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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - mechanism


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Перевод с английского языка mechanism на русский


1) механизм; устройство

2) механическое действие, механическое воздействие

3) прибор; аппарат

4) вчт. механизм обработки информации; алгоритм

mechanism for feeding bar material — механизм подачи пруткового материала, устройство подачи пруткового материала

acting mechanismactuating mechanismactuation mechanismadaptation mechanismadjustment mechanismadvance mechanismadvancing mechanismalignment mechanismarticulated mechanismautomatic adjustment mechanismautomatic cycle mechanismautomatic takeup mechanismautomatic tool handling mechanismautomatic tool transport mechanismauxiliary mechanismbalanced mechanismball locking mechanismbar advancement mechanismbar clamping mechanismbelt-shifting mechanismbidirectional mechanismblocking mechanismbrake mechanismbroach retriever mechanismcam mechanismcausal mechanismchange mechanismchangeover mechanismchip formation mechanismchuck mechanismchucking mechanismcircular dividing mechanismclamp mechanismclutch mechanismclamping mechanismclock mechanismcollet mechanismcollet closing mechanismcollet open/close mechanismcollet-unclamping mechanismcomparator mechanismcompound epicyclic gear mechanismcomputing mechanismconstant feed mechanismcontention checking mechanismcontrol mechanismcontrol mechanism of the cam following typeconveyor mechanismconveyor chain mechanismcottered mechanismcoulisse mechanismcounter mechanismcounterbalance mechanismcounting mechanismcoupling mechanismcrank mechanismcrank-and-rocker mechanismcrank-and-rod mechanismcrank-driving mechanismcranking mechanismcrank-rocker mechanismcross-feed mechanismcrowning mechanismcutting speed control mechanismderricking mechanismdirect tool change mechanismdisconnecting mechanismdividing mechanismdouble crank mechanismdouble-gripper mechanismdouble rocker mechanismdouble-sided loading mechanismdouble-sided pallet loading mechanismdrag link mechanismdrawbar mechanismdrive mechanismdrive motor mechanismdriving mechanismdrop-worm mechanismelevating mechanismemission mechanismendless chain mechanismequalizing mechanismerror-compensation mechanismescapement mechanismexternal clock mechanismfailure mechanismfeed mechanismfeed-and-removal mechanismfeed change mechanismfeeding mechanismfeed-pawl mechanismfine feed mechanismfixed position handling mechanismflap mechanismforce sensing mechanismfour-link mechanismgate mechanismgear mechanismgear shift mechanismGeneva mechanismGeneva-style mechanismGeneva-type mechanismGeneva index mechanismgravity feed mechanismgripping mechanismguard mechanismhandling mechanismhandling/transfer mechanismheight adjustable mechanismhigh-efficiency mechanismhinged mechanismhoisting mechanismhoist traverse mechanismhydraulic mechanismhydraulic actuation mechanismimage processing mechanismindexing mechanisminference mechanisminflexible drive mechanisminverted slidecrank mechanismiteration mechanismjaw release mechanismjoint mechanismjointed mechanismlatch mechanismlatching mechanismlever mechanismleverage mechanismlift-and-carry transfer mechanismlifting mechanismlift-table transfer mechanismlink mechanismload-and-fire mechanismload-and-fire lever mechanismload mechanismloading mechanismload/unload mechanismlocking mechanismlogical mechanismlongitudinal feed mechanismlubrication mechanismmachine wear mechanismMaltese Cross mechanismmaster mechanismmaterial-feeding mechanismmaterials transport mechanismmeasurement mechanismmechatronic mechanismmelting-resolidification mechanismsmotion transmission mechanismmotor drive mechanismmultiped walking mechanismmultistage geared Geneva mechanismnonrigid mechanismopen/close mechanismoperating mechanismoscillating arm-type quick-return mechanismoval mechanismoverload release mechanismparallel crank mechanismparts feeder mechanismpath generating mechanismpawl-and-ratchet mechanismpercussion mechanismpick-and-place mechanismpickup mechanismpickup/deposit mechanismpillar-type quick-return mechanismpin mechanismpipe chuck mechanismpivot mechanismplanar mechanismplane mechanismplanetary gear mechanismpneumatic mechanismpolyarticular mechanismposition-holding mechanismposition-sensing mechanismpower mechanismpower actuator mechanismpressure mechanismpropelling mechanismpull mechanismpulling mechanismpush mechanismquick-return mechanismquick-return link mechanismrack mechanismrack-and-pinion mechanismraise-and-lower mechanismrapid traverse mechanismratchet mechanismratchet-and-pawl mechanismread head mechanismreasoning mechanismrecording mechanismregistry mechanismregistry actuation mechanismrelease mechanismrelief mechanismrepeat mechanismreset mechanismreturn speed control mechanismreversing mechanismreversing gear mechanismrise-and-fall mechanismrobotic load mechanismrobotic load-and-unload mechanismroller feed mechanismroller wedge mechanismrotary mechanismsafety mechanismscrew drive mechanismselection mechanismself-bleed mechanismsensing mechanismservo-type mechanismsetting mechanismshaft position mechanismshift mechanismshifting mechanismshutdown mechanismshut-off mechanismshuttle mechanismsingle-lever selection mechanismskip-indexing mechanismslave mechanismslewing mechanismslider-crank mechanismslider-rocker mechanismsliding headstock mechanismslotted link mechanismslotted link quick-return mechanismsmart mechanismsolenoid-operated mechanismspatial mechanismspeed change mechanismspeed control mechanismspeed-shifting mechanismspherical mechanismspring load-and-fire mechanismstarting mechanismsteering mechanismstep mechanismstepping motion mechanismstop mechanismstopping mechanismstraight wedge mechanismstroke position mechanismstylus mechanismswaging mechanismswitch mechanismtable feed mechanismtable-reversing mechanismtakeup mechanismteleoperator control mechanismtilt mechanismtoggle mechanismtool change mechanismtool changer swivel mechanismtool changing-and-storing mechanismtool failure mechanismtool gripper mechanismtool-handling mechanismtooling mechanismtool lock mechanismtool-positioning mechanismtool select mechanismtool storage mechanismtool transfer mechanismtorque release mechanismtracer mechanismtransfer mechanismtranslatory mechanismtransmission mechanismtravel mechanismtraverse reading mechanismtrip mechanismturret mechanismturret drive mechanismtwin automatic pallet changing mechanismupper pulling mechanismvacuum pressure pickup mechanismvariable ratio mechanismvertical feed mechanismvibration generation mechanismwalking mechanismwear-prone mechanismwedge mechanismwithdrawal mechanismworkpiece feed mechanismworkpiece transfer mechanism

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) механизм, аппарат, устройство  2) техника (исполнения)  3) philos. механицизм Syn: see machine ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. механизм, аппарат, устройство defence mechanism —- защитный механизм pre-set mechanism —- тех. программный механизм the mechanism of the body —- строение (человеческого) тела the mechanism of government —- устройство государственного управления (аппарата); государственный механизм quite a simple mechanism —- очень простое устройство there's somehting wrong with the mechanism of the clock —- что-то случилось с механизмом этих часов 2. техника (исполнения) 3. филос. механицизм ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  механизм – appraisal mechanism – arresting mechanism – cassette mechanism – control mechanism – fail-safe mechanism – feedback mechanism – goodness of fit mechanism – hit-and-run mechanism – immunologic mechanism – innate releasing mechanism – isolation mechanism – negative feedback mechanism – positive feedback mechanism – postural mechanism – proximate mechanism – releasing mechanism – self-recognizing mechanism – stomatal mechanism – tolerogenic mechanism – valve mechanism ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) механизм 2) аппарат 3) устройство • - controlling mechanism - exchange rate mechanism - exit mechanism - mechanism of development - mechanism of the government - voice mechanism Syn: device, machine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) аппарат 2) закономерность 3) механизм 4) машиностр. механика 5) устройство access isolation mechanism — механизм разграничения доступа automatic feed mechanism — механизм автоматической подачи automatic feeding mechanism — автоподатчик automatic pitch-control mechanism — аэро автомат перекоса converter tilting mechanism — механизм наклона конвертера disk seeding mechanism — дисковый высевающий аппарат disk-cell seeding mechanism — ячеисто-дисковый высевающий аппарат lantern wheel mechanism — цевочный механизм loose reed mechanism — механизм откидного берда negative feedback mechanism — механизм отрицательной обратной связи parallel link mechanism — шарнирный параллегрограмм peg-type threshing mechanism — молотильный зубовой аппарат pitch control mechanism — механизм изменения шага platform tilting mechanism — механизм наклона платформы positive feedback mechanism — механизм положительной обратной связи precision sowing mechanism — механизм точного высева quadric crank mechanism — механизм четырехзвенный rasp-bar threshing mechanism — бильный молотильный аппарат - actuating mechanism - brush-setting mechanism - bus-watch mechanism - cam mechanism - casting mechanism - causal mechanism - chance mechanism - claw mechanism - closing mechanism - compound-chain mechanism - computer mechanism - corrosion mechanism - counter mechanism - counting mechanism - crank mechanism - crank-and-rocker mechanism - cross-slide mechanism - deflection mechanism - delay mechanism - detent mechanism - door-lifting mechanism - double-crank...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) механизм 2) принцип действия – active-keypad cover/hinge mechanism – active-prism mechanism – antenna-drive mechanism – arm-dropping mechanism – calibration mechanism – cassette-drive mechanism – data mechanism – measurement mechanism – servo mechanism – stable-platter mechanism – sweep mechanism – tape-driving mechanism – tape-punching mechanism – tape-recording mechanism – tape-transport mechanism ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  механизм; аппарат; устройство driving mechanism failure mechanism fracture mechanism gate-operating mechanism hoisting mechanism jib-raising and lowering mechanism lever ratchet mechanism raking mechanism slewing mechanism steering mechanism swing mechanism traveling mechanism ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) механизм; (механическое) устройство 2) механизм [схема] действия, процесса или реакции mechanism for flattening metal strip mechanism — машина для правки полос металла - access mechanism - accumulating mechanism - active mechanism - actuating mechanism - aileron droop mechanism - androgynous docking mechanism - antenna drive mechanism - artificial recovery mechanism - automatic adjustment mechanism - automatic breaker advance mechanism - automatic drain mechanism - automatic feed mechanism - automatic focusing mechanism - automatic needle selection mechanism - automatic takeup mechanism - automatic threading mechanism - automatic toe closing mechanism - automatic tool transport mechanism - automatic transmission synchronous mechanism - backspace mechanism - banking mechanism - belt let-off mechanism - bidirectional mechanism - blade-operating mechanism - blade retention mechanism - bleed valve control mechanism - bogie-rotation mechanism - boom kickout mechanism - brake actuating mechanism - brake drum let-off mechanism - brace retraction mechanism - bunching mechanism - by literal data mechanism - by reference data mechanism - by value data mechanism - cam mechanism - cam-and-lever mechanism - carbon ribbon takeup mechanism - casting-centering mechanism - casting-withdrawal mechanism - chopper bar mechanism - clamping mechanism - claw mechanism - clutch withdrawal mechanism - coin mechanism - color control mechanism - computer-oriented mechanism - constant pitch spacing mechanism - constant yam speed let-off mechanism - control mechanism - converter tilting mechanism - copying mechanism - Cottrell mechanism - crank mechanism - crimp mechanism - cross border mechanism - crossing-gate mechanism - cryoprotection mechanism - cutting mechanism - data mechanism - decision mechanism - defibrator feed mechanism - deformation mechanism - discharging mechanism - disk-drive mechanism - disk-type reserve yarn feeding mechanism - dispensing mechanism -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the structure or adaptation of parts of a machine. 2 a system of mutually adapted parts working together in or as in a machine. 3 the mode of operation of a process. 4 Art mechanical execution; technique. 5 Philos. the doctrine that all natural phenomena, including life, allow mechanical explanation by physics and chemistry. Etymology: mod.L mechanismus f. Gk (as MACHINE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1662  1.  a. a piece of machinery  b. a process, technique, or system for achieving a result  2. mechanical operation or action ; working 2  3. a doctrine that holds natural processes (as of life) to be mechanically determined and capable of complete explanation by the laws of physics and chemistry  4. the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other natural phenomenon ~s of organic evolution — compare defense ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (mechanisms) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. In a machine or piece of equipment, a mechanism is a part, often consisting of a set of smaller parts, which performs a particular function. ...the locking mechanism... A bomb has been detonated by a special mechanism. N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp 2. A mechanism is a special way of getting something done within a particular system. There’s no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules. N-COUNT: with supp 3. A mechanism is a part of your behaviour that is automatic and that helps you to survive or to cope with a difficult situation. ...a survival mechanism, a means of coping with intolerable stress. N-COUNT: with supp 4. see also defence mechanism ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 part of a machine that does a particular job  (the brake mechanism) 2 a system that is intended to achieve something or deal with a problem  (mechanisms to stop the spread of nuclear weapons | The market system is an imperfect mechanism for achieving full employment.) 3 the way that something works  (the mechanism of the brain) 4 defence/survival/escape mechanism a way of behaving that helps you to avoid or deal with something that is difficult or dangerous  (His aggression is actually a defence mechanism against rejection.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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