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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - pose


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Перевод с английского языка pose на русский


ориентация; расположение || ориентировать

alignment poseattained posecommanded pose

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  ставить в определенное положение ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I  1. v.  1) позировать; In her youth, she earned a reasonable living by posing for art students in the drawing class.  2) принимать позу, вид (кого-л.) (as); выдавать себя (за кого-л); to pose as a judge of art - изображать из себя знатока искусства; The thief got into the house by posing as a television repairman.  3) ставить в определенную позу; располагать каким-л. образом; He takes special care to pose people for their pictures in the best position.  4) формулировать, излагать;  5) ставить, предлагать (вопрос, задачу); The continuing increase in population numbers poses some awkward questions for the government.  6) представлять собой, являться; This stand poses a threat to peace.  2. noun поза also fig. Syn: see mannerism II v. (по)ставить в тупик, озадачить ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поза to adopt a dignified pose —- принять величественную позу 2. позирование 3. поза, притворство his piety is a mere pose —- его благочестие - только поза 4. отношение 5. право первого хода (домино) 6. ставить в определенную позу; располагать каким-л. образом to pose a group of actors —- расположить на сцене группу актеров 7. позировать, принимать позу to pose for a portrait —- позировать для портрета 8. рисоваться, принимать позу, вид to pose as a hero —- строить из себя героя to pose as a judge of art —- изображать из себя знатока искусства to pose as an officer —- выдавать себя за офицера I wish she would not pose so much but be more natural —- хотелось бы, чтобы она меньше рисовалась и была более естественной 9. излагать, формулировать to pose an argument —- излагать аргумент 10. предлагать, ставить (вопрос, задачу) let me pose a question —- разрешите задать вопрос 11. представлять собой; являться this stand poses a threat to peace —- такая позиция представляет собой угрозу делу мира 12. ходить первым (домино) 13. ставить в тупик, приводить в замешательство, озадачивать that particular question has posed everybody —- этот вопрос привел всех в замешательство (всех озадачил) 14. фр. геральд. стоящий на четырех лапах (о животном) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) излагать 2) предлагать 3) ставить 4) формулировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. assume a certain attitude of body, esp. when being photographed or being painted for a portrait. 2 intr. (foll. by as) set oneself up as or pretend to be (another person etc.) (posing as a celebrity). 3 intr. behave affectedly in order to impress others. 4 tr. put forward or present (a question etc.). 5 tr. place (an artist's model etc.) in a certain attitude or position. --n. 1 an attitude of body or mind. 2 an attitude or pretence, esp. one assumed for effect (his generosity is a mere pose). Etymology: F poser (v.), pose (n.) f. LL pausare PAUSE: some senses by confusion with L ponere place (cf. COMPOSE) 2. v.tr. puzzle (a person) with a question or problem. Etymology: obs. appose f. OF aposer var. of oposer OPPOSE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; posing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Vulgar Latin *pausare, from Late Latin, to stop, rest, pause, from Latin pausa pause  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to set forth or offer for attention or consideration let me ~ a question  b. to come to attention as ; present smoking ~s a health risk  2.  a. to put or set in place  b. to place (as a model) in a studied attitude  intransitive verb  1. to assume a posture or attitude usually for artistic pur~s  2. to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress ~d as a doctor to gain access to the ward  II. noun  Date: 1818  1. a sustained posture; especially one assumed for artistic effect  2. an attitude, role, or characteristic assumed for effect Synonyms:  ~, air, airs, affectation, mannerism mean an adopted way of speaking or behaving. ~ implies an attitude deliberately assumed in order to impress others her shyness was just a ~. air may suggest natural acquirement through environment or way of life a traveler's sophisticated air. airs always implies artificiality and pretentiousness snobbish airs. affectation applies to a trick of speech or behavior that strikes the observer as insincere the posh accent is an affectation. mannerism applies to an acquired eccentricity that has become a habit gesturing with a cigarette was her most noticeable mannerism.  III. transitive verb  (~d; posing)  Etymology: short for earlier ap~, from Middle English ap~n, alteration of op~n to op~  Date: 1593 puzzle, baffle ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (poses, posing, posed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something poses a problem or a danger, it is the cause of that problem or danger. This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry... His ill health poses serious problems for the future. VERB: V n, V n 2. If you pose a question, you ask it. If you pose an issue that needs considering, you mention the issue. (FORMAL) When I finally posed the question, ‘Why?’ he merely shrugged. ...the moral issues posed by new technologies. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. If you pose as someone, you pretend to be that person in order to deceive people. The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders. VERB: V as n 4. If you pose for a photograph or painting, you stay in a particular position so that someone can photograph you or paint you. Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs. VERB: V for n 5. You can say that people are posing when you think that they are behaving in an insincere or exaggerated way because they want to make a particular impression on other people. He criticized them for dressing outrageously and posing pretentiously. VERB: usu cont, V c darkgreen]disapproval 6. A pose is a particular way that you stand, sit, or lie, for example when you are being photographed or painted. We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 pose a problem/threat/challenge etc to cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc  (Newton's challenge poses no threat to the leadership. | Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration.) 2 to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be photographed or painted, or to make someone do this + for  (We posed for photographs after the graduation ceremony.) 3 pose a question to ask a question, especially one that needs to be carefully thought about  (The first chapter poses the question)  (What constitutes a democracy?) 4 pose as sb to pretend to be someone else, in order to deceive people  (Bryce was caught posing as a lawyer.) 5 especially BrE to dress or behave like a fashionable, rich etc person in order to make other people notice you or admire you ~2 n 1 the position in which someone stands or sits, especially in a painting, photograph etc  (in a pose)  (a painting of the Duchess in a dramatic pose | strike a pose (=stand or sit in a particular position)) 2 especially BrE behaviour in which someone pretends to behave like a fashionable, rich, intelligent etc person in order to make other people notice them or admire them  (it's just a pose)  (He's always talking about his deep interest in philosophy - it's just a pose.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  softw. abbr. Palm Operating System Emulator NASDAQ abbr. POSH International, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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