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Англо-русский биологический словарь - year


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brood yearhigh-water yearseed yearswarm year

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  noun  1) год - year in year out - from year to year - year by year - year after year - years ago - years and years ago - the year of grace  2) pl. возраст, годы; he looks young for his years - он молодо выглядит для своих лет; in years - пожилой YEAR after year с каждым годом; каждый год; год от году YEAR by year с каждым годом; каждый год; год от году YEAR in year out из года в год ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. год this year —- в этом году academic (school) year —- учебный год business year —- хозяйственный год fiscal (financial) year —- бюджетный (финансовый) год calendar (legal, civil, artificial) year —- календарный год basal (base, reference) year —- эк. базисный год current year —- текущий год astronomical (natural, solar, tropical, equinoctial) year —- (астрономический) тропический год leap year —- високосный год lunar year —- лунный год siderial year —- сидерический (звездный) год Sabbatic (-al) year —- каждый седьмой год, когда пашня и виноградники остаются под паром (в древнем и современном Израиле); (творческий) отпуск на год или полгода (предоставляется раз в семь лет преподавателю колледжа или университета для учебы и т. п.) year under review —- отчетный год twenty years ago —- двадцать лет назад once a year —- раз в год next year —- в следующем году this day next year —- ровно через год in the year 1866 —- в 1866 году in the year of grace (of our Lord) 1564 —- в 1564 году от рождества Христова in this year of grace —- ирон. в наши дни, в наш век in a year's time —- через год we shall return one year from today —- мы вернемся (ровно) через год the year round —- круглый год year in (and) out —- из года в год from year to year, year by year, year after year —- каждый год; с каждым годом; год от году (a) year and (a) day —- юр. (полный) год a three year period —- трехлетний период (срок) first year student —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  год – brood year – high-water year – seed year – swarm year ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) год - accounting year - at the beginning of year - at the end of year - at the turn of the year - base year - beginning of year - budget year - business year - calendar year - close of year - commercial year - crop year - current year - during the year - every other year - every second year - financial year - fiscal year - following year - for one year - half year - individual years of age - insurance year - intercensal years - last year - lean year - marketing year - next year - past year - preceding year - production year - report year - sample year - trading year - working year - working years lost - year acquired - year of account - year of policy acceptance - year of return - year of study - year to the first instant - year under review - year's high - year's low - years of schooling 2) разг. банкнота достоинством в 1 доллар YEAR сущ. 1) общ. год this last, next year — в этом в прошлом, в будущем году academic school year — учебный год business year — хозяйственный год See: calendar year, accounting year, fiscal year, financial year, tax year, "year acquired, "year under review, "yearly, year-end 2) мн., общ. возраст, годы a man in years — пожилой человек, человек в годах 3) общ. длительный период времени years ago — очень давно I haven't seen him for years. — Я не видел его целую вечность. 4) фин., амер., разг. однодолларовая банкнота, банкнота в 1 доллар YEAR – convention year YEAR сущ. 1) общ. год this last, next year — в этом в прошлом, в будущем году academic school year — учебный год business year — хозяйственный год See: "calendar year, "accounting year, "fiscal year, financial year, tax year, "year acquired, "year under review, "yearly, "year-end 2) мн., общ. возраст, годы a man in...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  год - civil year - draconic year - eclipse year - fiscal year - leap year - light year - lunar year - mast year - ship-building year - sidereal year - tropical year - zodiacal year ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  год budget year business year financial year fiscal year water year ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  год year with abundance of water — многоводный год; year with low water — маловодный год - anomalistic year - astronomical year - atomic year - average water year - calendar year - dry year - equinoctial year - hydrologic year - leap year - light year - lunar year - model year - nuclear year - sidereal year - solar year - tropical year - water year ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 (also astronomical year, equinoctial year, natural year, solar year, tropical year) the time occupied by the earth in one revolution round the sun, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds in length (cf. sidereal year). 2 (also calendar year, civil year) the period of 365 days (common year) or 366 days (see leap year) from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec., used for reckoning time in ordinary affairs. 3 a a period of the same length as this starting at any point (four years ago). b such a period in terms of a particular activity etc. occupying its duration (school year; tax year). 4 (in pl.) age or time of life (young for his years). 5 (usu. in pl.) colloq. a very long time (it took years to get served). 6 a group of students entering college etc. in the same academic year. Phrases and idioms in the year of Our Lord (foll. by the year) in a specified year AD. of the year chosen as outstanding in a particular year (sportsman of the year). a year and a day the period specified in some legal matters to ensure the completion of a full year. the year dot see DOT(1). year in, year out continually over a period of years. year-long lasting a year or the whole year. year of grace the year AD. year-round existing etc. throughout the year. Etymology: OE ge(a)r f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English yere, from Old English gear; akin to Old High German jar ~, Greek horos ~, hora season, hour  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the period of about 3651/4 solar days required for one revolution of the earth around the sun  b. the time required for the apparent sun to return to an arbitrary fixed or moving reference point in the sky  c. the time in which a planet completes a revolution about the sun two Mercury ~s  2.  a. a cycle in the Gregorian calendar of 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months beginning with January and ending with December  b. a period of time equal to one ~ of the Gregorian calendar but beginning at a different time  3. a calendar ~ specified usually by a number died in the ~ 1900  4. plural a time or era having a special significance their glory ~s  5.  a. 12 months that constitute a measure of age or duration her 21st ~ — often used in combination a ~-old child  b. plural age wise beyond her ~s; also the final stage of the normal life span  6. a period of time (as the usually 9-month period in which a school is in session) other than a calendar ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (years) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A year is a period of twelve months or 365 or 366 days, beginning on the first of January and ending on the thirty-first of December. The year was 1840... We had an election last year. ...the number of people on the planet by the year 2050. N-COUNT see also leap year 2. A year is any period of twelve months. The museums attract more than two and a half million visitors a year... She’s done quite a bit of work this past year... The school has been empty for ten years. N-COUNT 3. Year is used to refer to the age of a person. For example, if someone or something is twenty years old or twenty years of age, they have lived or existed for twenty years. He’s 58 years old... I’ve been in trouble since I was eleven years of age... This column is ten years old today. N-COUNT: num N adj/prep 4. A school year or academic year is the period of time in each twelve months when schools or universities are open and students are studying there. In Britain and the United States, the school year starts in September. ...the 1990/91 academic year... The twins didn’t have to repeat their second year at school. N-COUNT: usu adj/ord N 5. You can refer to someone who is, for example, in their first year at school or university as a first year. (BRIT) The first years and second years got a choice of French, German and Spanish. N-COUNT: ord N 6. A financial or business year is an exact period of twelve months which businesses or institutions use as a basis for organizing their finances. (BUSINESS) He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years... The company admits it will make a loss for the year ending September. N-COUNT: with supp 7. You can use years to emphasize that you are referring to a long time. I haven’t laughed so much in years... It took me years to fully recover... = age N-PLURAL c darkgreen]emphasis 8. see also calendar year, fiscal year 9. If something happens...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 12 MONTHS a period of about 365 days or 12 months, measured from any particular time  (I arrived here two years ago. | We've known each other for over a year. | 15 years old | a three-year development | a four-year-old child | tax/fiscal/financial year)  (The tax year begins in April. | school year (=period during a year when students are in school, university etc)) 2 »JANUARY TO DECEMBER« also calendar year a period of 365 or 366 days divided into 12 months beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st  (the year that Martin Luther King died | Their lease expires at the end of the year. | 1995 was a profitable year. | the year 2000 | all (the) year round (=during the whole year)) 3 »MEASURE OF TIME« technical a measure of time equal to 3651/4 days, which is the amount of time it takes for the Earth to travel once around the sun 4 childhood/war/retirement etc years a particular period of time in someone's life or in history  (He started writing poetry during his Harvard years. | the boom years of the 1980's) 5 years a) informal many years  (in/for years)  (I haven't been there for years. | It's years since I rode a bike.) b) age, especially old age  (Gramps is very active for a man of his years. | getting on in years (=no longer young) | be 12/21 etc years of age (=12/21 etc years old)) 6 year by year as each year passes  (Year by year their business grew.) 7 year after year continuously for many years  (It's always the same, year after year.) 8 never/not in a million years spoken used to say strongly that you will never do something  (I won't forgive him - never in a million years.) 9 first/second etc year BrE someone who is in their first etc year at school or university 10 put years on sb/take years off sb to make someone look or feel older or younger  (Theresa's divorce has put years on her.)  (- see also donkey's years donkey (3), yearly) 11 the year dot BrE informal a very long time ago  (Scientists have been involved in war since the year dot.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. gear (W.Saxon), ger (Anglian) "year," from P.Gmc. *jжran, from PIE *jer-/*jor-. Yearling is first attested 1465; yearly is O.E. gearlic. First record of yearbook in the modern sense is from 1710. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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