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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - channel


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Перевод с английского языка channel на русский


1) канал; желобок

2) паз; выемка || прорезать пазы

3) швеллер

4) канал связи, информационный канал || передавать информацию

5) проводящий канал

afterburning channelair-gas channelannular channelautomatic control channelbuilt-in coolant channelcommunication channelcontrol channelcooling channeldata communication channeldata transfer channeldata communications channeldirect-memory access channeldovetail slide channeldual channelerror channelfeed channelfeedback channelfixed spectrometer channelformal channelsforward channelgaging channelguide channelhigh-frequency channelinformal channelsinformation channelinformation bearer channelinput/output channelintervane channellogical channellow-frequency channelmemoryless channeloil channelprotection channelrecording channelredundant channelring channelscientific communications channelsselector channelshared channelsimplex channelspectrometer channelstationary channelsynchronizing channeltiming channelturbocompressor channelvirtual channelzoom channel

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  off  а) расходиться (в разных направлениях); растекаться The engineers channelled off the rising water of the river to avoid flooding/  б) направлять на разные цели A certain amount of the firms money was channelled off for training purposes. CHANNEL fever тоска по родине (об англичанах) CHANNEL noun см. English Channel CHANNEL  1. noun  1) пролив - the English Channel  2) канал; русло; фарватер; проток  3) сток; сточная канава  4) путь, источник the information was received through the usual channels - информация была получена обычным путем  5) tech. желоб; выемка; паз, шпунт; швеллер  6) radio звуковой тракт  2. v.  1) проводить канал; рыть канаву the river has channelled its way through the rocks - река проложила себе путь в скалах  2) пускать по каналу; fig. направлять в определенное русло  3) constr. делать выемки/пазы - channel off CHANNEL Islands noun Нормандские острова ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. канал channel for irrigation —- ирригационный канал 2. русло, фарватер; проток rivers cut their own channels to the sea —- реки сами прокладывают себе путь к морю 3. пролив Ла-Манш C. boat —- судно, совершающее рейсы между Великобританией и континентом C. fever —- тоска по дому 4. канава; сток, сточная канава 5. путь; источник, средство, канал through the usual channels —- из обычных источников, обычным путем ordinary diplomatic channels —- обычные дипломатические каналы channels of information —- источники информации channel of communication —- путь доставки донесений; порядок представления сведений; путь подвоза; спец. канал связи channels of distribution —- порядок распределения the great channels of trade —- великие торговые пути your only chance of success lies through this channel —- вы можете достигнуть успеха только этим путем he needs a new channel for his activities —- ему нужно новое поле деятельности 6. ам. воен. инстанция the soldier made his request through channels —- солдат подал рапорт по команде 7. тлв. канал передачи to change the channel —- перейти на другой канал; ам. разг. переменить тему разговора let's change the channel —- давайте поговорим о чем-нибудь другом 8. комп. канал ввода-вывода 9. канал связи selector channel —- селекторный канал 10. желоб; выемка; паз 11. шпунт 12. швеллер 13. физ. рад. полоса...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) канал; канавка 2) цитол. (мембранный) канал 3) энт. штрих; вдавленная линия; бороздка 4) ход – channels of infection – calcium channel – calcium-dependent potassium channel – cell communication channel – dead channel – diploic channels – ion channel – ion-gater channel – leak channel – ligand-gater channel – light-sensitive channel – lymphatic channel – off-center channel – on-center channel – potassium channel – slow calcium channel – sodium channel – vascular channel – voltage-dependent channel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) канал, пролив 2) путь 3) источник • - channel capacity - channels of communication - channels of distribution - channels of information - commercial channel - communication channel - distribution channel Syn: path, source, origin CHANNEL – channels of patent information – dissemination channel CHANNEL 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. канал channel for irrigation — ирригационный канал б) общ. русло, фарватер; проток 2) общ. пролив English Channel, The Channel — Ла-Манш 3) общ. канава; сток, сточная канава 4) общ. путь; канал through the usual channels — из обычных источников, обычным путем diplomatic channels — дипломатические каналы channels of information — источники каналы информации 5) марк. = "channel of distribution 6) общ. канал связи (средство передачи информации) See: communication 7) общ. канал (телевизионный, радио) television TV channel — телевизионный канал to change the channel — перейти на другой канал; переменить тему разговора Let's change the channel. — Давайте поговорим о чем-нибудь другом. 2. гл. 1) общ. проводить канал; рыть канаву; прорезывать каналами The river has channelled its way through the rocks. — Река проложила себе путь в скалах. 2) общ. пускать по каналу; направлять в (определенное) русло (в том числе в переносном смысле) Financial institution is an organization that helps to channel funds through an economy. — Финансовый институт является организацией, которая помогает проводить средства через...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) канал 2) русло; фарватер; водоток 3) канава; траншея 4) выемка; желоб 5) желобок; канавка; бороздка 6) метал. швеллер 7) метал. боров (часть дымохода) 8) выбирать паз; делать канавку channel with feedback — канал с обратной связью channel with memory — т. инф. канал с памятью channel with noise — канал с шумом channel with past history — ТМО канал с предысторией channel with priorities — ТМО канал с приоритетами to congest a channel — перегружать канал to relinquish a channel — освобождать канал - adjacent channel - aeronautical service channel - almost symmetric channel - asymmetric channel - balanced channel - binary channel - binary symmetric channel - block multiplexor channel - bulk channel - bypass channel - byte multiplexor channel - canonical channel - car-building channel - coherent channel - communication channel - compound channel - computation channel - control channel - correction channel - crossed channel - cue channel - decomposable channel - die channel - discrete channel - dung channel - engineering channel - epitaxial channel - equal channel - ergodic channel - escape channel - extended channel - extruded channel - feedback channel - finite-memory channel - finite-state channel - frequency channel - gas-escape channel - generalized channel - homogeneous channel - image channel - incoherent channel - indecomposable channel - information channel - input channel - irrigation channel - log-floating channel - logical channel - memoryless channel - metallic channel - molding channel - motor channel - multiplexor channel - noise-free channel - noisy channel - nonbinary channel - nonergodic channel - one-way channel - open-water channel - optical channel - output channel - pilot channel - radio channel - radio-relay channel - radiotelemetry channel - randomized...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) радиоканал, полоса частот шириной 10 кГц, предоставленная службам радиосвязи 2) ТВ-канал, полоса частот шириной 6 МГц, предоставленная службам ТВ-вещания 3) тракт 4) дорожка – A channel – adjacent channel – aeronautical emergency channel – air channel – air-air channel – air-ground channel – allocated channel – alpha channel – analog channel – associated channel – associated signaling channel – asynchronous channel – audio channel – automatic's line channel – auxiliary channel – average-speed signaling channel – B-channel – backward channel – balanced channel – band-limited channel – baseband channel – base cable channel – base RF-channel – bidirectional interaction channel – bidirectional intercom channel – binary symmetric channel – binomial channel – blank channel – block multiplexor channel – blue channel – branching channel – brightness channel – broadband channel – broadband multiplexing channel – broadcast TV-radio channel – buffered I/O channel – bypass channel – byte-multiplexor channel – cable channel – calling channel – camera channel – carrier-current channel – chroma channel – clear channel – coherent channel – color channel – color-difference channel – color-sync channel – common-user channel – communication channel – complex high-frequency line channel – confidence channel – continuous channel – continuous-discrete channel – control channel – covertness-protected channel – cue channel – D-channel – data transfer channel – D-echo channel – dedicated channel – deep-sound channel – delta channel – department communication channel – digital data channel – direct channel – direct control channel – direct receiving channel – direct satellite channel – discrete channel – discrete-continuous channel – dispatch communication channel – double-pole channel...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  русло, канал, водоток; фарватер; пролив швеллер лоток, открытая дренажная труба; кювет, траншея, канава выемка, паз, жёлоб, канавка каннелюра арматура люминесцентной лампы air channel approach channel bye channel closure channel constricted channel crawl channel cutoff channel desilting channel discharge channel diversion channel drainage channel dredged channel eaves channel flood channel inlet channel intake channel interception channel leveed channel low-flow channel main drainage channel open channel outflow channel outlet channel overflow channel rolled channel sand-removal channel sea channel sedimentation channel side channel sluiceway channel spillway channel steel channel supply channel terrace outlet channel training channel water channel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) канал 2) водоток; русло; фарватер 3) сток, сточная канава рыть сточную канаву 4) жёлоб; выемка, паз устраивать жёлоб; вырезать паз 5) архит. каннелюра 6) метал. боров 7) метал. швеллер 8) мн. ч. "мёртвые места" (в конвертере) 9) машиностр. проход (для рабочей среды) 10) канал (связи); тракт; трасса; ствол (в радиорелейной связи) 11) дорожка (магнитной ленты) 12) канал, канальная область (в полупроводниковых приборах) 13) ручей (уборочной машины) channel with feedback — канал с обратной связью - A channel - active channel - adjacent channel - air channel - allocated channel - analog data transfer channel - annular channel - approach channel - artificial channel - aspirating channel - assembly channel - asymmetric channel - audio channel - average power channel - average temperature channel - B channel - backward channel - beam channel - biological channel - blade channel - blocked channel - boiling channel - broadband channel - broadcasting channel - broadcast channel - buried channel - burst channel - bypass channel - byte multiplexer channel - cable channel - camera channel - carrier-current channel - carrier channel - cascaded channel - central fuel channel - check channel - chroma channel - clock channel - closed-circuit TV channel - closure channel - coin channel - collecting channel - color channel - color film channel - color telecine projection channel - communications channel - communication channel - control channel - control-rod channel - convergent-divergent channel - cooling channel - core channel - data transfer channel - data channel - dedicated channel - dial-up channel - die channel - digital communication channel - digital channel - direct access channel - discharge channel -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas, esp. seas. b (the Channel) the English Channel between Britain and France. 2 a medium of communication; an agency for conveying information (through the usual channels). 3 Broadcasting a a band of frequencies used in radio and television transmission, esp. as used by a particular station. b a service or station using this. 4 the course in which anything moves; a direction. 5 a a natural or artificial hollow bed of water. b the navigable part of a waterway. 6 a tubular passage for liquid. 7 Electronics a lengthwise strip on recording tape etc. 8 a groove or a flute, esp. in a column. --v.tr. (channelled, channelling; US channeled, channeling) 1 guide, direct (channelled them through customs). 2 form channels in; groove. Etymology: ME f. OF chanel f. L canalis CANAL 2. n. Naut. any of the broad thick planks projecting horizontally from a ship's side abreast of the masts, used to widen the basis for the shrouds. Etymology: for chain-wale: cf. gunnel for gunwale ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English chanel, from Anglo-French, from Latin canalis ~ — more at canal  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the bed where a natural stream of water runs  b. the deeper part of a river, harbor, or strait  c. a strait or narrow sea between two close landmasses  d. a means of communication or expression: as  (1) a path along which information (as data or music) in the form of an electrical signal passes  (2) plural a fixed or official course of communication went through established military ~s with his grievances  e. a way, course, or direction of thought or action new ~s of exploration  f. a band of frequencies of sufficient width for a single radio or television communication  g. ~er  2.  a. a usually tubular enclosed passage ; conduit  b. a passage created in a selectively permeable cell membrane by a conformational change in membrane proteins; also the proteins of such a passage — compare ion ~  3. a long gutter, groove, or furrow  4. a metal bar of flattened U-shaped section  II. transitive verb  (-neled or -nelled; -neling or -nelling)  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to form, cut, or wear a ~ in  b. to make a groove in ~ a chair leg  2. to convey or direct into or through a ~ ~ his energy into useful work  3. to serve as a ~er or intermediary for  III. noun  Etymology: alteration of chainwale, from 1chain + 1wale  Date: 1769 one of the flat ledges of heavy plank or metal bolted edgewise to the outside of a ship to increase the spread of the shrouds ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (channels, channelling, channelled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'channeling', 'channeled' 1. A channel is a television station. ...the only serious current affairs programme on either channel. ...the presenter of Channel 4 News. = station N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 2. A channel is a band of radio waves on which radio messages can be sent and received. N-COUNT 3. If you do something through a particular channel, or particular channels, that is the system or organization that you use to achieve your aims or to communicate. The Americans recognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity... Moscow and the Baltic republics are re-opening channels of communication. N-COUNT: with supp, oft adj N, N for/of n 4. If you channel money or resources into something, you arrange for them to be used for that thing, rather than for a wider range of things. Jacques Delors wants a system set up to channel funds to the poor countries... VERB: V n prep 5. If you channel your energies or emotions into something, you concentrate on or do that one thing, rather than a range of things. Stephen is channelling his energies into a novel called Blue. VERB: V n into n 6. A channel is a passage along which water flows. Keep the drainage channel clear. N-COUNT 7. A channel is a route used by boats. N-COUNT 8. The Channel or the English Channel is the narrow area of water between England and France. N-PROPER: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TELEVISION« a television station and all the programmes broadcast by it  (We watched the news on Channel 4. | This is boring - I'm going to switch to another channel.) 2 »RADIO« a particular range of sound waves which can be used to send and receive radio messages 3 »SYSTEM OF INFORMATION« also channels a system or method that you use to send or obtain information about a particular subject  (If you go through official channels, your application will take months.) 4 »FOR WATER« a passage that water or other liquids flow along  (an irrigation channel) 5 »SEA/RIVER« a) a passage of water connecting two seas  (the Channel (=the English Channel)) b) the deepest part of a river, harbour1, or sea passage, especially one that is deep enough to allow ships to sail in 6 »IN A SURFACE« a long deep line cut into a surface or a long deep space between two edges; groove1 (1)  (Slide the plastic door strip into the channel provided.) 7 »WAY TO EXPRESS YOURSELF« a way of expressing your thoughts, feelings, or physical energy  (The kids need a channel for all that energy.) ~2 v channelled, channelling BrE channeled, channeling AmE 1 to control and direct something such as money or energy towards a particular purpose  (channel sth into)  (Nancy channels her creativity into her home life. | channel sth through)  (The famine relief money was channelled through the UN.) 2 to cut a long deep line in something  (Water had channelled grooves in the rock.) 3 to send water through a passage  (An efficient irrigation system channels water to the crops.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. chanel, from L. canalis "groove, channel, waterpipe" (see canal) Given a broader, figurative sense and a verbal meaning in 16c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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