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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - salvo


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  залп ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I noun; pl. -os rare  1) оговорка; with an express salvo - с особой оговоркой  2) увертка; отговорка  3) оправдание; утешение II noun; pl. -oes, -os  1) залп, батарейная очередь  2) бомбовый залп  3) взрыв аплодисментов ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. австрал. шутл боец Армии спасения (женщина) salvo 1. книж. повод, предлог; увертка, слабая отговорка, слабое оправдание to find a new salvo for staying —- найти новый повод (предлог), чтобы остаться 2. средство спасения репутации или успокоения совести, утешение 3. юр. оговорка with an express salvo as regards certain named rights —- со специальной оговоркой в отношении некоторых упомянутых прав 4. залп (орудийный, бомбовый) salvo bombing —- залповое бомбометание salvo launching —- залповая стрельба реактивными снарядами 5. орудийный салют a salvo of twenty-one guns —- залп из двадцати одного орудия a salvo from the ship's guns in salute —- приветственный залп из всех орудий корабля 6. очередь (из стрелкового оружия) salvo fire —- стрельба очередями 7. взрыв (криков и т. п.) a salvo of applause —- взрыв аплодисментов 8. производить бомбовый залп 9. салютовать, давать залп в знак приветствия ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  залповый, залповый скважинный - salvo gun perforator - salvo launching ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. (pl. -os) Austral. sl. a member of the Salvation Army. Etymology: abbr. SALVO 1. n. (pl. -oes or -os) 1 the simultaneous firing of artillery or other guns esp. as a salute, or in a sea-fight. 2 a number of bombs released from aircraft at the same moment. 3 a round or volley of applause. Etymology: earlier salve f. F f. It. salva salutation (as SAVE(1)) 2. n. (pl. -os) 1 a saving clause; a reservation (with an express salvo of their rights). 2 a tacit reservation. 3 a quibbling evasion; a bad excuse. 4 an expedient for saving reputation or soothing pride or conscience. Etymology: L, ablat. of salvus SAFE as used in salvo jure without prejudice to the rights of (a person) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s or ~es)  Etymology: Italian salva, from French salve, from Latin, hail!, from salvus healthy — more at safe  Date: 1591  1.  a. a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns in military action or as a salute  b. the release all at one time of a rack of bombs or rockets (as from an airplane)  c. a series of shots by an artillery battery with each gun firing one round in turn after a prescribed interval  d. the bombs or projectiles released in a ~  2. something suggestive of a ~: as  a. a sudden burst a ~ of cheers  b. a spirited attack the first ~ of a political campaign  II. verb  Date: 1839  transitive verb to release a ~ of  intransitive verb to fire a ~  III. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Medieval Latin ~ jure with the right reserved  Date: 1621  1. a mental reservation ; proviso  2. a means of safeguarding one's name or honor or allaying one's conscience ; salve ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (salvoes) 1. A salvo is the firing of several guns or missiles at the same time in a battle or ceremony. They were to fire a salvo of blanks, after the national anthem. N-COUNT 2. A salvo of angry words is a lot of them spoken or written at about the same time. His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks. N-COUNT: with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n C usually singular formal 1 + of the firing of several guns during a battle or as part of a ceremony 2 opening salvo the first in a series of questions, statements etc that you use to try to win an argument  (In his opening salvo against the education practices of the 1960s, Stein mentioned several important studies.) 3 sudden laughter, applause etc from many people at the same time ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1719, alteration of salva (1591) "simultaneous discharge of guns," from It. salva, from Fr. salve, from L. salve "hail!," lit. "be in good health!," used as a Roman greeting, imperative of salvere "to be in good health," from salvus "healthy." The notion is of important visitors greeted with a volley of gunfire into the air. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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