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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - quick


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= quick-acting


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   1. adj.  1) быстрый, скорый; quick step - скорый шаг; to be quick - спешить; do be quick! - поторопитесь! - quick luncheon - quick fire - quick march - quick time - quick train  2) быстрый, проворный, живой; - quick to sympathize  3) сообразительный, смышленый; находчивый; а quick child - смышленый ребенок; quick to learn - быстро схватывающий  4) острый (о зрении, слухе, уме); to have quick wit - иметь острый ум  5) obs. живой; - quick with child  6) плывучий, сыпучий; мягкий (о породе) Syn: fast, precipitous, rapid, swift Ant: listless, slow  2. adv. быстро; скоро; please come quick - идите скорей; now then, quick! - живо!  3. noun  1) (the quick) pl.; collect. живые; the quick and the dead - живые и мертвые  2) наиболее чувствительные участки кожи (напр., под ногтями); fig. чувства; to cut (to bite) ones fingernails to the quick - срезать (обкусать) ногти до мяса; to touch/wound/sting smb. to the quick - задеть за живое  3) живая изгородь QUICK balance безмен, пружинные весы QUICK bread amer. печенье из пресного теста QUICK eye острый глаз, наблюдательность QUICK fire mil. беглый огонь QUICK fix noun  1) быстрый успех, быстро достигнутый результат (лечения и т.п.)  2) скороспелое, непродуманное решение QUICK learner способный ученик QUICK luncheon завтрак на скорую руку QUICK march mil. форсированный марш; быстрый шаг QUICK temper вспыльчивость, горячность QUICK to sympathize отзывчивый QUICK to take offence...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (the quick) собир. живые the quick and the dead —- живые и мертвые 2. уст. (живая) натура to paint smb. to the quick —- писать кого-л. с натуры 3. живая изгородь 4. растения такой изгороди 5. наиболее чувствительные участки кожи (особ. под ногтями) to cut one's nails to the quick —- срезать ногти до мяса 6. чувства to sting (to touch, to wound, to cut) to the quick —- задеть (затронуть) за живое; уязвить (оскорбить) до глубины души 7. наиболее важная, основная часть (чего-л.) the quick of the matter —- основная (суть) вопроса 8. быстрый, скорый quick movement —- быстрое движение quick growth —- быстрый (стремительный) рост quick journey —- короткая (недолгая) поездка quick pulse —- частый пульс quick glance —- быстрый (торопливый) взгляд quick train —- скорый поезд quick luncheon —- завтрак на скорую руку quick succession of events —- быстрая смена событий to be quick —- спешить, торопиться be quick! —- скорей!, проворней!, живей! do be quick! —- торопитесь же! to walk with short quick steps —- идти коротким быстрым шагом at a quick pace —- в быстром темпе, быстро 9. быстрый, проворный; живой, деятельный quick workman —- ловкий (проворный) работник quick at (about) work —- быстрый (проворный) в работе quick of foot —- разг. подвижный, быстрый, проворный to give quick answers —- отвечать быстро (не задумываясь) to be quick at smth. (at doing smth.) —- быть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  боярышник однопестичный (Crataegus monogyna) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) быстрый, скорый 2) ликвидный, легкореализуемый - quick assets - quick-and-dirty prediction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) быстрочередующийся 2) быстрый 3) молниеносный 4) немедленный 5) острый 6) скорый - quick access - quick freezing - quick game - quick response - quick solder - quick test ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 taking only a short time (a quick worker). 2 arriving after a short time, prompt (quick action; quick results). 3 with only a short interval (in quick succession). 4 lively, intelligent. 5 acute, alert (has a quick ear). 6 (of a temper) easily roused. 7 archaic living, alive (the quick and the dead). --adv. 1 quickly, at a rapid rate. 2 (as int.) come, go, etc., quickly. --n. 1 the soft flesh below the nails, or the skin, or a sore. 2 the seat of feeling or emotion (cut to the quick). Phrases and idioms be quick act quickly. quick-fire 1 (of repartee etc.) rapid. 2 firing shots in quick succession. quick-freeze 1 freeze (food) rapidly so as to preserve its natural qualities. 2 this process. quick march Mil. 1 a march in quick time. 2 the command to begin this. quick one colloq. a drink taken quickly. quick step Mil. a step used in quick time (cf. QUICKSTEP). quick time Mil. marching at about 120 paces per minute. quick trick Bridge 1 a trick in the first two rounds of a suit. 2 the card that should win this. quick with child archaic at a stage of pregnancy when movements of the foetus have been felt. Derivatives quickly adv. quickness n. Etymology: OE cwic(u) alive f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English quik, from Old English cwic; akin to Old Norse kvikr living, Latin vivus living, vivere to live, Greek bios, zoe life  Date: before 12th century  1. not dead ; living, alive  2. acting or capable of acting with speed: as  a.  (1) fast in understanding, thinking, or learning ; mentally agile a ~ wit ~ thinking  (2) reacting to stimuli with speed and keen sensitivity  (3) aroused immediately and intensely ~ tempers  b.  (1) fast in development or occurrence a ~ succession of events  (2) done or taking place with rapidity gave them a ~ look  c. marked by speed, readiness, or promptness of physical movement walked with ~ steps  d. inclined to hastiness (as in action or response) ~ to criticize  e. capable of being easily and speedily prepared a ~ and tasty dinner  3.  a. archaic not stagnant ; running, flowing  b. moving, shifting ~ mud  4. archaic fiery, glowing  5. obsolete  a. pungent  b. caustic  6. archaic pregnant  7. having a sharp angle a ~ turn in the road  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, prompt, ready, apt mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability. ~ stresses instancy of response and is likely to connote native rather than acquired power ~ reflexes a keen ~ mind. prompt is more likely to connote training and discipline that fits one for instant response prompt emergency medical care. ready suggests facility or fluency in response backed by a pair of ready assistants. apt stresses the possession of qualities (as intelligence, a particular talent, or a strong bent) that makes ~ effective response possible an apt student her answer was apt and to the point.  Synonym: see in addition fast.  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. ~ plural living beings  2. probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse kvika sensitive flesh, from kvikr living  a. a painfully sensitive spot or area of flesh (as that underlying a fingernail or toenail)  b. the inmost sensibilities hurt to the ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (quicker, quickest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Someone or something that is quick moves or does things with great speed. You’ll have to be quick. The flight leaves in about three hours... I think I’m a reasonably quick learner... ? slow ADJ • quickly Cussane worked quickly and methodically... ? slowly ADV: ADV with v • quickness ...the natural quickness of his mind. N-UNCOUNT 2. Quicker is sometimes used to mean ‘at a greater speed’, and quickest to mean ‘at the greatest speed’. Quick is sometimes used to mean ‘with great speed’. Some people consider this to be non-standard. (INFORMAL) Warm the sugar slightly first to make it dissolve quicker... ADV: ADV after v 3. Something that is quick takes or lasts only a short time. He took one last quick look about the room... Although this recipe looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare... ADJ • quickly You can become fitter quite quickly and easily. ADV: ADV with v 4. Quick means happening without delay or with very little delay. These investors feel the need to make quick profits. = speedy ADJ: usu ADJ n • quickly It quickly became the most popular men’s fragrance in the world... ADV: ADV with v 5. Quick is sometimes used to mean ‘with very little delay’. (INFORMAL) I got away as quick as I could... ADV: ADV after v 6. If you are quick to do something, you do not hesitate to do it. Mark says the ideas are Katie’s own, and is quick to praise her talent... ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to-inf 7. If someone has a quick temper, they are easily made angry. ADJ: ADJ n 8. If something cuts you to the quick, it makes you feel very upset. (LITERARY) I once heard her weeping in her bedroom, which cut me to the quick. PHRASE: V inflects 9. quick as a flash: see flash quick off the mark: see mark quick on the uptake: see uptake ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »SHORT TIME« continuing or existing for only a short time  (I just have to make a quick phone call. | John had a quick meal and then went out again. | That was quick! I thought you'd be another hour.) 2 »FAST« moving or happening fast  (She walked with short, quick steps. | A series of quick changes take place as the chemicals bond.) 3 »SOON« happening very soon, without any delay  (We've put the house on the market and we're hoping for a quick sale.) 4 »CLEVER« able to learn and understand things fast  (That child's a really quick learner. | a quick study AmE slang (=a student who is clever and learns quickly)) 5 be quick to hurry  (If you want to come with me you'll have to be quick - I'm leaving in ten minutes. | be quick about it)  (Just bring me that book, and be quick about it.) 6 be quick to do sth to react quickly to what someone says or does  (You're always very quick to criticize my ideas - let's hear yours!) 7 be quick on the draw/uptake to quickly understand a situation or what someone tells you, so that you know what you have to do 8 a quick one/half/pint especially BrE informal a drink that you have in a hurry  (Let's stop for a quick one before the train comes.) 9 have a quick temper to get angry very easily 10 a quick fix informal a repair to something or an answer to a problem that will work only for a short time  (- see also quickly) - quickness n ~2 interjection used to tell someone to hurry or come quickly  (Quick! We'll miss the bus! | Come on! Quick!) ~3 adv quickly; fast  (Come back quick - something terrible has happened! | quick as a flash informal (=very quickly))  (Quick as a flash she replied "That's not what I've heard!") ~4 n 1 cut sb to the quick if a remark or criticism cuts you to the quick, it makes you very upset 2 the quick the sensitive flesh under your fingernails and toenails  (Her nails were bitten to the quick.) 3 the quick and the dead old use all people, including those who are alive and those who are dead ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. cwic "living, alive," from P.Gmc. *kwikwaz, from PIE base *gwej-. Sense of "lively, swift" developed late 12c., on notion of "full of life." Quickie "sex act done hastily" is from 1940. Quicklime (14c.) is loan-translation of L. calx viva; quicksand is 1300, from M.E. quyk "living" + sond "sand." O.E. had cwecesund, but this may have meant "lively strait of water." Quicksilver is O.E. cwicseolfor, translating L. argentum vivum. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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