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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - host


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  I noun  1) множество; толпа; сонм  2) obs. войско, воинство the hosts of heaven -  а) небесные светила;  б) ангелы, силы небесные a host in himself - один стоит многих (по работе и т.п.) Syn: see throng II  1. noun  1) хозяин - act as host  2) содержатель, хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик  3) biol. организм, питающий паразитов, хозяин  4) radio; tv ведущий программу  5) attr. - host country - host team to reckon without ones host - недооценить трудности; просчитаться  2. v.  1) принимать гостей  2) вести программу (по радио, телевидению) III noun eccl. гостия HOST team sport хозяева поля HOST country страна-устроительница (конференций и т.п.); HOSTAGE noun  1) заложник  2) залог ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. хозяин (по отношению к гостю) host country —- дип. принимающая страна to act as host —- принимать гостей, быть хозяином; быть за хозяина 2. хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик; содержатель постоялого двора 3. биол. хозяин (паразитирующего организма) 4. рад. тлв. ведущий, конферансье 5. спец. основное устройство 6. комп. главный компьютер, центральный процессор 7. комп. ведущая ЭВМ (в многомашинной системе) 8. комп. ЭВМ с множественным доступом Id: to reckon without one's host —- ошибиться в расчетах, крупно просчитаться 9. выступать в роли хозяина, принимать гостей; быть распорядителем to host the VIP's around the town —- показывать город важным гостям 10. разг. выступать в роли ведущего 11. множество, уйма; толпа, сонм hosts of friends —- масса друзей a host of children —- куча детей a whole host of servants —- целая армия слуг a host of difficulties —- множество трудностей a host of thoughts —- сонм мыслей 12. уст. войско, воинство the host(s) of heaven, the heavenly host —- силы небесные, небесное воинство (об ангелах); небесные светила the Lord of Hosts —- библ. господь сил Id: a host in himself —- один стоит многих 13. церк. гостия; тело христово (хлеб, облатка) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) хозяин (паразита); носитель (напр. вируса) 2) реципиент – accessory host – accidental host – alternate host – definitive host – initial host – insert host – intermediate host – obligatory host – optional host – paratenic host – permissive host – principal host – reserve host – secondary host – supplementary host ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) главный компьютер, хост-компьютер; управлять компьютерами низшего уровня, выполнять функции главного компьютера; главный, базовый, ведущий 2) хост-система; хост-узел ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) кристалл-хозяин 2) первичный 3) компьют. хост-машина host crystal atom — атом основного кристалла multiple host laser — многоэлементный лазер - host computer - host crew ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) хост, локальный ПК 2) хост-узел; хост-система 3) узел (сети) – remote host – virtual host ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) главная ЭВМ 2) организм-хозяин - application host - differential host - nonpermissive host - permissive host - virtual host ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 (usu. foll. by of) a large number of people or things. 2 archaic an army. 3 (in full heavenly host) Bibl. a the sun, moon, and stars. b the angels. Phrases and idioms host (or hosts) of heaven = sense 3 of n. is a host in himself can do as much as several ordinary people. Lord (or Lord God) of hosts God as Lord over earthly or heavenly armies. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L hostis stranger, enemy, in med.L 'army' 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a person who receives or entertains another as a guest. 2 the landlord of an inn (mine host). 3 Biol. an animal or plant having a parasite or commensal. 4 an animal or person that has received a transplanted organ etc. 5 the comp{egrave}re of a show, esp. of a television or radio programme. --v.tr. act as host to (a person) or at (an event). Etymology: ME f. OF oste f. L hospes -pitis host, guest 3. n. the bread consecrated in the Eucharist. Etymology: ME f. OF (h)oiste f. L hostia victim ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ost, from Late Latin ~is, from Latin, stranger, enemy — more at guest  Date: 14th century  1. army  2. a very large number ; multitude  II. intransitive verb  Date: 15th century to assemble in a ~ usually for a ~ile purpose  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e ~, guest, from Anglo-French, from Latin hospit-, hospes, probably from ~is  Date: 14th century  1.  a. one that receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially  b. one that provides facilities for an event or function our college served as ~ for the basketball tournament  2.  a. a living animal or plant on or in which a parasite lives  b. the larger, stronger, or dominant member of a commensal or symbiotic pair  c. an individual into which a tissue, part, or embryo is transplanted from another  3. a mineral or rock that is older than the minerals or rocks in it; also a substance that contains a usually small amount of another substance incorporated in its structure  4. a radio or television emcee  5. a computer that controls communications in a network or that administers a database; also server 6  IV. transitive verb  Date: 15th century  1. to serve as ~ to, at, or for ~ friends ~ a dinner  2. emcee ~ed a series of TV programs  V. noun  Usage: often capitalized  Etymology: Middle English ~e, oste, from Anglo-French oste, oiste, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin ~ia Eucharist, from Latin, sacrifice  Date: 14th century the eucharistic bread ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hosts, hosting, hosted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The host at a party is the person who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, or entertainment. Apart from my host, I didn’t know a single person there... N-COUNT 2. If someone hosts a party, dinner, or other function, they have invited the guests and provide the food, drink, or entertainment. Tonight she hosts a ball for 300 guests. VERB: V n 3. A country, city, or organization that is the host of an event provides the facilities for that event to take place. Barcelona was chosen to be host of the 1992 Olympic games. N-COUNT: oft N n 4. If a country, city, or organization hosts an event, they provide the facilities for the event to take place. Cannes hosts the annual film festival. VERB: V n 5. If a person or country plays host to an event or an important visitor, they host the event or the visit. The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac. PHRASE: V inflects 6. The host of a radio or television show is the person who introduces it and talks to the people who appear in it. I am host of a live radio programme. = presenter N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. The person who hosts a radio or television show introduces it and talks to the people who appear in it. She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio. VERB: V n 8. A host of things is a lot of them. A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel... = multitude QUANT 9. A host or a host computer is the main computer in a network of computers, which controls the most important files and programs. N-COUNT: oft N n 10. The host of a parasite is the plant or animal which it lives on or inside and from which it gets its food. (TECHNICAL) When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal. N-COUNT: oft N n 11. The Host is the bread which is used to represent the body of Christ in Christian church services such as Holy Communion. (TECHNICAL) N-COUNT: usu...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »AT A PARTY« someone at a party, meal etc who has invited the guests and who provides them with food, drink etc  (- see also hostess (1))  (Our host brought in some more wine.) 2 »ON TELEVISION« someone who introduces the guests on a television or radio programme; compйre  (a game show host)  (- see also hostess (2)) 3 »COUNTRY/GOVERNMENT« a country, government or organization that provides the necessary space, equipment etc for a special event  (host country/government/city etc)  (the host city for the next Olympic Games | play host (to) (=provide the place, food etc for a special meeting or event))  (Japan played host to the first World Championship Grand Prix.) 4 a (whole) host of a large number of  (a host of possibilities) 5 »IN CHURCH« the Host technical the bread that is used in the Christian ceremony of Communion 6 »ANIMAL/PLANT« technical an animal or plant on which a smaller animal or plant is living as a parasite 7 »ARMY« old use an army  (the approaching host) 8 old use a man in charge of a hotel ~2 v 1 to provide the place and everything that is needed for an organized event  (Which country is going to host the next World Cup?) 2 to be the host on a radio or television programme  (a chat show hosted by Oprah Winfrey) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. History Of Science And Technology gen. comp. abbr. Hardware And Operating System Troubleshooting gen. comp. abbr. Hawaii Operational Safety Team network. abbr. Help One Student To NASDAQ abbr. Amerihoist Properties, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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