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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - tangle


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chip tangleswarf tangle

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  • 1) спутывать; 2) запутываться• путаница ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) спутанный клубок  2) сплетение, путаница, неразбериха; in a tangle - запутанный  3) драга для исследования морского дна  4) конфликт, ссора - to get into a tangle with smb.  2. v.  1) запутывать(ся); to tangle a knot - запутать узел; his long hair tangled - его длинные волосы спутались  2) запутывать(ся), усложнять(ся) - tangle up - with TANGLE up  а) спутывать, запутывать;  б) портить, ломать; to tangle up a lock испортить замок ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. переплетение tangle of branches —- сплетение ветвей tangle of briars —- заросли терновника 2. спутанный клубок to make a tangle of smth., to get smth. in a tangle —- спутывать (запутывать) что-л. to straighten (to comb out) the tangles in smb.'s hair, to comb tangles out of smb.'s hair —- распутывать (расчесывать) волосы кому-л. 3. клубок, сплетение tangle of emotions and desires —- клубок (переплетение) эмоций и желаний 4. путаница, неразбериха; беспорядок, сумбур; смятение in a tangle —- в запутанном состоянии his thoughts are in a tangle —- у него сумбур в голове he is all in a tangle —- он совершенно растерялся (запутался), он перестал что-л. понимать (соображать) it's a hopeless tangle —- в этом не разберешься, этого никогда не распутаешь; в этом сам черт ногу сломит a nice tangle you've made of it! —- полюбуйся, что ты наделал (натворил)!; ну и натворил ты дел! 5. ссора, стычка to avoid a tangle with smb. —- во избежание ссоры с кем-л. I got into a tangle with him —- я с ним поцапался, у меня с ним вышла перепалка 6. (уличная) пробка, затор (также traffic tangle) the traffic got into a complete tangle —- на дороге образовалась страшная пробка 7. драга для исследования морского дна 8. спутывать, запутывать to tangle a knot —- запутать узел to get tangled (up) —- окончательно запутаться the monkey's fur was tangled with filth —- мех обезьянки слипся от грязи 9....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сплетение, заросли 2) морская капуста (Laminaria) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  лохмы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  петля; узел ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. intertwine (threads or hairs etc.) in a confused mass; entangle. b intr. become tangled. 2 intr. (foll. by with) colloq. become involved (esp. in conflict or argument) with (don't tangle with me). 3 tr. complicate (a tangled affair). --n. 1 a confused mass of intertwined threads etc. 2 a confused or complicated state (be in a tangle; a love tangle). Etymology: ME var. of obs. tagle, of uncert. orig. 2. n. any of various seaweeds, esp. of the genus Laminaria or Fucus. Etymology: prob. f. Norw. taangel f. ON th{ouml}ngull ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; tangling)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, tagilen, probably short for en~n, from Anglo-French entagler, en~r to prosecute (for), implicate  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to involve so as to hamper, obstruct, or embarrass  2. to seize and hold in or as if in a snare ; entrap  3. to unite or knit together in intricate confusion  intransitive verb  1. to interact in a contentious or conflicting way  2. to become en~d  II. noun  Date: 1615  1. a ~d twisted mass ; snarl  2.  a. a complicated or confused state or condition  b. a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment  3. a serious altercation ; dispute  4. neurofibrillary ~  III. noun  Etymology: of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse thongull ~, thang seaweed  Date: 1536 a large seaweed ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tangles, tangling, tangled) 1. A tangle of something is a mass of it twisted together in an untidy way. A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems... N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. If something is tangled or tangles, it becomes twisted together in an untidy way. Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown... She tried to kick the pajamas loose, but they were tangled in the satin sheet... Her hair tends to tangle... He suggested that tangling fishing gear should be made a criminal offence. VERB: get/be V-ed in n, V-ed, V, V n, also get/be V-ed 3. You can refer to a confusing or complicated situation as a tangle. I was thinking what a tangle we had got ourselves into. N-SING: oft N of n 4. If ideas or situations are tangled, they become confused and complicated. The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz’s epic storytelling... You are currently in a muddle where financial and emotional concerns are tangled together. VERB: usu passive, get/be V-ed, V-ed • tangled His personal life has become more tangled than ever. ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v to become twisted together or make something become twisted together in an untidy mass  (My hair tangles easily. | tangle sth)  (Somebody's tangled all these cables under my computer.) tangle with sb phr v informal to argue or fight with someone  (I wouldn't tangle with him if I were you.) ~2 n 1 a twisted mass of something such as hair or thread  (Her hair was full of tangles after being out in the wind. | tangle of branches/weeds/threads etc)  (We had to cut our way through a tangle of branches.) 2 a confused state  (My emotions were in a complete tangle.) 3 informal a quarrel or fight ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., variant of tagilen "to involve in a difficult situation, entangle," from a Scand. source (cf. dialectal Swed. taggla "to disorder"). Tanglefoot (1859) was Amer.Eng. slang for "strong whiskey." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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