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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - punch


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Перевод с английского языка punch на русский


1) пуансон; штамп || штамповать

2) пробойник; перфоратор

3) дыропробивной пресс

4) зубило

5) кернер || кернить, накернивать

6) перфорирование; пробивание отверстий, пробивка отверстий || перфорировать, пробивать

7) пробитое отверстие, перфорация

8) резкий удар

to center punch — кернить, накернивать

bear punchbelt punchblanking punchblanking die punchcenter punchcentering punchclipping punchcoining punchcutting punchdie punchdraw punchdrawing punchgang punchholing punchkey punchmotor drive punchmultiple punchoblique punchpaper tape punchperforating punchpiercing punchpin-hole punchreader punchreproducing punchriveting punchround punch with conical headrubber punchside punchstamping punchtape punchtransfer punchturret punchurethane rubber punch

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  • перфоратор• перфорировать ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  out  а) компостировать; The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket.  б) выбивать (гвоздь и т.п.); If you cant pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.  в) amer. отмечать время ухода с работы; What time do the workers punch out on Fridays? PUNCH press  1) дыропробивной пресс; штамповальный пресс  2) attr. punch press operator - штамповщик; штамповщица PUNCH I Punch noun  1) Панч, Петрушка; punch and Judy - Панч и Джуди (персонажи кукольной комедии)  2) Панч (название английского юмористического журнала) as pleased as punch - очень довольный as proud as punch - очень гордый II  1. noun  1) удар кулаком  2) coll. сила, энергия; эффективность  2. v.  1) бить кулаком; If you say that again, Ill punch you in the nose! Jim punched one of his attackers on the nose, and another on the chin.  2) amer. гнать скот Syn: see blow III  1. noun  1) компостер  2) tech. кернер, пробойник; пуансон; штемпель  3) = punch press  4) typ. пуансон  2. v. проделывать или пробивать отверстия; компостировать; штамповать - punch in - punch out - punch up IV noun пунш V noun; dial.  1) ломовая лошадь, тяжеловоз (особ. Suffolk punch)  2) коренастый или полный человек небольшого роста; коротышка PUNCH up coll. драться (с кем-л.); I will have no one punching anyone else up in my hotel. PUNCH in  а) вбивать, загонять внутрь (гвоздь и т.п.); Make sure that all the nails are punched in so that the floor is smooth.  б) проделывать отверстие (в...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. компостер 2. тех. штамп 3. штемпель; пуансон 4. кернер 5. пробойник; бородок 6. тех. дыропробивной станок 7. полигр. пуансон 8. тех. ударный бур 9. комп. перфоратор 10. пробивка, перфорация 11. перфорированное отверстие punch card —- перфокарта punch tape —- перфолента 12. проделывать или пробивать отверстия 13. компостировать the train conductor punched our tickets —- проводник прокомпостировал наши билеты 14. кернить, накернивать 15. тех. штамповать 16. выбивать (клеймо) 17. комп. перфорировать 18. удар кулаком to get a punch on the nose —- получить кулаком по носу he packs quite a punch —- разг. у него крепкий кулак, он уж ударит так ударит 19. разг. энергия, сила, натиск, напористость team with a terrific punch —- команда, обладающая большой пробивной силой style without punch —- вялый слог cartoon witout punch —- бледная (беззубая) карикатура this book has a punch —- это очень сильная книга the story lacks punch —- рассказу не хватает живости the wine packs a good punch —- вино очень крепкое (сильно ударяет в голову) Id: to pull one's punches —- сл. наносить удары для видимости; критиковать для проформы; действовать осмотрительно, осторожно Id: to pull no punches —- беспощадно критиковать, разносить; не стесняться в выражениях Id: he doesn't pull his punches —- он не выбирает выражения...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  "Панч" Товарный знак стирального порошка производства компании "Колгейт-Палмолив" Colgate-Palmolive Co.. Рекламный девиз: "Отправит в нокаут любую грязь" "Knocks out dirt" ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) дыропробивной 2) дыропробойник 3) керновать 4) компостер 5) компостировать 6) обминать 7) перфоратор 8) перфорационный 9) перфорация 10) перфорировать 11) просекать 12) пуансон 13) удар 14) формблок 15) штамп align punch cards — выравнивать перфокарту feed punch cards — подавать перфокарты magnetic center punch — магнитный разметчик центров matched punch card — парная перфокарта punch card design — макет перфокарты punch card jam — замятие перфокарты punch into card — пробивать на перфокарте punch out on cards — выводить на перфокарту read punch card — считывать перфокарту stack punch cards — укладывать перфокарты unmatched punch card — непарная перфокарта - center punch - input punch - keyboard punch - manual punch - nose of punch - output punch - parallel punch - punch a hole - punch a plate - punch card - punch dough - punch hole - punch printer - punch tape - raising of punch - reproducing punch - serial punch - summary punch - tape punch - tape-reading punch - transcript punch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) перфорирование (отверстий); перфорировать (отверстия) 2) тлг. перфоратор, пуансон – paper-type punch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  кернер пуансон; пробойник; бородок aligning punch center punch drift punch nail punch prick punch round track punch setting punch ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штамп штамповать 2) пуансон 3) перфоратор; пробойник 4) лесн. дыропробивной станок 5) бородок 6) зубило 7) кернер кернить, накернивать 8) пробивание [пробивка] отверстий, перфорирование, перфорация пробивать, перфорировать 9) перфорированное отверстие, перфорация, пробивка 10) полигр. перфорирующая игла 11) мн. ч. полигр. проколки (в ниткошвейной машине) 12) дырокол - automatic-feed punch - belt punch - calculating punch - card punch - center punch - correction line punch - desk punch - digit punch - double punch - duplicate punch - film punch - hand-feed punch - keyboard punch - magnetic center punch - master punch - multibole punch - off punch - one-hole punch - output punch - paper tape punch - pin-register punch - plate punch - prick punch - printing punch - sample punch - setting punch - spot punch - stamping punch - staple-forming punch - summary punch - tape punch - totalizing punch - two-hole punch - zone punch ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. & tr. 1 strike bluntly, esp. with a closed fist. 2 prod or poke with a blunt object. 3 a pierce a hole in (metal, paper, a ticket, etc.) as or with a punch. b pierce (a hole) by punching. 4 US drive (cattle) by prodding with a stick etc. --n. 1 a blow with a fist. 2 the ability to deliver this. 3 colloq. vigour, momentum; effective force. Phrases and idioms punch (or punched) card (or tape) a card or paper tape perforated according to a code, for conveying instructions or data to a data processor etc. punch-drunk stupefied from or as though from a series of heavy blows. punching-bag US a suspended stuffed bag used as a punchball. punch-line words giving the point of a joke or story. punch-up Brit. colloq. a fist-fight; a brawl. Derivatives puncher n. Etymology: ME, var. of POUNCE(1) 2. n. 1 any of various devices or machines for punching holes in materials (e.g. paper, leather, metal, plaster). 2 a tool or machine for impressing a design or stamping a die on a material. Etymology: perh. an abbr. of PUNCHEON(1), or f. PUNCH(1) 3. n. a drink of wine or spirits mixed with water, fruit juices, spices, etc., and usu. served hot. Phrases and idioms punch-bowl 1 a bowl in which punch is mixed. 2 a deep round hollow in a hill. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. 4. n. 1 (Punch) a grotesque humpbacked figure in a puppet-show called Punch and Judy. 2 (in full Suffolk punch) a short-legged thickset draught horse. Phrases and idioms as pleased as Punch showing great pleasure. Etymology: abbr. of PUNCHINELLO ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English pounce, ~e, probably alteration of ponson, ponchon ~eon  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously shaped at one end for different operations (as forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting)  b. a short tapering steel rod for driving the heads of nails below a surface  c. a steel die faced with a letter in relief that is forced into a softer metal to form an intaglio matrix from which foundry type is cast  d. a device or machine for cutting holes or notches (as in paper or cardboard)  2. a hole or notch from a perforating operation  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English pouncen, ~en to emboss, pierce, probably from pounce, noun  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. prod, poke  b. drive, herd ~ing cattle  2.  a. to strike with a forward thrust especially of the fist  b. to drive or push forcibly by or as if by a ~  c. to hit (a ball) with less than a full swing  3. to emboss, cut, perforate, or make with or as if with a ~  4.  a. to push down so as to produce a desired result ~ buttons on a jukebox  b. to hit or press down the operating mechanism of ~ a typewriter  c. to insert a time card into (a time clock)  d. to produce by or as if by ~ing keys ~ out a tune on the piano  e. to enter (as data) by ~ing keys  5. to give emphasis to  intransitive verb  1. to perform the action of ~ing something  2. to move or push forward especially by a sudden forceful effort ~ed into enemy territory  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the action of ~ing  2. a quick blow with or as if with the fist  3. effective energy or forcefulness a story that packs a ~ political ~  • ~less adjective  IV. noun  Etymology: perhaps from Hindi & Urdu p?c five, from Sanskrit panca; akin to Greek pente five; from its originally having five ingredients — more at five  Date: 1632 a hot or cold drink that is usually a combination of hard liquor, wine, or beer and nonalcoholic beverages; also a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (punches, punching, punched) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist. After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head... VERB: V n • In American English, punch out means the same as punch. ‘I almost lost my job today.’—‘What happened?’—‘Oh, I punched out this guy.’... In the past, many kids would settle disputes by punching each other out. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P • Punch is also a noun. He was hurting Johansson with body punches in the fourth round. N-COUNT • puncher (punchers) ...the awesome range of blows which have confirmed him as boxing’s hardest puncher. N-COUNT: usu supp N 2. If you punch the air, you put one or both of your fists forcefully above your shoulders as a gesture of delight or victory. At the end, Graf punched the air in delight, a huge grin on her face. VERB: V n 3. If you punch something such as the buttons on a keyboard, you touch them in order to store information on a machine such as a computer or to give the machine a command to do something. Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button. = push, press VERB: V n 4. If you punch holes in something, you make holes in it by pushing or pressing it with something sharp. I took a ballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton. VERB: V n in n 5. A punch is a tool that you use for making holes in something. Make two holes with a hole punch. N-COUNT 6. If you say that something has punch, you mean that it has force or effectiveness. My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch... N-UNCOUNT 7. Punch is a drink made from wine or spirits mixed with things such as sugar, lemons, and spices. N-MASS 8. If you say that someone does not pull their punches when they are criticizing a person or thing, you mean that they say exactly what they think, even though this might upset or offend...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to hit someone or something hard with your fist (=closed hand)  (punch sb in/on sth)  (Gallacher swung round and punched me hard in the stomach. | punch sb/sth)  (I punched the wall in anger. | punch the air (=to make a movement like a punch, to show that you are very pleased about something)) 2 to make a hole in something using a metal tool or other sharp object  (punch a ticket/card etc)  (The guard punched my ticket. | punch a hole in/through sth)  (These bullets can punch a hole through 20mm steel plate.) 3 to push a button or key on a machine  (Sally punched the eighth floor button and the doors shut.) 4 AmE to move cattle from one place to another 5 punch holes in an argument/idea etc BrE to disagree with someone's idea or plan and show what is wrong with it 6 punch the clock AmE informal to record the time that you start or finish work by putting a card into a special machine 7 punch sb's lights out AmE informal to hit someone hard in the face punch in phr v 1 AmE to record the time that you arrive at work, by putting a card into a special machine; clock in 2 T punch something in) to put information into a computer by pressing buttons or keys punch out phr v AmE 1 to record the time that you leave work, by putting a card into a special machine; clock out 2 T punch someone out) to hit someone so hard that they fall over ~2 n 1 a quick strong hit made with your fist (=closed hand)  (punch in/on etc)  (a punch in the kidneys | throw a punch (=aim a punch at someone)) 2 a strong, effective quality in the way that you express things that makes people interested  (The speech was O.K. but it had no real punch.) 3 a metal tool for cutting holes or for pushing something into a small hole  (a hole punch) 4 a drink made from fruit juice, sugar, water, and usually some alcohol  (a bowl of rum punch) 5 as pleased as Punch very happy  (He's as pleased as Punch about the baby.) 6 beat sb/sth to the punch informal to do or get something before someone else 7 not pull any punches informal to express your disapproval...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - the puppet show star, 1709, shortening of Punchinello (1666), from It. (Neapolitan) Pollecinella, dim. of pollecena "turkey pullet," probably in allusion to his big nose. The phrase pleased as punch apparently refers to his unfailing triumph over enemies. The comic weekly of this name was published in London from 1841. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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