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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - cost


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Перевод с английского языка cost на русский


1) цена, стоимость; себестоимость

2) pl расходы; издержки, затраты

cost of installationcosts of productioncarrying costconversion costsdeprecation costdirect labor costdowntime costsexternal failure costsfactory burden costsfinal costfixed costsgiven costsindirect costsindirect labor costinitial costinternal failure costsleast product costmachining costmachining cost per piecemaintenance costsmaintenance labor costsmanufacturing costmanufacturing cost per partmanufacturing labor costsmove costsoff-machine costsoperating costspart costper-part costpiece costpersonnel costsplanning costsprevention costsprogrammer retraining costsquality costsrental costreorder costsrepair/down costrunning costsservicing costssetup costsetup labor coststock coststocking costsystems engineering costsunit costunitary machining costwarranty costswork costsworking costs

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См. в других словарях

  of living прожиточный минимум COST accounting ведение отчетности; калькуляция стоимости COST and freight comm. стоимость и фрахт COST price себестоимость COST  1. noun  1) цена, стоимость (тж. перен.) cost, insurance and freight (сокр. с. i. f.) comm. - стоимость, страхование, фрахт - prime cost - costs of production - cost of living - cost and freight  2) расход (времени); расходование  3) pl. судебные издержки  4) attr. - cost price - cost accounting - at any cost - at all costs at the cost of smth. ценою чего-л. - at ones cost - count the cost to know (to learn) to ones own cost знать (узнать) по горькому опыту  2. v.; past and past part. cost  1) стоить, обходиться it cost him infinite labour - это стоило ему огромного труда it may cost you your life - это может стоить вам жизни  2) назначать цену, расценивать (товар) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. цена; стоимость prime cost —- себестоимость book cost —- балансовая стоимость cost estimation —- сметная калькуляция at cost —- по себестоимости free of cost —- бесплатно the cost of living —- прожиточный минимум cost of living index —- индекс прожиточного минимума cost, insurance, freight —- ком. стоимость, страхование, фрахт; сиф 2. обыкн. pl. расходы, издержки costs of production —- издержки производства capital costs —- капитальные затраты cost account —- учет издержек cost control —- управление затратами cost overrun —- перерасход, выход за пределы сметы 3. юр. судебные издержки; судебные расходы with costs —- с возложением судебных издержек на сторону, проигравшую дело 4. расплата; тяжелая цена to work at the cost of one's health —- работать в ущерб здоровью the cost in lives —- потери в живой силе at great cost of life —- ценой больших потерь в живой силе at a heavy cost —- тяжелой ценой at all costs, at any cost —- любой ценой, во что бы то ни стало to one's cost —- на свое горе, на свою беду to know to one's own cost —- знать по горькому опыту Id: to count the cost —- взвесить все обстоятельства; учесть все возможные последствия 5. стоить, обходиться to cost much —- стоить дорого to cost a pretty penny —- стоить уйму денег it cost me a lot of money —- это обошлось мне очень дорого cost what it may —- чего бы это ни стоило,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  цена, стоимость; затраты – reproductive cost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) цена, стоимость costs to abide the event — издержки по апелляции 2) себестоимость • - Accelerated Cost Recovery System - Comparative Cost Principle - Cost Schedule - Historical Cost - actual cost - added cost - all-in cost - amortized cost - applied cost - at a high cost - at any cost - at cost - at extra cost - at factor cost - at no cost - at one's cost - at the cost of - average cost - average cost method - average cost of claims - avoidable cost - basic cost - below cost - bottom-line cost - burial cost - business cost - calculate the cost - capital cost for project - comparative cost - construction cost - conversion cost - cost absorption - cost account - cost allocation - cost analysis - cost analyst - cost and freight - cost and insurance - cost and price difference - cost application - cost apportionment - cost averaging - cost awareness - cost basis - cost budgeting - cost burden - cost calculation - cost category - cost center - cost centers - cost code - cost coefficient - cost consciousness - cost containment - cost contract - cost control - cost control system - cost criterion - cost curve - cost cutting - cost data - cost differentials - cost effectiveness - cost effectiveness study - cost efficiency - cost efficient design - cost element - cost escalation - cost estimate - cost estimate using WBS work breakdown structure - cost estimating - cost estimating - cost estimation - cost factor - cost figures - cost forecast - cost forecasting trending - cost free - cost increase - cost information - cost item - cost management - cost method - cost of acquisition - cost of alternatives - cost of an order - cost of borrowing - cost of carry - cost of compensation - cost of construction - cost of credit - cost of delivery - cost of dismantling - cost of entry - cost of failure - cost of funding - cost of funds - cost of goods sold - cost of inputs - cost of installation - cost of issue - cost of living adjustment - cost of living - cost of materials - cost of money - cost...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) издержки, расходы; затраты 2) себестоимость 3) стоимость, цена 4) стоить 5) назначать цену; расценивать at cost value — по себестоимости cost under certainty — детерминированная стоимость - acceptance cost - arc cost - cost of a sample - cost of consideration - cost of living index - cost of marketing - cost of moving - cost of observation - cost of production - cost of risk - cost of sample - cost of storage - cost of uncertainty - distribution cost - efficient cost - estimated cost - fabrication cost - final cost - initial cost - inventory cost - linear cost - manufacturing cost - marginal cost - minimax cost - net cost - nonlinear cost - prime cost - production cost - purchaising cost - purchasing cost - saving in cost - shipping cost - total cost - unit cost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  цена; стоимость – common carrier costs – communication equipment cost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  стоимость; мн.ч.расходы, затраты, издержки at cost cost of accident actual project cost adjusted base cost amortization costs average cost per man-hour basic cost capital cost carrying costs construction cost current costs daily operating costs delivery cost design costs design construction cost direct costs direct operating costs estimated cost estimated project costs fabrication cost first costs forecasting cost indirect costs labor costs labor costs for individual work items labor cost per hour life-cycle costs maintenance costs marketing costs material costs operating costs overhead costs penalty cost planning costs prime cost project cost prorated costs restoration costs road operation cost running cost site cost storage costs structural costs target cost traffic operation cost unit cost utility costs wage costs working costs ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  стоимость, цена; себестоимость; мн. ч. затраты; расходы; издержки - actual costs - decommissioning cost - first cost - generating cost - incremental energy costs - labor costs - launch-to-orbit cost - life-cycle costs - maintenance costs - mining cost - nuclear generating costs - operating costs - outage cost - overhead costs - penalty costs for load loss - power cost - production cost - replacement cost - shipment cost - sinking cost - specific launch cost - STS transportation cost - system costs - total launch cost - total operation costs per hour - traffic handling cost - unit operating cost - wasting cost ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. cost) 1 tr. be obtainable for (a sum of money); have as a price (what does it cost?; it cost me {pound}50). 2 tr. involve as a loss or sacrifice (it cost them much effort; it cost him his life). 3 tr. (past and past part. costed) fix or estimate the cost or price of. 4 colloq. a tr. be costly to (it'll cost you). b intr. be costly. --n. 1 what a thing costs; the price paid or to be paid. 2 a loss or sacrifice; an expenditure of time, effort, etc. 3 (in pl.) legal expenses, esp. those allowed in favour of the winning party or against the losing party in a suit. Phrases and idioms at all costs (or at any cost) no matter what the cost or risk may be. at cost at the initial cost; at cost price. at the cost of at the expense of losing or sacrificing. cost accountant an accountant who records costs and (esp. overhead) expenses in a business concern. cost-benefit assessing the relation between the cost of an operation and the value of the resulting benefits (cost-benefit analysis). cost (or costing) clerk a clerk who records costs and expenses in a business concern. cost a person dear (or dearly) involve a person in a high cost or a heavy penalty. cost-effective effective or productive in relation to its cost. cost of living the level of prices esp. of the basic necessities of life. cost-plus calculated as the basic cost plus a profit factor. cost price the price paid for a thing by one who later sells it. cost push Econ. factors other than demand that cause inflation. to a person's cost at a person's expense; with loss or disadvantage to a person. Etymology: ME f. OF coster, couster, coust ult. f. L constare stand firm, stand at a price (as COM-, stare stand) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the amount or equivalent paid or charged for something ; price  b. the outlay or expenditure (as of effort or sacrifice) made to achieve an object  2. loss or penalty incurred especially in gaining something  3. plural expenses incurred in litigation; especially those given by the law or the court to the prevailing party against the losing party  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  II. verb  (~; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French custer, couster, from Latin constare to stand firm, ~ — more at constant  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to require expenditure or payment the best goods ~ more  2. to require effort, suffering, or loss  transitive verb  1. to have a price of  2. to cause to pay, suffer, or lose something frequent absences ~ him his job  3. past ~ed to estimate or set the ~ of — often used with out ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (costs, costing) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'cost' is used in the present tense, and is also the past tense and participle, except for meaning 4, where the form 'costed' is used. 1. The cost of something is the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, do, or make it. The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold... In 1989 the price of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the cost of production... Badges are also available at a cost of ?2.50. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 2. If something costs a particular amount of money, you can buy, do, or make it for that amount. This course is limited to 12 people and costs ?50... It’s going to cost me over $100,000 to buy new trucks. VERB: V amount, V n amount 3. Your costs are the total amount of money that you must spend on running your home or business. Costs have been cut by 30 to 50 per cent... N-PLURAL 4. When something that you plan to do or make is costed, the amount of money you need is calculated in advance. Everything that goes into making a programme, staff, rent, lighting, is now costed. ...seventy apartments, shops, offices, a restaurant and hotel, costed at around 10 million pounds. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed • Cost out means the same as cost. ...training days for charity staff on how to draw up contracts and cost out proposals... It is always worth having a loft conversion costed out. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), have n V-ed P, also V n P 5. If someone is ordered by a court of law to pay costs, they have to pay a sum of money towards the expenses of a court case they are involved in. He was jailed for 18 months and ordered to pay ?550 costs. N-PLURAL 6. If something is sold at cost, it is sold for the same price as it cost the seller to buy it. ...a store that provided cigarettes and candy bars at cost. = cost price N-UNCOUNT: prep N 7. The cost of something is the loss, damage, or injury that is involved...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MONEY PAID« the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something  (I'll give you $15 to cover the cost of the gas. | at a cost of)  (The new building's going up at a cost of $82 million. | high/low cost)  (a low cost source of electric power | full cost)  (If no scholarships or other aid are available, students will have to pay the full cost of their education. | cost of living (=the cost of buying all the food, clothes etc that you need to live))  (The cost of living rose two percent in the last year. | at no extra cost)  (A cassette/radio is included at no extra cost.) 2 »LOSS/DAMAGE« something that you lose, give away, damage etc in order to achieve something  (at (a) cost to)  (Duncan always puts Hannah's needs before his own, at considerable cost to himself. | whatever the cost (=no matter how much work, money, risk etc is needed))  (He's determined to win, whatever the cost. | at all costs (=whatever happens))  (We must avoid a scandal at all costs.) 3 costs plural a) the money that you must regularly spend in order to continue having a home, car, business etc  (increase costs)  (Businesses protested that the new taxes would increase production costs unreasonably. | reduce/cut costs)  (We've got to cut costs and we're starting with the phone bill. | cover costs (=make enough money to pay for the things you have bought))  (At this rate we'll barely cover our costs. | running costs (=the cost of owning and using a car or machine))  (Because of the engine's efficiency the car has very low running costs.) b) costs also court costs AmE the money that you must pay to lawyers etc if you are involved in a legal case in court, especially if you are guilty  (Bellisario won the case and was awarded costs.) 4 »PRICE PAID« especially AmE the price that someone pays for something that they are going to sell; cost price  (at cost)  (His uncle's a car dealer and let him buy the car at cost.) 5 find/know/learn etc sth to your cost to realize something is true because you have had a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Committee On Science And Technology softw. abbr. Common Object Support Toolkit educ. abbr. Children Opposed To Smoking Tobacco NASDAQ abbr. Costco Wholesale Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1200, from O.Fr. coster, from V.L. *costare, from L. constare "to stand at" (or with), from com- "with" + stare "stand." The idiom is the same one we use in Mod.E. when we say something "stands at X dollars" to mean it sells for X dollars. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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