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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - manner


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в соч.

in a back-and-forth manner — при двусторонней связи (напр. между оператором и УЧПУ)

in an industry-oriented manner — с ориентацией на промышленное применение

in a phased manner — поэтапно (о вводе в эксплуатацию)

in a predictable manner — с возможностью прогнозирования, с возможностью технического прогнозирования

in a prescribed manner — заданным способом

in a rationed manner — при дозированной подаче (напр. заготовок из магазина)

in a shuttle-like manner — возвратно-поступательно; вперёд и назад (о движении)

in a smooth manner — равномерно, плавно

in a smooth flowing manner — равномерно, плавно

in a stable manner — неподвижно

in a stepwise manner — поэтапно

in a very quick manner — при высоком быстродействии

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) способ, метод; образ действий; manner of life (of thought) - образ жизни (мыслей)  2) манера (говорить, действовать); in proper legal manner - в установленной законом форме  3) pl. (хорошие) манеры; умение держать себя; to have no manners - не уметь себя вести; he has fair manners - у него изящные манеры  4) pl. обычаи, нравы  5) стиль, художественная манера; - manner and matter  6) сорт, род; what manner of man is he? - что он за человек?, какой он человек?; all manner of... - всевозможные... - after a manner by no manner of means ни в коем случае by any manner of means каким бы то ни было образом in a manner до некоторой степени; в некотором смысле in a manner of speaking obs. так сказать in a promiscuous manner случайно, наудачу no manner of... никакой... to have no manner of right не иметь никакого права to the manner born привыкший с пеленок Syn: see method see tradition MANNER and matter форма и содержание ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. метод, способ; образ действий in this manner, in such a manner —- таким образом in a more methodical manner —- более регулярно (методично) in the same manner as... —- таким же образом, как... in like manner —- подобным образом after the manner of smb., smth. —- на манер (наподобие) кого-л., чего-л. no one would use it in that manner —- никто не станет использовать это таким способом he holds his fork in an awkward manner —- он неуклюже держит вилку do it in this manner —- сделай это так (таким образом) the manner of his argument —- то, как он аргументирует свою точку зрения adverb of manner —- грам. наречие образа действия manner of proceeding —- юр. вид (характер) судопроизводства 2. манера; поведение to like smb.'s manner of reading —- любить чью-л. манеру читать he has a strange manner of speaking —- у него странная манера говорить bedside manner —- умение обращаться с больным; умелый подход к больному; врачебный такт modest manner —- скромное поведение; скромная манера держаться I don't like his manner —- мне не нравится его манера вести себя (держаться) she has manner —- она держится с достоинством he has an awkward manner —- он держится неловко 3. pl. обычаи, нравы strange manners —- странные обычаи (нравы) a comedy of manners —- театр. комедия нравов the manners of our ancestors —- обычаи наших предков such were the manners of the time —- таковы были обычаи (нравы) того...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  способ; метод – manner of manufacture – circuitous manner of describing MANNER сущ. 1) способ, метод 2) образ действий - in a haphazard manner - in a manner - in an unorganized manner - manner of payment ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) метод 2) образ действия 3) способ change in a manner — изменяться по закону change in a predetermined manner — изменяться по заданному закону in a manner — в некотором смысле; до некоторой степени in a non-Archimedean manner — неархимедовски in a non-mathematical manner — нематематически in a one-to-one manner — взаимно-однозначно in a random manner — беспорядочно in a slipshod manner — спустя рукава in a workmanlike manner — искусно to vary in continuous manner — изменяться непрерывно - in discontinuous manner - in like manner - in random manner ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  manner of applying loads ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  способ; метод - welding manner ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a way a thing is done or happens (always dresses in that manner). 2 (in pl.) a social behaviour (it is bad manners to stare). b polite or well-bred behaviour (he has no manners). c modes of life; conditions of society. 3 a person's outward bearing, way of speaking, etc. (has an imperious manner). 4 a a style in literature, art, etc. (in the manner of Rembrandt). b = MANNERISM 2a. 5 archaic a kind or sort (what manner of man is he?). Phrases and idioms all manner of many different kinds of. comedy of manners satirical portrayal of social behaviour, esp. of the upper classes. in a manner of speaking in some sense; to some extent; so to speak. manner of means see MEANS. to the manner born 1 colloq. naturally at ease in a specified job, situation, etc. 2 destined by birth to follow a custom or way of life (Shakesp. Hamlet I. iv. 17). Derivatives mannerless adj. (in sense 2b of n.). Etymology: ME f. AF manere, OF maniere ult. f. L manuarius of the hand (manus) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English manere, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *manuaria, from Latin, feminine of manuarius of the hand, from manus hand — more at manual  Date: 12th century  1.  a. kind, sort what ~ of man is he  b. kinds, sorts all ~ of problems  2.  a.  (1) a characteristic or customary mode of acting ; custom  (2) a mode of procedure or way of acting ; fashion  (3) method of artistic execution or mode of presentation ; style  b. plural social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs Victorian ~s  c. characteristic or distinctive bearing, air, or deportment his poised gracious ~  d. plural  (1) habitual conduct or deportment ; behavior mind your ~s  (2) good ~s  e. a distinguished or stylish air  Synonyms: see bearing, method  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (manners) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The manner in which you do something is the way that you do it. She smiled again in a friendly manner... I’m a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner... The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present. N-SING: with supp 2. Someone’s manner is the way in which they behave and talk when they are with other people, for example whether they are polite, confident, or bad-tempered. His manner was self-assured and brusque... N-SING: usu poss N • -mannered Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative... The British are considered ill-mannered, badly dressed and unsophisticated. COMB in ADJ 3. If someone has good manners, they are polite and observe social customs. If someone has bad manners, they are impolite and do not observe these customs. He dressed well and had impeccable manners... They taught him his manners. N-PLURAL 4. see also bedside manner, table manners 5. If you refer to all manner of objects or people, you are talking about objects or people of many different kinds. Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things. PHRASE: PHR n 6. You say in a manner of speaking to indicate that what you have just said is true, but not absolutely or exactly true. An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking... = in a way PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]vagueness ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »WAY« formal the way in which something is done or happens  (manner of doing sth)  (This seems rather an odd manner of deciding things. | in a ... manner)  (I felt stupid for reacting in such an impulsive manner. | The matter should be submitted to the accounts committee in the usual manner.) 2 »WAY OF SPEAKING/BEHAVING« the way in which someone behaves towards or talks to other people  (She has a calm relaxed manner. | I thought I noticed a certain coldness in his manner.) 3 manners plural a) polite ways of behaving in social situations  (good/bad manners)  (She has such good manners. | it's good/bad manners (to do sth) spoken (=used to tell a child how to behave))  (It's bad manners to point at people. | she/he has no manners spoken)  ("Vic and Lesley just got up and left." "Some people have no manners." | where are your manners? spoken (=used to tell someone, especially a child that they are behaving impolitely) | table manners (=the way that you behave at meals)) b) formal the customs of a particular group of people  (a book on the life and manners of Victorian London) 4 in a manner of speaking in some ways though not exactly  (I suppose you could call us refugees in a manner of speaking.) 5 in the manner of in the style that is typical of a particular person or thing  (a painting in the manner of the early Impressionists) 6 all manner of formal many different kinds of things or people  (We would discuss all manner of subjects.) 7 not by any manner of means BrE spoken not at all  (It's not over yet, by any manner of means.) 8 what manner of...? literary what kind of  (What manner of son would treat his mother in such a way?) 9 (as) to the manner born in a natural confident way doing something, as if you have done it many times before  (- see also comedy of manners) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from Anglo-Fr. manere, from O.Fr. maniere, from V.L. *manarius, from L. manuarius "belonging to the hand," from manus "hand." Most figurative meanings derive from sense of "method of handling." Sense extended when it was used to translate L. modus "method." To the manner born ("Hamlet" I iv.15) is generally used incorrectly, and means "destined by birth to be subject to the custom." Mannerism coined 1803. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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