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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - liable


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  adj.  1) обязанный (to c inf.); ответственный (for - за); liable for military service - военнообязанный  2) подверженный; доступный; подлежащий (чему-л.); liable to (catch) cold - подверженный простуде; your article is liable to misconstruction - ваша статья может быть превратно истолкована; - liable to duty  3) вероятный, возможный; he is liable to come at any moment - он может прийти в любую минуту; difficulties are liable to occur - очень возможно, что встретятся затруднения Syn: see responsible LIABLE to duty подлежащий обложению ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. обязанный, связанный обязательством liable for (military) service —- военнообязанный 2. ответственный to be liable for smb.'s debts —- нести ответственность за чьи-л. долги is a man liable for his wife's debts? —- отвечает ли муж за долги жены? 3. подлежащий (чему-л.) liable to income-tax —- облагаемый подоходным налогом 4. подверженный, склонный, расположенный liable to catch cold —- склонный к простуде liable to be seasick —- подверженный морской болезни to make oneself liable to smth. —- подвергать себя чему-л. (опасности и т. п.) all men are liable to make mistakes —- всем людям свойственно ошибаться he is not liable to fear —- он не робкого десятка 5. могущий подвергнуться (чему-л.) liable to dispute —- спорный to be liable to misconstruction —- допускать (давать) возможность неправильного (превратного) истолкования (о формулировке, статье и т. п.) if you drive a car too fast, you make yourself liable to a fine —- если вы ведете машину с превышением скорости, вам грозит штраф 6. ам. вероятный, возможный difficulties are liable to occur —- вероятно (весьма возможно, что) возникнут трудности it is liable to rain today —- сегодня, вероятно, пойдет дождь watch out or you are liable to fall —- осторожнее, а то можете упасть (упадете) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) ответственный 2) обязанный 3) подверженный 4) склонный 5) подлежащий чему-л. 6) амер. вероятный, возможный • - be held liable for damages - be held liable - be jointly and severally liable - be liable for smb's debts - be personally liable - hold liable - liable to duty - liable to taxes - liable to variations LIABLE – liable to complaint – liable to taxes ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вероятный 2) возможный 3) доступный 4) подлежащий - liable to attack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  predic.adj. 1 legally bound. 2 (foll. by to) subject to (a tax or penalty). 3 (foll. by to + infin.) under an obligation. 4 (foll. by to) exposed or open to (something undesirable). 5 disp. (foll. by to + infin.) apt, likely (it is liable to rain). 6 (foll. by for) answerable. Etymology: ME perh. f. AF f. OF lier f. L ligare bind ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English lyable, from Anglo-French *~, from lier to bind, from Latin ligare — more at ligature  Date: 15th century  1.  a. obligated according to law or equity ; responsible  b. subject to appropriation or attachment  2.  a. being in a position to incur — used with to ~ to a fine  b. exposed or subject to some usually adverse contingency or action watch out or you're ~ to fall Synonyms:  ~, open, exposed, subject, prone, susceptible, sensitive mean being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse. ~ implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or particular situation ~ to get lost. open stresses a lack of barriers preventing incurrence a claim open to question. exposed suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening exposed to infection. subject implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone all reports are subject to review. prone stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something prone to delay. susceptible implies conditions existing in one's nature or individual constitution that make incurrence probable very susceptible to flattery. sensitive implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli unduly sensitive to criticism.  Synonym: see in addition responsible. Usage:  Both ~ and apt when followed by an infinitive are used nearly interchangeably with likely. Although conflicting advice has been given over the years, most current commentators accept apt when so used. They generally recommend limiting ~ to situations having an undesirable outcome, and our evidence shows that in edited writing it is more often so used than not. LIAISE  intransitive verb  (~d; liaising)  Etymology: back-formation from liaison  Date: 1928 chiefly British  1. to establish liaison  2. to act as a liaison officer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. When something is liable to happen, it is very likely to happen. Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others. PHRASE 2. If people or things are liable to something unpleasant, they are likely to experience it or do it. She will grow into a woman particularly liable to depression... Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation, which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction. = prone ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 3. If you are liable for something such as a debt, you are legally responsible for it. The airline’s insurer is liable for damages to the victims’ families... As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable. ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ for n • liability He is claiming damages from London Underground, which has admitted liability but disputes the amount of his claim. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 be liable to do sth to be likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendency  (The car is liable to overheat on long trips.) 2 legally responsible for the cost of something + for  (Manufacturers are liable for any defects in the equipment.) 3 likely to be affected by a particular kind of problem, illness etc  (You're more liable to injury when you don't get regular exercise.) 4 law likely to be legally punished or forced to do something by law  (Anyone found trespassing is liable to a maximum fine of $100.) + for  (All males between 18 and 60 are liable for military service.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1450, from O.Fr. lier "to bind," from L. ligare "to bind, to tie." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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