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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - system


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Перевод с английского языка system на русский


1) система

2) установка; устройство

to get the system on-stream — вводить систему в действие

system of dimensioningsystem of forcessystem of limits and fitssystem of quantitiessystem of the machine retaining devicessystem of unitsabrasive waterjet cutting systemabsolute control systemabsolute dimension measuring systemaccident-protection systemaccountancy systemaccounting data systemACO systemacoustic feedback control systemacquisition systemactive enclosure systemadaptable systemadaptive CNC systemadaptive control systemadaptive control constraint systemadaptive pulsing systemadaptive robot systemadd-on NC programming systemadministrative information systemadministrative information data systemADR systemadvanced command data systemadvanced data analysis systemadvanced display systemadvanced data display systemadvanced integrated data systemadvanced interactive debugging systemadvanced management information systemadvisory systemAGV systemair-bearing systemair-cooling systemair-delivery systemair flotation systemair-gaging systemairlock systemair-oil mist lubrication systemair-plasma arc-profiling systemair-purge systemalarm systemall-enveloping guard systemanalog computing systemanalog recording systemangstrom-positioning systemantideflection systemantilock brake systemantisag systemapplication-specific systemAPT generating expert systemArchimedes systemarray systemAS/RS systemassembly systemassembly management systemattitude display systemautolube systemautomated communications and messages processing systemautomated design systemautomated design and optimization of control systemautomated digital design systemautomated industrial management systemautomated information data systemautomated information dissemination systemautomated information retrieval systemautomated inventory distribution systemautomated machining systemautomated management systemautomated management information systemautomated measuring systemautomated parts input-output systemautomated reliability and maintenance management systemautomated storage control systemautomatic alignment-and-centering systemautomatically taught systemautomatic call distribution systemautomatic CAM systemautomatic chuck-changing systemautomatic data systemautomatic data acquisition systemautomatic data distribution systemautomatic diagnostic-and-recovery systemautomatic display plotting systemautomatic distributive numerical control systemautomatic fixturing systemautomatic gaging-and-compensating systemautomatic measurement-and-compensation systemautomatic message accounting systemautomatic message distribution systemautomatic pallet storage/retrieval systemautomatic program transfer systemautomatic record evaluation systemautomatic telemetry systemautomatic test systemautomatic test analysis systemautomatic testing, evaluating and reporting systemautomatic tool cassette changer systemautomatic tool retraction systemautomatic tool retraction/correction/reentry systemautomatic tool wear/tool broken sensing systemautomation systemautonomous systemautopatch systemAWS systemaxis drive systemaxis motor systemaxis-stopping systembacklash-free friction systemback-to-back systembalance systembalanced systembalanced system of forcesbar feed systembar pulling systembar pusher systembarring coding systembase coordinate systembase data systembase file systembase operating information systembasic disk operating systembasic hole systembasic input/output systembasic NC systembasic programming systembasic shaft systembatching systembatch-machining systembattery systemBCC management information systembeam delivery systembelt turnover systembelt twist systembinary systembinary vision systembiped robotic systemblock-tool systemblock-type tool change systembonded stores systemboring systembought-in control systembrake systembranch information systembreakaway systembreathing systembroad system of orderingBTA deep-hole-drilling systemBTA-style deep-hole-drilling systembug-free systembuilding block systembulk systembusiness information systembuy-and-plug-in systemcable and hose carrying systemCAD systemCAD access systemCADAR systemCAD/CAM systemCAD/CAM/CAE systemCAD/CAM/CAE and product data management systemCAD/CAPP/CAM systemCAD-integrating systemCAD-only systemCAE systemCAE/CAD/CAM systemCAG systemCAM systemcam-and-lever systemcapacitance-based measuring systemCAPP systemcapture systemcarrierband systemCartesian coordinate systemcart/pallet transfer systemcassette jaw-change systemC/C systemcell control systemcell management systemcell-type systemcellular manufacturing systemcentral analog data distributing and controlling systemcentral automatic message accounting systemcentralized control systemcentralized coolant and extractor systemcentralized swarf conveying systemcentralized swarf removal systemcentral storage systemchain conveyor systemcheck systemcheckout systemchecking systemchiller systemchip conveyor systemchip-evacuation systemchip guard systemchuck/chuck jaw changing systemchucking systemchuck-jaw systemchuck-loading systemCIM systemcircular monitoring systemcircular part-processing systemcirculating lubrication systemcirculating oil systemcirculation systemclamping systemclosed cooling systemclosed loop systemclosed loop control systemclosed loop machine control systemclosed loop size control systemclosed-proprietary systemCM systemCNC systemCNC-ACC systemCNC-control systemCNC hardware systemCNC machine tool systemCNC programming systemCNC transfer systemcoherent system of unitscollecting systemcollet pad top jaw systemcombined cooling systemcombined production systemcommand-line NC systemcommercial vision systemcommunication systemcompanion systemcomprehensive power measurement systemcomputer systemcomputer-aided design support systemcomputer-aided dispatch systemcomputer-aided gaging systemcomputer-aided programming systemcomputer-aided telemetry systemcomputer-aided test systemcomputer analysis and design systemcomputer-assisted command systemcomputer-assisted message processing systemcomputer-assisted microfilm retrieval systemcomputer-assisted operation sequence planning systemcomputer-automated machine-tool systemcomputer-automated test systemcomputer automation real-time operating systemcomputer-based management systemcomputer-based message systemcomputer-controlled systemcomputer-controlled materials-handling systemcomputer-coordinated measuring systemcomputer data communication systemcomputer-directed swing-arm tool-changing systemcomputer-driven control systemcomputer-hosted manufacturing systemcomputer-integrated systemcomputer-integrated manufacturing systemcomputerized information retrieval systemcomputerized machine control systemcomputerized manufacturing systemcomputerized numerical control systemcomputerized production control systemcomputerized shopfloor data collection systemcomputer NC systemcomputer-oriented systemcomputer-oriented production management systemcomputer vision systemcomputing systemconcurrent force systemconductor systemconservative systemconstant-contact scanning systemconstant delivery systemconstant volume systemconstraint satisfaction systemcontinuous feedback control systemcontinuous flow systemcontinuous-path CNC systemcontinuous-path control systemcontouring systemcontouring control systemcontrolled path systemcontrolling systemconventional ACC systemconversational analysis and drafting systemconveying systemconveyor systemconveyoring systemconveyorized work-handling systemcoolant-circulating systemcoolant clarification systemcoolant laundering systemcoolant mist systemcoolant recirculating systemcoolant recovery systemcoolant recycling systemcoolant supply systemcoolant-thru-body systemcooling systemcoordinate systemcoordinate drive systemcoprocessor board systemcopymill control systemcorporate information and office systemcoupling systemCPS systemCRT systemCRT control systemcustomer-oriented systemcustomized FMS control systemcut-piece transfer systemcycloidal tooth system3-D systemdata base management systemdata communication systemdata control systemdata input management systemdata management systemdata origination systemdata processing systemdata retrieval systemdata transfer systemdatum systemdatum system for geometrical tolerancing2D CAD system3D CAD system2D design system3D design systemDDM system2-D draughting systemdecentralized DNC systemdecision enabling systemdecision support systemdedicated production systemdeep-hole-drilling systemdefect-free machining systemdelivery systemdemand pull flexible systemdemand push flexible systemdepartmental management systemdescaling systemdesign-automation systemdesign coordinate systemdesign-for-manufacturing systemdesign support systemdesign-with-feature systemdesk-top publishing systemdeterministic systemdexel-based systemdiagnostic communication control systemdiagnostic computer control systemdialog systemdiamond-lapping systemdigital readout systemdigitizing systemdigitizing/data capture systemdimensional verification systemdirect impingement starting systemdirect lubrication systemdirect NC systemdiscrete-continuous systemdispatcher systemdistributed systemdistributed computer systemdistributed mass-spring systemdistributed microprocessor systemdistributed processing systemdistributed quality systemdistributive numerical control system2D milling CAM system3D milling CAM systemDNC systemDNC flexible machining systemDNC/FM systemDNC machine control systemDNC machine tool control systemdocument processing systemdocument retrieval systemdocument search systemdomain-expert systemDoppler systemDOS CAM systemdouble tube systemdowel pin systemDRO systemdrop-feed-lubrication system3-D surface-modeling systemDTP systemdual systemdual-beam LDDM systemdual laser optical systemdual laser referencing systemdual-pallet shuttle systemdual-shaft electric propulsion systemdynamic beam focusing laser systemdynamic data systemdynamic mapping systemearly warning systemeddy current damper systemedge-sensing systemedge-type positioning systemeight-station pallet systemelectrical contact tracing systemelectrofluidic control systememergency protection systemenclosure systemencoder checking systemendpoint locating systemenergy-adaptive systemenergy-saving drive systemengine starting systementry-level NC systemenvironmental control systemequivalent systems of forcesequivalent rigid link systemESD systemestimating systemexample-driven systemexpert systemexpert control systemexpert process planning systemexternal box systemextractor systemfactory automation systemfact retrieval systemfault detection systemfault-signal systemFBG systemfeasibility routing systemfeature-based systemfeature-based CAM systemfeed systemfeedback systemfeedback control systemfeedback gaging systemfeedback position control systemfeed-drive systemfeedforward compensatory control systemfeed-only AC systemfeed-overriding systemFFS systemfile control systemfinite capacity scheduling systemfixed coordinate systemfixed-feature NC systemfixed-rail systemfixture systemfixture design systemfixturing systemflanged pipe systemflexible assembly systemflexible automated manufacturing systemflexible automation systemflexible computer-controlled robotic systemflexible fabricating systemflexible fixturing systemflexible handling systemflexible laser systemflexible laser optical systemflexible lathe systemflexible machine systemflexible machining systemflexible machining center systemflexible manufacturing systemflexible NC systemflexible press systemflexible tooling systemflexible transfer systemflexible turning systemflood coolant systemflow-line production systemflow-type manufacturing systemfluid management systemfluid power systemflush-type cooling systemfly systemFMS/CAD/CAM systemFMS operating systemFMS-type production systemforce systemforce measurement systemforce-sensing systemforce sensory systemforecasting systemfour-station pallet systemfour-tier quality systemFROG systemFROG navigation systemfull-blown systemfully specified systemgage systemgaging-and-compensating systemgaging computer systemgantry-based turning systemgantry loading systemgantry-style motion systemgas-turbine starting systemgating systemgear systemgear roller systemgear testing systemgeneral information retrieval systemgenerative planning systemgeneric systemgeneric control systemgeneric messaging systemglass fiber systemglazing systemgoal-seeking systemgraphic numerical control systemgraphic processing systemgraphics systemgraphics-oriented systemgrating measuring systemgravity oil systemgray scale imaging systemgrinder vision systemgroup control systemguarding systemguidance systemguiding systemhandling systemhandwriting-input systemhard-automated systemhardware NC systemhardware support systemhead change systemhead changer systemhead-changing flexible manufacturing systemhelp systemhierarchical coding systemhierarchical control systemhierarchical information control systemhigh-noise-immunity systemhigh-rise systemhigh-speed positioning systemhigh-speed-processor control systemhigh-volume systemHirth gear-tooth systemholding systemholding tool systemhole systemholonomic systemhost computer-assisted programming systemhost distributive numerical control systemhybrid computing systemhydraulic systemhydraulic oil systemhydraulic-circuit systemhypertext systemID systemIDNC systemillumination systemimage detection systemimage processing systemimaging systemIMC systemimmersion-washing systeminconsistent system of equationsincremental measuring systemindex systemindirect lubrication systemindividual lubrication systeminductively guided cart systeminductive telemetry systemindustrial vision systemin-feed systeminference systemin-floor chip-disposal systeminformation systeminformation-gathering systeminformation infrastructure systeminformation logical systeminformation-management systeminformation processing systeminformation-sharing systeminformation storage and retrieval systeminfrared systeminfrared imaging systemin-house systemin-house minicomputer systeminlet control systemin-process gaging systemin-process sensing systemin-process storage systeminsert-selection systeminstrumentation systeminsulating systemintegral movement monitoring systemintegrated CAD/CAPP/CAM systemintegrated CAM systemintegrated circuit numerical control systemintegrated computer systemintegrated information systemintegrated machine systemintegrated machining systemintegrated manufacturing systemintegrated manufacturing and assembly systemintegrated NC machine systemintegrated production systemintegrated sensor systemintelligent control systeminteractive control systeminteractive graphics processing systeminteractive manufacturing control systeminterconnection systeminterdepartmental communication systeminterferometer measuring systeminterlocking systeminterrupt-driven systeminventory-management systeminvolute tooth systemIR systemIR fault-signal systemISO system of limits and tolerancesisolated word recognition systemjig boring measuring systemjob shop-type flexible systemjoint-actuation systemjust-in-time production systemkanban pull systemkinetic control systemkitting systemknowledge systemknowledge-based systemknowledge-based information systemknowledge base management systemkrypton laser systemlabeling systemlabor-intensive systemlanguage-based NC systemlaser beam orientation systemlaser beam positioning systemlaser calibration systemlaser combination energy systemlaser-cutting systemlaser digitizing systemlaser driving systemlaser full automated systemlaser-gaging systemlaser inspection systemlaser interferometer measuring systemlaser machining systemlaser metalworking systemlaser micrometer systemlaser monitoring systemlaser mount systemlaser optical transformation systemlaser pulse power systemlaser pump systemlaser referencing systemlaser thread measurement systemlaser transducer systemlayered control systemLDDM systemlead screw drive systemlearning systemlibrary systemlibrary reference systemlight guide systemlight recognition systemlinear system of constant coefficientslinear-encoder-equipped systemlinear index systemlinear time invariant systemlinear time-varying systemline motion systemline motion control systemline path systemLMFC systemloading robot systemload-monitoring systemload/unload systemlocal communications systemlogistics systemlook-up table systemlow-loss optical systemlow-volume lubricant delivery systemlube systemlubrication systemlubrication system with continuous deliverylubrication system with cyclic deliverylubrication system without performance controllubrication system with performance controlM systemmachine control systemmachine/control systemmachine coordinate systemmachine-flexible systemmachine health-monitoring systemmachine management systemmachine surveillance systemmachine tool systemmachine tool capability-conditioning systemmachine/tool/workpiece systemmachine vision systemmachine-zero reference systemmachining-cell systemmagnetic control systemmagnetic shaft suspension systemmain control systemmaintenance tracking systemmake-up systemmanagement systemmanagement-and-manufacturing systemmanagement control systemmanagement information systemmanagerial reporting systemman-computer systemman-machine systemman-plus-machine systemmanual data input systemmanual programming systemmanufacturing systemmanufacturing execution systemmanufacturing optimization systemmanufacturing software systemmany-degrees-of-freedom systemmany-variable systemmass-elastic systemmaster manufacturing control systemmaster-slave control systemmaterial flow systemmaterial movement systemmaterials-handling systemmaterials-handling control systemmaterial storage systemmatrix array systemmatrix-type systemMDI contouring control systemMDI control systemMDI NC systemmean line systemmeasurement/inspection systemmeasuring systemmeasuring/compensation systemmeasuring coordinate systemmechanical interface coordinate systemmemory systemmemory NC systemmenu systemmenu drive systemmenu-driven programming systemmetalforming production system with robotsmetalworking laser systemmetamorphic systemmetareasoning systemmetering systemmetrology systemMIC systemmicroadjustment systemmicro CAD/CAM programming systemmicrochip-managed control systemmicrodispensing systemmicrointegrated systemmicroload systemmicropackaged distributed systemmicroprocessor systemmicroprocessor based systemmicroprocessor CNC systemmicroprocessor-development systemmicrostep control systemmicrowave drill detection systemmilling systemmilling CAM systemminicomputer-based systemminicomputer-based numerical control systemminicomputer-based test systemminiload systemminiload automated storage and retrieval systemminimal constraint systemminimum phase shift systemmist-cooling systemmixed forging-machining systemmobility systemmodel reference adaptive systemmoderately sized manufacturing systemmodular systemmodular clamping systemmodular component tooling systemmodular fixture systemmodular holding systemmodular tooling systemmodular work holding systemmonitoring systemmonorail material handling systemmotor position sensing systemmounting systemMPM systemMRC systemMRP systemMS-DOS systemmultiaxis laser systemmultimachine systemmultimedia systemmultinetwork systemmultipallet systemmultiple system of indexingmultiple computer systemmultiple-gun spraying systemmultiple laser technology systemmultiple pallet changer systemmultiple pallet handling systemmultiple parts feeding systemmultiple sensory systemmultiple spindle head handling-and-changing systemmultipoint lubrication systemmultipoint network control systemmultiprocessing systemmultiprocessor systemmultiprocessor NC systemmultiproduct manufacturing systemmultiprofile tool systemmultiprogramming systemmultirobot systemmultisensor systemmultiserver queueing systemmultistage systemmultitasking control systemmultiterminal systemmultiuser systemmultivendor information systemmultiwindowing software systemNagare systemnarrowly defined expert systemnational information systemnavigation systemNC systemNC contouring systemNC machine systemNC part-programming systemNC tooling systemNC/TP systemnesting systemnetwork systemnetwork computer systemnetwork switching systemnoise diagnostic systemnoncircular copy-turning systemnoncompensated systemnoncontact laser marking systemnoncontact microwave systemnonexpert systemnon-NC system3 nonsimultaneous axes control systemnumerical computer control systemnumerical contour control systemnumerical control systemnumerically controlled tool point systemobject-oriented systemoffice systemoffice-based programming systemoff-line systemoff-line adviser-type expert systemoff-line programming systemoff-the-shelf systemoil systemoil mist systemoil-recirculating systemoil scavenge systemoil wash systemoligarchical manufacturing systemOLP systemone-machine flexible systemone man/one machine systemone man-one operation-one job systemone-piece tape spar-measuring systemone-shot lubrication systemon-line systemon-line information systemon-line process systemon-line retrieval systemon-line tool control systemon-machine gaging systemon-machine probing systemon-off control systemopen systemopen architecture systemopen cooling systemopen-front systemopen-loop control systemoperating systemoperational systemoperator-controlled NC systemoperator guidance systemoptical system for laser processingoptical detection systemoptical laser ranging systemoptical MAP systemoptical measurement/inspection systemoptical recognition systemoptical tracer backup systemoptical transmission systemopti-feed systemoptimal-position control systemorder-driven systemorder-entry systemorder-picking systemoscillating systemoscillatory systemout-feed systemoutput collecting systemoverall systempackage confinement systempaging systempallet-based systempallet-based materials handling systempallet-changer systempallet-coding systempallet conveyor systempallet gripper systempallet-handling systempallet ID systempalletized tool magazine systempallet-loading systempallet-moving systempallet/platen transfer systempallet/robot flexible-machining systempallet-shuttle change systempallet storage systempallet storage/changer systempallet-transfer systempallet-transport systempaperless NC systemparallel force systemparallel lubrication systemparametric CNC systempart-conveying systempart flow systempart handling-and-storage systempartial laser systempart program-editing systempart-programming systempart queue systempart-retrieval systempassively mode-locked laser systempath control systempath control system of a machinepattern-directed systempattern recognition systempattern tracing systemPC systemPC-based CAD systemPC-based vision systempendant-mounted CNC systemperceptual systempermanent electro systempersonal computer-based robotic vision systemphase switching control systemphotogrammetric vision systemphotooptic tracing systemphotooptical tracing systempiece rate systemplane system of forcesplanner-oriented systemplant-integration systemplaten systemplatform-independent CAM systemplayback systemplugboard control systemplugboard programming systempoint-to-point systempopular laser systemposition control systempositioning control systempostprocess systempostprocess-feedback gaging systempostprocess inspection systempotentiometer-setting systempower systempowered clamping systempowered track systempowerful robot systempower generating systemprecision positioning systempredictive machinability systempredictive maintenance systempre-emptive systempregaging systempreload systempresetting systempreset tooling systemprismatic flexible manufacturing systemprismatic machining systemprobe communication systemproblem-oriented information systemprocess-flexible systemprocess planning systemproduction control systemproduction expert systemproduction-monitoring systemproductions systemproduct-testing systemprogrammable automation systemprogrammable control systemprogrammable logic control systemprogrammable power monitoring systemprogrammed sequence control systemprogramming systemproof-of-concept systemproprietary NC systempropulsion systempropulsive systemprotection systemprototype systemprototyping systemp.-t.-p. NC systempull systempull system of productionpunch tape NC systempurpose-made materials feeding systempush systemqualitative systemquality systemquality control systemquantity produced systemsquestion-and-answer systemquestion-answering systemqueuing systemquick-change systemquick-change-cutter systemquick-change workpiece-fixturing systemrack systemrack-picking systemrail-borne robotic handling systemrail-guided transport systemrandom mission systemrandom mix systemrandom order systemranging systemreadout systemready-to-go systemreal-time vision systemrecirculation systemrectangular coordinate systemrectangular triordinate systemreeving systemreference systemreference retrieval systemreflecting high-power beam optical systemregister systemregistration systemrelay ladder logic systemreporting systemreprographic systemresolver systemrestraint systemRETIC systemretrieval systemretrofit systemreturn spring systemRGV pallet delivery systemrigid track workpiece transport systemrigid transfer systemrobot systemrobot-based turning systemrobot control systemrobot gantry storage-and-retrieval systemrobotic systemrobotics CAD systemrobotic vision systemrobotized metalforming systemrobot learning systemrobot-like inspection systemrobot-measuring systemrobot parts-handling systemrobot teaching systemrobot tool changing systemrod memory systemroller systemroll-generating systemrotary transfer systemrotary-type tool-mounting systemrotational systemrouting-flexible systemrule-based expert systemrunning systemrunning fail-safe systemrun-time systemsafety systemsafety actuation systemscale back systemseam-tracking systemseam tracking laser processing systemsecurity systemselective assembly systemselective control systemself-adapting systemself-contained systemself-contained starting systemself-monitoring measuring systemself-optimizing adaptive control systemself-programming NC systemself-teaching systemself-test systemsensing systemsensor systemsensor-based systemsensory control systemsensory feedback systemsensory interactive systemsensory-processing systemsentence recognition systemsequencing control systemsequential control systemseries lubrication systemservice systemservo control systemservo-controlled blade-feed-pressure systemservo drive systemservo positioning systemservo transducer systemsetting systemSFP systemshaft systemshared tools systemshopfloor communication message systemshopfloor part-programming systemshopfloor programming systemshopfloor-programming control systemshort-closed oil systemshuttle systemshuttle car systemshuttle-type container systemside-loading pallet systemsign systemsignature-analysis systemsilhouetting systemsingle systemsingle-board computer systemsingle-cell systemsingle-line lubrication systemsingle-point lubrication systemsingle-stage systemsingle-tube systemsingle-unit machining systemsingle-variable systemsinking systemsix-station pallet systemsize-monitoring systemskidless systemskid-type systemsmall-batch manufacturing systemsmall knowledge systemsmall scale systemsociotechnical systemsoftware-based systemsoftware-operating systemsolid model CAD systemsolid modeling systemsolids-based systemsonic digitizing systemspace-monitoring sensor systemspecial-purpose CNC systemspecial-purpose material handling systemspeech-understanding systemspindle airblast systemspindle-probe systemsplash lubrication systemsplit-type of tooling systemspray lubrication systemsprocket-chain systemstabilization systemstabilizing systemstacking systemstand-alone systemstandard control systemstandard unit systemstarting systemstatistical process control systemsteady-state systemstepping motor drive systemstocker systemstocking systemstop-bolt locking systemstorage systemstorage-retrieval systemstorage-and-retrieval systemstraight cut control systemstraight-line control systemstress calculations infinite element systemstructurally stable systemstructurally unstable systemstub-tooth systemsubloop systemsupervision systemsupervisory computer control systemsupervisory control systemsurface-measurement systemsurveillance systemsuspension systemswarf conveyance systemswarf-management systemswarf-removal systemswitching systemsynthetic vision systemtactile sensing systemtailored NC systemtailor-made systemtape-oriented systemtarget systemteach systemteachable-logic control systemteaching systemteach-mode programming systemtechnology-intensive systemtelecommunication systemtelemetry systemtelemetry gage systemteleoperated systemtelepresence systemtelerobotic systemten-station pallet systemterm systemtest systemtesting systemtext organizing systemthermal control systemthermal enclosure systemthermal propulsion systemthread measurement systemthread measuring systemthree-dimensional CAM systemthree-dimensional coordinate systemthree-wire thread measuring systemthrough feed systemthrough-the-tool systemtime control systemtime cycle systemtime-shared systemtime-sharing systemtime-sharing NC programming systemtool animation systemtool-associated systemtool breakage prevention systemtool change systemtool-clamp systemtool condition monitoring systemtool coolant systemtool deflection calibration systemtool-holder-work systemtool-ID systemtool identification tag systemtooling systemtooling AGV systemtool-in-hand systemtool-in-use systemtool life control systemtool life management systemtool-machine systemtool magazine exchanger systemtool management systemtool-monitoring systemtool-mounting systemtool position-compensating systemtool-presetting systemtool-probing systemtool shank cleaning systemtool storage and transport systemtool storage/management systemtool-to-turret connection systemtool-transfer systemtorque-monitoring systemtotal systemtotal-loss lubrication systemtouch-probe systemtouch-probe digitizer systemtouch-probe digitizing systemtowline cart systemtowline conveyor systemtowline handling systemtowline transfer systemtowline material handling systemtracer control systemtracing systemtrack systemtracking/scheduling systemtrack-monitoring systemtransfer systemtranslating systemtransmission systemtransporter systemtraverse-metering systemtray-type transfer systemtriangulation systemtribomechanical systemtri-level stocker systemtriordinate systemtrolley control systemtrouble-free control systemT-slot systemtuned systemturning systemturning-and-chucking systemturnkey systemturnkey computer control systemturret probing systemturret tooling systemtwo-line lubrication systemtwo-machine systemtwo-pallet exchange systemtwo-shift systemtwo-tier inspection systemunattended machining systemunattended production systemuncertain systemunified systemunit systemunit bore systemunit-build systemunit-load systemunit-load automated storage and retrieval systemUNIX-based 32-bit computer systemunmonitored control systemunstable systemuser identification system

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) система; метод; system of axes - система координат; what system do you go on? - какому методу вы следуете?  2) система, устройство; political system - государственный строй  3) сеть (дорог и т.п.)  4) организм  5) мир, вселенная  6) geol. система, формация Syn: see method ...
Англо-русский словарь
  система – absorbent system – accessory olfactory system – action system – adaptive enzyme system – adrenal system – alimentary system – ambulacral system – artificial system – artificial communication system – association virus systems – automated lab system – autonomic nervous system – binary system – blood-group system – blood-vascular system – bounded system – breeding system – cardiac conduction system – cardiovascular system – cell-free system – central nervous system – circulatory system – closed circulatory system – closed communication system – closed ecological system – closed-loop system – coagulation system – collecting system – compartmental systems – computer-video microscope system – conjugated double-bond system – continuous-flow system – corpuscular system of heredity system – coupled system – cytochrome system – digestive system – distribution system – ecological system – electromotor system – endocrine system – enzyme system – enzyme analyzer system – equilibrium system – esophageal sympathetic nervous system – excretory system – feedback system – fibrous root system – genetic system – genital system – graded communication system – haplo-diploid system – Haversian system – heart-vascular system – heat unit system – hematopoietic system – hepatic-portal system – hierarchical system – homothallic sexual system – hormonally regulated system – host-virus system – humoral system – hydrodynamic system – immersion system – immune system – inducible adaptive enzyme system – inducing system – innate action system – instinctive control system – integumentary system – involuntary nervous system – lab system – lek mating system – life support system – limbic system – living system – lymphatic system – lysogenic system – muscular system – nervous system – neuromuscular system – neurotransmitter system – nonspecific projection system – open circulatory system – open...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – Community registration System – Community trade mark System – European Patent System SYSTEM сущ. 1) система 2) способ 3) метод 4) сеть 5) устройство 6) строй • - Accelerated Cost Recovery System - Defense Priorities and Allocation System - Drawback System - Entry Summary Selectivity System - Entry Summary System - European Monetary System - European System of Central Banks - Federal Reserve System - Payment System - accounting system - administrative system - advanced system - alarm system - automated commercial system - automatic data processing system - backup system - banking system - battery system - bipartisan system - block system - bonus system - business system - cargo selectivity system - chattel slavery system - classification system - clearinghouse interbank payments system - collections system - contract system - cost control system - cost system - costing system - crawling peg system - credit rating system - credit scoring system - credit system - crisis-proof system - cropping system - data processing system - delivery system - distribution system - drainage system - economic system - educational system - electoral system - electronic data processing system - electronic funds transfer system - energy system - engineering system - estimating-cost system - exchange rate system - exchange system - federal system - financial system - generalized system of preferences - grass rotation system - income-maintenance system - information management system - interest depressing system - international monetary system - international payments system - international reserve system - layered control system - lending potential of the banking system - local transit system - lump system - market system - member of the Federal Reserve System - mercantile system - multivariate system - national market system - one crop system - piece plus-bonus system - piecerate system - political system - power system - progressive piece rate plus-bonus system - progressive piece rate wage system - railway system...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) комплекс 2) множество 3) область 4) система 5) системный 6) совокупность 7) схемный 8) устройство absolutely complete system — абсолютно полная система absolutely direct indecomposable system — абсолютно декартово неразложимая система absolutely irreducible system — абсолютно неприводимая система absolutely optimal system — абсолютно оптимальная система accumulator hydraulic system — гидросистема с аккумулятором aircraft electrical system — аэро сеть бортовая электрическая allowable coordinate system — допустимая система координат ample linear system — матем. система линейная обильная artificial feel system — автомат загрузки automated system control — АСУ automatic block system — ж.-д. автоблокировка bang-bang control system — компьют. система управления релейная base of system of numeration — основание системы счисления bicylindrical coordinate system — система бицилиндрических координат binary relational system — система с бинарными отношениями bipolar coordinate system — система биполярных координат carrier frequency system — система передачи с частотным разделением каналов chamber of root system — камера корневой системы closed-circuit television system — связь система телевидения невещательная complete residue system modulo p — полная система вычетов по модулю p completely controllable system — вполне управляемая система completely hyperbolic system — вполне...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) система; комплекс 2) метод; способ 3) канал 4) вычислительная система – access control system – acoustic systems – acoustic alarm system – acoustic image system – actiontrack system – active IR-system – actuator system – adaptive communication system – adaptive teleinformation system – adaptive telemetering system – advanced information system – air system – aircraft intercommunication system – airfield communication system – air-ground automatic system – airline reservation system – air-to-ground TV system – Afsatcom system – alarm system – all-channel signaling system – ALL-IN-ONE system – alphanumeric system – amplified speaker system – amplitude shift-keying system – AMPS system – analog cellular system – analog component video system – analog tropospheric system – anisochronous system – antenna system – antitheft system – AR system – Arabsat system – ASK system – associated channel analog system – asynchronous address communication system – audio recording system – Aurora system – Aussat system – automatic communication system – automatic connection establishment system – automatic control system – automatic data acquisition system – automatic telegraphy system – automatic telephone system – automatic tuning system – automatized cellular system – auxiliary alarm system – balanced cable transmission system – band sharing system – baseband system – base station system – basic input/output system – bass-reflex speaker system – batch-and-forward system – batch processing system – batch transmission system – batteryless system – bilateral CTV system – binary tariff system – biocontrol system – bit parallel interface system – bit transport system – bridge duplex system – broadband mobile system – broadcasting delivery media systems – broadcast satellite system – burglar alarm system – byte-serial interface system – C-system – cabinet system –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство способ, метод system in equilibrium system of forces system of masses system of scaffolds ABC system AC system acoustical ceiling system active solar energy system aesthetic value system air classification system air cycle refrigerating system airfield soil classification system air pollution control system air-to-air system air-to-water system air transport system alarm system all-air system all outside air system all-water coil system all water fan coil system approach lighting system arterial system Atterberg soil classification system audio alarm system automated casting system automatic fire alarm system automatic fire protection system automatic flushing system balanced system balanced system of streets balanced ventilation system bar system beam structural system bell alarm system Benoto piling system bivalent heat pump system bleed-in system blow and exhaust system blow through air-conditioning system blow through fan system bootstrap system box system bridge deck structured system British soil classification system building system building automation system building-drainage system building gravity drainage system building management system built-in dust suppression system burglar alarm system cable system central air heating system central fan system centralized hot-water supply system central plant air conditioning system changeover system circulating system circulation water system closed system closed heat-supply system closed-loop heat pump system closed-type steam heating system coding system cogeneration system cold supply system collapsing-ring bridge rail system combined drainage system combined sewage system complanar system of structural members complanar force system complete-mix activated sludge system composite frame system compression system concrete suspended flooring system constant volume system continuous conveying system continuous suspension system control system cooling system coordinate system cost-efficient...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  употребляется в сочетаниях - International System of Units - National Standard Reference Data System - State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement - US Customary System SYSTEM 1) система; комплекс 2) установка; устройство 3) система; порядок; классификация 4) метод; способ to bleed system free from air — прокачивать систему для удаления воздуха; - aberration-free system - absolute system of units - air bearing lift system - air bleed system - airborne lightweight optical tracking system - all-relay code system - altitude alerting system - ammonia refrigerating system - energy-adaptive system - energy management system - energy storage system - integrated pile alignment system - integrated power system - integrated production system - integrated propulsion-lift system - right system - right-hand system - steam ejector system - steam-heating system - steaming-out system - steel arch support system - stellar inertial system - step-and-repeat system - stereo sound system - Stirling conversion nuclear powersystem - stock-conveying system - storage system - storage-route system - strapdown system - stream-degassing system - stress system - stripping system - submudline-type completion system - subsatellite system - subscriber system - subsea completion system - substatic system - substation grounding system - supercavitating foil system - supervisory control system - supporting system - thrust system - thrust reverser interlock system - thundery cloud system - transverse framing system - trial system - triboengineering system - tribomechanical system - tribotechnical system - trichromatic system - trigonometric system - trim system - troy system - trunk system - tube transfer system - turborefrigerating system - turbulence detection system - turning system - turnkey system - turret tooling system - two-aspect system - two-color system - two-flash system - two-frequency localizer system - two-line lubrication...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a complex whole; a set of connected things or parts; an organized body of material or immaterial things. 2 a set of devices (e.g. pulleys) functioning together. 3 Physiol. a a set of organs in the body with a common structure or function (the digestive system). b the human or animal body as a whole. 4 a method; considered principles of procedure or classification. b classification. 5 orderliness. 6 a a body of theory or practice relating to or prescribing a particular form of government, religion, etc. b (prec. by the) the prevailing political or social order, esp. regarded as oppressive and intransigent. 7 a method of choosing one's procedure in gambling etc. 8 Computing a group of related hardware units or programs or both, esp. when dedicated to a single application. 9 one of seven general types of crystal structure. 10 a major group of geological strata (the Devonian system). 11 Physics a group of associated bodies moving under mutual gravitation etc. 12 Mus. the braced staves of a score. Phrases and idioms get a thing out of one's system colloq. be rid of a preoccupation or anxiety. systems analysis the analysis of a complex process or operation in order to improve its efficiency, esp. by applying a computer system. Derivatives systemless adj. Etymology: F syst{egrave}me or LL systema f. Gk sustema -atos (as SYN-, histemi set up) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Late Latin ~at-, ~a, from Greek systemat-, systema, from synistanai to combine, from syn- + histanai to cause to stand — more at stand  Date: 1603  1. a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole a number ~: as  a.  (1) a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces a gravitational ~  (2) an assemblage of substances that is in or tends to equilibrium a thermodynamic ~  b.  (1) a group of body organs that together perform one or more vital functions the digestive ~  (2) the body considered as a functional unit  c. a group of related natural objects or forces a river ~  d. a group of devices or artificial objects or an organization forming a network especially for distributing something or serving a common purpose a telephone ~ a heating ~ a highway ~ a computer ~  e. a major division of rocks usually larger than a series and including all formed during a period or era  f. a form of social, economic, or political organization or practice the capitalist ~  2. an organized set of doctrines, ideas, or principles usually intended to explain the arrangement or working of a ~atic whole the Newtonian ~ of mechanics  3.  a. an organized or established procedure the touch ~ of typing  b. a manner of classifying, symbolizing, or schematizing a taxonomic ~ the decimal ~  4. harmonious arrangement or pattern ; order bring ~ out of confusion — Ellen Glasgow  5. an organized society or social situation regarded as stultifying or oppressive ; establishment 2 — usually used with the  Synonyms: see method  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (systems) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A system is a way of working, organizing, or doing something which follows a fixed plan or set of rules. You can use system to refer to an organization or institution that is organized in this way. ...a flexible and relatively efficient filing system. ...a multi-party system of government... N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A system is a set of devices powered by electricity, for example a computer or an alarm. Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. A system is a set of equipment or parts such as water pipes or electrical wiring, which is used to supply water, heat, or electricity. ...a central heating system. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. A system is a network of things that are linked together so that people or things can travel from one place to another or communicate. ...Australia’s road and rail system. ...a news channel on a local cable system. = network N-COUNT: usu supp N 5. Your system is your body’s organs and other parts that together perform particular functions. These gases would seriously damage the patient’s respiratory system. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. A system is a particular set of rules, especially in mathematics or science, which is used to count or measure things. ...the decimal system of metric weights and measures. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. People sometimes refer to the government or administration of a country as the system. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system... N-SING: the N 8. see also central nervous system, digestive system, ecosystem, immune system, metric system, nervous system, public address system, solar system, sound system 9. If you get something out of your system, you take some action so that you no longer want to do it or no longer have strong feelings about it. I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »RELATED PARTS« a group of related parts that work together as a whole for a particular purpose  (They have an alarm system in the house. | the body's immune system | the banking system in the US | the railway system) 2 »METHOD« an organized set of ideas, methods, or ways of working + of/for  (What is the system for marking pronunciation in the dictionary?) 3 »THE BODY« your body considered as a set of working parts  (All this overeating is bad for my system.) 4 »COMPUTERS« the way in which a computer or set of computers works  (a fault in the system | What software does the system use?)  (- see also operating system) 5 the system informal the combination of official rules and powerful groups or organizations that seem to govern your life and limit your freedom  (You can't beat the system in this company!) 6 get sth out of your system informal to do something that helps you get rid of unpleasant strong feelings  (I was furious, so I went for a run to get it out of my system.) 7 »ORDER« the use of sensible and organized methods  (We need a bit more system in the way we organize our files.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. bus. abbr. Saves You Serious Time Energy And Money ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1619, "the whole creation, the universe," from L.L. systema "an arrangement, system," from Gk. systema "organized whole, body," from syn- "together" + root of histanai "cause to stand." Meaning "set of correlated principles, facts, ideas, etc." first recorded 1638. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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