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Англо-русский биологический словарь - yellow


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Перевод с английского языка yellow на русский


1) энт. желтушка (Colias)

2) pl фтп. желтуха

3) краситель жёлтого цвета

acridine yellowalizarin yellowbasic yellowbrilliant yellowclouded yellowcommon clouded yellowfast yellowJanus yellowmetanil yellowmoorland clouded yellownaphthol yellowpale clouded yellowSudan yellowtitan yellow

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См. в других словарях

  Sea noun Желтое море YELLOW  1. adj.  1) желтый  2) coll. трусливый; he has a yellow streak in him - он трусоват  3) obs. завистливый, ревнивый, подозрительный (о взгляде и т.п.) - the yellow press - yellow flag  2. noun  1) желтизна, желтый цвет  2) желток  3) coll. трусость  3. v.  1) желтеть  2) желтить YELLOW dog amer. подлый человек, трус; презренная личность YELLOW fever med. желтая лихорадка YELLOW flag карантинный флаг YELLOW Jack  1) = yellow fever  2) карантинный флаг YELLOW Pages amer. желтый справочник (торгово-промышленный раздел телефонного справочника на бумаге желтого цвета) YELLOW spot anat. желтое пятно ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. желтый цвет, желтизна 2. желтая краска 3. желток 4. человек с желтой кожей 5. pl. пренебр. желтая раса, "косоглазые" 6. (a yellow) желтая, бульварная газета 7. разг. трусость; подлость 8. ам. сл. мулатка, квартеронка, негритянка со светлой кожей 9. редк. мулат 10. желтый yellow dresses —- желтые платья yellow ripeness —- с-х. желтая спелость (хлебов); восковая спелость (зерна) yellow disease —- болезнь пожелтения (листьев) yellow plague (sickness) —- мед. желтуха yellow soil —- желтозем yellow earth —- желтая глина yellow deals —- лес. сосновые доски yellow soap —- хозяйственное мыло to turn (to go) yellow —- пожелтеть 11. золотистый, с золотистым отливом yellow hair —- светлые или золотистые волосы 12. с желтой кожей, монголоидный the yellow race —- желтая (монголоидная) раса 13. разг. трусливый; низкий, подлый 14. желтый, бульварный (о прессе) the yellow press —- желтая пресса yellow journalist —- бульварный журналист yellow sheet (rag) —- бульварная газетенка 15. ам. разг. часто пренебр. светлокожий (о мулате со светлой кожей) yellow girl —- мулатка, квартеронка 16. ревнивый, завистливый Id: yellow ticket —- желтый билет (проститутки); ам. воен. жарг. увольнение из армии (без льгот); ам. воен. жарг. приказ об увольнении Id: yellow discharge —- ам. увольнение из армии (по...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) энт. желтушка (Colias) 2) pl фтп. желтуха 3) краситель жёлтого цвета – acridine yellow – alizarin yellow – basic yellow – brilliant yellow – clouded yellow – fast yellow – Janus yellow – metanil yellow – moorland clouded yellow – naphthol yellow – pale clouded yellow – Sudan yellow – titan yellow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) желтеть 2) желтый 3) желть 4) зажелтить - arsenic yellow - yellow phosphorus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  жёлтый пигмент; жёлтая краска жёлтый antimony yellow chrom yellow iron oxide yellow Naples yellow ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) жёлтый пигмент; жёлтая краска 2) жёлтый - buttercup yellow - cadmium yellow - chrome yellow - zinc yellow ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of the colour between green and orange in the spectrum, of buttercups, lemons, egg-yolks, or gold. 2 of the colour of faded leaves, ripe wheat, etc. 3 having a yellow skin or complexion. 4 colloq. cowardly. 5 (of looks, feelings, etc.) jealous, envious, or suspicious. 6 (of newspapers etc.) unscrupulously sensational. --n. 1 a yellow colour or pigment. 2 yellow clothes or material (dressed in yellow). 3 a a yellow ball, piece, etc., in a game or sport. b the player using such pieces. 4 (usu. in comb.) a yellow moth or butterfly. 5 (in pl.) jaundice of horses etc. 6 US a peach-disease with yellowed leaves. --v.tr. & intr. make or become yellow. Phrases and idioms yellow arsenic = ORPIMENT. yellow-belly 1 colloq. a coward. 2 any of various fish with yellow underparts. yellow card Football a card shown by the referee to a player being cautioned. yellow fever a tropical virus disease with fever and jaundice. yellow flag 1 a flag displayed by a ship in quarantine. 2 an iridaceous plant, Iris pseudacorus, with slender sword-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. yellow jack 1 = yellow fever. 2 = yellow flag. yellow line (in the UK) a line painted along the side of the road in yellow either singly or in pairs to denote parking restrictions. yellow metal brass of 60 parts copper and 40 parts zinc. Yellow Pages propr. a section of a telephone directory on yellow paper and listing business subscribers according to the goods or services they offer. the yellow peril the political or military threat regarded as emanating from Asian peoples, esp. the Chinese. yellow rattle a yellow-flowered plant of the genus Rhinanthus. yellow rocket see ROCKET(2). yellow spot the point of acutest vision in the retina. yellow streak colloq. a trait of cowardice. Derivatives yellowish adj. yellowly adv. yellowness n. yellowy adj. Etymology: OE geolu, geolo f. WG, rel. to GOLD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   geographical name — see Huang YELLOW  I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English yelwe, yelow, from Old English geolu; akin to Old High German gelo ~, Latin helvus light bay, Greek chloros greenish ~, Sanskrit hari ~ish  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. of the color ~  b. become ~ish through age, disease, or discoloration ; sallow  c. sometimes offensive having a ~ish or light brown complexion or skin  2.  a. featuring sensational or scandalous items or ordinary news sensationally distorted ~ journalism  b. mean, cowardly  • ~ish adjective  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. something ~ or marked by a ~ color: as  a. sometimes offensive a person having ~ish or light brown skin  b. the yolk of an egg  2.  a. a color whose hue resembles that of ripe lemons or sunflowers or is that of the portion of the spectrum lying between green and orange  b. a pigment or dye that colors ~  3. plural jaundice  4. plural but singular in construction any of several plant diseases caused especially by phytoplasmas and marked by ~ing of the foliage and stunting  III. verb  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb to become or turn ~  transitive verb to make ~ ; give a ~ tinge or color to ~ed by time ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (yellows, yellowing, yellowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is yellow is the colour of lemons, butter, or the middle part of an egg. The walls have been painted bright yellow... COLOUR 2. If something yellows, it becomes yellow in colour, often because it is old. The flesh of his cheeks seemed to have yellowed... She sat scanning the yellowing pages. VERB: V, V-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 having the colour of butter, gold, or the middle part of an egg 2 an offensive way of describing the skin colour of people from parts of Asia 3 also yellow-bellied informal not brave; cowardly - yellow n ~2 v to become yellow or make something become yellow  (The paper was yellowed with age.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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