпоха, эра, период Age of Enlightenment — Эпоха просвещения Jazz Age — век джаза jet age — век высоких скоростей Syn: period, epoch, phase, span 6) эк. срок службы (длительность использования оборудования, машины и т. п.) 7) демогр. поколение ages yet unborn — грядущие поколения Syn: generation 2. гл. 1) общ. стареть, стариться Too much sun ages the skin. — Золупотребление солнечными ваннами старит кожу. Myra's recent illness has aged her considerably. — После недавней болезни Майра сильно состарилась. 2) с.-х., пищ. вызревать, созревать allow the cheese to age — позволить сыру вызреть 3) пищ. выдерживать to age wine — выдерживать вино a wine that has aged well — хорошо выдержанное вино 4)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возраст 2) век, эпоха 3) изменение свойств в результате старения 4) выдерживать (в определенных условиях) 5) вылеживаться 6) хим. окисляться 7) подвергать старению attain the age of — доживать до - Fermi age - argon age - neutron age - soil age ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  возраст – radiometric age ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  возраст; продолжительность; срок службы age at test age of concrete age of hardening age of loading age of sludge AGE AT TEST возраст (напр. образца бетона) во время испытаний ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) возраст 2) век, эпоха 3) срок службы 4) старение; изменение свойств в результате старения стареть 5) выдерживать (в определённых условиях), подвергать старению 6) строит. изнашиваться с течением времени 7) созревать, вызревать; дозревать 8) нефт.-хим. окисляться (при хранении) 9) терять активность (о катализаторе) 10) элн. тренировать, проводить приработку - age of concrete - airplane age - atomic age - cutting age - Fermi neutron age - Fermi age - plantings age - solar age AGE I сокр. от aerospace ground equipment наземное оборудование авиационно-космических комплексов II сокр. от auxiliary ground equipment вспомогательная наземная аппаратура ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 an action (breakage; spillage). 2 a condition or function (bondage; a peerage). 3 an aggregate or number of (coverage; the peerage; acreage). 4 fees payable for; the cost of using (postage). 5 the product of an action (dosage; wreckage). 6 a place; an abode (anchorage; orphanage; parsonage). Etymology: OF ult. f. L -aticum neut. of adj. suffix -aticus -ATIC AGE n. & v. --n. 1 a the length of time that a person or thing has existed or is likely to exist. b a particular point in or part of one's life, often as a qualification (old age; voting age). 2 a colloq. (often in pl.) a long time (took an age to answer; have been waiting for ages). b a distinct period of the past (golden age; Bronze age; Middle Ages). c Geol. a period of time. d a generation. 3 the latter part of life; old age (the peevishness of age). --v. (pres. part. ageing, aging) 1 intr. show signs of advancing age (has aged a lot recently). 2 intr. grow old. 3 intr. mature. 4 tr. cause or allow to age. Phrases and idioms age-long lasting for a very long time. age of consent see CONSENT. age of discretion see DISCRETION. age-old having existed for a very long time. come of age reach adult status (esp. in Law at 18, formerly 21). over age 1 old enough. 2 too old. under age not old enough, esp. not yet of adult status. Etymology: ME f. OF ult. f. L aetas -atis age ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun suffix  Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin -aticum  1. aggregate ; collection trackage  2.  a. action ; process haulage  b. cumulative result of breakage  c. rate of dosage  3. house or place of orphanage  4. state ; rank peonage  5. charge postage AGE  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French a~, ~, from Vulgar Latin *aetaticum, from Latin aetat-, aetas, from aevum lifetime — more at aye  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the time of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity arises or rests the voting ~ is 18; specifically majority  b. one of the st~s of life  c. the length of an existence extending from the beginning to any given time a boy 10 years of ~  d. lifetime  e. an advanced st~ of life  2. a period of time dominated by a central figure or prominent feature the ~ of Pericles: as  a. a period in history or human progress the ~ of reptiles the ~ of exploration  b. a cultural period marked by the prominence of a particular item entering the atomic ~  c. a division of geologic time that is usually shorter than an epoch  3.  a. the period contemporary with a person's lifetime or with his or her active life  b. a long time — usually used in plural haven't seen him in ~s  c. generation  4. an individual's development measured in terms of the years requisite for like development of an aver~ individual  Synonyms: see period  II. verb  (~d; aging or ~ing)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to become old ; show the effects or the characteristics of increasing ~  2. to acquire a desirable quality (as mellowness or ripeness) by standing undisturbed for some time letting cheese ~  transitive verb  1. to cause to become old  2. to bring to a state fit for use or to maturity  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ages, ageing, aging, aged) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The spelling 'aging' is also used, mainly in American English. 1. Your age is the number of years that you have lived. She has a nephew who is just ten years of age... At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg... I admired him for being so confident at his age. N-VAR 2. The age of a thing is the number of years since it was made. Everything in the room looks in keeping with the age of the building. N-VAR 3. Age is the state of being old or the process of becoming older. Perhaps he has grown wiser with age... The fabric was showing signs of age... N-UNCOUNT 4. When someone ages, or when something ages them, they seem much older and less strong or less alert. He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months... He was only in his mid-thirties, but already worry had aged him. VERB: V, V n 5. An age is a period in history. ...the age of steam and steel. ...items of Bronze Age pottery. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. You can say an age or ages to mean a very long time. (INFORMAL) He waited what seemed an age... The bus took absolutely ages to arrive. = forever N-COUNT 7. see also aged, ageing, coming of age, dark age, golden age, Ice Age, Iron Age, middle age, Stone Age 8. If someone tells you to act your age, they are telling you to behave in a way that is suitable for someone your age, because they think you are behaving in a childish way. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]disapproval 9. If something comes of age, it reaches an important stage of development and is accepted by a large number of people. Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade. PHRASE: V inflects 10. When someone comes of age, they become legally an adult. The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age. PHRASE: V inflects 11. Someone who is under age is not legally old enough to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S1 W1 n 1 »HOW OLD« the number of years someone has lived or something has existed  (Francis is the same age as me. | The boys were six years apart in age. | There were dozens of kids there, all different ages.) at the ~ of (=when someone is a particular age)  (Marco won the Grand Prix at the age of 19.) 4/15 etc years of ~ formal (=4, 15 etc years old)  (The missing girl is 19 years of age.) at ~ 57/4/18 etc AmE (=when someone is 57 etc years old)  (Saul entered Yale at age 14.) at an early ~ (=very young)  (girls who become mothers at a very early age) act your ~ (=behave in a way that is suitable to how old you are) sb's ~ (=how old someone is)  (When you get to my age, it's quite difficult getting up stairs.) for his/her ~ (=compared with others of the same age)  (She's very tall for her age, isn't she.) certain ~  (Kids get to a certain age and say, right, that's it, and they just go.) 2 »LEGAL AGE« the age when you are legally old enough to do something  (What's the minimum age for getting a driver's license?) under ~ (=too young)  (You're not allowed to be drinking, you're under age.) over ~ (=too old)  (Dan's over age, so the army won't accept him.) 3 »PERIOD OF LIFE« one of the particular periods of someone's life  (women of childbearing age | Phil's coming up to 13 - rather a difficult age.)  (- see also old age, middle age, teenage) 4 »BEING OLD« the state or fact of being old  (The newspapers were brown with age. | Age had given his face a sort of crumpled look.) 5 »PERIOD OF HISTORY« C usually singular a particular period of history  (the last Ice Age | We are living in the computer age.)  (- see also golden age, in this day and age (day (29))) 6 come of ~ a) reach the age when you are legally considered to be a responsible adult b) if something comes of ~, it reaches a stage of development at which people accept is as being important, valuable etc  (It was during this period that the movies really came of age as a creative art form.) 7 ~s also an ~ informal, especially BrE a long...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Angle of greatest extension physiol. abbr. Arterial Gas Embolism mil. abbr. Associated Ground Equipment mil. abbr. Army Advisory Group on Energy airport code Wangerooge, Germany meteo abbr. Advected Grid Explicit gen. comp. abbr. Animation Graphics And Effects NYSE symbols A G Edwards, Inc. firm name abbr. Ancient Guardian Enterprises chat abbr. Awesome Girls Exclusively ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1275, from O.Fr. aage, ult. from L. жtatem (nom. жtas), "period of life," from жvum "lifetime, eternity, age," from PIE base *aiw- "vital force, life, long life, eternity." Used especially for "old age." Expelled native eld. Ageism coined 1970 by U.S. gerontologist R.N. Butler, on pattern of racism, sexism. The suffix is from L. -aticum, neut. adj. suffix. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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