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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - hunt


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• преследование

• травля

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  out отыскать; fig. откопать I shall have to hunt out her address; Ive got it somewhere - she keeps moving and I can never remember where she lives. HUNT up отыскать; fig. откопать Ive never heard of that village where you say you were born, let me see if I can hunt it up in those old maps at the library. HUNT  1. noun  1) охота  2) (Hunt) местное охотничье общество  3) поиски (чего-л.; for) to be on the hunt for smth. - упорно искать что-л.  2. v.  1) охотиться (особ. с гончими) hunt the fox, hunt the squirrel hunt the hare - названия детских игр, где надо искать кого-л. или что-л.  2) травить, гнать, преследовать (зверя и т.п.) - hunt after - hunt away - hunt down - hunt for - hunt out - hunt up Syn: comb, explore, ransack, scour, search, seek, sleuth, track HUNT after гоняться; искать, рыскать Many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it. Do you approve of hunting after foxes? HUNT away прогонять HUNT down  а) выследить; поймать Farmers will not be satisfied till all the local foxes that have been killing their chickens have been hunted down.  б) затравить  в) преследовать  г) выискивать Weve been hunting down a good cheap house all over the city. HUNT for искать, добиваться The whole neighbourhood have been hunting for the missing child. Ive been hunting for my watch everywhere, and you had it all the time? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. охота; ловля fox hunt —- охота на лис to have a hunt —- охотиться 2. поиски hunt for a job —- поиски работы hunt for the lost child —- поиски пропавшего ребенка to be on the hunt for smth. —- упорно искать что-л there was a hunt for the missing book —- (все) искали пропавшую книгу 3. преследование; травля the hunt is up —- преследование началось 4. группа охотников со сворой собак; охота 5. охотничье угодье; район охоты 6. редк. охотничья добыча 7. охотиться; ловить to hunt a bear —- охотиться на медведя to hunt monkeys with nets —- охотиться на обезьян с сетью to hunt for wolf —- охотиться на волков to hunt for fish —- рыб. искать рыбу to hunt on horseback —- охотиться верхом to hunt in packs —- охотиться стаями (о волках) to go out hunting —- отправиться на охоту 8. гнать, прогнать to hunt a cat away —- прогнать кошку 9. изгонять, преследовать, травить to a thief —- преследовать вора to hunt smb. from the village —- изгнать кого-л из деревни 10. искать, рыскать; охотиться или гоняться (за чем-л) to hunt a clue —- искать ключ к разгадке to hunt the truth —- искать правду to hunt smth. high and low —- повсюду искать что-л we've been hunting down a cheap flat all over the town —- мы обегали весь город в поисках дешевой квартиры 11. разыскивать to hunt for a book —- искать книгу to hunt for an old friend —- разыскивать старого друга 12. спец. качаться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ловля; охота; ловить; охотиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) выискать 2) выискивать 3) колебания около положения равновесия 4) рысканье 5) рыскать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  поиск, слежение; искать, следить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) колебаться, блуждать (о стрелке прибора) 2) поиск (напр. зоны на магнитной ленте) искать 3) слежение следить HUNTER искатель вызова (в телефонии) - jammer hunter ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a pursue and kill (wild animals, esp. foxes, or game), esp. on horseback and with hounds, for sport or food. b (of an animal) chase (its prey). 2 intr. (foll. by after, for) seek, search (hunting for a pen). 3 intr. a oscillate. b (of an engine etc.) run alternately too fast and too slow. 4 tr. (foll. by away etc.) drive off by pursuit. 5 tr. scour (a district) in pursuit of game. 6 tr. (as hunted adj.) (of a look etc.) expressing alarm or terror as of one being hunted. 7 tr. (foll. by down, up) move the place of (a bell) in ringing the changes. --n. 1 the practice of hunting or an instance of this. 2 a an association of people engaged in hunting with hounds. b an area where hunting takes place. 3 an oscillating motion. Phrases and idioms hunt down pursue and capture. hunt out find by searching; track down. Etymology: OE huntian, weak grade of hentan seize ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~ian; akin to Old English hentan to seize  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to pursue for food or in sport ~ buffalo  b. to manage in the search for game ~s a pack of dogs  2.  a. to pursue with intent to capture ~ed the escapees  b. to search out ; seek  3. to drive or chase especially by harrying members…were ~ed from their homes — J. T. Adams  4. to traverse in search of prey ~s the woods  intransitive verb  1. to take part in a ~  2. to attempt to find something  3. to oscillate alternately to each side (as of a neutral point) or to run alternately faster and slower — used especially of a device or machine  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the act, the practice, or an instance of ~ing  2. a group of mounted ~ers and their ~ing dogs HUNT  I. biographical name  (James Henry) Leigh 1784-1859 English writer  II. biographical name Richard Timothy 1943- British molecular biologist  III. biographical name  (William) Holman 1827-1910 English painter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hunts, hunting, hunted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you hunt for something or someone, you try to find them by searching carefully or thoroughly. A forensic team was hunting for clues... = search VERB: V for n • Hunt is also a noun. The couple had helped in the hunt for the toddlers. = search N-COUNT 2. If you hunt a criminal or an enemy, you search for them in order to catch or harm them. Detectives have been hunting him for seven months... VERB: V n, also V for n • Hunt is also a noun. Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N for n 3. When people or animals hunt, they chase and kill wild animals for food or as a sport. As a child I learned to hunt and fish... He got up at four and set out on foot to hunt black grouse. VERB: V, V n, also V for n • Hunt is also a noun. He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia. N-COUNT: oft n N 4. In Britain, when people hunt, they ride horses over fields with dogs called hounds and try to catch and kill foxes, as a sport. She liked to hunt as often as she could. VERB: V, also V n • Hunt is also a noun. The hunt was held on land owned by the Duke of Marlborough. N-COUNT 5. In Britain, a hunt is a group of people who meet regularly to hunt foxes. N-COUNT 6. If a team or competitor is in the hunt for something, they still have a chance of winning it. We’re still in the hunt for the League title and we want to go all the way in the Cup. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR for 7. see also hunting, witch-hunt ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to chase animals and birds in order to catch and kill them  (At one time man had to hunt to survive. | hunt sth)  (hunting big game in Kenya) 2 to look hard for something you have lost  (We've been hunting for the car keys for the last half-hour.) 3 BrE to hunt foxes (fox1 (1)) as a sport, riding on horses and using dogs 4 to search for and try to catch someone, especially a criminal  (Police are hunting the killer.) hunt sb/sth down phr v to catch someone in order to kill, hurt, or punish them, after chasing them or trying very hard to catch them hunt sb/sth out phr v 1 to search for someone in order to catch or get rid of them  (Military Police were ordered to hunt out subversives.) 2 to look for something that you have not used or seen for a long time  (I must try and hunt out that old tennis racket) ~2 n 1 an occasion when people chase animals in order to catch and kill them  (a tiger hunt) 2 a search for someone or something that is difficult to find  (the hunt for)  (the hunt for the remains of the Titanic | the hunt is on (=used to say that people have started looking for someone or something) | have a hunt around for informal (=look for something))  (I'll have a hunt around for it in my desk.) 3 an organized sporting event in Britain in which people riding on horses hunt foxes (fox1 (1)) using dogs 4 BrE a group of people who regularly hunt foxes (fox1 (1)) together ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. huntian "chase game," from hentan "to seize," from P.Gmc. *khuntojan, from PIE *kend-. General sense of "search diligently" (for anything) is M.E. The noun meaning "body of persons associated for the purpose of hunting with a pack of hounds" is first recorded 1579. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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