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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - tap


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Перевод с английского языка tap на русский


1) метчик || нарезать внутреннюю резьбу метчиком

2) отвод; ответвление || делать отвод; ответвлять

3) тройниковый сросток (провода), тройник

to solid tap — нарезать резьбу метчиком без плавающего патрона (на станке с ЧПУ, где синхронизированы главный привод и привод подачи)

tap with recess — метчик с лыской

tap with reinforced shank — метчик с утолщённым хвостовиком

adjustable tapbent shunk nut tapbottoming tapchip drivepoint tapcoarse pitch tapcollapsible tapcollapsing tapcutting tapdie tapfluteless tapgas tapground thread taphand taplong shank tapmachine tapmaster tapnetwork tapsnut tappilot tappipe tapplug tappressure tapscrew tapscrewing tapsingle-cut machine tapspiral tapspiral flute tapspiral point tapspiral pointed tapstep tapstraight taptaper tapthread tapthread forming tap

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  the line подслушивать телефонный разговор TAP the wire перехватывать телеграфные сообщения TAP Technical Assistance Program noun Программа технической помощи ООН развивающимся странам TAP I  1. noun  1) пробка, затычка  2) кран (водопроводный, газовый и т.п.); to leave the tap running - оставить кран открытым  3) сорт, марка (вина, пива); beer of the first tap - пиво высшего сорта  4) = taproom  5) tech. метчик  6) electr. отвод, ответвление; отпайка on tap -  а) распивочно (о вине);  б) готовый к немедленному употреблению, использованию; находящийся под рукой tap water - водопроводная вода  2. v.  1) вставлять кран, снабжать втулкой и т.п.  2) наливать пиво, вино и т.п.  3) вынимать пробку, затычку и т.п.  4) med. делать прокол, выкачивать (жидкость)  5) делать надрез на дереве  6) перехватывать (сообщения) - tap the wire - tap the line  7) выпрашивать, выуживать деньги; to tap smb. for money - выколачивать деньги из кого-л.  8) tech. нарезать внутреннюю резьбу  9) metal. пробивать летку; выпускать расплавленный металл (из печи) to tap the house - совершить кражу со взломом Syn: see overhear II  1. noun  1) легкий стук или удар  2) pl.; amer.; mil. сигнал тушить огни (в казармах); отбой  3) набойка (на каблуке)  2. v.  1) стучать, постукивать, обстукивать; хлопать; to tap at the...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. пробка, затычка 2. (выходное) отверстие (бочонка и т. п.) 3. кран (водопроводный, газовый и т. п.) cold(-water) tap —- холодная вода (кран) to turn off the tap —- закрыть кран to leave the taps running —- оставить краны открытыми the tap is leaking —- кран течет we have the taps in our hands —- образ. у нас на руках все козыри, мы все держим в своих руках 4. сорт, марка (пива, вина); (спиртной) напиток excellent tap —- первоклассное вино или пиво liquor of the same tap —- вино той же марки 5. разг. пивная, бар 6. сл. выманивание денег или подарка 7. спец. сверло с насечками (также screw tap) hand tap —- ручное сверло 8. эл. отвод, ответвление, отпайка 9. тройник 10. сад. трубка для подсочки 11. подслушивающее устройство на служебном телефоне 12. подслушивание телефонных разговоров 13. выпуск ценных бумаг Id: on tap —- распивочно, в разлив (о вине, пиве); находящийся под рукой; готовый к использованию Id: in tap —- начатый, початый, неполный (о бутылке) Id: to turn on the tap —- "открыть шлюзы", залиться слезами 14. снабжать втулкой или затычкой; делать, ставить кран 15. вынимать втулку to tap a cask —- открыть бочонок, вынуть затычку из бочонка 16. наливать жидкость; наливать вино или пиво to tap liquor —- наливать вино to tap the metal from the furnace —- разливать металл из...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) пункция; делать прокол 2) подсачивать (деревья) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) сорт, марка 2) выманивание денег 3) брит. способ продажи казначейских обязательств без конкурентных торгов - long tap 2. гл. 1) использовать (в частности, ресурсы рынка капиталов для финансирования) 2) подключать (к линии связи) - tap new reserves TAP сущ. 1) общ. сорт, марка 2) эк., жарг. выманивание денег 3) фин., брит. (способ продажи казначейских обязательств без конкурентных торгов) See: Treasury bond 4) фин., брит. (дополнительное размещение государственных ценных бумаг при повышении спроса на них) See: government security ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вести подсочку 2) водопроводный 3) выколачивать 4) заподсочить 5) затычка 6) кран 7) летка 8) метчик 9) ответвить 10) ответвление 11) ответвлять 12) отводить 13) перехватывать 14) пробка bott the tap hole — забивать летку plug up the tap hole — заделывать леток - Arents tap - bent-shank tap - bottoming tap - center tap - chaser tap - collapsible tap - die tap - flange tap - hand tap - interrupted-thread tap - machine tap - master tap - nut tap - pilot tap - power-driven tap - pressure tap - shell tap - spiral-fluted tap - straight tap - tap a hole - tap a nut - tap drill - tap hole clay - tap slag - tap temperature - tap tree - tap water - taper tap - tapper tap - threading tap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) подключение к линии 2) отвод, ответвление; ответвлять 3) тройник – adjustable tap – auxiliary tap – balanced tap – bridged tap – coil tap – line tap – neutral tap – resistor tap – transformer tap – unbalanced tap – winding tap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  водоразборный кран; спускной кран присоединение к водопроводной магистрали газовый кран метчик нарезать внутреннюю резьбу bib tap draining tap draw-off tap globe tap mixer taps nonconcussive tap outside tap pillar tap pipe tap plug tap pressure tap spray tap swivel tap T-tap wall tap ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от transistor analysis program программа анализа транзисторных схем TAP 1) пробка 2) кран; вентиль 3) выпускное отверстие; спускное отверстие 4) выпуск жидкости (через отверстие) выпускать жидкость (через отверстие) 5) выпущенная жидкость; спущенная жидкость 6) летка пробивать [вскрывать] лётку 7) плавка; выпущенное количество металла 8) подсочка (деревьев) проводить подсочку (деревьев) 9) метчик нарезать резьбу метчиком 10) нефт. ловильный метчик 11) эл. отвод; ответвление; отпайка отводить; ответвлять; делать отвод, ответвление или отпайку 12) тройниковый сросток (провода или кабеля) 13) связь подключение к линии подключать(ся) к линии 14) лёгкий удар обстукивать; осаживать лёгкими ударами; выколачивать to tap on carbon — выпускать плавку на заданном содержании углерода; to tap out — выпускать, спускать (напр. шлак) - adjustable tap - air tap - bib tap - bottoming tap - box tap - center tap - coil tap - cylindrical tap - first tap - fishing tap - gage tap - hand tap - hard tap - hob tap - left-hand tap - line tap - male fishing tap - master tap - midpoint tap - neutral tap - off-load tap - pin tap - pipe tap - plug tap - pressure tap - primary tap - right-hand tap - rotary taper tap - second tap - secondary tap - slag tap - sluggish tap - third tap - transformer tap - violent tap - water tap - winding tap ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or vessel can be controlled. 2 an act of tapping a telephone etc. 3 Brit. a taproom. 4 an instrument for cutting the thread of a female screw. --v.tr. (tapped, tapping) 1 a provide (a cask) with a tap. b let out (a liquid) by means of, or as if by means of, a tap. 2 draw sap from (a tree) by cutting into it. 3 a obtain information or supplies or resources from. b establish communication or trade with. 4 connect a listening device to (a telephone or telegraph line etc.) to listen to a call or transmission. 5 cut a female screw-thread in. Phrases and idioms on tap 1 ready to be drawn off by tap. 2 colloq. ready for immediate use; freely available. tap root a tapering root growing vertically downwards. tap water water from a piped supply. Derivatives tapless adj. tappable adj. Etymology: OE t{aelig}ppian (v.), t{aelig}ppa (n.) f. Gmc 2. v. & n. --v. (tapped, tapping) 1 intr. (foll. by at, on) strike a gentle but audible blow. 2 tr. strike lightly (tapped me on the shoulder). 3 tr. (foll. by against etc.) cause (a thing) to strike lightly (tapped a stick against the window). 4 intr. = TAP-DANCE v. (can you tap?). --n. 1 a a light blow; a rap. b the sound of this (heard a tap at the door). 2 a = TAP-DANCE n. (goes to tap classes). b a piece of metal attached to the toe and heel of a tap-dancer's shoe to make the tapping sound. 3 (in pl., usu. treated as sing.) US a a bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters. b a similar signal at a military funeral. Derivatives tapper n. Etymology: ME tappe (imit.), perh. through F taper ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Old English t?ppa; akin to Old High German zapho ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a plug for a hole (as in a cask) ; spigot  b. a device consisting of a spout and valve attached to the end of a pipe to control the flow of a fluid ; faucet  2.  a. a liquor drawn through a ~  b. the procedure of removing fluid (as from a body cavity)  3. a tool for forming an internal screw thread  4. an intermediate point in an electric circuit where a connection may be made  5. wire~  II. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 15th century  1. to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel ~ wine from a cask  2.  a. to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid ~ maple trees  b. to draw out, from, or upon ~ new sources of revenue the story ~s powerful emotions  3. to cut in on (as a telephone or radio signal) to get information  4. to form an internal screw thread in by means of a ~  5. to get money from as a loan or gift  6. to connect (a street gas or water main) with a local supply  • ~per noun  III. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old French ~er to strike with the flat of the hand, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle High German tape paw, blow dealt with the paw  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to strike lightly especially with a slight sound  2. to give a light blow with ~ a pencil on the table  3. to bring about by repeated light blows ~ out a story on the typewriter  4. to repair by putting a ~ on  5. select, designate was ~ped for police commissioner; specifically to elect to membership (as in a fraternity)  intransitive verb  1. to strike a light audible blow ; rap  2. to walk with light audible steps  3. ~-dance  • ~per noun  IV. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a light usually audible blow; also its sound  b. one of several usually rapid drumbeats on a snare drum  2. half sole  3. a small metal plate for the sole or heel of a shoe  4. ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (taps, tapping, tapped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A tap is a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas from a pipe or container, for example on a sink. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use faucet) She turned on the taps. ...a cold-water tap... N-COUNT 2. If you tap something, you hit it with a quick light blow or a series of quick light blows. He tapped the table to still the shouts of protest... Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in... VERB: V n, V adv/prep • Tap is also a noun. A tap on the door interrupted him and Sally Pierce came in. N-COUNT: usu N on/at n 3. If you tap your fingers or feet, you make a regular pattern of sound by hitting a surface lightly and repeatedly with them, especially while you are listening to music. The song’s so catchy it makes you bounce round the living room or tap your feet. VERB: V n 4. If you tap a resource or situation, you make use of it by getting from it something that you need or want. He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians... The company is tapping shareholders for ?15.8 million... The Campbell Soup Company says it will try to tap into Japan’s rice market. VERB: V n, V n for n, V into n 5. If someone taps your telephone, they attach a special device to the line so that they can secretly listen to your conversations. The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones... = bug VERB: V n see also phone-tapping, wiretap • Tap is also a noun. He assured MPs that ministers and MPs were not subjected to phone taps. N-COUNT: oft n N 6. If drinks are on tap, they come from a tap rather than from a bottle. Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 7. If something is on tap, you can have as much of it as you want whenever you want. (INFORMAL) The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WATER/GAS« a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container; faucet AmE  (turn on the tap (=so that water comes out of it))  (Carla, don't leave the taps running! | tap water)  (In some countries, the tap water isn't safe enough to drink. | cold/hot tap (=the tap that cold or hot water comes from)) 2 »BARREL« a specially shaped object used for letting liquid out of a barrel1 (1) 3 »A LIGHT HIT« an act of hitting something lightly, especially to get someone's attention + at/on  (There was a tap at the door. | Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to see Sheila there.) 4 on tap a) informal something that is on tap is ready to use when you need it  (We've got a lot of experts on tap to advise us.) b) beer that is on tap comes from a barrel1 (1) 5 »DANCING« also tap dancing dancing in which you wear special shoes with pieces of metal on the bottom which make a loud sharp sound on the floor 6 »TELEPHONE« an act of secretly listening to someone's telephone, using electronic equipment 7 »TUNE« taps a song or tune played on the bugle at night in an army camp, and at military funerals ~2 v tapped, tapping 1 »HAND OR FOOT« to hit your hand or foot lightly against something, especially to get someone's attention or without thinking about it  (She tapped her feet in time to the music. | tap sth on/against etc)  (He sat tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair.) + on  (I went up and tapped on the window.) tap sb on the arm/shoulder etc  ("Hey Paul," she said, tapping him on the shoulder.)  (- compare knock1) 2 »ENERGY« also tap into to use or take what is needed from an energy supply or power supply  (We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be tapped.) 3 »IDEAS« also tap into to make as much use as possible of the ideas, experience, knowledge etc that a group of people has  (Honestly, we have a vast pool of practical experience, just waiting to be tapped.) 4 »TELEPHONE« to listen secretly to someone's telephone by using a special...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Transporter For Antigen Processing lab. abbr. Toxicological Agent Protective lab. abbr. Tip Associated Protein lab. abbr. Twin Affinity Purification physiol. abbr. Tape environ. abbr. Toxic Air Pollutant U.S. gov. abbr. Transportation Adjudication Panel U.S. gov. abbr. Technological Assistance Program transport. abbr. The Airline Of Protugal transport. abbr. Total Audi Performance transport. abbr. Take Another Plane mil. abbr. The Army Plan mil. abbr. Training Access Point mil. abbr. Training Access Points mil. abbr. Targeted Access Program mil. abbr. Technical Advisory Panel mil. abbr. Technology Assessment Program mil. abbr. Tactical Application Police airport code Tapachula, Mexico ocean sc. abbr. Trans- Alaskan Pipeline meteo abbr. Trophospheric Aerosol Particles univ. abbr. Teacher Advisor Program univ. abbr. Teacher Advisory Program univ. abbr. Tuition Assistance Program univ. abbr. Training Achievement Program univ. abbr. Technology Assurance Program univ. abbr. Tuition Account Plan electron. abbr. Touch Activated Power electron. abbr. Tool Application Program electron. abbr. Test Access Port electron. abbr. Test Access Point food abbr. The Amazing Pudding toastm. abbr. Topic, Audience, Purpose adult abbr. Toyota Assholes Priced adult abbr. Terrible And Pathetic gen. comp. abbr. Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol telec. abbr. Transferred Account Procedure telec. abbr. Telecommunity Appalachian Project telec. abbr. Test Access Path telec. abbr. Telocator Alphanumeric Paging file ext. abbr. Tape file perf. arts abbr. The Art Police media abbr. The Alpiri Project media abbr. Total Audience Plan non-prof. org. abbr. Teens Against Polio educ. abbr. Test of Achievement and Proficiency educ. abbr. Tobacco Awareness Program educ. abbr. Teacher Advisory Program educ. abbr. Teens For Aids Prevention educ. abbr. Teach And Assist Progress educ. abbr. Targeted Achievement Program educ. abbr. Teachers As Partners educ. abbr. Trainer Assessment Program educ. abbr. Teacher Assistance...
English abbreviation dictionary


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