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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - central


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   1. adj.  1) центральный; главный - central idea  2) расположенный в центре или недалеко от центра Central Asia -  а) Средняя Азия;  б) Центральная Азия  2. noun amer. центральная телефонная станция CENTRAL African Republic noun Центральноафриканская Республика CENTRAL nervous system noun physiol. центральная нервная система CENTRAL idea основная идея CENTRAL heating noun центральное отопление CENTRAL America noun Центральная Америка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ам. телефонная станция 2. ам. телефонистка 3. расположенный в центре или около центра, центральный central cross —- крестовина central line —- осевая линия, ось; центральная линия central parking —- стоянка автомобилей посреди улицы central refuges —- "островки безопасности" на местах выхода улиц на площади a central location for the new theatre —- участок для нового театра в центре города our house is very central —- наш дом расположен в самом центре (города) 4. основной; самый важный; ведущий central idea —- основная мысль central figure —- центральная фигура; руководитель, видный деятель; герой, главное действующее лицо central failure —- главный недостаток; основная слабость; неудача в самом главном to be central to smth. —- быть главным в чем-л this is central to his criticism —- это самое важное в его критике 5. центральный; главный c. committee —- центральный комитет central government —- центральное правительство central catalogue —- сводный каталог central station —- центральная электростанция central storage —- спец. централизованное хранение; центральный склад C. Intelligence Agency —- Центральное разведывательное управление, ЦРУ (США) 6. мед. связанный с центральной нервной системой central anaesthesia —- общий наркоз 7. фон. центральный (о гласном) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  центральный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  центральный; главный; средний CENTRAL прил. 1) главный, центральный 2) средний • - Association of Central African Banks - Central African Customs and Economic Union - Central African Republic - Central African States Development Bank - Central American Bank for Economic Integration - Central Europe Free Trade Association - Central Intelligence Agency - Central Standard Time - Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - Economic Community of Central African States - European Central Bank - European System of Central Banks - central authorities - central authority - central city - central failure - central government - central office - central processing unit - central processor - central station ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  центральный, центрированный central asymptotic problem — центральная асимптотическая проблема central back-pressure valve — центральный водяной затвор central bullet fairing — носовой обтекатель двигателя central composite design — центральный композиционный план central confidence interval — центральный доверительный интервал central confidence limit — центральный доверительный предел central control board — центральный щит приборов central control console — пульт управления центральный central control room — центральная аппаратная central difference formula — формула центральных разностей central diffraction maximum — дифракционный нулевой максимум central division algebra — центральная алгебра с делением central infinitesimal subgroup — центральная инфинитезимальная подгруппа central limit problem — центральная предельная проблема central load-carrying rib — опорная центральная дорожка central maximal torus — центральный максимальный тор central significant factor — центральный значимый множитель central statistical theorem — центральная статистическая теорема local central office — станция телефонная городская lower central chain — нижняя центральная цепь (группы) lower central factor — нижний центральный фактор lower central series — нижний центральный ряд telephone central office — телефонная станция transfinite central series — трансфинитный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  центральная телефонная станция – communications central ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) телефонная станция 2) цен. тральный, расположенный в центре или середине 3) главный - communications central - remote central ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. 1 of, at, or forming the centre. 2 from the centre. 3 chief, essential, most important. Phrases and idioms Central America the isthmus joining North and South America. central bank a national bank issuing currency etc. central heating a method of warming a building by pipes, radiators, etc., fed from a central source of heat. central nervous system Anat. the complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the body, in vertebrates the brain and spinal cord. central processor (or processing unit) the principal operating part of a computer. Derivatives centrality n. centrally adv. Etymology: F central or L centralis f. centrum CENTRE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Latin ~is, from centrum center  Date: 1647  1. containing or constituting a center  2. of primary importance ; essential, principal the ~ character of the novel  3.  a. situated at, in, or near the center  b. easily accessible from outlying districts a ~ location for the new theater  4.  a. ~ly placed and superseding separate scattered units ~ heating  b. controlling or directing local or branch activities the ~ committee  5. holding to a middle between extremes ; moderate  6. of, relating to, or comprising the brain and spinal cord; also originating within the ~ nervous system ~ deafness  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1889  1. a telephone exchange or operator  2. a ~ office or bureau usually controlling others weather ~  3. a center or hub for a specified activity or group her house is party ~ the family room becomes kid ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is central is in the middle of a place or area. ...Central America’s Caribbean coast... ...a rich woman living in central London. ADJ • centrally The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 2. A place that is central is easy to reach because it is in the centre of a city, town, or particular area. ...a central location in the capital. ADJ • centrally ...this centrally located hotel, situated on the banks of the Marne Canal. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 3. A central group or organization makes all the important decisions that are followed throughout a larger organization or a country. There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome. ...the central committee of the Cuban communist party. ADJ: ADJ n • centrally This is a centrally planned economy. ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 4. The central person or thing in a particular situation is the most important one. Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early ’60s. ...a central part of their culture. ADJ: oft ADJ to n • centrality The centrality of the German economy to the welfare of Europe must be recognised. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n • centrally In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer. ADV: ADV with cl/group, ADV after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 only before noun, no comparative a central organization, system etc makes decisions or controls the operation of a whole country or large organization  (central planning | the central committee of the Communist Party | I'm not advocating central government. | All the money is allocated from a central fund.) 2 only before noun, no comparative in the middle of an object or an area  (Central Asia | The houses face onto a central courtyard.) 3 more important and having more influence than anything else  (Owen played a central role in the negotiations.)  (The inevitability of mass poverty is central to Malthus's argument.) of central importance  (Environmental issues are rapidly taking a position of central importance in the political debate. | central idea/theme/concern etc)  (A responsible press was a central theme running through the speech.) 4 a place that is central is easy to reach because it is near the middle of a town or area  (The house is near Leicester Square, it's very central.) - centrally adv  (Our office is very centrally situated.) - centrality n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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